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Messages - RxKing

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Product requests / Re: looking for xanax
« on: May 18, 2013, 08:00 am »
Here are the facts about USA made Xanax bars..

I sell them at $5.88 each. I sell a min of 20 at a time though 80% buy 50 or more and a few guys buy 100 - 300 at a time. I get 1200 every month and I sell out every month. And so why would I want to sell in bulk for a discount? It would just be really stupid and bad business. And in fact MOST of the USA Rx vendors that sell Xanax sell to people that use them...we are not here to sell to others to resell them...IE bulk. And in truth the only reason I sell a min of 20 is because there are SO MANY buyers that use them and they do not have a lot of money or do not need more then 20 in a week and that is the number that seems to keep the real sketchy people away. And so selling 20- 50 is really just me trying to help out the small buyers that have been customers for a long time. As if I really did what I wanted to it would be 50min..

Now the Op when you say you want 100 to 2500...that is a HUGE HUGE spread. Also you should put an offer of what you WILL pay for X amount per pill. So many people write post in here saying they want X for a low price..well I can tell you that 100% of MY customers believe that 5.88 per bar is low..though I realize you guys wanting a large amount are going to be reselling it for that amount so for the very few of you that are looking to resell that price would not work.

Also so many people want or I should say so many people claim they want bulk or are looking for bulk..and SR is NOT the place to buy bulk. As for vendors on  here we can sell large amounts of a single selling for a whole sale price would be stupid... And so many people that request bulk in here just do not seem to understand that. I have the silliest arguments about this with idiot buyers..

I had more then a few guys tell  message me on SR saying how much if I bought 1000 bars off you...and I tell them $5.88 and they hurl insults back and tell me how stupid I am and how I just don't get it and I should sell to them for $2 as I would make a lot more And the posters in these forums that complain the most are the ones with no money or the ones that are mad you will not sell to them at a lower in fact they can then sell at the same price I am asking for! It is a joke really. I have seen this SO MUCH in the last year. There is just no one that will sell you USA made Xanax bars or oxycodone at a bulk price. It would just make NO SENSE.

I actually gave you guys the real numbers on this one drug so you could I have many times before..and as I said I sell out..if I had double what I had I would sell out. I could actually raise my prices and I would sell out.

And the real truth is that Silk Road is NOT the place to come buy your drugs to resell..YES you can do it...YES people do..that's not what I said..I just said it is NOT the place to do is not what it is set up since there is so many buyers here.  Also 99% of the vendors that are selling "bulk" Xanax 2mg bars are selling Onax and that brad is COMPLETE SHIT. And there was a few USA vendors that were here and were selling those...those vendors are gone now(good thing) but the Onax bars are not gone. They are still around...but those are not USA Xanax bars.And yes I know that someone will say those are "good" Just like someone will say Kim Kardashian is skinny. But most of us know both are not true. ;) Also one other thing...out of USA Rx meds...this is hands down the worst seller...and the worst buyers...There are not a ton of  vendors that sell 2mg USA made bars..but those that do will tell you the same..and remember I sell out every month. And I have almost quit selling these 10 times over the last is that big a headache...though my regulars are great. I cancel around 10 orders a day where people try and order under 20 or their stats are horrible.

I hope you find what you need form some vendor ...but again you and I think it was jack of spades should actually put up  a dollar amount..because your low is probably not the vendors low..and maybe if you were buying enough some vendor would rather take a hit and just ship 1 box to you instead of 100 to others...worst case is you get a no.

Good luck!

This is a PERFECT example of what to do when there is a problem with a vendor. Be cool and inform them. Don't run to the principal right away.

I am glad you did and it was/will be handled.  ;D

Though I think Vendors should not make mistakes the fact is we will. But I do not think ANY vendor or should I say any good vendor does it on purpose. It would be bad business. And like you said...I guess there is a reason he has a 100. If you choose a great vendor then you will get a great outcome.

Glad your happy.


Nor did he just get randomly pulled over and searched.

CLEARLY he had been drug dealing for some time.

Still sucks for him. BUT the fact he  kept a ledger, his passwords ect...FUCK HIM. He deserves to go to jail just on the fact he was very, very, very, stupid.

+1...GREAT THREAD and Funny. And I say BOTH :D

Silk Road discussion / Re: Need advice
« on: May 15, 2013, 10:49 pm »
I still have the pms you sent telling me you were going to post fake feedback if I did not quit selling my adderall so low RxKing. Your kinda of a douche bro.

Lmao if that is true, if it is true im sure we wont see the proof but if it is that should probably be investigated by mods/admins too.

Just the way Rxking talks is annoying me, in fact i hate when people name call, there are much more clever ways to insult if that's your sort of thing.  But then again why must we insult, it makes us all look childish and your point can be proven much more efficiently without insults of any kind.

As for the main issue, it seems as if there is the easiest solution but vendor chooses to ignore so oh well. Go to the res. centre if you want any chance of getting any % back but buyer didn't get what he 'paid' for so cant blame him either.

"If i is true LMAO"

So what makes you laugh out loud, is if I was to send this lying vendor a private message telling him to lower his prices on Adderall? That would make you laugh out loud? And forum  Mods should investigate it along with SR administrators? This proves with out a doubt, that you, Jack off spades is dumb as shit. Oh no, your annoyed because I name call and I won't stand for lying.

Let me tell you what annoys me. First, members that are stupid enough to put a donation address for coins in their signature. When there is no reason, what so ever,that any person would ever give you anything but shit for your lack of sense of humor and you inability to clearly see when another member, that actually has a vendors account, and therefore is held to a higher  standard of integrity and is expected to "do the right" when it comes to selling and shipping drugs on the REAL site of Silk Road. Yet that member, a vendor named InfiniteSource, is CLEARLY being a total fucking moron and is making a NON SITUATION....a situation... by simply not doing the easiest thing that could be done and  give a little piece of information that would clear this up in 5 seconds and instead decides to post ludicrous statements and completely ignore common sense and every single person that has a brain cell left that has seen this thread and give proof he sent it and it was delivered. And instead of doing that, he ignores it and starts just making up shit in this thread.

 So much so that there are some idiots in here, YOU/ the vendor,that lose sight of the REAL problem and instead try and focus the intention on another vendor, my excellent self, that has been a Vendor for over a year and has the best feedback/ reputation for selling drugs you could possibly have on the dark net because they do not like that I refuse to be nice to the LIARS and the total idiots that only cause problems on Silk Road. I use these forums for what they are really here warn and help buying members of Silk Road navigate the road and not get ripped off. The ONLY thing I care about is people get what they paid for. PERIOD. Drugs or BTC to buy drugs or other items on Silk Road. I do not care about anything else. And neither should you.

I do not give a fuck about being PC. Or other week ass pussies that get their feelings hurt when called a name. They deserve the name calling. They should be exposed. This place needs me. 100's of people trust me with there money and there personal information every day on Silk Road and they know I deliver 100% of the time. And that I will not bullshit them or say stupid shit. I take NO SHIT. And I say what needs to be said.

I am not some loser that ask for donations and brings not one thing at all to these forums(like yourself). I am not jealous, nor would I ever be able to take one thing  that is said in these forums personal. I could not even imagine being in these forums for no reason at all (like yourself) and posting.... that I think other forum members are "mean".

So delete your forum account and go look in the mirror and ask yourself 

"would anyone care if I died?"

The answer is NO.

Yet if I don't answer a message within 30 min on Silk Road on a Monday- Friday from 12pm to 8pm I will have 45 messages asking me if I am "ok". They want to know if I possibly have a cramp in my hand. Or a headache. Or  if one of my 7 Tv's is not working. They are that concerned abut me.

But with you.... You could die right now and it would not matter.No one would notice.My dogs farts last longer then anyone in this world thinks about you. And what is really funny, is both things smell exactly the same.

Good day.

Silk Road discussion / Re: have prices gone up
« on: May 15, 2013, 02:28 pm »
@ jag....he deserved I know I was...its funnier to me that way...and I deliver shit like Ric Flair or Bobby Knight...and to me there is NOTHING worse then a vendor that is an idiot...nothing..other then  a scammer that's just looks to fuck people. Also I like talking shit when I am right ;) and there are plenty of PC members... also thank you +1 back at you..

Silk Road discussion / Re: Need advice
« on: May 15, 2013, 01:34 pm »
@InfiniteSource This might seem like an obvious question but I thought that vendors weren't supposed to keep addresses once it was sent, so how do you know you got the right person with the tracking?  Since you contacted them to say it was delivered and you say you sent an awful lot of packages, is it possible you got the tracking number for the wrong person?

IS told you the truth..but he only addressed the Priority with that...we get a receipt with the zip code and the name of the city and estimated date of just like he said...I ask zip and I look at receipt and then have the dcn and look it up...

But with a Express package...I actually get a copy back of the label and on the receipt it is the exact same as the priority as instead of saying Priority it says Express and has the zip and the excepted date Guaranteed delivery since it is Express. Now in this case..I could destroy the copy of the express label and just use the receipt just like I do for priority as I would just have city and zip... But there is no rule about us not keeping those for the one day it takes the express package to be delivered....and if for some reason it doe snot get there the next day by 3pm or 12pm (only options) then you need that to get a refund.. and since it is only 1 day it is not an issue if we keep them until it is delivered and the buyer finalizes... Or you could come back from the post office and destroy that  copy right away...kind of silly and no need. I staple everything...and then the next day as soon as they finalize I then shred them..

And I am sure every vendor does it different...and in my case I have had 46 express packages in 1 day. And I am sure other vendors have had more...but in general you would think less pay for that option...but in my sales (Rx Pain Pills) 90% of the buyers pay the $20 for over note vs. the $7 for 2-5 days...

But you were addressing can we "keep the address" after we ship and of course the answer is NO...and actually not one vendor wants it anyways..but keeping the receipt is not considered keeping the address in USPS Express situations) and in USPS Priority situations..we all just use the labels and go from the order page where we can see the address....fill it out..and get it off...I do not mark in transit right after I send it as I wait until It is at the post office but I think a lot of vendors do fill it out then mark in transit..and there is no prob with that as  it is "in transit" once it is packaged  :D

Hope that clears it all up...and of course I am only talking about USPS Express and Priority. I am sure some use Fed Ex and UPS...and those produce labels like Express.

Oh, how do i go about getting a forged bank account in the US? Dont see that service anywhere.

It is highly unlikely that anyone you find on the deepweb will be providing such a service. If you see it advertised it is most likely a scam. However, there is at least one genuine vendor on Silk Road offering a fully anonymous bank account for a price (though I believe this is based in a European bank).


Did I miss something? Didn't the OP say he was in EU? If he did then this could be an option for the OP and it wouold be great  it is a EU bank....

If so ...then Pine are  actually giving him the advice that he should set up a business account at the local post office in EU??????

That a vendor, sending drugs internationally, should set up a business account at his local bank? And you believe or know that EU post offices do this?

Also I think a lot of people are giving you advice based on what Americans do....and that is you in NO WAY raise a flag going to the post office 3 days a week in USA. As MANY MANY MANY ebayer's for example go every day.  And to be honest if you are anywhere in the world...what really matters is what drugs are you selling?

As selling weed ...smelly.. is a bad idea to go into a post office...BUT selling pills would be a no brainer...

Good luck

Silk Road discussion / Re: Need advice
« on: May 15, 2013, 11:59 am »
I still have the pms you sent telling me you were going to post fake feedback if I did not quit selling my adderall so low RxKing. Your kinda of a douche bro.

hor=InfiniteSource link=topic=159966.msg1129865#msg1129865 date=1368615956]
I still have the pms you sent telling me you were going to post fake feedback if I did not quit selling my adderall so low RxKing. Your kinda of a douche bro.

What the fuck are you talking about? I would NEVER message you about Adderall and how the fuck would the king leave you fake feedback? And why the fuck do I care about you. I have never heard about you until now. And I have said a lot of shit to a lot of shit clearly you fit the mold..but one thing I have never said is the words " fake feedback". And I would never waste my time telling a vendor with 60 sales a god dam word. And I do not even sell Adderall!!! I give it away to customers that need it when they by real pills from me.

Instead of lying about the should produce a dcn for this customer.

And then you must tell us about a food check.

And what fucking drugs you took tonight.

And how someone that is a big  dirtball like yourself has a vendor account.

And then go back to that food check.

And "kind of a douche???" Coming from a guy that spent his food check on Express shipping? I treat loser vendors like you as I would a bag filled with dirty water...if that is what you mean...Guilty. But before you start lying about me...go to my account and read my feedback. Then realize I am the most accurate poster in this forum. If I call you a shit-bag vendor..... Then you can take it to El Banco that you are a bag of shit. And I am calling you a bag of shit. Just LYING around stinking up the joint.

Security / Re: Stockpiling cash
« on: May 15, 2013, 11:26 am »
A Grand? just plug it mate no bother.

LOL...LOL.. +1......humor! and good

Silk Road discussion / Re: have prices gone up
« on: May 15, 2013, 11:24 am »
Its also possible that the OP is just dead wrong. And that every poster but one is correct.

Prices go up and down...on very few items. Supply and demand is once again showing!  The market, YOU THE BUYER, dictates the price on here! Vendors can ask anything they want and you have an option to buy or not.

But instead of being a big dummy "OP". Try and understand if you were a vendor. YOU would want the most you can get where you stay competitive. And you might raise or lower prices based on if you need to sell something right away, you are selling out, your cost that week, other vendors change there prices, and I could go on for 10 more paragraphs.

Someone said it is more likely that the vendors take the hit...not the buyer. And the FACT is when the btc is not stable..there is a LOT LESS sales for 90% of the vendors  and the other 10% with items that are "recession proof" (or I should say no matter what the btc is doing  they are selling AKA PAIN PILLS:) ) so you might see vendors lower their prices to make the buyer be in  a position that they must buy it now.

Also a lot of these drugs are bought by people that NEED them.. a lot more then the casual user that is like " man..I just want to get high next weekend" I would say those guys account for 5% of sales and 95% are bought from...addicts. Not rec users.

Also a lot of the time a person..such as the noticing something that is only short term...meaning they had there eye on one vnedors 3.5 grams of weed for example...and he sees it for $80....then 2 weeks later the "same" listing is $95. What they are not taking into account is that "item" might have cost the vendor more money that week. Or that item sells out very fast and the demand calls for a higher price...aka SMART BUSINESS!

So not forget..we as vendor are here to MAKE MONEY. That is NUMBER ONE. And if you thought about it for 1 second. If you were a seller and not a buyer you would be here to make money.

Sorry to the OP that he believes that  prices in 2 weeks have gone up...sorry that he does not understand the market price and that vendors are here to make money. Not provide cheap drugs. Though I think it is "smart business" to price your items to move...not sit there. And I have seen vendors that simply do not sell certain items. Or in fact are not even trying to sell an item.(whole other thread)

But would have been A LOT better if you could have given an example. But you did leave your post open to the fact you could be wrong. You said "is it just me" and "anyone else notice" and you had 1 guy out of the 10 or so say yes and you had the other 90% say no. But the truth is ..since you never said what drug you are talking about..and you made a vague might be 100% fluctuate. And all buyers want lower.  And maybe you noticed an item that a vendor went higher. I would suggest instead of making a thread, you just spend time looking on SR for a better "deal" for the items you like. I thnk you can always find a good deal or ask a vendor to give you the price from 2 weeks ago. Worst case is a fuck you. Better then your responses in a thread :)

Silk Road discussion / Re: Need advice
« on: May 15, 2013, 11:03 am »
YOU might be the hands down, a total fucking idiot, shitty vendor. One thing is certain...based on your responses in here along with your have announced yourself as a new, young, and total fucking idiot. And you are a TERRIBLE example of a shit bag vendor. You should actually loose your vendor account over this. You wont ...but you should. And then for you at the end to throw in "Thanks support" shows again how stupid you no one from SR support has even commented on this. The 2 mods that did are just that...mods. NOTHING to do with Silk Road. And they both gave great advice btw. And when there is a thread and not 1 person agrees with anything you say and you keep saying more stupid shit. YOU are dumb and clearly not about business.

Also of note...the OP could not have been a "cooler" or "calmer" buyer that made a great post and in no way was bashing you. Though he should now.

If you send a package via USPS Priority it takes 2-5 days. In this case it has been three days and you being a total loser messages the buyer and told him to FE as he has the package and you "need" the money. He then responds " he has not received it". At that should still be totally cool, explain to him that you have the dcn and tell him it shows.... delivered. Tell him the day and time it shows. So he can then "make a  check to see if he somehow has it and he does not know (ie. a roommate/wife/girlfriend got it) that happens! If he makes that check and still no package. You then give him the tracking number so he can see for himself!


 In fact, that is what they are for..a problem or dispute! 99.999% of the time, if you are cool (your not) and you give it to them, and they see for themselves that it indeed  shows "delivered" then they will finalize, as it is "on them". The .001 that wont. Will 100% of the time "lose" the dispute if it gets that far. Of course, that is  assuming you indeed have a legit tracking. And there is a better chance Rosie O'donell wins the super pipe in the next Olympics in snowboarding.But again, it will never go there if you  just provided it. He would have  see you in fact.... got it there very fast. He will see that you are just on top of shit. And YOU WIN. But in your case he has a better chance of seeing Elvis. And you could not see shit. Other then you are a thumb dick. But we all have seen that about you.(that's a compliment)

Your reaction in here is the worst I have ever seen. And I have been here over a year and seen it all. And though in here you totally over reacted, and said all kinds of stupid shit.that even a girl would not say, it is  so  hard  for me to to go forward with a message about how fucking terrible you acted because you did not  do one thing correct. And that is hard to do.

And your attitude is so poor, that you are a liability to SR and this community. And you are way to new and have no sales at all to even consider...I mean even whisper... you are correct in any way. And the fact you claim to have a DCN ....that say's "delivered" and you do not provide it to a customer in this situation and  you want to wait for 17 days plus days to give it to SR is really fucking stupid.

I assume the fact you contacted  him so fast and it was this small an order, you are a very penny vendor.And the $120 is a lot to you. And you confirmed that....but of course in your great writing style you told us ....or you bragged how you made 4k+ that week or month or whatever..then in your next loser breath you say something like you spent the food check on Express shipping!

First lets talk about a food check!!! Holy fucking scummy are you? Who gets a "food check" and you spent it all on Express shipping??? What do you eat.... Top Ramen and a god dam potato?  This is another example of a vendor that is very under bankrolled to be a vendor and on top of the "bond" they should be required to send a picture of them holding 5k cash to pay for stuff like shipping an other items so they do not sound like losers who brag about 4k, then cry about a food check and spending it on shipping!

It would be so simple for you to get paid. And then you acting like an idiot and marking it as "never received" and if you are indeed telling the truth  and you have 60+ orders  and all 5/5... you just  fucked your self for penny's. And for no reason at all. As your account and feedback take a hit! And the worst part for you is you keep typing! You CLEARLY are high and stupid. We are all high, but you are stupid high. Great combo I.S!


I saw the lynch mob grabbing picks so I did what I could to diffuse what was happening. It was starting to turn into, "YOU WANTED HIM TO FE?" "I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL YOU MOTHERFUCKER!"

There was no lynch mob and no one was saying you were asking him to FE. They were saying

" Hey idiot...if you have a dcn..give it up and you will get your money"

When you refused and you start ranting and raving...every single person believes your lying! Or just DUMB AS SHIT(both)


Wrong. The address he told me had received the package, according to the USPS.  What the fuck is the point in having tracking if support wants to stammer around saying "you asked him to finalize? Oh no, he never got the package. You have tracking? Well he never got the package. You said tracking? He never got the package." When the vendor with 40 transactions and 100% good feedback is thought of as being the one lying the system is broken. Might I add out of the several dozen orders I filled over this week, this one single user is the ONLY ONE to have a problem.

I asked him to finalized once because I saw the package was delivered to the provided address. Stop turning this into something its not. Suddenly the word finalized is some dirty word. I ASKED HIM TO FINALIZE THE ORDER AFTER USPS MARKED IT AS DELIVERED TWO DAYS AGO. TWO DAYS.

Around and around we go.


What the fuck are you talking about??? When did you provide  "support" with the tracking? Who has seen the tracking to back up your claim?  The point of having a DCN is for you to provide it as proof you sent it. Provide it, with the address he provided and you win. It could not be simpler.

The forum mods are trying to talk sense into you. Clearly that is not possible. The only one going around and around  is you. And all this over $120 bucks??? DIRTBAG.

If any thread should be locked at some point , it is this one with this vendors bullshit. I suggest all buyers reading this, go to SR and to his vendor account and report him. And if any single person that reads this...thinks about buying from

I.S to us a favor...overdose...though I doubt you have the supply to do it. And god knows you have no god dam money to buy supplies to take your life. Maybe you will starve to death.

I demand you tell us about a "food check"

The key word is DORMS!!!

It was 100% delivered...and in. No. Way. Shape. Or form. Is this vendors fault...

You have to leave 5/5...and top of that it is pretty cool that you as a buyer...understand enough to write the messages you do and to ask the right questions.. and also you got all really good answers EXCEPT for the guy that talked about the vendor could be doing non stealth ...baggies ect... the fact is..IF a vendor was doing that..and I know some are fucking dumb would be noted in his feedback...and I would have to say he would be a NEW vendor...also that is why it is important to read the actual feedback and choose  a newer vendor carefully...

But if a vendor sends the package...and the DCN says delivered...100% of the time...the vendor did the correct thing and you should always leave a 5/5..and in no case do you deserve a refund...ESPECIALLY A DORM SITUATION!!!

But it would be kosher if the vendor offered you a discount or something...assuming in  a case like are not lying(you are 100% not)

As many have said...the vendors ONLY job is sending it...and of course 99.999% if it says delivered it this case it is obviously delivered in the dorm wrong or stolen...none of the vendors fault..and is just a chalk it you have had a great  run so far....

@ Xbox123....why in the world do you wast your time in these forums...and not even waste the time..but put in your signature your SR "stats"...that is so stupid and totally pointless. I am sure some of you think it is "cool" and I am also sure 99% of the time it is a young guy...let me be the first to tell is not cool and it is a stupid idea..

Think about that...

Edit 8:33pm: I can't believe another user said the exact same thing...but one thing he is a little off on ...the lime green tracking stickers have been obsolete for months..and some vendors, that do not go into post offices, still stick them on their packages in hopes that the post office scans it. And  truth is some post offices still scan these vendors drop off in a blue box... and after they are picked up the postman that deals with them will just scan as usual...because the software it still the  same....BUT the reality is if you take it into a post office they will take it off or cross it out...and within a few months...they will not scan them at all as the  new system will not allow it.. and all Priority mail has a built in DCN now for "free' because the USPS spent over a million a year on printing the green labels.

So I would assume that this was not a green sticker...but either way it is USPS tracking...and that says delivered....and it was.

But strange as fuck I used the same words as another member at the same time basically.. :o Obviously  he is a brilliant guy and after reading his  post it is CRYSTAL CLEAR he is MENSA. +1 for you Chip! I am a fan. 8)

Security / Re: End of the road for me? Coin help please?
« on: May 14, 2013, 09:47 pm »
The message above is right on...

And there is no need for you to not be able to understand BTC...and there is not a reason in the world you can not get btc easy.....and buying btc is 100% legal...and more importantly have NOTHING to worry one has gotten in any trouble EVER for buying btc then using it on Silk Road. And so you will not be the first.

So go to bitinstant or something like your btc...and have it send RIGHT TO YOUR SILK ROAD ADDRESS!! SILK ROAD IS NOT ILLEGAL!

Then buy your illegal drugs, send them to your real address and use your real name, use a trusted vendor and have NO WORRIES! You are doing something that has been done 100's of thousands of times...including you doing it many times! And honestly getting btc has never been easier!

God luck

Newbie discussion / Re: RXKING is a FRAUD. FAKE ME OUT CONTEST
« on: May 08, 2013, 01:30 pm »
Ok I know you like to spin everything...and of course you run when presented with the truth....

BUT just answer this....why do you post in the same thread back to back messages with "Jesse" and "jackoxy"?

I mean you not see the problem in that???? For now I am not talking about all the other names you used...Just these two!  So answer us this great mystery!!

You make a post with "Jesse" then you answer it as" jackoxy".... I mean you are talking to yourself! SO FUCKING EMBARRASSING!! YOUR A VENDOR!!  Did the cancer make you do it?

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