This is 1000000% on you! 0% responsibility is on Silk Road. Anytime a vendor has a sale that is offering drugs at half price but you must finalize then you should run. As you said in your first few were a moron....that is true. I am not trying to be a dick...I am just saying that you said it yourself... Greed is what got everyone to fall for this... As to your question..."Why didn't SR catch this first"....... Well SR is all of us! And the facts are that a lot of people are pretty sure it is a scam...but no one knows for sure until it actually happens. And as EVERYONE has said a MILLION TIMES!!! DO NOT FINALIZE EARLY!!!!!!!!! PERIOD. AND THIS WOULD NEVER EVER HAPPEN. DaRuthless1 is a total piece of shit....but he was only able to pull this off because people were stupid. This vendor never sold anything but 10 roxies at a time for 7 months....then he started listing everything for 50% off what every other vendors sell...and a ton of you fell for it. I feel bad you all got scammed...BUT if any of you actually listened to what every person in here has preached...then you would have never lost a penny. Sorry you got scammed...I know it must be a shitty feeling.