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Messages - samesamebutdifferent

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 ... 278
Silk Road discussion / Re: Atlantis market place closing down
« on: September 20, 2013, 04:16 pm »
Care to comment on the nature of the security concerns?

Newbie discussion / Re: Counterfeit Euros
« on: September 20, 2013, 04:09 pm »
You haven't found them on SR because counterfeit currency is on the banned items list.

Newbie discussion / Re: Is Encrypting Your Address Absolutely Necessary?
« on: September 20, 2013, 04:02 pm »
You should never trust your information with a 3rd party, ever.

For the extra few seconds it takes to encrypt your details you would be stupid not too. If you are having trouble getting to grips with PGP there are some really good threads on here where you can get help and useful information. Do not give up because it is proving to be a challenge, it's a challenge worth persevering with, possible the most important challenge of them all.

Encryption should be used for the transmission of all identifiable information.

We need to stop kids from using silkroad some how. Any ideas?
It's time to apply some misinformation. Find the threads on Tumblr, where the teens have been bragging, and start feeding them 'tales of misfortune'. Feed them stories of ripoffs, LE raids, customs seizures and robberies. Feed them stories of addiction, mental health and family problems. Be subtle.

A few weeks of misinformation can work wonders. It won't get rid of all of them but it will get rid of a good chunk.


You have just described the newbie forum ;)

Off topic / Re: The Australian Thread
« on: September 20, 2013, 03:34 pm »
Wheres mokshaft when you need him? post in his mdma avengers thread to see if that gets his attention ;) 106% you say?

Thanks man.  You're very respected on here also.  I love the SR community and happy to provide our product and services.

Cheers mate - we try

Vive la revolution!!

(actually I reckon if this community took power, the world would be a far better place!)


We are building momentum ;)

Silk Road discussion / Re: SockPuppet Ratings inflate bad vendors
« on: September 20, 2013, 03:22 pm »

we know that LE is not allowed to vend drugs...

Really? I disagree. We keep seeing information creep out that counters this claim.

We know for sure that the FBI was selling fake drivers licenses online under a vendor account named Master Splynter and they were running this for two years before having to expose the operation in a German court hearing.

How about Operation Fast and Furious? The ATF was selling illegal high-capacity guns to Mexican drug lords. Clearly a legal violation, but they did it anyway. How is selling drugs that far removed from Fast and Furious? You really think they draw a moral line at drugs, yet they'll go undercover and sell CP, guns, and fake IDs?

I'd bet anything LE has multiple vendor accounts on SR and use them as tool to gather information and stay in the loop. The FBI wasn't selling fake IDs online to bust people buying fake IDs. They just sat back for years collecting data and seeing whos buying what. They played the long game.

LE do bend the rules to suit there purposes agreed and have engaged in criminal activity as part of ongoing investigations e.g. allowing sites to continue to operate after they had taken control and they have also engaged in arms trading, governments have been doing that since they invented gun powder but I'd b fucking surprised to discover LE set up shop on SR, BMR or Atlantis and vended illegal drugs.

It is much more likely that someone like the CIA or another intelligence agency, or one of their off-shoots would set up and sell just for the untraceable money. The CIA alone is known for smuggling and selling tons of cocaine. I've even wondered if any of the Irish vendors were possibly connected to the IRA. Not that I would care, but subversive agencies that need to make their own budgets are much more likely to use these black markets.


I doubt vending on Sr could generate the kind of cash the CIA would be interested in, they were flying tonnes of coke into the US to fund the Nicaraguan Contras, they would have to be top tier and selling a shit load of drugs, think of how much effort would be involved in running that operation, nah I'm not buying it.

LE selling drugs won't happen imho, they can sell fake ID's, guns and all sorts of other shit in their pursuit of the perceived bad guys but if it came out they were selling drugs it would destroy what little credibility they have.

« on: September 20, 2013, 03:07 pm »
I use a use heat bags! :) Can i can get in you're list pls?
Realdeals: https://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion.to/silkroad/user/11897f24a2

Done :)

I can't, not sure what privileges the admins have though.

If people want to send in their information that's up to them really, you can only do so much to guide people on here.

So when Tormail got taken down by the feds I wasn't in much of a rush to set up another email account but with the recent botnet causing connectivity issues I looked into my options again and created a safe mail account.

Was working just fine until just now, when I try to log in I am directed to another log in page asking for my credentials again that looks a bit like safe mail but not enough to make me confident I am still on the safe mail site.

Anyone else experience this?

I've not entered my credentials again to see what happens, would rather just abandon the service if its looking a bit dodgy.

Customer support / Re: Changing my pin for security reasons.....
« on: September 20, 2013, 02:11 pm »
What do you mean a "tumbler site"? your coins are only tumbled before they are deposited into you account, they don't continue to get tumbled once they are deposited.

Anyway post back when you hear from support, I'd be interested to hear what they have to say.

Customer support / Re: Changing my pin for security reasons.....
« on: September 20, 2013, 01:46 pm »
So you have used your pin to make orders but you can't change it? you should message SR support so they can look into it, might be a bug in the system that needs fixing.

Off topic / Re: suicidefunds
« on: September 20, 2013, 01:35 pm »
for anyone to call themselves delusional is a joke because how could they know?
yes, I would gladly use the coins for the intended purpose and be out of your hair.
I don't come here to troll as people say I do. I think the problem for me is an inconsistent defintion of the term 'troll'. most people say that and mean that I strait up fabricate shit for attention. well , no. I don't. you can question my sincerity but not my factuality.
I attempted suicide by pills once before. I'd do it again.
I never used to talk about my suicidal ideations but they've been with me since I was a 15 or younger. I used to have a totally different personality, where I never talked about my problems and always tried to be helpful to others and idk what happened. I stopped caring I guess.
anyways I do go to therapy and I do take pills. I still intend on suicide, I just feel better about it :p. my overall mood is better. suicidal ideations did not go away. and before you ask , I've been to a psyche ward before. the only help I can get is from the angel of the night- she is equiped to handle this better then I am and I in turn care about working myself out for her. other then that I pretty much care about nothing.


If you really had given up all hope on yourself you wouldn't be capable of constructing that post. When people hit rock bottom they can barely function, you are far from rock bottom because you are on here looking for free handouts under the pretense of funding your suicide endeavors.

Get a better therapist, one that actually challenges you. Get involved in some community work in your area, some men's organizations are good like the Mankind Project for example, they can help you figure your shit out.

And above all else abstain from any substances that mess with your brain chemistry, you are not going to find the solutions to your issues in a bag of mushies or mdma, depressed people should not be taking anything that can exasperate their imbalances.

Looks precisely the same as it always does on my computer mate, nothing different whatsoever.

Off topic / Re: The Australian Thread
« on: September 20, 2013, 01:21 pm »

How would you rate the  current batch in your muzzle??????????????? I'm surprised it has no smell..definitely whitewashed onto the rocks

You don't make stupid  claims such as 84% pure......purer than the Virgins Mary

Comms were not required marked in transit the following  day received in two days as expected,  stealth was good, weight was bang on, product yet to try, story so far deserved of a five...........


Placed an order late Monday for some whizz bang pop. Come Wednesday item was not marked in transit thus messaged vendor more or less here's the exchange..

 "Why the delay?"

" Oh I couldn't properly decrypt your address send it again"

 " Please cancel order  thanks"

Moving forward gonna give  chemical brothers whipper snipper a good  nudge ...priced to fly off the wall at  $150 a  banger.

One last thing for the opiate fanatics amongst us .....NN is back in the mix
It does have a very mild smell when there is large quantities. Not very noticeable though.
And no I have no idea what purity it is so I'm not going to make it up. I know it's high quality MDMA.

Wheres the fun in that dingo? do what everyone else does and claim it's a physics defying 97% pure, it will annoy mokshaft something awful ;)

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