What country did you order from? You say you are not a newb to the game yet you are ordering to your home address and asking whether or not you should keep ordering to the same address even after suspecting an intercept, I'll leave you to ponder the answer to that one. What will LE do, well that all depends on the quantity seized and what country you are in, again I am assuming the US given your reference to DEA. From what I have read on the forums re US customs they generally do fuck all for small intercepts but do not be complacent, the seizure will be logged somewhere and if they intercept anything else going to the same place you could very likely find your self in the hot seat. Change up, get a safe drop, contact the vendor and see when your order was actually shipped and not just marked in transit as there can often been a few days lag. International orders can take several weeks depending on which country, vendor etc. Hope that helps.