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Messages - RxKing

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Feature requests / MOVED: My Funds never showed up
« on: November 17, 2012, 03:22 pm »
This topic has been moved to Technical support (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?board=8.0).


Man am I disappointed to read the responses in this thread. I really thought more of you would look up to and have the deepest, utmost respect for Dr. Paul. It literally breaks my heart to see him retire. We have NOBODY else left in congress to carry the weight that man carried on his back for the last 30 plus years. All by himself, he fought tooth and nail to carry the weight of the message of freedom on his back, and it wasn't until his last few years that he got the recognition he deserved. Sadly that recognition didn't come from any of his peers or colleagues,  but from the entire generation of youth who were smart enough and intellectually free enough to understand how much of a hero he really was and is. There has NEVER been another politician who stuck by his principles and what he believed in like Ron Paul did. Not ONCE did he change positions, contradict himself, or vote against his libertarian ideals. You will NEVER find another statesman like him who really cared that much about his countrymen and the fundamental universal rights of man, and not about power or money. He was a one-of-a-kind man, and personally I believe he deserved to go down as an equal to MLK and Ghandi. He had no other motivation for his long hard career standing by himself against the rest of congress than to fight for our freedom. This is going to offend many of you, but I truly believe he has done more for defending my freedom than any soldier in the US military. The man deserves nothing but praise, love, and admiration. He has earned the right to go down as a legend, a true American hero, and most likely the last true statesman we'll ever have.

WOW--- Well said.

And true!

Sad actually

Silk Road discussion / MOVED: SR Support?
« on: November 17, 2012, 12:06 pm »
This topic has been moved to Technical support (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?board=8.0).


Silk Road discussion / Re: Down-time: summary and reflections
« on: November 17, 2012, 09:13 am »
What a GREAT message.

This would be a perfect time for all of you guys that talked all that stuff to apologize.

It is understandable to doubt and to not know. But now that you do...apologize. An apology go's a long way.

To DPR.... for us that believe in you and this site....That was rough...Not knowing sucks. But what I did know is your character. You have always held yourself extremely times and situations where most of us (me for sure) would go crazy and go off the handle. You had to read some brutal stuff from members. I know you understand it...but it is still not easy to read...especially when you KNOW you are doing everything in your power to fix it and make it better for US.

You have every right to be mad or upset at certain things people did/said but as usual for stayed calm, fixed the problem. Showed class, and did everything right.(didn't even curse!)I stand and clap for you. You made me proud to be a member and a vendor for this site. You made this and you allow us all to share in this.


This place is awesome and it starts with you!

But some "cousins" need to get kicked out of the family... ;)

Your the best. You have proven it. Once again. Now go get some sleep and then take a vacation. But this time bring your laptop ;D

Seamus is a great US vendor that vends old school OC 20's 40's and 80's.

When site is up on Monday....look him up.

Good luck

Silk Road discussion / Re: "SR Vendor" below forum user name?
« on: November 12, 2012, 05:19 am »
Yes the forum exist.

If you meet certain conditions (killing for DPR :P ) and you are of course a vendor you can apply and get the title.If you are a vendor then PM me and I will help you.

HH maybe a little harsh ??? ???

Sorry OP..people are a little testy right now.

Please pm me if you still have questions and you don't want to kill for DPR or get your head cut off

Out of the scenario you give you should do this------Btw are you in Canada?

go to library/internet cafe > create cavirtex acct there (i'm in canada) > go to bank and deposit cash > go back to lib/internet cafe to move BTC from cavirtex to  SR

There is No reason at all to not just send the coins to an address on SR.

Good Luck

Silk Road discussion / MOVED: btc worth going down
« on: November 12, 2012, 12:15 am »
This topic has been moved to Security (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?board=3.0).


Silk Road discussion / Re: Everyone needs to settle down
« on: November 11, 2012, 08:48 pm »
Am I the only one who remembers in silk road's early days when SR would be down for extended periods of time?  This is nothing new and I wouldn't be freaking out at this stage.

Give it some time folks :)  This is a hidden service done by hidden people, this isn't facebook maintenance.  True revolutions tend to have setbacks, but ultimately they succeed.

Great post... and so very true!!!!

« on: November 11, 2012, 06:36 pm »
Hello and welcome to SR. This is a great opening post and is exactly what you should be doing when you are new and you want the best experience on SR.

I think you should make this post in the Coke review threads also. As those in there will for sure answer you and you will get a faster response.(I hope)

Good luck and welcome to this great community. :D

Off topic / MOVED: SR Buyer Membership Fee - Thoughts?
« on: November 11, 2012, 04:10 pm »
This topic has been moved to Feature requests (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?board=9.0).


Silk Road discussion / Re: Everyone needs to settle down
« on: November 11, 2012, 03:29 pm »

It is frustrating that the site is down for this long. No one wants it like this....and no one more then DPR. Making crazy post and acting like an idiot helps no one. There has been an update saying things should be back up by Monday.

DPR will make an announcement later today(we hope). He is very busy obviously and is trying his best to get the site up. Everyone needs to show respect. If it was not for him then none of us would have this.

Everyone have a great Sunday. Go get high, relax,  get high again and be happy.


Security / Re: What happens with my BTC with SR down???
« on: November 11, 2012, 01:39 pm »
If SR needed to be shut down for good your BTC would then be transferred to the address you provided.

Though this is not will be up by Monday and that would put SR down for total of about 3 days.

Your btc will be in your account just as it was before SR went down for this period.

I hope that answers your question as this thread is now locked.

Drug safety / Re: Any experience with the new Opana 40mg ER?
« on: November 11, 2012, 01:29 am »
I wrote you a pm about it.

There is a tool you get at Wallmart(among other places) it is called a dremel. It comes with several bits and cost around $40. The model everyone go's with is the dremel 200.

You use the "orange" bit that comes with it. You get a bowl, hold the dremel in one hand and using any speed you take the pill in the other and grind it down. It will turn into a fine dust. You must do all of this in a deep bowl so that the powder ends up in it.

You then use a paint brush or other brush and brush it on to a plate. Then you can either smoke it by putting it on foil or make a line and snort it.

Also some(not many) make a parachute with it. You take a piece of toilet paper and put the powder inside and then make a little ball of paper around it and swallow. Then when that hits your stomach the paper will dissolve and your body won't have to take on the time release.

There is a write up on the listing. There is also a TEC that Hatter26 does and sells.

To answer your question, I have over 25 people that have done this and reported to me. I myself too have tried it. It is not a  new thing and has been around for about 5 mo.

Hope that helps

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