Probably already been covered but ordering pills from o/s can be done and in quite large quantities if you use the right vendor but they are much harder to get past customs than powder hence the multitude of domestic vendors reselling mdma.
You best bet it to forget pills and just order mollie and make your own caps, plenty of domestic vendors if you want quick service and negligible risk.
Thank you ssbd, sounds like good advice. Have just decided I wont bother trying to order pills, def not worth what sounds like a much higher intercept risk. Sounds like you know your stuff so if you can recommend a quality vendor of molly any advice would be appreciated (o/s or domestic, i am not really fussed at this stage though obviously prefer the pricing of the o/s vendors!)
I have only ordered mollie domestic thus far, neon lights and aussieExpress have very nice gear at reasonable prices, have a couple of caps from parcificseeds but yet to try and have used ETM once and was happy but a bit more expensive. Have heard good things about elk too, plenty to choose from mate, haven't seen any domestic vendor with bad feedback on the forums really. Just contact the vendor, find out who they are reselling and go and check it out, ETM posts on their vendor page whose o/s gear they have in stock.