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Messages - RxKing

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Silk Road discussion / Re: What kind of buyer protection do you have?
« on: November 04, 2012, 06:44 pm »
Great answers and great advice.


Product requests / Re: MoneyPak for Bitcoins needed.
« on: November 01, 2012, 05:26 pm »
Instead of posting in the forums where you can/will get ripped off...why not go to SR and use a member that sells btc for MoneyPak?

Silk Road discussion / Re: What is up with opiate prices on SR?
« on: November 01, 2012, 09:14 am »
Wow...well said. I liked the way you wrote it. I can tell you didn't even try and you wrote it fast but really well. And I read it fast. Good read! I agree with everything you said. And I would have quoted it but it was long and I figure if you are going to write something that dead on and ...well that good that the least I could do is answer the 1 question you asked. Even though you didn't specifically ask me, you asked all Rx it is for those that don't know what I am talking about-----

the least Rx vendors could do is admit that they do indeed make a hefty profit because of a very specific addiction

I didn't know Rx vendors had a rep for not admitting that...nor did I know that people thought any different. I am also not sure if you want me to admit I make a hefty profit(I do) or if you want me to admit I make one because of an addiction? Meaning that somehow I would not admit that...I guess the answer is of course I do. But I must tell you I never think in those terms. When I got about 3/4 a way through your post..I was bummed.. Just kind of a downer when you look at it that way you wrote that. Don't get me wrong...I believe everything you said is 100% true ....though I am sure someone on here would disagree. I just never think of those things. I actually am an optimist and always think of the good. And I mean always.. I am a very positive thinker. The good being how great you feel when you are on pain meds and your not fucked up on them. How great I feel when I sell out. How happy people are when they get the package and they message me. I like the money I make selling them. I actually like the feedback when people are happy getting what they ordered.

But I will share this. Last week I messaged a customer who also happens to be a vendor on here. I told him that my Roxie are back in. I would like to share the message he responded back to me------- First I am going to give you my message to him. A little back ground..I have been selling to him every week sometimes twice a week ...either Roxie or Opana. He would order 20 of either one. At first it was only Roxie...He is actually the person who made the write up for the dremel technique for the Opana 40. He always left the best feedback...and he always sent me great long messages on just random things. And never came across anything other then a good guy to me. Someone I liked and would chat with from time to time. So here is my message to him------

Just wanted to let you know I have Roxie back in...

Hope your doing good :)


This was his message to me 1 hour later--------

Yeah man, Im done with opiates...I had a near death experience; ended up on narcan thanks to a friend who found me passed out and purple....from there to detox...and now in a sober house with 30 days (off opiates) still on addies and benzoes but those I need :)
I did find that package by the way, and its been a pleasure doing buisness with you, it was a fun run homes. stay safe and keep doin your thang.

Much Respect,

And after I got that...I just sat back and kind of starred into my screen and thought about what would happen if someone I sold pills to actually died. And as I was just starring at the computer and thinking about this "friend/customer" in here and where he was at that moment...I was refreshing the inbox and every time or about every other time a new message was coming in and all I can see is the from who and the title and most just said "subject" but there were a few that read "Love you king! Roxies are back!" things like that..all I remember is me sitting there for about 45 min just thinking about what if "my friend" had died.

Again realize I had messaged with him for 5 months..and he sent me sometimes 5 page long messages of the funniest, crazy stories. I mean the guy was a vendor and a buyer and gave me his address. I say he trusted me.. And he ALWAYS made me laugh..and if you read my feedback and you was from him.. Anyways he lives back east and when I first heard of the storm I actually thought about him...I have no family back there but I do have IRL friends and I wondered about him..Was weird actually.

But what I thought was the most amazing thing about him..... was  his response to me. When I first read it..I was just in shock that happened to him. Then it hit me that this kind of shit happens and I was the one who gave it to him. Then I thought about all the others I have sold to and what has happened to them. And now all I think about is how great a guy he is to write me that message with no hate directed at me . You guys have read it... I just can't get over that. And I wondered if I was in his shoes... if I could write that.

 He said many times. I was HIS #1 guy. Yes there were others...but I was his go to vendor. I would actually send him 2 orders and he would "buy" the other order when he got the BTC the  next week and i just would not send it. Not that it was much money ...but he sure thought it was...and said many a time after 3 or 4 months of maybe doing it 5 times how generous it was of me and how much he liked that I trusted him. Because he said IRL no one trusted him.

I did. And he never once didn't do what he said he would. He really was my "best" customer. And after what he told me... it really made me think of what I really do.

I know I vend to people that have no control and are in serious trouble. I also vend to others that have their life in control and just like to take meds(smallest group) I also vend to others that resell. And I vend to those that have not yet had a problem that will 100% for sure have one based on what I give them. And it makes me think how many people fucking hate me. Mothers, wife's, sisters,brothers,perky, And when I think like that it makes me want to quit.

Yes I also vend to some that have cancer or some other health problem that give me long messages on how much they thank me and how I "save" their life's. I am not dumb. I realize that those people do exist but more then likely it is a "sick" person that is just addicted to pain killers. Even Perky told me he wont fuck with pain killers as they fucked him up before.

A vendor on here recently told me they are stopping. And the first reason they said is they used to be addicted to pain meds and are not now..But they are sick of being the person that supplies that person that was them. It really made me think.

It has been 2 weeks since my friend sent me that message. And I sent him back a long message thanking him for not blaming me. And I ended it with "I hope you never read this"  meaning I hope he does not log onto SR.

So I don't like to think about that truth. I know it exist. I am not stupid. But I also believe that there is another side that is not such a downer. And that is the side I think about. I don't just do it with SR. I do it in every aspect of my life. I always find the good in something. Other then animal abusers and child molesters. I think BOTH should be killed. 

So you ask me if I will admit I make a huge profit selling something that is highly addict-able. YES. And yes I think about all the bad it causes. Just like I think about the bad Mc Donald's causes or alcohol sales cause. So in truth if all I did was think about the bad. I would quit. And one day I will. But for now I sell Rx to anyone that has the BTC for it. And I don't think about how or where they got it. I don't think about how they are going to use it. I just do not think like that. But just being all aspects of my life I don't think about the negative. But when my friend sent me that message..... All I thought about is how he is ok. And how he didn't blame me. How if I didn't vend to him...someone else would have.

And I am just happy he didn't die.

Silk Road discussion / Re: What is up with opiate prices on SR?
« on: November 01, 2012, 04:15 am »
RK im confused, you talk about him getting them for ten cents and selling at 2 dollars, or fiteen dollars? i think you mixed up the oxy and dilly or what did you mean?

and just for the record - i refused to buy from vicodin as well because of the prices, but thats just my decision... i am not on here trying to complain of prices and V obviously had enough constant business

(i did post in this thread but i was just taking part in the conversation... its your decision to list them at $1/mg and its my free decision not to buy them)

i understand for the service provided i think it is reasonable too, especially considering some of the prices on the street before i moved and lost my connects. i just cant afford it honestly

I was just taking about an opiate and him saying he could buy for 10 cents IRL and would sell for 2 bucks...then 4 paragraphs later he says because of time, supplies and such he would charge 15..So the person who complained and started this thread, said he could get dillies for 10 cents and sell for 2 bucks then said he would actually sell for 15... or whatever....You get the point...

Then you were being sarcastic, thought I didn't understand, then others chimed in an stated things that were totally wrong as facts...

The real truth is Opiates are in very high demand. More buyers then sellers. But they have come way down. And at the price they are as of the last 2 months(talking about roxies at $1mg) are fair. And for the most part people are happy.

These post come up about every 4 days....along with the "I need BULK ROXIES...SOMEONE PLEASE HELP" post. Then 2 days later the "WHY ARE THERE NO ROXIES IN HERE" then 1 day later " HAS LEO GOT THE ROXIE VENDORS...I'M WORRIED ...I MESSAGED MY VENDOR 2 HOURS AGO AND HE HAS NOT MESSAGED ME BACK...I THINK LEO GOT HIM...I AM IN THE PROCESS OF BURNING MY GARAGE" Only to find out that the guy who made the post for bulk cheap Roxies...wants them for 20 so he can sell for $35 back home. The guy who says he can get 120 for $9 just fades away as realizes there is so much more to vending then just selling the pills for X amount..And  if he was ever going to sell ....would sell for the market price..not the $3 he told everyone. The guy who panicked and burned his garage( I swear I read that and was like WTF..your garage???) because the vendor didn't contact him for 3 hours...well his high wore off and he realized the vendor he was trying to contact was a vendor in vacation mode.

It is very simple..the market sets the price..and when you are the lone ranger with product as VICODIN was for a while after pharmville left..he could charge whatever he wanted because there are enough people here with money to spend. And there are others like yourself that choose not to. Maybe money was the factor maybe it wasn't. Maybe you found better value in something else. I don't know.

What I do know is you were here when I started. And when I did..I promised to offer lower priced pain pills and USA made Xanax bars. When I got here Bars were $12 each. Roxie were $48 Norco 10/325 were $15.Opana 40mg were $75

 Now I am talking USA made and USA shipping. I said I would change that. I also said I would not raise my prices. I would not cheat people. I would ship the fastest.  I would charge the actual shipping cost. And I would not let an order sit there for a day. If you ordered before 10pm EST. Your order went out! And if you ordered before 7pm EST you got it the next day.

Well Vicodin kept his business and his prices. I learned that people will pay as long as they get treated right, you ship fast as fuck...did I mention ship fast as fuck? and you answered messages.

I have done all that. My feedback proves I am a man of my word. There are now about 10 solid Rx USA vendors. All of them cool as shit. All of them great in the categories that matter. And I think if you are a USA customer looking for USA Opiads then you have 10 guys that who ever is in are going to get your meds. And that is pretty fucking cool.

I have talked to all of them. And everyone is here to make money yet they all are not here to charge the max. They actually care about what they ship. They all want 5/5. and they all do everything to earn it. When shit hits the fan in here...It is never about a USA Rx vendor. And in truth the one complaint was VICODINS prices...but he had a product no one else did. HE took the risk. And he told you "I don't care if you don't like my prices...go to someone else" And those that did use him..AND A LOT DID!! Got there product fast as fuck. Perfect every time. And had no complaints. SO much so that when a new vendor came along and offered his exact pill at $5 cheaper...they stayed with him!! Like I said ....for a lot of the actual is not always about the price. And the beauty of this place is that you have a choice. And if you have a favorite vendor then stick with them! But in our game..when one of us is out...another one will step right in. That being said...I know there are a lot of great vendors in the weed,H,coke and x game too. I just can't speak for them..because I don't vend that.

Those are the actual facts. SR is fucking awesome if you actually take the time to learn how to use it.

And another thing..there are a lot of people that I am sure don't like me and vice versa...but as a will be hard pressed to find a group that knows more shit then us. There are guys I fucking hate their threads...yet I would go to them in a heartbeat for an answer because they know their shit. And there are vendors that will bend over backwards for you if you really need it and you are not a dick. Pretty fucking cool. Especially for a bunch of drug dealers and addicts.

Happy Halloween

Silk Road discussion / Re: What is up with opiate prices on SR?
« on: November 01, 2012, 02:13 am »
i should also clarify i wasnt suggesting OP actually do that - he already said he didnt want to sell...

i was just further proving your point about the dilly, but i dont actually believe he can get oxy for ten cents/mg which is why that comment was more sarcastic then anything, maybe thats what confused you?

Don't worry - he's just a vendor defending his prices, I read your guys' whole argument and basically what this guy is saying is since he can get more for them and people will buy them all day, then why ever lower your prices! who wants to help anyone out anyway?

I'm sending you a PM about the roxies - I'll let you know what's up

I am not a vendor defending my prices...LOL..and there has been no argument. I am a vendor telling non vendors how it actually is! This is a typical case of someone that can't afford a certain drug(in this case an opiate) saying that they can get it IRL for 10 cents and would sell on here for 2 bucks....yet if you keep reading he actually say's he would sell for 15 bucks(the current price)!!! He even gives the reason being all the time,shipping supplies ect... It is all there in writing.

I love how people come into a topic and don't read every post...yet take the time to give their opinion and it is of course not based on any facts..or what has been written is just stuff they made up to sound good to themselves

Earlier in the thread someone said they would not pay $37.50 for a 30mg...I agree..It is $29.88  for a 30mg. Would you pay that?
 Is that a big enough difference?

And every single person that actually purchases them is happy with the price....and many would actually pay more. As is always the case with the actual buyers. Of course everyone that is on the buyer side would want matter how low it is...but the real facts are the people that actually buy the Roxies are very happy with the prices. And we happen to sell the most in demand drug with the lowest availability on here. And all of the Rx vendors are really good guys.

When vendors leave our "department" for lack of a better word..they tell everyone they are leaving and give big discounts to get rid of inventory. They don't hold a sale, require everyone to FE and burn people. Not to many other drugs can say that. Take Vicodin for example. HE is retiring after being here 1 year+ he has perfect feedback and the number 1 complaint was price..yet he was the only guy! And his actual buyers didn't have a problem.Of course you are never going to make everyone happy. And for some people $29.88 for 1 pill is expensive..for others...they buy 300 at a time. TO EAT!!!

 So instead of thinking I am a vendor trying to defend my prices...actually read the post and you will see I am the ONLY vendor in this thread actually telling you how it really is from this side.

I in no way need to defend my prices since I am the lowest priced vendor on here in Rx for opiates. Yes there are others too. I am not the only one. But I have zero complaints about price and I could raise my prices and still sell out.

Also I am only talking about USA Rx Vendors.

Thanks for reading!

Silk Road discussion / Re: What is up with opiate prices on SR?
« on: October 31, 2012, 06:36 pm »
SECOND - "you could make a killing" (directed at the OP, not you, and not having anything to do with the first comment)
If drugfather can get oxy for ten cents a mg and he sold them here on SR as someone suggested for the current price at one dollar per mg then he would have a potential for a huge amount of profit... thats 27 dollars per roxy

So that's what you meant?...ok

So what people were sayin..not you..people that if he sold at the current price he would  make a basically against everything the OP stated in this thread. And proves that if people were in the position of HAVING the goods they would get the paper. Plain and simple. Doesn't make them greedy,bad,nothing but smart! They would sell for the current market rate and make a killing...not sell for .50mg and be 50% less then everyone else. That would be bad business and stupid.

I just wanted to point out that the people that complain...if they could would do the same thing if not worse. I am 100% I can raise up my prices and still sell out. Yes they are paying for the drug...but they are paying for the service..and a few bucks to them is no big deal. To each his own.

Feel bad when people can afford things..but some like micro just refuses to spend his money on pill opiads and instead went to man..more bang for your buck.

What really killed the market is the new anti tamper pills. It raised Roxi 10 fold..also they are getting harder and harder to get. And the demand is through the roof.

Silk Road discussion / Re: What is up with opiate prices on SR?
« on: October 31, 2012, 05:30 pm »
those were actually two separate statements

first was saying if i could find oxy anywhere for 50 cents/mg that i would be very interested in buying again. for $1/mg i prefer to spend the money on H

the second was toward DF, saying that if he can get oxy for ten cents a mg he should sell on here as he kinda mentioned - he could sell at ten times what he is getting them for...

Oh I got it..You were saying that if he could get it for 10 cents a mg he should sell on here as he kinda mentioned-he could sell at ten times what he is getting them for...     
That makes sense....but what about the main part...this......
"shit, if someone was providing them at 50 cents a mg i would actually be interested in oxy again"

"you could make a killing"

Security / Re: Is RxKing Good For BTC?
« on: October 31, 2012, 03:37 pm »
Sorry I do/will not do anything less then $500.00. You said it right...not worth my time and I would be bothered 50 times a day.

Blueskytraders and sugar mama are 2 that you should try. There are of course others. Just check the feedback before doing any business and go with a vendor that has been here for a while and has a good track record.

I know btc seems hard to get/understand. It really is not. There are plenty of ways to purchase it. Just don't buy from anyone that takes a debit/credit card.

"Build your Buyer stats slowly with small purchases of non drug related items"

That is the WORST advice. We can see that you are doing that and it makes ZERO sense..BUT the next line is the BEST advice..

"work it out with a vendor via PM (Most are very helpful to new customers)"

There are more scamming buyers then vendors. The reason FE is allowed is because it is a free market. It is not allowed by new vendors with less then 55 sales. Though some do it. If you see it to SR as there is not a system in place that won't allow it...meaning it is not like the system shuts you out until you hit 55 sales. It is just told that you cant do it. And some new vendors ask for FE and when get called out act like they didn't know(complete bullshit).

Bottom line is this...Don't FE if you do not want to. Move on. There are plenty of vendors. YOU make the decision. You are never forced to FE. I have yet to see where the only option is a vendor that requires FE. So shop around. Just remember to finalize as soon as you get your drugs. Nothing worse then a buyer who wants over nite service then takes 2-3 days to finalize.

I can say that even though I am against it...that some vendors must do it or they will just get scammed. Meaning they can't ship with DCN and so the buyer knows that..and the buyer will claim he did not receive the package and try and get a refund or re ship. Trust me it happens more then you think. Again the beautiful thing is there is always a choice. So pick yours. But just because you don't like it does not mean it should not be an option.

Silk Road discussion / Re: What is up with opiate prices on SR?
« on: October 31, 2012, 02:54 pm »
shit, if someone was providing them at 50 cents a mg i would actually be interested in oxy again

you could make a killing

So at $1 a mg now all of us vendors sell out....but if I could sell for $.50 a mg I could make a killing????????

Am I missing something?

Silk Road discussion / Re: What is up with opiate prices on SR?
« on: October 31, 2012, 01:21 pm »
this thread comes around all the time. it's ironic you talk about overpriced goods then go on to say you would sell dilaudid 8mgs that you paid 3 dollars for 15.

sad fact is, opiates are expensive, especially Rx opiates, and the market is there. you can call it vendors taking advantage of addicts, or vendors following market trends, but either way the Rx dope on here will always probably be overpriced.

hopefully a decent H vendor will come along and run the trap, bring the prices down. because the H prices are just silly. i mean oxycodone is about the same on here as the streets in some places, but it's a whole different story with heroin.

Let me address the first bit - If I go through the trouble of packaging and shipping narcotics, I'm putting my freedom at risk and therefore, yes, for the massive amount of work it takes, I'd ask for a little more... (I sell them locally at $10 per so that isn't asking for much considering it would be more work)

Anyway, you do make a valid point. But still - even with Oxycodone at $1/mg (Hydrocodone being the same) I can get it here for less than ten cents per milligram... why would I want to even use silk road to begin with?

As far as the H goes, at least you gave it to me there. SR prices are crazy for H and most of the H vendors anyway are scams :/

Holy your first paragraph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said in my first post in this thread YOU ANSWERED IT!

The truth is we/I could charge more! It is not just supply and demand..that is the main thing of course..but demand for opiates will always be bigger then the supply. Plus they pay for reliability. There are vendors with lower prices that do less business then a vendor with higher prices. This has been addressed many a time...but you must not have read those.

YOU think the price is high..A lot of others do not. EVERY single person of course wants to pay less. Who wouldn't. But many are happy with the price. And have no problems with it. It is always the ones who can't afford the prices that complain. And I understand that. But opiates are hard to get in numbers. And the fact is the demand is huge. If there was a drug that should be lower it is weed. But that's not the case. Again for 1 reason...demand. Quality weed will always bring a premium because there will always be a demand. And the demand will come from people with money to spend. Just like there are people who buy BMW's and people that buy fords. Both get you from A to B. But the fact is people will pay for quality...nothing wrong with Ford...and some like them better then BMW...and if you need a truck..BMW is not even an option..but the fact is people will pay for something even if others say is over priced because they can afford it.Others complain how expensive something is and other say how happy they are with the price.

Not only once..but 2 times in your own thread you admit you would charge a lot for pills if you were to sell and you list the reason why...then you complain about the prices..Well the reasons you list factor in to the prices. But the truth is all of us vendors could charge more for opiates. With out question.

Vendors are in no way taking advantage of most of my clients are not addicts. Though some will argue we all are. If we wanted to we could all get together and list everything at $1.50 a mg and it would sell. There are not a lot of Rx vendors. And the demand is unreal. I sell the most Rx opiates a month and I sell out. I give a ton of business to other vendors. They sell out. I agree we need more vendors. But when they come they to will sell out.

No offense but your 120 script...would not even register.

I think $1 mg is a fair price. And it seems the buyers do to. As you sad we risk A LOT. And we spend a lot of time. And we have something that others simply can not get. Where as weed,H and coke...anyone can get. What everyone wants is someone that is reliable and delivers when they say they will. PERIOD. They pay a premium for that. As that is what is the most important factor.

Security / Re: Is RxKing Good For BTC?
« on: October 31, 2012, 12:07 pm »
Yep, definitely doing business with him again if he allows me to. I should've read his instructions twice, maybe three times, but the BTC went to my account not even an hour after I got back to him.

And of course I will do business with you again. Just because you made this post! Though as I told you in a message I would have anyways ;). Just like that you came into the forums and admitted you totally screwed up and in fact went awol and didn't respond to messages AFTER you sent me the money.

I couldn't believe you made this thread when you can just read my feedback..but more shocking was you did a deal with me...didn't do it right..sent me the money but then vanished. Just stopped contacting me AFTER you sent money and before I sent you coin. I of course did what I said I would, but I was shocked that you did this let alone did not follow my simple instructions. I don't mind of course as I don't really need to "talk" to you once money is sent..I just put btc in your account, but you would think you would be right on top of it and make sure I indeed put the coin in. Instead you just vanished.

What I find strange is I have been here 6 months and have perfect feedback, I help a lot of people and none post in the forums. And I am fine with that as all of them leave nice feedback. But people wont read the feedback instead they will come to the forums and ask. But no one in the forums has done business with me.

Anyways you make this thread and at the same time are talking to me on SR. You go ahead and send me money and you don't follow my simple rules. No biggie. But then I can't get a hold of you. I have your $$ and you do not have the btc... I just go ahead and send you YOUR btc and still I don't hear from you for 8 hours. When you do contact me you say sorry and hope I don't ban you and say in the future you will  follow my rules and actually read the listing.

This brings up a great point. I can't tell you how many people are worried about this getting btc on SR is not the easiest thing to do. And my way happens to be the easiest and fastest. What is strange is they do not even read what to do! They do all this detective work before they place an  order...then they just don't follow the rules..So strange.

Anyways...if you read my listing and follow the SIMPLE rules I lay out..and I cover every single will have BTC in under 1 hour with no fees what so ever. I have over 100 transactions for over 5 months and glowing feedback...yet people will not read my listing. Strange.

So I say to you. Thanks for making this post and for manning up that you fucked up yet you still got your btc in under 1 hour and everything was good. I will of course deal with you again. I just ask you follow the rules next time  :D. And I thank you for your business as there are many great choices if you look around..blueskytraders and sugar mama to name a couple(there are others..those two just stick out to me) that you could use and you chose me. And I thank you for that.

I am online 12pm PST to 8pm PST to answer questions that are not answered in my listing or on my vendor page. I just ask that you read both before you send me any message as I am busy and don't have time for stupid questions that are already answered multiple times on my page and in my listings. But I do understand it is a lot of money to a lot of people and it is strange just to send someone money, even if their ratings are good, there is always a first and in a way fuck the ratings...those don't help you when a vendor go's awol and you are the one they do it too!! I just do not like answering questions that are clearly answered on my page. As I am busy taking care of customers.

If you read my feedback..the only KING around my customers. So thanks to all of them. You made me the KING!

Silk Road discussion / Re: What is up with opiate prices on SR?
« on: October 31, 2012, 05:35 am »
    Its a market just waiting for a king pin to show up and make everyone else lower their prices. Its a free market and if people will pay outragous prices, than sellers wont lower them. The only thing that will change the prices is more sellers showing up and offering lower prices and pretty soon it will look like the mdma market is on here now!

Well shit. Who is in to help me do this? Because, honestly, I'd LOVE to be the one to bring them down - problem is, I can't be a full time vendor and something of this task would require a shit load of work.

I mean, if you go look at my posts, I've considered the idea, and I KNOW the demand is there- but the supply and the work may not be.

I can get 30 (up to 250 a month) 8mg dilaudid's per month for about $3.33 per pill. Turning that around I figured with all the labor and shipping involed, I could flip those ON SILK ROAD for about $15 per (even at that, it's really high but 3times lower than the current price for them)

My only issue is being able to handle 83845374573845 orders. I couldn't do it :/

Hence you answered your own question!! The price of the pills includes all the time we spend taking orders and answering questions and packaging and shipping.

Plus supply and demand.

It reads perfect how it is. You really need to get high.

There are many vendors on  here that can help you.

Just search on SR.

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