Oh and people please don't forget that when you are signing the papers to register for PO box assuming you are doing this yourselves and in person please DON'T GET YOUR FINGERPRINTS ON THE FUCKING PAPER!
How the fuck is one supposed to go about doing this? I certainly don't wanna be the guy in the PO signing up for a box, and be the only one wearing gloves. I'd feel like OJ simpson.
Personally I would do neither of those things, I would invest the time into securing some safe anonymous drops that are not linked to you.
What exactly do you mean? How do you get an anonymous drop thats safe? I think this is the OP's point of the thread actually. Could you be less vauge in this description of a drop point?
And why did people on here stop calling addresses addresses and start calling them drop points? Or am I missing something here?
Thank you for this. I see everyone always suggesting to just "get a secure drop site". Easier said than done. How exactly does one go about doing so?
Exactly. We should make a collaborative thread outlining the best tactics to get bulk in from over seas. Rather than just reject other people's suggestions and assert that they should magically find the perfect method.
Discussions about safe drops are best had via PM, posting openly on the forums is vigorously discouraged for obvious reasons, it is in nobodies best interests to assist LE and many people guard their arrangements very carefully.
Arrangements differ from country to country too, for example in Australia you can use any name you like for residential or business address and the mail man will deliver it. In the US you cannot do that, mail will only be delivered to the registered person(s) residing at that address so if you try to use a fake name the mail may be returned to sender and likely end up in the dead letter room and opened by a postal inspector, not a good outcome.
So a safe drop is essentially an address you can order too that does not link back to you so in the case of an intercept you have nothing to worry about. All my SR orders go to safe drops, if I get a no show I burn it and move on, something everyone should do by the way.
How you go about getting a safe drop as I said will depend a lot on were you live and not many people on here will just offer up their tried and tested methods to anyone. It took me many months of research to develop the systems I use, all the information is on these forums if you do some research.