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Messages - samesamebutdifferent

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 278
Off topic / Re: The Official Morning Coffee Thread
« on: September 22, 2013, 08:59 am »

Quality ;)

Silk Road discussion / Re: Some thoughts on Atlantis closing
« on: September 22, 2013, 08:50 am »
can the Sr family and friends donate,team up and support our own relays?  What can we do DPR to help sure TOR and SR?

We need a new system, Tor is gasping its last breaths right about now, if the NSA or other five eyes countries put in a concerted effort we could be in a lot of trouble, I'm just hoping our little piece of the dark net doesn't rank too highly on their priority list anytime soon and other more pressing issues have them busy. We are after all a peaceful bunch who like to get high occasionally, we are hardly a threat to national security even if the ideals of SR are a huge counterweight to the established norms.

OP you just fell through the bottom of the barrel of self respect.

Murderface I admire your conviction to your word but no one is going to blame you for piking on this agreement.

Newbie discussion / Re: Would an escoort service survive SR?
« on: September 22, 2013, 08:07 am »
Yes, I am. Still getting
"The address isn't valid
          The URL is not valid and cannot be loaded.     

  Web addresses are usually written like
  Make sure that you're using forward slashes (i.e. /)."

SSBD, it's an emergency! My balls need assistance here and you're the only one who can help me!  :'(
too much?

Ok its an emergency so get to Brussels quick, look at ItalianMafiaBrussels listings
Only on SR can I have a conversation like this with a mod. Wow, ItalianMafiaBrussels really put a lot of thought into the description of those listings. I mean that could be published

Impressive hey? they could get the Booker price for that :D

I thought this sounded like a stupid idea, but then when I thought about it there are a lot of vendors with very poor writing skills and sometimes when I can see someone can't even write properly it really does put me off trusting them with giving them personal details and wondering if they have what it takes to send a parcel professionally.
However you will make stupid people seem smarter than they are, but at least if they got the brains to use you that does make them a little smarter.
Good luck (did you mean to write Hits or Hints in your heading?, Cos a typo isn't a good beginning)

Not questioning the need but I have to agree with Fried Rice, you can tell a lot about a vendor by their vendor page, typos, poor grammar (yes I said it), no pgp and a whole range of other traits are enough for me to give some vendors a very wide berth and it has served me well over this past year.

Obscure that you take away one of the most fundamental screening processes for buyer when selecting vendors. Can you please charge exorbitant rates for obvious retards and LE magnets? that should still screen them all out. ;)

« on: September 22, 2013, 07:49 am »
Basically, there are 3 kinds of MBB, Tyvek MBB, AMBB and ANMBB, in the the market. The key factor of moisture barrier function of the bag is metal layer, like thickness of the foil layer, foil or metalized, etc., but thickness or material of other layers also can partially affect the quality of MBB.

TMBB has no metal layer, but will be used for less moisture sensitive device and this bag can also be a good choice for foods packing, which requires clean and vacuum properties.

So I'm assuming the TMBB has a higher MVTR than normal MBB thus making it not worth using as a canine sweep is the most likely cause of detection. That's assuming they haven't implemented more stringent screening as as matter of course. 

Newbie discussion / Re: Would an escoort service survive SR?
« on: September 22, 2013, 07:35 am »
Yes, I am. Still getting
"The address isn't valid
          The URL is not valid and cannot be loaded.     

  Web addresses are usually written like
  Make sure that you're using forward slashes (i.e. /)."

SSBD, it's an emergency! My balls need assistance here and you're the only one who can help me!  :'(
too much?

Ok its an emergency so get to Brussels quick, look at ItalianMafiaBrussels listings

Silk Road discussion / Re: Silk Road Forum Problums
« on: September 22, 2013, 07:31 am »
I keep my TTB in Downloads in my Libraries


If you are so concerned about your anonymity and safety so you don't want to bookmark the SR url why don't you save it on some encrypted media like a usb or SD card? then when your computer is not in use to can remove the evidence. I am well aware there will still be some traces of tor and the storage media but without it they don't have fuck all, sorry I lost it! it broke so I threw it away, whatever they cannot make you produce it, you are only fucked if they find it and you refuse to hand over the encryption key.

Newbie discussion / Re: Would an escoort service survive SR?
« on: September 22, 2013, 07:14 am »
I was wondering about bringing my escort buisness to SR, however I dont see anyone else in that avenue.  Would this be something worth while???

Someone is doing it...

That link isn't working

...not that I tried to go to it or anything...

Yes it is, are you logged into the market site?

Dasha is waiting for you livestr0ng ;)

Off topic / Re: The Australian Thread
« on: September 22, 2013, 07:09 am »
Guys Im an mdma virgin in my 30's.  Ive always avoided any stims or hallucinogens due to me suffering from an anxiety disorder since I was 13. I didnt actually know that I was suffering from general anxiety/panic disorder until my late 20's when diagnosed by a psych, growing up I was always told by those close to me that I was just a worrier and it kinda became normal for me. These days using cognitive behaviour therapy, meditation and breathing techniques I manage ok.

 Since my late teens I was always drawn to codeine and benzos. These were just the drugs I liked, well thats what I thought at the time. Obviously I was self medicating for my anxiety and still do a few times a month. My partner who is the love of my life, enjoys some mdma on a special occasion and my birthday is coming up. She has spoken to me a few times about us doing the drug together and has alluded to how it bought her and her ex closer together mentally and physically.

 These days if Im anxious or feel a panic attack coming on I can use the techniques Ive been shown and talk myself down. Im curious about mdma and the idea of us doing it together is really tempting. I guess my question is if there is a risk of having an lsd style 'bad trip' given Im predisposed to anxiety?

 Or if Im in a good headspace and a safe place when we take it together would that make it more likely to be a positive experience? Ive never heard of any of my mates reporting on a night from hell on the Gary Abletts but they dont suffer from an anxiety condition...

 I figure If we do it I will buy some domestic crystal off the road and cap it up. At least then Im positive Im not getting a speedy pill with ketamine and god knows what, which will help my mindset. Ive purchased a reagent testing kit too so I can test the crystal. Ive looked up harm reduction and dosage advice but would love to hear what you guys suggest for a first timer taking crystal most likely imported from the UK or Germany.

Cheers for reading : )

What makes you anxious? is it recollections of a previous event(s) or do you find generally normal situations can make you anxious?

MDMA has excellent therapeutic value for helping people come to terms with traumatic events in a way that allows them to confront then disassociate the feelings of anxiety and fear attached to the memory, this should of course be facilitated under controlled conditions by a trained professional such as a highly skilled counselor or clinical psychologist.

As a general rule though if you suffer with some mental health issues it is best to abstain from all drugs that mess with your brain chemistry and seek lifestyle enhancements that will improve your cognitive functioning.

Just don't fucking FE, I refused to FE for my first order.

I dont know Im not a vendor, but I think not enough people realize that its important to finalize quickly, BC if you dont finalize, the vendor is out the money until you do.  So if it autofinalizes thats a few weeks, And there been times where I def. was late on finalizing, BC the order arrived, so in my head I didn't care, and I never got called out for it which I should have, so I actually usually FE, for any vendor i've ordered from or has a year on here.  I know how pissed I get if its not marked "in transit" 10 minutes after i order, and then I message the vendor with "HURRY UP", (This was a long time ago!)  but when I actually looked at it from their view, it seems like they are getting all orders from brand new customers, (who probably are just as annoying as I was unintentionally), all I see are discussions from buyers with 1+, 10+ transactions, so Im sure they are taking their jolly time,  hahahahaha

I actually have a question, how come vendors dont cancel orders more often from someone they might not want to deal with?  Or message the buyer and say "I'm sorry but I gotta ask you finalize before i send out your order."?

Finalizing quickly and finalizing early are two entirely separate matters.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Silk Road Forum Problums
« on: September 22, 2013, 06:10 am »
What's TTB?

I don't save any shit, I just keep my Tor Bundle updates and use the links off Hidden Wiki, and SR was the only link I ever went to. I browsed SR for a few months then didn't buy anything, must of visited it like 30-40 times, then returned just now and been browsing for 3-4 weeks and made a purchase, then 2 days go by and the link on Hidden Wiki is changed, so I thought with DPR's backup plan it was something to do with that. I didn't know Hidden Wiki let it's user's just change Commercial Services links, I was using it for months before and that never happened.

TBB = Tor Browser Bundle

Never ever use tje links of the hidden wiki, they were changed for phishing sites all the time.

My point is if your TBB is saved somewhere safe then it is safe to save the SR URL bookmark.

If its just on your computer though then no its not a good idea.

They do this because most likely, your Tor IP is changing every time you move on to the next stage or refresh page.


Nah this is different, I changed the settings to reduce the requirement for IP changes to require log in again, this is happening right at point of log in, taken immediately to another lo in page.

Anyway fuck it, ditched it now anyway, looking for an alternative option.

i had two factor auth with my blockchain account.. so which mail service should i be using (for when i request for an account reset)?

I think the current position on this is look for a clearnet provider in a country unlikely to share intel with any of the five eyes countries. some South America countries or Russia basically then just use pgp.

i had two factor auth with my blockchain account.. so which mail service should i be using (for when i request for an account reset)?

I think the current position on this is look

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