LOL. Now I get you. You are delusional.... "Smarter folks then me have already ran off with all the money" What the fuck are you talking about??? I mean I understand it is nothing because you are a moron. You could be that lowlife loser Perky. In fact I think you are. I killed him. I only kill losers once. So you can live. but I suggest you go back and delete all your post. When people see your nonsense they click on your name and see other post you have made. They see what a waste of cum you were. They also read your response to me. You don't address one thing I said. You just go on some fantasy of who you think I am. They could give a fuck what you post. I care. I just want you to proof read your post before you make them. You make zero sense. Everyone knows you have never been scammed. You don't have any money. You are a shit bag. That's o.k though. That has been known since birth. No one expected much from you. They were actually shocked you learned how to speak. I am not shocked you have not learned how to spell. Just please tell me what you are on when you tried to type out a response. I believe all you could do is smoke a banana peel. Then again you might not be able to afford a banana. But I am sure you read somewhere that smoking that would get you high. I am actually most intrigued you are able to have access to a computer. You could be in a group home and this is your half hour to use the computer. Then again no group home would want you. So just please answer that question. I know you will lie. But I still want to read your answer. Just try and keep it simple. You can PM me since I know you don't like to post for the attention. Thank you fuckstick. RxKing