The same applies globally, importing a restricted substance attracts stiffer penalties irrespective of where you live The only two SR related arrests in AU were two very low hanging fruit just asking to be nicked with the most recent case having ordered multiple times to his home address in his own name, and that's just the tip of the stupidity iceberg for this individual. The other was also nicked due to his IRL activities and not SR, he just told them all about SR after he was raided, as I said low hanging fruit. I am in no way saying ordering o/s isn't risky because you need to take precautions. I would say the UK to US route is reasonably safe given the volume of mail between the two and the fact the UK generally isn't flagged as drug producing country. A vendor using good stealth should avoid any issues but there are no absolutes here. If however I lived in the US I would have all the drugs I could possible want domestically so would have no need to risk an o/s order. I strongly suggest you do your research thoroughly and have safe drop arrangements.