This would be bad for the consumer actually(the buyer) and therefore bad for SR. I see what you are trying to say...but the fact is...all the vendors are actually just fine with the system in place...sure you always want to pay less....but the ones that are complaining...And I can tell you that in the vendor forums....there is never any talk of vendors complaining about fee's. We all are just fine..and the vendors that I have seen complain...are in these forums..and they are usually new..and they usually have no sales. Ultimately..the vendors take care of there big time customers... And also...buyers are just fine paying a premium for being able to sit on there ass...and have primo drugs delivered to them at home. I can tell you that NONE of my customers ever ever complain about prices. In fact...I only see it on the forums...and it is ALWAYS a broke dick. My customers..only care about getting their drugs and getting them fast. That is what they pay for. And every drug has different buyers wanting different things. And Weed is the most competitive hands down..and it is also the easiest to get. And Rx is the most in demand..and as a group..we get a long the best.(and this has NOTHING to do with this thread...sorry) I was just going on a rant that vendors should take care of customers..and not SR. And I am very happy with how SR operates and the fee's that are charged. And I would pay even higher. And be happy.