+1 to you for pointing this out! These kind of shitty post just junk up the board and as you said....this is not the correct forum for this thread anyways...and the facts are these fucking guys need to stop making these threads all together!! Time and time again these post are made...and time and time again they get the coins every fucking time!! And they never come back to edit it or delete it..and no one ever learns from it. Some other person will send this same message in the next 3 days...then 5 or 6 will comment that they hope there coins will come....and of course all of their coins will come. FOR YEARS...WHEN YOU SEND COINS TO SILK ROAD...THEY DO SHOW UP .EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. SO YOU NEVER NEED TO MAKE A THREAD. AND FOR 99% OF US...WHEN WE SEND COINS TO SR...IT TAKES LESS THEN 1 HOUR FOR THEM TO ARRIVE. THE LONGEST I HAVE EVER WAITED IS 2 HOURS...AND 99% OF THE TIME IT IS UNDER 1 HOUR. AND I HAVE BEEN HERE A YEAR AND A HALF AND I DO NOT THINK ANOTHER MEMBER HAS HAD MORE BTC TRANSACTIONS THEN ME. Everyone should be aware that it could take up to 24 hours...and sometimes longer. They should also be aware that if they had a problem...or thought they did......this is not the place to come for help. Sure you can get it here. But try and do the right thing and go to the right spot for help. And that would be Silk Road....not the forums! Better yet.....chill out and sit back......and realize that your coins will be in your account shortly and you do not need to make a post saying your worried or hit the panic button. @weeal...Quit being a shit bag.