Silk Road discussion / Re: New scam from Sc0ut, not Scout
« on: June 15, 2013, 01:14 am »You will never get a legit PM on the forums or the market site asking for your BTC, be that exclusive membership to SR2 the inner circle, to help DPR buy a new server (because they are short of money) or to help a mod outWhat is this "SR2The inner circle" you speak of? Is there another SR? I'm probably making you laugh with all the stupidity, but still...
All scams, all BS
Sshhhh, the first rule of the inner circle is do not talk about the inner circle. The second rule of the inner circle is DO NOT talk about the inner circle.
You just broke rules 1 and 2.SSBD gets a free pass because he's a mod on SR2.
Sorry for the delayed response I was logged into SR3 the inner inner sanctum, fortunately there isn't much modding to do in there because the only member is Limitless talking shit to himself, quite amusing really that he hasn't figured out the only reason we created SR3 was to get him off these forums.
And to answer your questions NorthernStar an alarming number of people do get sucked in yes, the phishing scams alone probably get 20+ people a day as more and more people try to find SR after downloading Tor, first place they go looking it seems is the hidden wiki which we all know is not to be trusted.
You can send your thousands of donations to my mod fund addy in my signature block, I'll be heading down to the Ferrari dealership after lunch