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Messages - samesamebutdifferent

Pages: 1 ... 53 54 [55] 56 57 ... 278
Customer support / Re: Cannot login
« on: August 17, 2013, 12:41 pm »
Was the account you lost access to hacked/phished? or have you not had a response from support yet? and not can't read it anyway I'm guessing.

Maybe your computer is compromised, check it for malware, rootkits etc

What do you mean its all gone? has there been a withdrawal on the account? I'm not sure what your issue is.

Customer support / Re: cancel payment before fe
« on: August 17, 2013, 09:07 am »
Unconfirmed orders can only be cancelled by the vendor for the forst 4 days, after that you can cancel it yourself. If Frank marks the order as in transit though that will change things, he can of course still cancel it if he chooses to do so.

Customer support / Re: HELP with COUPON CODE USE!
« on: August 17, 2013, 09:00 am »
Thank you Libertas.

Customer support / Re: how to get an extension?
« on: August 17, 2013, 08:59 am »
once it is in resolution i will be alright though it will not finalize? is there anything else i will need to do? because when there's going to be 2 days left i'm going out of town for 5 days and will not be able to get on the site.

Once an order in in the resolution center it will not auto-finalize, just make sure your most recent proposal reflects the resolution you are seeking and respond to any counter proposals put forward by the vendor.

Customer support / Re: cancel payment before fe
« on: August 16, 2013, 08:33 pm »
Has the order been confirmed? i.e. marked as 'in transit'?

Customer support / Re: HELP with COUPON CODE USE!
« on: August 16, 2013, 08:28 pm »
Hi, as far as I know coupons have been discontinued however I am not sure what the arrangements are for those who still have them to redeem. I will pass this up so an admin can respond to you.

Customer support / Re: Big Problem with Bitcoin
« on: August 16, 2013, 10:45 am »
Hi I'm having the same issue. I've waited over six hours now and still no show. In the other forums for newbies they said to contact support after a wait of six hours.

12 hours seems to be a long time to wait for this to happen.

How many confirmations are showing on the blockchain?

I hope no one is stupid enough to even consider responding to the OP of this thread, I've read some ridiculous posts in my time here but this is right up there with some of the most retarded.

I sincerely hope the OP is a either a troll or Officer Fucktard hoping to nab some low hanging fruit.

BulletForMyValentine I will be sure to keep tabs on your posts to see where you go from here, I sincerely hope you have a drastic rethink of your posting habits, if not you will be right out there on your own pretty soon.

If you need a helpful tip, look up the word anonymous and then apply it to this market place and forum, its what keeps us all out of handcuffs.


What do you want to change it back?

All your wallet btc addresses are linked to your account anyway.

Customer support / Re: refund rate ruined
« on: August 16, 2013, 10:11 am »
I would suggest you submit another support ticket detailing what you have here, keep it succinct, factual and to the point expressing that you dropped the ball and let the resolution period expire and ask if there is any possibility of having your stats repaired. It's a long shot, they will not reopen the case but they may consider repairing your refund rate given the circumstances.

Do not write them a novel, do not get emotive, just explain what happened and see what they have to say.

Customer support / Re: resolution center question
« on: August 16, 2013, 10:03 am »
will i be able to use the resolution center again on the same order to get a reship or refund if it dosent come after ive already used it once?

also does it cost to use the resolution center?

also does the vender have the ability to extend the auto fe without me going to the resolution center?

With regards to your first question it will depend on whether you finalize the order or not, if you just extend the resolution period to cover the shipping time for the reship then you can keep the resolution open.

Second question, answer is no there is not cost to use the resolution center.

Third question, once the order is in the resolution center it can be extended as many times as you like whether that be you proposing an extension and the vendor accepting or vice-versa. If you are unable to reach a resolution with the vendor and the resolution period runs out then an admin will adjudicate on the matter. Admin decisions are final so you need to ensure you keep up to date with the process and respond to any proposals made by the vendor. Your most recent proposal should always reflect the outcome you are seeking.

Hope that covers all your questions.

Really great stuff!!

Here's more (clearnet): http://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php?title=936:_Password_Strength

There's even a password strength checker linked from there.

Excellent thank you for the post.

I think a lot can depend on what state you are in, it has been nearly a year since I had a letter from the UK arrive in less than 7 days, most seem to take around 13 to 15 now and much longer is also not that uncommon. Bottom line is there is no standard anymore, anywhere from a week to a month basically.

Customer support / Re: resolution center question
« on: August 15, 2013, 10:00 pm »
So what questions do you still have unanswered?

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