This was a very very very small problem... With the new system in makes it so that if you were to do could be spotted right away. Also for any good vendor it was and still is a total waste of time. As Astor did happen...but it was even easily spotted then. And what they were actually doing is making a listing...then making the price $0 then buying it from schill accounts...then they would re-list the item with a $2k or whatever price...but again this was easily spotted and I do not think that a vendor that fudged his feedback ever really scammed anyone. The biggest problem will and has always been the vendor that is great for a period of time...and then decides to leave...and they get buyers to FE. That is the #1 scam by a mile...and if you follow the advice of every member in here that has been around for more then 4 months and you DO NOT can not fall to a scam. PERIOD! In the past 6 months or so...SR staff along with members of the community have done a fantastic job of catching these scumbags. The bottom line is you have to use common sense. And if you do, you choose a vendor with a great rep...and you do not FE....YOU will have a great experience on SR and you will not get scammed. Vendors padding their feedback...has never been a problem on the road. Stupid buyers has been the problem on the road. And some really smart buyers that made stupid mistakes. DO NOT FE!!!!