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Messages - samesamebutdifferent

Pages: 1 ... 45 46 [47] 48 49 ... 278
"Chillax, bro." i can't even count the number of times i have read those very words on here. incredible insight.

I know, its like they are one of us and so understand how we communicate hey.

Anyone using those words in a sentence or post should immediately shoot themselves in the face at point blank range. Harsh I know but it is the only honorable thing to do.

Customer support / Re: To become a seller - $500??!
« on: August 25, 2013, 04:37 am »
It is your responsibility to meet the requirements for a bond refund.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Forbes interviews Dread Pirate Roberts
« on: August 25, 2013, 04:26 am »
The use of .to should be discouraged at every opportunity, those using it are either incredibly naive about the risks they are taking or in the one isolated case of our resident journo you really have no need to remain anonymous, glad to see you considered the private messages issue though.

UGh...don't you have to sign for tracked packages?

Not unless that is what is requested, signature on delivery can we waived in most circumstances.

Product offers / Re: New SR Vendor: MarijuanaIsMyMuse
« on: August 25, 2013, 04:22 am »
How does the 50% refund work? 

50% bitcoins. or 50% of the coins value?

When I ordered 1btc was 250.  now they are less than half.

You should read the SR wiki on how hedging works, here is the link:


Do you think that SR is going to become even more of a target once the article gets published in ***FORBES*** on 9/2? They've taken down their #1 targer FH/Tormail...so it does worry me. Why the interviews? I prefer low profile..

But I know DPR has an agenda to express his viewpoints and to change the world, and with that in mind he must feel very confident in the security of SR to do an interview with Forbes,..

I don't like too much attention on SR at the best of times but I think we have gone way past hiding in the shadows of the dark web. SR stands for so much more than just scoring drugs and you can be sure the powers that be will be way more concerned about what this place represents over the selling of drugs in the mail system. They will be scared because we have found a way of making them irrelevant and scared people do irrational things, going more mainstream now just takes it to the next logical progression in its journey, we can't stay hidden forever and as SR gains notoriety it will force the arguments out into the open. Governments will say "but drugs are bad and evil, we must protect you from yourselves" however if we catch you buying or selling drugs we will lock you up and destroy your life because we care so much about you.

The blinding hypocrisy of current drug legislation is so obvious to many but not all, time to stand up and be counted. I am an adult and I can decide for myself what substances I choose to put into my own body thank you very fucking much. If you normally help vote 'tough on crime' bullshit politicians into positions of government and you like what SR stands for then you might want to rethink your political allegiances next time you are in the ballot booth.

I am looking at upgrading to this even though im only domestic just for the extra safety aspect and for my Customers peace of mind. Which of the new types of packaging is determined to be the best and could any Aussies chime in as to where they are best purchased with cash (not off ebay or SR). Are they the same kind of bags that computer/electronic parts come in? Any info Appreciated.

There are some links in the OP you might want to check out, I am assuming that you can order using a pre pay visa/mastercard to make the sale anonymous and yes they are the same types of bags as used for electronic equipment.

Shipping / Re: Aus Customs Crackdown....???
« on: August 25, 2013, 03:20 am »
Any guesses ssbd?

I have posted in other threads recently stating that AU customs is screening a lot more letter mail than it used too. Some people though this was bullshit but I am not in the habit of posting FUD.

I'm about to write off a UK order, been over 3 weeks now and in my experience that means it ain't coming but of course I will be more than happy to be proven wrong for a change and have a very late arrival next week ;)

Customer support / Re: What hapend to GreenOvenDoor
« on: August 25, 2013, 03:16 am »
When I purchased from planetexpress he had 5.0 feedback and didn't have all the FE feedback yet. I didn't FE so I did get my coins back. I think FE should be done away with all together. I also think that if someone gets banned that all coins in escrow should be returned to the buyer so they can order from someone else and not constantly have their funds tied up in escrow. When a vendor like GreenOvenDoor suddenly disappears then it just goes to show it does not matter how much research you do because even the trusted vendors will eventually screw you over.

Did they also have their too good to be true listings up? combine that with the sudden huge expansion in their inventory and use of googled images of their supposed products it sounds like you may have overlooked some pretty big red flags, the vendors rating is only one piece of the puzzle, you need to be clued into other tell-tail signs, that and the multiple threads warning about the danger signs. I'm not trying to be a dick here, I am just trying to make you aware of the other things you need to be on the look out for.

Anyway I have a strong suspicion the FE rule is going to be looked at in the not too distant future, it will most probably be brought to the community to discuss in the first instance. There always will be some people who have to FE if you want to order though, new buyers or buyers with shitty stats may well be asked to FE if they want to buy from a vendor, under those circumstances I think vendors are well within their rights to ask for FE, don't like it then don't order, simple.

Shipping / Re: Aus Customs Crackdown....???
« on: August 25, 2013, 02:47 am »
Looks like something is happening, there is no denying it. Its not just some coinsidence.
Be sure, somethings happening.
Reports are not exclusive to Australia.

What can we make of this?

What makes you think that something is happening?? What reports are you referring to? Just because some people are not receiving their orders, doesn't mean Customs are doing a blitz on International mail. It's all to do with a vendor's packaging! The materials used, the actual stealth used, the look of the package, the labeling, etc. Sure some packages won't get through Customs for what ever reason but if the vendor is skilled in the art of stealth, chances are your package will arrive, safe and sound. Speaking from personal experience, I've only lost one order and that was well over a year ago now and to be honest, I doubt it was ever sent. I'm happy to be proven wrong but I don't remember any news articles on Customs blitzing International Mail in Australia. Yes they may have improved their detection techniques including new profiling profiles, etc, but if the vendor is good at their job and does it right, there's every chance your order will arrive.  8)

I know of one UK vendor that has a lot of missing/late shipments to AU, all different envelopes, sizes, return addys, used MBB as well posted on different days from different locations.

Either that or there are some ridiculous delays going on at the moment, that vendor has just updated their page with the following statement "PLEASE ACCEPT WAITING UP TO 2 MONTHS FOR PACKAGES TO AUS. SEEMS UK -> AUS POST IS REALLY SLOW AT THE MOMENT. WE CANNOT SORT REFUNDS OR RESHIPS UNTIL 60 DAYS HAS PASSED AS THEY ARE BEING DELAYED FOR SOME REASON, BUT ARE COMING THROUGH SLOWLY."

There is slow and then there is 2 months slow! I have never has anything arrive from the UK after 18 days, if it hasn't landed before then in my experience its not coming.

any Vendors sell Mylar?
it's impossible to get it around here.. :(
not a big deal for me.

seems legit though, dipping it in alcohol..
as long as it doesn't reak.


PlutoPete sells military grade foil.

Customer support / Re: What hapend to GreenOvenDoor
« on: August 25, 2013, 02:21 am »
I gotta say that this whole Silk Road thing may not be worth the trouble. I just got my bitcoin back from vendor planetexpress because i didn't FE but apparently he got away with about 30K. Now greenovendoor has my bitcoin and I have a strong feeling that theres nothing in the mail on the way to my house. When I get my bitcoin back this time I may try a new site like Black Market Reloaded or Atlantis. May be the same crap over there, but this here is insane!! I basically just keep my coins in escrow and never get any product!!! Been trying to get some good herb for going on 3 weeks now!!!!!

Choose your vendors more carefully then, I can't comment on Green Oven Door because I don't know what happened to them yet but PlanetExpress had scam written all over them for nearly a week before they got banned. Anyone trying to buy from them clearly doesn't know the warning signs and/or doesn't read the forums before placing an order, something you should do each and every time no matter how many successful transactions you have had with a vendor in the past, things move fast around here so you need to keep up if you want to avoid the risk of being scammed.

Rumor mill / Re: Planetexpress - scammer
« on: August 25, 2013, 02:06 am »
For those others who actually DID receive their 6-apb, as I did:

Was it legit?
This was the only 6-apb I've ever tried. 150 mg.
I had a long, horrible and frightening reaction.
So be advised if you have not tried it yet.

PlanetFitness told me he had no complaints, and I've not seen any.

The overwhelmingly positive reports on 6-apb are what made me decide to try it. But it also came from a known scammer and was 1/3 the price of lther vendor.

I have no idea if my opinion of 6-apb (= never again) is accurate or not.

That was my first question, but I thought to myself... why would he send out 'fake' 6-APB to people he clearly wanted to have vouching for him.  I said that to Wavelength early on in PE's Review Thread when she/he received some 6-APB as well(Wavelength said it was legit --I believe).  But then again, as far as I know, there is no readily available testing reagent for 6-APB?  Is there?

Then again, this scammer who keeps making these accounts and doing the same scam every 30-60 days has been at it for as long as I can remember hearing about FE scams.  And every time they pull this scam, they try to hurt people in any way they can, namely by FE's... but also by locking people into unhedged escrow, and sending out packages requiring signatures.  I would not be surprised if this vendor was also a honey-pot, not directly for LE, but for blackmailing purposes. I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience on his mystery powder he sent you...

Not trying to start a conspiracy or anything but a user named Uniwiz 'received' 1 lb of Trim from Vendor/Known Scammer = EJDirect, and had to sign for it.  It's likely unrelated, but since that happened --I have not heard from Uni.

Uniwiz has not logged on since July 15, 2013, do you know of anyone else who ordered from EJDirect and had to sign for an order?

Always use addresses for SR orders that cannot be linked to you, those people lining up to send some brand new vendor their home address in the lure of a free sample need to have their heads checked, reckless stupidity that is fraught with potential issues.

Rumor mill / Re: Planetexpress - scammer
« on: August 25, 2013, 01:58 am »
What is it thta you guys don't understand? You say its not the admins fault there are FE scams, but the admins are the ones that made and enforce the "you can FE scam people after 30 days" rule (obviously this isn't exactly what the rule states but it might as well)... it would take 5 min to Erase that rule and inform all the vendor. I still haven't heard one good reason why that rule should be in place, except vendors saying "I don't want to get scammed by new buyers" but in reality the admins will sire with a reputable vendor way before a new buyer.

And the fundamental point you do not appear to understand it that SR is a free market where buyers and sellers are responsible for the most for themselves, the only protection you have is escrow and if you chose to not use it then you should accept the consequences of your actions be that unintended or otherwise

I am totally over reading about people finalizing on some bloody obvious scam then come crying to the forums bleating how SR has let them down. Did SR make you finalize? did SR make you chose to buy from the vendor with 10 pages of FE'd feedback? Did SR make you too lazy to read the forums first and see the multiple threads warning this was a scam?

No, you chose to do all those things all by yourself, sucks you got scammed but seriously you let it happen so own it and move on, I bet you won't FE again in the future though, harsh lesson to learn but unfortunately it is the only way some people will get it into their heads about not FE for anyone ever.

Customer support / Re: What hapend to GreenOvenDoor
« on: August 25, 2013, 01:32 am »
First I've heard about it, maybe an admin can comment...

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