What's that strange smell? Is it... yes ... I think I can most definitely smell ... B U L L S H I T ! ! 40kgs my arse, gtfo! You do not go through a farmer to buy 40kgs of cocaine, you go through a cartel who would kill you and the farmer if they even got a whiff of your fictitious coke deal that only exists in your head anyway and well now on the forums too. I don't know why I'm even bothering to post this but here goes... The cartels have all the trafficking routes locked down, you may have noticed a small civil war in Mexico? yes the one were thousands of people are being chopped up, mutilated, decapitated etc, well that's all to do with cocaine trafficking routes. The very thought your mate down in good old South America can flick you 40kgs is so laughable its not funny. I'm done.