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Messages - samesamebutdifferent

Pages: 1 ... 103 104 [105] 106 107 ... 278
Can you please clarify, do you have funds showing in your SR account bitcoin wallet?

And if you do are you unable to withdraw those funds receiving the error message you mentioned?

Please just ensure you ope a vendor account before offering samples or trying to vend.

Customer support / Re: seller del all listings
« on: June 26, 2013, 01:12 am »
It probably means they have just sold out.

Customer support / Re: How can I clear my shopping cart
« on: June 25, 2013, 10:53 pm »
What is the purpose of locking the other thread on this topic?

What if someone else wanted to chime in and say thanks?
What if someone wanted to offer different advice?
What if the OP had a follow-up question?

Please stop locking threads. The community may not be done discussing something just because you think the final word has been said.

Hi farmer1

I only do it in this board to keep on top of all the issues so once the OP's question has been answered and 'resolved' I lock it like a customer support ticket. If you would like a thread reopened to add to it please just pm me and I will unlock it immediately. This board gets flooded sometimes though and it becomes quite challenging to ensure all everything is answered, newbies come in here spamming occasionally too so this way I know when I log in and see 'new' next to a thread it needs my attention, that all make sense?

In saying that I'll leave them unlocked if the think it's an issue, it has nothing to with me having the last say, its just my way of manging this board, if people would like to carry on the discussion once the OP's issue has been resolved I would also be happy to move that thread to a more appropriate section so as not to gunk up this board.


Basically, there's nothing anybody here at the forums can do but advise you.  You need to make a new account and send SR support a message that way.  Basically the same thing you just said here.

Don't give anybody here your details.

^^^ This

Once a truecrypt volume corrupts is gone, s as SS says you will need to follow the standards pass phrase reset protocol via the market site, make sure to include the last btc address you sent coins to in order to fund the account you can no longer access so the admins can verify you as the rightful owner.

Customer support / Re: how can i clear my shopping cart
« on: June 25, 2013, 10:32 pm »
ChemCat is correct.

Thread locked as resolved.

Customer support / Re: Bitcoin purchase
« on: June 25, 2013, 10:23 pm »
You can but please remember bitcoins are not illegal and can be used for many other good and services these days. Some countries will allow you to buy then via cash deposit over the counter in banks (Australia), judging by the number of MP for BTC scams that happen in the US I'd say it's not so straight forward there though

How very magnanimous of you murderface  ;)

Someone just FE'd, surely must be fake feedback  :o

Or Stevie Wonder has just ordered some coke.

Once an order is finalized SR will not be able to help you I am afraid. As escrow is the means by which the admins assist in resolution matters, once the coins have been released to the recipient there is nothing more SR can do to assist you.

Glad to hear it, they 99.99% of the time do, you just need to be patient sometimes, sometimes they go through super fast and other times you can be waiting 10 hours, fortunately the 10 hour waits are very few and far between though.

Thread locked as resolved.

Technical support / Re: had a question bout bitcoin transfers.
« on: June 24, 2013, 11:10 am »
I would recommend taking some time to read the SR wiki to get your head around how to safely use Silk Road and get set up with buying bitcoins, encryption (PGP), etc. I hope that wasn't presumptuous of me but reading your post gives me the impression you are not totally familar with some of the basics yet.

Here is the link: https://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion.to/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page

When you buy bitcoins bit instant will transfer then to the btc wallet address you provided, so assuming you gave them your SR bitcoin wallet address they should arrive in a few hours, sometimes longer.

You can check the progress of the transfer by going to the blockchain website and entering the BTC address you sent the coins too, it will show you how many confirmations the transfer has had.

Hope that helps.

Customer support / Re: Help! Unable to login to SilkRoad
« on: June 24, 2013, 10:08 am »
Ok cool, sorry had to ask, so many people don't unfortunately.

Well in that case I'm not really sure what your issue is, probably a good idea to uninstall and reinstall the TBB and make sure all the settings are as they should be and try again.

Try posting in the technical support board and see if anyone has any other insights on what the issue may be.

Hope you get it sorted!


Have just reported it to the admins, out of my hands now.

Thanks for clarifying, gaumais please make sure to submit a customer support ticket via the market site and hit the report vendor option too.

Off topic / Re: The Australian Thread
« on: June 24, 2013, 05:39 am »
its a race against time. dubg is not responding to my third resolution request.. already contacted sr support and they said its out of their hands and to contact resolution support.. i cant see anywhere to contacxt them directly so i put in a 100% refund request to resolution but i expect dubg will be the only one to see it.. the wiki doesnt seem to say anywhere to contact resolution supporrt directly.. ive only got 4 days left before autofinalisation- can anybody help? where the hell do i contact the resolution admins?

Please read my response to your post in customer support bruzzcuzz.

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