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Messages - samesamebutdifferent

Pages: 1 ... 55 56 [57] 58 59 ... 278
« on: August 15, 2013, 11:28 am »
So ughh, i bought from this dude last night and was wondering what i could do to get my btc back faster.  Its in escrow and i need to wait 10 days until i can send it to the resolution center.  is there any way since this guys a scammer i can get it back faster?


Send in a customer support ticket to SR support via the market site, they may cancel your order or you may have to wait.

Hop you get a good outcome soon.

« on: August 15, 2013, 07:32 am »
HELP!!! I have spent over 1200 on the road/atlantis, and goldmax just got away with 2.1 of my BTC!!! Is there anyway we can get our money back? I need help, can the SR support help compesnate? This is horrible

If you have finalized the order the SR admins can do nothing to help you I'm afraid as once the coins are released they are irretrievable. Please always use escrow to protect you against issues in the future.

If however you are still in escrow please take the transaction into the resolution center, more information is available in the SR wiki if you need to read up on how the resolution process works.

Customer support / Re: Problem Logging In
« on: August 15, 2013, 02:38 am »
This has been discussed in multiple threads on this board over recent weeks, did you delete the old TBB in it's entirety or did you extract the updated TBB into the same location as the old one thus over writing it?

Delete the TBB folder in it entirety and start over with a fresh download and that should fix the problem.

Off topic / Re: The Official Morning Coffee Thread
« on: August 14, 2013, 09:23 pm »
Hello, just wanted to show some love to my favorite french vanilla coffee and see what everyone else is drinking ;D I take one spoonful of sugar and a dash of milk 8)

If it weren't for caffeine I don't know what I would do with myself.

Right that does it, I'm getting out of bed right now and getting myself a wonderful coffee to start my day :)

Off topic / Re: The Australian Thread
« on: August 14, 2013, 09:21 pm »
MD is making new accounts and buying of her self,no one is dumb enough to FE for large amounts of a relatively new vendor with no history.

Miss Demeanor has been a vendor for a year and has had over 140 transactions for which they have 100% positive feedback, not a single customer has ever given them less than a 5/5.

I would still not FE for them though.

Sooo are you saying that I will probably lose in the resolution center and the vendor will win??? ???  I just want a straight answer and if anyone has dealt w this before??  This is the first time im dealing w an order that didnt arrive and the vendor says it did

It is impossible to say as each case is considered individually taking into consideration a number of factors. If you have good stats, have very low refund rate etc that will add weight to your case. If the tracking also shows the shipment as delivered though that is generally and end to the matter yes unless there have been other instances of buyers reportedly experiencing the same issue, if that has happened it may influence the admins to consider your version over the vendors.

It's a tough call to make, all you can do is submit your resolution proposal and detail your circumstances as clearly and as succinctly as possible in a non emotive manner so the admins can easily get a grasp of what you are saying. Some people like to write novels on nonsensical emotive rambling allegations that are very hard to decipher, doing that most certainly does not help your case.

Keep it simple, factual and to the point.

No moderators are going to take you up on that offer I'm afraid, I for one am no expert on weed.

What are others posting on the forums? have you seen anyone else raising concerns?

I would say if it smells chemically that could be an indication of it having been grown poorly and not flushed though before being cropped, often chemicals are added to the plant feed during growing to boost potency of the THC but those chemicals needs to be flushed afterwards which takes time. If the grower didn't do that the plant may have a nasty smell and be pretty grim to smoke. I am of course just speculating.

Customer support / Re: No one is answering
« on: August 14, 2013, 08:44 pm »
Impossible to answer, the could be all manner of reasons they are not responding to you. Re using encryption what does it say on their vendor page? do they stipulate that all communication must be encrypted?

If you do not know how PGP works you should go off and spend some time reading up on the information posted on these forums, you should probably do that now before you do anything more on SR.

Customer support / Re: Should i be worried?
« on: August 14, 2013, 08:41 pm »
   Where'd you receive the message, here on the forums or on the main site? Just to make sure, you're using the browser bundle but are you visiting silkroadvb5piz3r.onion or silkroadvb5piz3r.onion.to

If you value your anonymity you should never use .to for anything SR related, basically just do not use it period.

Silk Road discussion / Re: publicity forewarning
« on: August 14, 2013, 10:50 am »
Provided there is not crossing of swords I'm in, swing by and grab me but give me 20 as I need to make myself presentable.

Waterbed as always should be 100 degrees centigrade so HOT HOT HOT

See you soon msb and don't forget the whip.

Off topic / Re: UK Channel 4 documentary 'Legally High'
« on: August 14, 2013, 10:46 am »
Thanks for the link. I'll see it after I'm done with Frank Matthews documentary.

I have seen it all now, will you be one of those who claims the book was better than the movie though? ;)

Off topic / Re: The Australian Thread
« on: August 14, 2013, 10:32 am »
Oh yeah, for anyone interested, City View felt the ban hammer, no surprises there really.

Silk Road discussion / Re: publicity forewarning
« on: August 14, 2013, 10:26 am »
^^^ Miss Sexy Boots!! work it work it ;)

I know im a harsh critic.

but in my opinion.. there is no "good for the price"..

there is only GOOD and BAD.

good fir the price means its BAD.

This is somewhat true however since our favorite stealth vendor who used to sell for around $320 an 8 ball went on hiatus I've found the $500+ 8 balls are much better than the $300 ish ones.

This is not always true my friend.  Not all vendors want to bend you over and make 140K + off a plate.  We always have top tier product and sell for 300ish.  I really dont understand how people could pay over 400+ for a ball on here.  It boggles my mind.

^This. Make no mistake, if you are paying even $350 a ball ($100/gram straight up is still ridiculous), you are being jabbed. Simple. Its shameful its been bought for these prices, and even more shameful its being sold for them.

That may be true in some circumstances but when the domestic tariff is sometimes $350/400 for .7 of very average coke I'll happily pay $350/$400/$500 for a ball of very high quality pure disco shit delivered to my drop.

You also have to remember the average income in AU is $60,000 a year with many others earning far more than that, $500 is fuck all.

Off topic / Re: The Australian Thread
« on: August 14, 2013, 07:52 am »
Dankmedgradekush's  is a definite scammer.

How do toy know? for definite? I've got them under audit, be good to get some tangible facts if you are so sure.

Had feedback 1 day after joining, which was a Saturday. Mail doesn't come on a Saturday mate. And just the name is stupid enough to suggest he is a scamming cunt.

Thanks for the info, I'll make sure that gets passed up too.

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