The cuz is back!!
hi Eiley 
Where have you been hiding BC? The Forum doesn't inspire one to post like it once did. Are you off the gear all together or have you just cut right back?
I honestly can't believe JezuzWazaMushroom is still posting here. I'm still waiting for him to start his own thread so I can post in it instead of him littering this one with his incoherent dribble. His account should have been closed ages ago and I'll never understand why it wasn't. The guy has some serious issues and is beyond redemption. Just look through his post history and you're left thinking "what the fuck is this bloke on about!".

Just cut right back. had some issues and whatnot. what e-drama have i missed since i last posted?
Just a lot of bullshit from JWM. He was promoting a scam vendor and getting furious at everyone for calling it out as an FE scam, which it was. Then he continued to whinge about every other vendor on here and trash-talked everyone and every thing he could think about. Then vanished in a puff of smoke again 
You forgot the part where slangnrox is also jwm and puff.
And his magnificent troll listings for "his own shit" , to "send you nothing" , "fake feedback to make you look like a eligible vendor" and my favorite "a $4000 siganature from the man himself"
$5k mate
He's not that generous.
So he's FINALLY been banned I see. SameSame I honestly wouldn't be shocked to find out JWM is SlangNRox, it's somehow more believable than JWM being as spastic as he leads on.
So lately it's been BrisbaneNextDay, TakeAction and now SlangNRox, all potentially the same person... Who ever will it be next?
Good luck aussiepp
I received mine from him the other day as well big ups DP, bit too ill to have it this weekend though I think :/
Don't forget SmoothSailing.. 
Also, I have to let you all know that I am NOT JWM - I can't let him take the blame.
Does it make you feel good about yourself to keep dropping into this thread and reminding everyone what a utter tosser you are?
Here's a revelation for you, nobody cares about you, nobody thinks you are interesting or special, you are just a low life scammer who appears to take some pleasure out of riling up those you have robbed.
You must be quite a sad individual.