Why do so many people complain about how SR values the btc. How they do it is PERFECT! As perfect as it is ever going to get. THEY ARE NOT SLOW. They do the exact same thing they have done for over 1 year. In the exact time frame! It is a 24 hour average and the way they do it...helps ALL members...not just the vendors...but the buyers as well. When you guys go to Mt.Gox and see it is $150 per coin then you come to SR and see it is $120 or even $220 that is just fine. In fact it is PERFECT. It is as perfect a system as you can get. The fact is SR uses a 24 hour weighted average. And that is GREAT for the buyers. It allows you to know where the coin value is going to be. And it is great for vendors to as you have the same information. There is NOTHING wrong with a vendor pulling listings. NOTHING. How anyone does not understand stand this just go's to show you how stupid people are in these forums. If SR was to update every minute or even 5 minutes as Mt.Gox does it would be terrible for SR. In fact it is ludicrous to even bring that up..so I will move on. That would/will never happen and all of you should understand why that is a good thing. The fact is 99% of buyers only buy BTC so they can then buy drugs on SR. And if you have any kind of smarts...like an IQ over 90... you will never lose any money on the btc. And if you are smart enough to purchase your coins from someone that sell them to you at the current SR rate and not the Mt.Gox rate...then you will always have it good. Meaning you pay for the btc at $90 per coin...then you make a purchase on SR at $90 per coin. Bingo..you just used the btc wahat it was meant for on SR. To buy drugs. There have been WAY MORE buyers that have paid for an item at the rate of $120 per coin...THEN the btc go's up to $150 per coin and they try and get the vendor to cancel the order so they can reorder at the higher price. That is laughable. And it is one of the reasons you as a buyer can not cancel an order until the 4 day mark...if in fact the vendor has not shipped your item. That has happened a lot more then vendors cancelling orders because of the btc crashing. The problem that people should be talking about is what if a vendor cancels an order on you because the BTC has dived. Well the truth is they should not do that. If they do you should be pissed and you should never buy from them again. On the other hand if you bought a pound of weed at $3500 and the btc was valued at $200 per coin when you made the purchase and 1 hour later it is $90 per coin then you should understand why the vendor would want to cancel it. Notice I said "should understand". I didn't say you should like it. Nor did I say it was right of them to do it. In fact I already said that is bullshit and should NEVER happen. Of course you would not like that if it happened to you. Just like you do not like when you make a purchase for $3500 at the value of $100 per coin and the next day before the vendor has not marked it in transit ..and the value of the btc is now $220. You would want the vendor to cancel the order so you could then place the same order and you the buyer would be able to place that order and still have left over $1000 in btc left. That would be nice. But the truth it everyone, including the vendor should understand why you would want that....but they should not cancel your order. The fact is you paid $3500 for the pound...and even with the btc showing a value of $220 compared to the $100 it was when you made the purchase...you still paid the $3500 and the vendor still made the $3500. It makes no difference what the "value" of the coin has done...you guys have already made a deal. And the truth is...by the time you finalize the coin might be worth $90. But even when you finalize that does not mean that the vendor is going to get $90 for the coin. They may get $400.... if they are stupid they might get $80 per coin. The truth is ALL OF US know that the btc fluctuates. And the fact is that everyone...most importantly....the vendors have seen in the last month the coin go from $60 to $260. And on a lot of days they saw it go up $30 per day or more. So no one should be caught off guard. No vendor should cancel an order because the btc has gone from $200 to $90!!! There is NO WAY a vendor didn't know that was or could happen. And if they were worried about that..then in the example like the one I gave you....the $3500 for a pound...that is enough money where the vendor should do one of 2 things...they should put their listings in HEDGE mode......OR they should not list an item because they are not willing to take the risk of it falling. Or there is a third option...they realize that the btc can "crash" at any minute...and while it was...they take their listings down. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a vendor taking a listing down. That is just smart. BUT it is TOTAL BULLSHIT if a vendor cancels an order because the btc has fallen too much! And if a vendor did that..then I totally understand you the buyer being pissed. And you should not make a purchase again. As I said...all vendors are well aware of the fluctuations of the BTC. So they should not have a listing up and take orders un-hedged if they are going to cancel the orders when it crashes. It would just show you that you are dealing with a moron vendor. There is no excuse for a vendor saying he cancelled the order because of the btc falling. That vendor knew dam well that could happen. So on an item like a pound of weed...they should just have it hedged. The vendors that are in these forums crying because they sold a fucking gram of weed for $25 bucks...and now when the buyer finalized that $25 is $13 is a joke. First they knew that the btc could crash. Also for the last year...up until a few days ago..all that has happened is that the btc has gone up. And for the most part when they sold that $25 gram...by the time the buyer finalized it was worth $40 or more!! And they were not complaining then. So they complain when they lose... that is laughable. Not only is it only a few bucks...but again they knew when they placed that listing...that the btc is going crazy..both ways...so they should be well aware. Also, and this is the most important part...it is always just "paper value" they are never "losing" money. Any good vendor, that is smart, should realize that it really makes no difference what the btc is day to day. As it makes no difference as they are not selling those coins for cash at those prices anyways. And again, any item that is real money, they either chose to not list it as the market is to unstable..or they choose to list it with the hedge option( though a really smart vendor knows that does not offer 100% protection) or they realize that in the short term..7 days they might see the value on paper of that btc go up or down 40% , they realize by the time they go to sell that btc it will in fact (based on the last 12 months) go up. Also they realize that it could have been a bubble and therefore they just decided to not list anything as they don't want to take the risk of selling something at a value of $100 per coin and when they have to sell it..it might be $60 per coin. But this OP was stating how it is wrong for a vendor to take a listing down. AND THAT IS TOTALLY STUPID. What is wrong is for any vendor to cancel an order based on the fact that the btc has gone down. And it is just as wrong for a buyer to want to cancel an item because the btc has gone up. You the buyer realize that the btc can go up when you placed the order. If you thought it was going to go up...then do not place an order. What this OP said is about as stupid as it would be for a vendor to make a post that says...... " Should we the vendors make a list of the buyers that chose not to buy because they are waiting to see if the btc is going to go down or up?"(I think yes) As a community and for the better of the community, I think we need to make a list of all the buyers that did not buy in the past week. As that is bullshit they didn't make purchases" How stupid does that sound? That is the EXACT same stupid thing the OP said. Luckily if you read the thread you will see all the smart members that said it is totally fine with the vendors taking down listings. Of course it is OK. Just like it is totally ok with a buyer not making a purchase. Also if a buyer wants to cancel an order because the value has gone up...you as a vendor should say ok... And you should also tell them that you will not take an order from them again. And if you are a vendor that cancels an order because the btc went down..... you should not be vending. Not only is it fucked up to do that to a buyer...it really just shows how stupid you are and how you should not be a vendor.