I consider the roundtable to be watched more than the regular forum........ Never expose anything anywhere anytime for ANY REASON!!!! It's like snitching on yourself.
Anyone with any common sense would consider all info posted on these forums is getting read by LE. The very concept of the vendor roundtable being "compromised" by having my mod it is also laughable but everyone is entitled to an opinion. How many members does this place have now? 59,000+? how many vendors have vendor status for their forum accounts? I must get 50+ requests a week from people asking for this, either way the point I'm making is there are plenty of eyes in there already. If you feel the current arrangements are putting anyone at risk I'd invite those people to take a good look at what they are posting, as blueveil said its like snitching on yourself if you are feeling compromised.
And to be quite honest what gets posted in there would be of minimal interest to most people anyway, no offense intended vendors but you know what I'm talking about, its hardly an LE dream database of incriminating evidence. In saying that though I do take vendor privacy very seriously and fully appreciate the need for you guys to have safe space to discuss your business.
Not sure what your beef is with me Roky and too be honest I don't really care as my time on here is spent dealing with far more important matters than whatever little agenda it is you have going on. I'd prefer it if you didn't make up bullshit allegations or try and cast dispersions by spreading FUD but I'm not going to get drawn into another ugly flame war with you. I wasn't even going to dignify this thread with a response but after reading some of the kind words of other forum members I thought I should at least acknowledge those individuals and say thanks.
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