Here's the thing mate, I am almost certain DPR would not consider implementing a system that was as restrictive as what you propose, even if I think new forum members should be guided to read the most important information before being let loose on SR. The SR wiki contains all the information new members need to know and it gets updated all the time as I report up new issues that are not covered to fine tune the information contained there to make it as relevant and useful as possible. Now how many people actually bother to read it? judging by the posts in customer support where I spent a lot of my time answering the same questions over and over and over again I'd say not many. I even created a sticky thread at the top of the board with links to all the most frequently asked questions, do people bother to read it? do they fuck. I don't know what the answer is, many new members seem to have a pathological blind spot when it comes to educating themselves even when all the info is there right in front of them. All we can do is try to look out for each other, it would be easy to get really cynical about the wave of noobs coming through but they are not going to diminish in number so all we can do is try to help them find their feet and point them in the right direction. My patience thins at times and the occasional noob gets flamed, it's easy when you have most of the answers to rip into someone who really doesn't have a clue, one thing moderating has taught me is humility and the need to remain patient even when faced with some astounding acts of foolishness, some people really do treat their liberty with reckless abandonment at times. I don't know how feasible it would be to have two auto-finalize dates but it has been mentioned a lot recently so I'll pass it up.