Rumor mill / Re: SR Cocaine Vendors & Reviews (Posts 1 & 2 updated regularly.)
« on: December 07, 2012, 07:38 am »Many, many, nested quotes.
Best cocaine you can hope for is 65%+ here. MiN topped out at 72% and was generally considered by all the best on the road. Whether your salt preference is sulfate, nitrate, or HCL. 10% off the top of the soluble and insoluble salts are molecular contaminants made from gasoline, kerosene, sulfuric acid, and whatever fluff sugars the salting stations added at the time during filtration and crystallization. The next 10% are your sugars, lactose, dextrose, inositol, and mannitol, and the caines. Finally you get street cuts. Baking soda, baby laxative, B12 etc. All that happens before the brick leaves Chile, or Mexico. So Europeans or North Americans claiming 90%+ are lying. Sorry, it is just a fact. There are 80% bricks out there, but they are all in the hands of people who are just about to cut it to street strength.
From the horses mouth
Play hard, but play safe.
SRXLong time user (over a year), with new account for security. This is my rating system, so please dont jump down my throat if it differs from your view. This isn't school, it is peer review.
I have been using cocaine for over 20 years. I have a feeling from linguistic analysis from people selling on SR that they may just be over 20 years of age, let alone used it for that long. I have no reason for bias, and in reality, these scores will be arbitrary and only useful when compared to other vendor tests I conduct. I have shot/smoked/railed surgical grade cocaine and know EXACTLY how the drug makes you feel (and yes, tolerance aside...). I ALSO know THAT NO SYNDICATE IN THE MODERN WORLD is getting cocaine of 60% or higher unless they are jumping on surgical cocaine or refining it themselves at great expense. Any test or person boasting this to be factual is either ignorant or lying. I have associations with prominent 1% MC gangs through childhood friends and see what is available wholesale on most continents. ...70%+ it AINT. Tests can be beaten (remember Lance Armstrong?...), and experienced users will also know this. Understand that cocaine is a strong drug and still great when diluted heavily. If you (reads: most users) went and railed 100mg of pure coke you would not have a good time. if you shot 50mg of pure cocaine every movement of a limb would make your heart feel like it was about to explode. Not experiencing this? chances are your coke is not 80, 70, 60...even 50% coke. Sorry if you like reading inflated statistics, bogus test results (so many ways to get false positives...think about it...) and telling your clients or friends you have "80% FIRE COCAINE!!!!!" I am a realist, and these days this is generally considered a pessimist. I like the truth...most don't. I am here to experience the reality of the road and to chat amongst experienced users who also know their shit. Through being chemists, scientists, engineers or experienced junkies/dealers. You kids seem to love any cut garbage and 5/5 it all the way. Good for you, I am not trying to argue anything with you, because your lack of knowledge burns you like an atomic explosion and wont help me on my quest.
current reviews:
c63amg :
People above seem pretty happy, but I am not. Nor is another experienced user like myself from SR, and two junkies I used with last night. clearly adulterated to the nth degree, cut with stimulants (poor quality ones) . failed bleach and melt test. I was going to cook and a/b it but fear I will be left with nothing at all. No normal cocaine euphoria at all, very questionable mixture/appearance. If anybody remembers Limetless going off about how good it was, look at the date of his review. It was around the time of c63's latest batch and he probably scored it relatively uncut. If you are or know people dealing drugs you will see them stretch their product when they run low on inventory and this is all I can assume I received. If it was '80% disco shit fire ffs lol wtf' (sorry Lim, you are very animated though... still love you)at the start, it isn't anymore. I would hold off until he gets a new batch. Without testing it (for fear of losing it all), I would estimate this at <20% product, IF THAT. (20% active cocaine isnt a bad experience, unfortunately when heavily cut with cheap thermogenics it is unusable for me due to intolerance for speed/caffeine/caines/etc). useless to cook or IV unless you are keen to spend a lot of time cleaning it and resulting in huge net loss.
I'll sell it and hope they don't come back and drive a pick into my spine for selling them shit. If nobody touches it (I have drug snob friends), I will cook and A/B it to compare gross with net weight and start showing you people exactly how much cocaine hydrochloride is actually in what you buy. if somebody could recommend a tor video hosting facility, I could upload it there to finally show some of you newbie users what you are generally buying off the road. Again, even diluted coke can be fantastic. I just dream of a site that has factual metrics as opposed to meaningless , marketing spin.
rating: vendor service/comms 5/5 , delivery time: 4/5 , quality : 2/5 (these are SR vendor/product ratings. compared to coke I have done IRL, I would give this 0/5 because even after doing a lot it gave me no euphoria at all.
conclusion: c63 is as good as it gets as a vendor. I know a lot of dealers who dont use any drugs and wont hold anything against him. He did a great job as a business man and would definitely recommend him highly and try him again from time to time.
p.s: a generous guy listed up the details to return 'coke' to freebase (crack) , grind and rinse cuts and precipitate cocaine HCL from a solution using very easily available chemicals ~page 374. If you are seriously wanting good coke / wanting to test what you have from time to time, give his instructions a shot. they are definitely on the money and it will be fun as well! simple solvent washes wont do much. Even if you use acetone, chloroform and ethanol/Isopropyl , you can still be left with many inactive cuts.
bon chance!
That's absolutely false. There have been several vendors on SR alone who have had cocaine lab tested in the 90% range.
+1 for honesty, about time these myths were busted.