This debate will continue to get discussed for ever and a day and there must be one or two new threads created daily asking regarding address flagging. In my country it would seem one or sometimes even two no shows to an address may not result in anything happening (flagging) and an o/s intercept may not affect you ordering domestically again either. But seriously, you claim to have had two large o/s orders with tracking clearly get intercepted and you are wondering if it is safe to continue to use that address? what does your gut tell you? Truth is nobody really knows what capabilities customs have when it comes to monitoring addresses but it stands to reason if they intercept a large order or more than one then they will be logging that on a register somewhere and it is quite probable that they do have the capability to 'flag' that address to screen what else gets sent there. One intercept should be all you need to consider that address dead, change up and move on and above all stay safe.