First I will address your last paragraph. I do not take what you said personally. Nor what anyone else says. I get that you have an opinion and even if I think it is wrong, you think it is right. BUT when I post in here, I only post from my point of view. I am not going to say in every single post I make that it is not personal I know that many post I write come off arrogant or as if I can't be wrong.LOL. First I find it really funny that a few people get pissed about that... so I actually play it up. Why wouldn't I??? I love that people get pissed at shit talking. Nothing better to me then when someone say's "do you have to be so arrogant?" But for you to say "everyone gives me shit" is just totally inaccurate. And actually the FACTS are totally with me. Not against me. Since you seem to care, go read the thread again. See what I say and then see what is said after me. If you did that, you would clearly see that very few disagree.. Also I have over 600 customers and I have been here for 1.5 years and I have never had anything but 5/ CLEARLY I am winning. I was told by these idiots when I became a vendor that if I did not use pgp I would not get customers. Now I can't believe that I am addressing this...but I have to. You actually said that because you can only visit privnote 1 time that it means someone that uses it is more likely to keep information? ? You ...actually believing this really insane. Your analogy with Scarlett Johannson's breast is totally lost on me. As I think she is a midget and I think she is fat. Also I think her tits suck. BUT I understand what you were trying to say (just use Jessica Alba)...and I totally disagree with the analogy and think you even thinking that is off the charts crazy. I do not need to save anything or look at address 2 times. I look at it, I address the label and that's it. I do not even understand how you think someone that uses privnote vs pgp would be more likely to keep an address or not. And I do not even think that is an issue. Now you say this--- "If you are fine with your messages going through a third party considering what just happened Tormail and FH I think you cant be taking security nearly as seriously as you say you are" What messaging are you talking about??? This whole sentence is incorrect. I do not use privnote at all ...first off. Nor did I use tormail. I tell buyers they can use it for their address if they must but that they are totally fine just sending it through SR. And I stand by that. But the biggest issue I have with what you typed is not only how out of context you take what I say, but how you say MY security is somehow compromised!! My security is NEVER at issue. EVER. PGP or no PGP, RxKing's security is never the issue. This is only about the buyer not wanting their address on SR or not. Every buyer that uses PGP is going to have there address out there. And that is my problem with pgp and all the security talk, it is just PGP offers NO SECURITY AT ALL!! But since you seem to know so much.......will you please tell me how PGP will protect me? I would love to hear it. But since the answer can't.....go ahead and tell me how pgp will protect the buyer. I would love to hear that. And don't use " If SR gets compromised" .....I want to hear the reason pgp is so great. I will be waiting for your answer. Also my BIG ISSUE is all the paranoia for NO REASON. Every time the littlest thing happens, they come out of the wood works about how SR is compromised...and of course they are wrong every time! And then there are idiots that say if you are not a little paranoid then you are not secure...that is just crazy thinking. I do not buy gold either. I do not store water or food. I have guns. If the world ends, I will take what I need from some loser that prepped. Or even better I hope I die. I do not want to survive on canned food and bottle water.