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Messages - samesamebutdifferent

Pages: 1 ... 242 243 [244] 245 246 ... 278
Newbie discussion / Re: THIS is a stupid idea
« on: January 17, 2013, 11:53 am »
I appreciate your hard work in keeping the forums clear of spam but this new post count rule, still,  does not prevent them from spamming in the first place.

What it is currently doing is preventing new members and quite a few longer-term members with average-daily post counts from sharing their feedback and views with the rest of the community.

50 posts is alot of junk, i have been a member for almost 3 months and spent c300btc on your site. Yet before I discovered your new rules, only had 34 posts here, mainly feedback on my purchases which I hope was useful to other members.

This is a backward step in your whole ethos.

As I said I can appreciate how this will cause some frustration for some.

and just so you know, it's not my site, I'm just a volunteer who gives their time for free to help the community.

Newbie discussion / Re: THIS is a stupid idea
« on: January 17, 2013, 11:20 am »
lots of valuable info won't get posted anymore. some users just can't be as active as others but provide very useful information.

Yet another quickfix. And wtf is up with the pictures? some sql newbie at work or is someone injecting for the fun of it.

 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

At the risk of sticking my head above the parapet in this new sub forum I just wanted to give you a moderators perspective, I spend hours most evenings deleting scammer/spammer threads and posts in an endless battle to keep the forums free of crap so everyone can use the forums more safely and this new change will make that task infinitely less painful. It will also make all new accounts spend some time in the forums hopefully doing some research and reading before jumping in and creating new threads on topics that have already been discussed to death.

I know not all accounts with under 50 posts are technically 'new' to these forums and understandably some people will find this development frustrating but before you know it you will have hit 50 posts anyway and be left wondering what all the fuss was about.

Happy posting  :)

As a precaution I would recommend not opening the package for a couple of days. Just leave it on the table and you can always claim you had no idea what was in it.


x2!! that way if your door gets kicked down you could be like " i was actually going to drop this package back off because its not mine!"

People really should refrain from posting advice that could have serious repercussions for others when they have no real idea how the system works, if you have said package on your property and have effectively taken delivery do you really think writing 'return to sender' or not opening it is going to keep you out of the shit.

Walk away from this one.

Shipping / Re: LE and the secrets of stealth
« on: January 16, 2013, 08:54 pm »
Knowingly transacting in a drug deal is a criminal offence. If any vendor was to be taken down by this sort of technique then it would be most likely thrown out of court.

Are you serious? Kops do 'controlled buys' every fucking day. Also, Kops do not always operate within the law.

Just my own opinion, but I believe a shitload of LE from Australia have come onto the road over the last year posing as first time buyers, and simply not paying/causing grief.
It got so bad that many vendors simply refused to ship to Aus. Not only that, but other unscrupulous vendors caught onto this and started demanding FE and select scamming. Both vendors AND
customers got screwed. The shitstorm worked perfectly for those cunts, also because they gained an invaluable insight into shipping methods and developing counter-stealth, for lack of a better term.

This uncertainty, I believe, is their only current option. They cannot crack TOR, they cannot trace Bitcoins(if you're smart). They have no fucking clue WHO sent the seized package. Neither
does the innocent and clueless recipient who was never even in possession of it. They know this. Even if they seize a large amount and charge someone there's no-one further up the chain to take down.
They can never go after the 'big' cases like with 'street' cases. Half the reason the drug war is fought today is for big cases and big payoffs for local authorities who seize the wealth.
Stick to small amounts, nothing stupid. You will not go to jail.

PS for all you Aussies on here. Who remembers Ryan West from the 7:30 report? You know that dickhead that went on TV and broke the first rule of Silk Road? The one who 'wanted' to get caught? I know from people close
to me that he was not caught due to a seized package, he was caught because the neighbors got sick of people coming round to his parents house at all hours to buy drugs. They put him in it. He did have seized packages, but nothing happened or could happen until the Kops were called by his goddam neighbors. Furthermore that guy was selling shitloads of pills, you don't stay out of jail without singing like a bitch, if not your supplier, than your best customers. Kops have a quota after all...

Even though I agree with most of what is written in the post above there is something I should add, seized packages, even small ones can result in follow up by LE, I would strongly advise anyone reading this to not get complacent regarding their drop arrangements and make the mistake of just assuming nothing will happen because you haven't read about it on here. If you have the ability to sever all ties to your drop then do it! using your home or people you knows address for o/s orders is not advisable.

Shipping / Re: Is my address flagged?
« on: January 16, 2013, 08:30 pm »
This debate will continue to get discussed for ever and a day and there must be one or two new threads created daily asking regarding address flagging.

In my country it would seem one or sometimes even two no shows to an address may not result in anything happening (flagging) and an o/s intercept may not affect you ordering domestically again either. But seriously, you claim to have had two large o/s orders with tracking clearly get intercepted and you are wondering if it is safe to continue to use that address? what does your gut tell you?

Truth is nobody really knows what capabilities customs have when it comes to monitoring addresses but it stands to reason if they intercept a large order or more than one then they will be logging that on a register somewhere and it is quite probable that they do have the capability to 'flag' that address to screen what else gets sent there.

One intercept should be all you need to consider that address dead, change up and move on and above all stay safe.

My gut says 'never use this address again', but in my experience UK customs always send out a loveletter if they intercept an illicit package while if it was discovered by Royal Mail, they would have involved the police immediately. Strangely, one of the orders arrived today, which adds yet more confusion to an already cloudy situation. I'm tempted to write it off as far as further int'l orders go to be honest.

Always trust your gut mate, if the missing orders were large even if one has now strangely shown up you still have one no show, unless you very strongly suspect foul play by the vendor i.e. was never sent then I would be changing my drop arrangements.

Shipping / Re: Is my address flagged?
« on: January 16, 2013, 02:58 pm »
This debate will continue to get discussed for ever and a day and there must be one or two new threads created daily asking regarding address flagging.

In my country it would seem one or sometimes even two no shows to an address may not result in anything happening (flagging) and an o/s intercept may not affect you ordering domestically again either. But seriously, you claim to have had two large o/s orders with tracking clearly get intercepted and you are wondering if it is safe to continue to use that address? what does your gut tell you?

Truth is nobody really knows what capabilities customs have when it comes to monitoring addresses but it stands to reason if they intercept a large order or more than one then they will be logging that on a register somewhere and it is quite probable that they do have the capability to 'flag' that address to screen what else gets sent there.

One intercept should be all you need to consider that address dead, change up and move on and above all stay safe.

Shipping / Re: hiding - stealth inside vitamin bottles
« on: January 16, 2013, 02:38 pm »
Seems like a pretty bad/risky idea if you ask me, as others have said it would be virtually impossible to avoid residue from being transferred to the bottle and thus easily detectible. In my country internal domestic flights often have much less in the way of screening and I'm yet to see a drug dog at a domestic airport but that's certainly no guarantee there might not be one day. If you are thinking about doing this on an international flight you need your head testing, way too risky IMHO.

The answer to that question is no.

(offensive comments removed)

Sorry kid. I'm your worst nightmare. I don't have friends anymore and never will.

Comments like that have no place in this community - deleted.

Please get your vendor account opened before posting further requesting packaging information, please exercise caution in sending the OP details until their credentials are authenticated.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Problems sending btc
« on: January 14, 2013, 09:53 pm »
Hey SR

Has any one had any problems whilst trying to send btc from sr to another account every time I attempt this I get a message saying 'error please try again' then I try again and I loose connection to sr and then have to wait for what seems like an eternity to reconnect, its really starting to annoy me any ideas folks?


DPR posted about the issue:  http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=106109.0

They've disabled deposits and withdrawals until they can fix the problem.

Rumor mill / Re: DUTCHAANBOD product review : MDMA + FLAKES COCAINE
« on: January 14, 2013, 09:18 pm »
i figure since its gonna take atleast 3 weeks to get to me i mine as well wait a few more days... right?? And the next cheapest vendor would be frankmathews but he doesnt ship to USA  :'(

(shipping methods removed)

I have removed your comments re shipping methods, do not post that information on the forums!

I had a problem like that! I know my local postman but this time someone knocked on the door with green shorts on and a Royal Mail bag and a t-shirt ( Strange cause all the postman's around my area wear the same cloths) So any way he asks me to Signed for the package. Don't know if you have seen a Royal Mail signed for sticker Orange (UK to UK) I know this cause i send parcels my self. But he asks me to Signed this white printed paper one on the parcel. Took one look at him and the package and knew it was the Police/Customs. I told he i had no idea what it was and told him i decline to Signed for it he was pissed off about this i knew as soon as i had that in my house they would come running threw that door! But i refused to Signed for it.... Then my mate who lives around the cornor ring's up what's going on down your street riot ran's down there (police). I'm really lucky!

This is the same as having a bar code sticker on the envelope how exactly?

Riot vans? really?

Some vendors offer start up advice for new vendors, albeit for a fee if you get stuck. All the info you need is on here though for free, will just take you some time to find it all.

Good luck.

I'm just disappointed that need proof bruh didn't get an opportunity to do an expose on Twism.

Shipping / Re: What happens when customs seize the shipment
« on: January 14, 2013, 10:45 am »
This must be the 10,000 thread on this topic  ???

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