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Messages - samesamebutdifferent

Pages: 1 ... 29 30 [31] 32 33 ... 278
Off topic / Re: The Australian Thread
« on: September 07, 2013, 03:05 am »
enough of this politics talk, what the hell is going on with domestic MDMA??

deposited money to get some of those PG's they sold out before all the money transferred, theres pretty much nothing else on there atm. and people on there are jacking there prices back up to around 250.
Haha, PG's are the favourite amongst my group of friends.

I've got some Green Androids on the way, supposed to be fucking awesome :)

Newbie discussion / Re: Spamming to 50 allowed?
« on: September 07, 2013, 02:57 am »
right but i want to get onto the forums to warm members of a scammer, yet im restricted as i have to make 50 posts. if i dont use the spam threads this could take weeks/months while others may get scammed.

I have just stickied a spam thread you can use at the top of this board, just use that one.

Wait just one second, I made a thread that caused a change in the way the forum functions? :O

Well I wouldn't quite say that, the toleration of spam in this board was always going to be temporary whilst members got used to the 50 post rule. The time was always going to come when this board got cleaned up to bring it into line with the rest of the forums but if you want the kudos feel free mate :D

Newbie discussion / Re: THE ONLY TEMP SPAM TO 50 THREAD
« on: September 07, 2013, 02:51 am »
Newbie joined a few weeks ago, whats with the 50 post rule ?

If you are new I suggest you read everything in the SR wiki, it also contains info on the 50 post rule.


Newbie discussion / Re: Why have so many spam threads?
« on: September 07, 2013, 02:47 am »
This issue has been discussed across multiple threads for months ever since the new rule came in. Bottom line is it is highly unlikely to be changing anytime soon so make your peace with it and move along, if you absolutely have to spam to 50 there will be a thread dedicated for that, this board however will no longer be flooded with dozens of useless spam threads.

The quality of the threads and posts in this board has improved significantly over the months though, as more people make better use of this board and take the time reaching 50 as an opportunity to learn how to navigate SR safely we should hopefully see a safer community.

The recent influx of newbs was strongly felt in the customer support board where some of the posts demonstrated a total lack of knowledge and awareness, everyone should read the SR wiki in it's entirety before posting here or making a purchase via the market site and I can tell you there is a large number of people rush in here with little or no care for their personal security, it's quite fucking scary.

Customer support / Re: Dudus the vendor ran off with money..please help
« on: September 07, 2013, 01:30 am »
I don't care what the vendor offers you in return for you FE, be that free shipping, extra product, their eternal thanks, please just say NO THANK YOU I WOULD LIKE TO STAY IN ESCROW IF ITS ALL THE SAME WITH YOU.

the new system for feedback seems kind of messed up.  a lot of people are complaining about it not being easy to use or that it has a lot of glitches.

The feedback score is left at point of finalization, the feedback itself  an be left later, what do you need to change precisely?

Newbie discussion / Re: Why have so many spam threads?
« on: September 07, 2013, 01:08 am »
Thanks to Jack just then for bumping a shit load more for easy locking!


Newbie discussion / Re: Why have so many spam threads?
« on: September 07, 2013, 12:59 am »
From today all new spam threads will be deleted, if you need to spam use the sticky spam thread at the top of this board.

Newbie discussion / Re: Don't mind me, im just on my way to fifty.
« on: September 07, 2013, 12:57 am »
Time to start cleaning up these multiple spam threads.

For now there will be one spam thread left up, it can be found here:


All other spam threads will be slowly phased out.

Newbie discussion / Re: spam to 49 posts
« on: September 07, 2013, 12:56 am »
Time to start cleaning up these multiple spam threads.

For now there will be one spam thread left up, it can be found here:


All other spam threads will be slowly phased out.

The newest version of TOR scares me. :(  The idea of a development version of TOR is scary. :-\

I haven't downloaded it yet, I'm scared too

Newbie discussion / Re: Getting my 50
« on: September 07, 2013, 12:48 am »
Time to start cleaning up these multiple spam threads.

For now there will be one spam thread left up, it can be found here:


All other spam threads will be slowly phased out.

Newbie discussion / Re: The Official Counting Thread. Last post wins!
« on: September 07, 2013, 12:45 am »
Time to start cleaning up these multiple spam threads.

For now there will be one spam thread left up, it can be found here:


All other spam threads will be slowly phased out.

Time to start cleaning up these multiple spam threads.

For now there will be one spam thread left up, it can be found here:


All other spam threads will be slowly phased out.

Newbie discussion / Re: SPAMINACAN
« on: September 07, 2013, 12:41 am »
Time to start cleaning up these multiple spam threads.

For now there will be one spam thread left up, it can be found here:


All other spam threads will be slowly phased out.

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