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Messages - samesamebutdifferent

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 278
Vending does test your patience. If what you describe is an accurate description of events I would if I were you just refund the 25% and get your forum account upgraded to vendor status and get that buyer added to the blacklist, I'm sure you are not the first vendor to fall foul of them.

Try not to let yourself be held ransom by feedback blackmailers, you its all par the course I'm afraid.

Off topic / Re: The Australian Thread
« on: September 30, 2013, 07:02 am »
Funniest thing I have read in quite sometime and thought you guys might get a chuckle out of this as well, enjoy!

SSBD is actually not from AUS. I don't know if anyone else picked up on this, but it wasn't hard seeing as how he threw the word "mate" into every other sentence like a American Steve Irwin impersonator.

Mwah ha ha ha....heard it all now..thats some funny shit...

Great isn't it, good old InfiniteDickSauce up to his usual antics, you should click on the link for the full thread, it's quite entertaining.

Customer support / Re: Why Can't you cancel orders??
« on: September 29, 2013, 10:01 pm »
If you have never supplied shipping details then nothing was obviously sent to you. Take it into resolution and state your case there, hopefully the admins will be able to pull up the details of your order, see now shipping information was provided and thus evidence your claim. I certainly would not be providing them with my details at this stage in the game.

What shocks me
Oh and lets not forget that, at the very least, you sent $500 worth of epsom salt to some poor customer of yours instead of MDMA because you thought that he was me. Hahahaha

Have fun with that $500 bag of Epsom salt. Maybe you can use it to help your sore ass.
*stares open mouthed in disbelief *

Hey, heat fans the idiot who finalized on it.

You are banned for life coachella, remember?

This was history repeating itself yet again, nothing more and nothing less and you brought this entirely upon yourself, crying about it now won't change anything.

You might get the odd person on here who has been living under a rock these past few weeks who hasn't seen the way you carry on around here attacking your fellow vendors and then even attacking me. I see you are still trying to spread yet more bullshit, so I'm an mdma dealer now am I? Jesus Christ mate please just give it up, I can't keep up with how many bullshit things you have tried and failed of accusing people of just lately.

And if what I am reading is also true about you sending out epsom salts instead of MDMA then you have just provided the admins with even more evidence.

I am sure you will be back soon enough though.

Customer support / Re: member to member transaction
« on: September 29, 2013, 09:18 pm »
Member to member transfers are instantaneous, the other person either sent the coins to someone else by mistake or they were not sent so it sounds like you were scammed.

Customer support / Re: Deleted sent/unread messages?
« on: September 29, 2013, 09:15 pm »
Deleting the message on your end will not delete it on the others persons end so yes the vendor will still be able to read it.

You need to contact SR support via the market site, please refer to the FAQ sticky at the top of this board for instructions if you need them.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Channel 4 News
« on: September 29, 2013, 01:43 pm »
That fuckin Ryan West. He was all over our Aussie news selling his story like he a champion. Yeh, he got caught but why fuck it up for others by talking about it openly...

I haven't watched the video in that report yet but please tell me they didn't use the Ryan West story as part of their report?

The journo who did that report actually messaged me last week asking if he could interview me, urm no thanks mate!

what do you think of my suggestion just now? ..the more and more the cops on the street keep getting reports that drug offenders are obtaining from here, the more resources are going to get thrown at us. the longer they keep thinking it is just a very small minority of users here, the more likely they will keep targeting their resources at the street trade.

SR in on the news here in Australia all the fucking time and that Ryan idiot didn't do any of us any favors thats for sure. As much as we would like to think we are some clandestine renegade group no one has heard of the reality is SR is becoming known to ever increasing numbers of people and if LE decide to make targeting this site and those who use it then I seriously doubt the small minority of people LE actually catch for SR related activity is going to be the catalyst for some major crackdown. It won't be state LE coming after us, it will be federal with all their cyber agencies concentrating their efforts.

That of course doesn't mean people should learn to keep their mouths shut, stay off national TV and get a fucking grip of themselves.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Channel 4 News
« on: September 29, 2013, 01:06 pm »
That fuckin Ryan West. He was all over our Aussie news selling his story like he a champion. Yeh, he got caught but why fuck it up for others by talking about it openly...

I haven't watched the video in that report yet but please tell me they didn't use the Ryan West story as part of their report?

The journo who did that report actually messaged me last week asking if he could interview me, urm no thanks mate!

Please start off by reading everything in the SR wiki


any unresolved questions after that ask away...

Newbie discussion / Re: SOME BASIC ADVICE PLEASE
« on: September 29, 2013, 12:57 pm »
Firstly are you running the latest beta version of the TBB?

Secondly buying BTC linked to your bank account is not a good idea, think of it this way, you are using Tor to be anonymous on the internet so you can access SR but you are then linking yourself to the crypto currency you are going to use to buy illegal items on the dark web and have them shipped to you.

You should acquire your btc anonymously, have you checked out localbitcoins? def worth a look.

If you buy your coins in this way there is no need to worry about all the tumblers before transferring to your SR account, you have already broken any link between you and them.

Hope that helps, ask away if you need to know more.

Off topic / Re: The Australian Thread
« on: September 29, 2013, 12:46 pm »
anyone else having problems connecting to pidgin?


Glad its not just me

Off topic / Re: The Australian Thread
« on: September 29, 2013, 10:44 am »
Funniest thing I have read in quite sometime and thought you guys might get a chuckle out of this as well, enjoy!

SSBD is actually not from AUS. I don't know if anyone else picked up on this, but it wasn't hard seeing as how he threw the word "mate" into every other sentence like a American Steve Irwin impersonator.

mate, this made me lol. literally

You and me both mate ;)

Shipping / Re: HELP!: Is this about to be a controlled delivery???
« on: September 29, 2013, 10:31 am »
could be same as happened to me. vendor forgot to put stamp on package and the PO wanted £1.30. they had it for over a week and my spidey sense was jangling.

chill, que sera sera.

I think this is why diazpeam should really be used for.

It is actually a good thing to worry. This isn't a game being played. LE really really wants to shut this whole operation down and the more "wins" they can display, the more funding they will get/the more hellbent they will be. Just because SR makes buying drugs as easy as books from amazon, it does not mean people aren't out there trying to arrest every one of us still.
I wasn't freaking out, just concerned by the fact that something out of the ordinary was occurring: an overnight express package taking over two weeks. This is the first time any issue has arisen with a shipment and I was hoping for some sort of feedback from people having experience with CD's and what happens. I don't need to be told to take a chill pill, just attempting to gather information :)

Also, there was no asking for more money, the package has just vanished. Some postal worker must be having a grand old time at this point!

At this point, I'm agreeing with ppanth that if it were going to happen, it would of because it gives us time to have our suspicions aroused.

If the order has vanished you might do well to consider all eventualities and not just assume a light fingered postal worker stole your mail, from what I am lead to believe from reading the posts on here that is not that likely a scenario given the penalties for interfering with the mail like that

Also normally if a CD is going to happen they tend to set it up quickly to avoid creating suspicions that the order has been intercepted, it would happen within normal shipping times (normally so I am reliably informed anyway).

Technical support / Re: Categories not showing up under SHOP BY CATEGORY
« on: September 29, 2013, 10:13 am »
I take it you got this figured out ok?

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