This has been discussed many many times but it keeps coming up. If you live in a metropolitan area I can guarantee you will receive mail addressed to the previous occupants and/or random people all the time. I can only speak for the Australian situation but I have never had an issue using fake names. It might be different if you live in bum fuck nowhere with a population of 5 then yes I can imagine using a fake name might raise some interest but in capital cities there is no chance it's going to cause you an issue, in Australia anyway. I get things are different in the US where names and addresses are linked, in countries like Australia this is not the case. Make your own mind up, if you want to order drugs to your home address addressed to your real name then go for it, you are more game than me. If using a fake name is obviously going to cause you issues then do not do it, the point I am making is there are many situations you can do it without issue. I know if it came to it I would rather be saying "oh sorry officer I do not know anyone of that name living at this residence" compared to answering "can you please explain why you have this parcel of drugs addressed to you that has been sent in the mail?". Each to their own I guess and I know this will continue to get bounced around the forums...