The media couldn't give a fuck if it boosts usage or not, that's not their agenda. All they care about is selling news and ratings irrespective of what impact that has, good or bad which is a subjective concept anyway. A lot of 'media' types love their drugs the same as the next man so I doubt anyone in the back office is desperately trying to save us poor aussies from the deadly scourge of drugs by broadcasting factual and balanced news stories on the subject. The ABC 'should' be more impartial than the other media giants owned by Murdock and co but last nights broadcast was pretty woeful. Aussies love their drugs and consume more per capita than many other countries, SR has opened up a more reliable and MUCH cheaper option that scoring from the usual avenues so it will continue to flourish unless the feds find a way of clamping down. Given the technology is pretty much impenetrable they will target the weak links in the chain e.g. those who take stupid risks like ordering large amounts to their home address etc but even then beyond making examples of a few hapless kids they are fighting a losing battle and they know it. Be smart, learn all you can re encryption and use safe drops to cut the link between you and your shipments and there is pretty much fuck all they can do.