Thought I should bump this thread back up for the benefit of the community, WINTA is back up and trading again after taking some time out due to 'issues', I decided to take a chance and make contact to see if his previous offers to compensate were still good and rather predictably I was given the polite brush off. Apparently I declined my compensation, funny that because I was under the impression "I would not be forgotten" and I just needed to be patient. Not being forgotten seems to actually mean I can take my whole lot of fuck all and be happy with it. I'm sure winta has a very different perspective on things, one that better suits him and doesn't show him in a bad light, I'll let you be the judge of that. He suggested I be totally honest in my feedback so here it is... Use this vendor at your own risk, reputation is everything in my book and anyone who doesn't keep their agreements isn't worth shit. Why bother making promises if you have no intention of keeping them, just be up front from the beginning, you could at least respect the honesty if nothing else.