Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: Evanescence on September 23, 2012, 05:18 pm

Title: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: Evanescence on September 23, 2012, 05:18 pm
Why do you do drugs?

a)  It's fun, or to party, or to hang out with friends, or any recreational purpose.
b)  Your addicted and it's hard to stop
c)  Self medication - depression, escape, to not feel not shit, or to help with some problem in your life

Just curious, no judgement.

I'll start by answering (c). 
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: jameslink2 on September 23, 2012, 05:23 pm
d) Religious/spiritual exploration.

Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: Evanescence on September 23, 2012, 05:26 pm
Good one James that should definitely be an option.

I've actually thought about that but normal drugs like prozac tend to make it hard for drugs like mushrooms to work.

d) Religious/spiritual exploration.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: numbering on September 23, 2012, 05:28 pm
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: UltimateSolution on September 23, 2012, 05:33 pm
Why do you do drugs?

a)  It's fun, or to party, or to hang out with friends, or any recreational purpose.
b)  Your addicted and it's hard to stop
c)  Self medication - depression, escape, to not feel not shit, or to help with some problem in your life

Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: blowdrobro on September 23, 2012, 06:51 pm
E.) all the above
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: Limetless on September 23, 2012, 07:01 pm
Why do you need to know?
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: AnonymousAddict on September 23, 2012, 07:32 pm
C why do u wanna know , why would u care to know
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: PrincessHIGH on September 23, 2012, 07:41 pm
a)  It's fun, or to party, or to hang out with friends, or any recreational purpose.
b)  Your addicted and it's hard to stop
c)  Self medication - depression, escape, to not feel not shit, or to help with some problem in your life
d)  Religious/spiritual exploration.
e)  All of the above.
f)  Why not? [X]
g)  Why do you need to know? [X]

I'm in the why not? and why do you need to know? camp. Think those are the best choices on an anonymous marketplace forum too!  :)
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: Evanescence on September 23, 2012, 07:51 pm
Do you see it as a negative question?  It's not.

We're a community here, some of us are looking for perspective on things, and sometimes perspective is gained by hearing from others.

Don't worry, if I were LE I don't think your sentence will be impacted much by your personal reasons buying/selling here.

Why do you need to know?
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: bernlin on September 23, 2012, 07:53 pm
Why do you do drugs?

a)  It's fun, or to party, or to hang out with friends, or any recreational purpose.
b)  Your addicted and it's hard to stop
c)  Self medication - depression, escape, to not feel not shit, or to help with some problem in your life

Just curious, no judgement.

I'll start by answering (c).

Well I can't just pick one :-P It's A sometimes, C more often than not, and D not nearly enough ;-) but the last one I'm trying to do more of, and less of the others. Too much of a good thing can be bad, unless we're talking about exploring who we are and how we fit on this planet, then it's all good.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: painbow on September 23, 2012, 08:43 pm
I'm bit past the party stage in my life so I've got two reasons:

1) Self-medicating for anxiety / depression

2) Self development.  Psychedelics have the power to make your mind more malleable and expandable.  You grow as a human being and also a being itself.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: NOTspacecase on September 23, 2012, 08:46 pm
Because I can.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: doublebass69 on September 23, 2012, 09:12 pm
I do different drugs for different reasons:

1. Weed- To relax and sit back
2. Drink- to party and have fun and not give a fuck
3. Psychedelics- To expand my mind and have spiritual experiences
4. Mdma- To dance and to not worry about anything, and to be incredibly social
5. Coke- Partly to be social, partly to have a lot of fun, and partly to assist in my own demise

Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: 810offsuit on September 23, 2012, 09:47 pm
A and C
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: Limetless on September 23, 2012, 10:25 pm
Do you see it as a negative question?  It's not.

We're a community here, some of us are looking for perspective on things, and sometimes perspective is gained by hearing from others.

Don't worry, if I were LE I don't think your sentence will be impacted much by your personal reasons buying/selling here.

Why do you need to know?

No I just don't see it as anyone's business but my own.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: Knomo on September 23, 2012, 10:31 pm
Do you see it as a negative question?  It's not.

We're a community here, some of us are looking for perspective on things, and sometimes perspective is gained by hearing from others.

Don't worry, if I were LE I don't think your sentence will be impacted much by your personal reasons buying/selling here.

Why do you need to know?

No I just don't see it as anyone's business but my own.

You don't have to post an answer, no one is forcing you to type it :)

Party, my life is one big fucking party.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: torchlight on September 23, 2012, 10:38 pm
Hmmmm I will have your answer as soon as this acid hits...
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: wetdog on September 23, 2012, 10:40 pm
C  Nothing major going on, but it takes the edge off of normal life stuff.  Some people take a drink and some of us us our SR liquor store.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: Thedonkilluminati on September 23, 2012, 10:43 pm
It started with A and ended with C  :-\
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: Evanescence on September 23, 2012, 11:27 pm
Sorry man, forgot to say answers are not mandatory.

I hereby declare that anyone not replying to a thread is free to continue using SR.  :)

Namaste to you brother.

I just don't see it as anyone's business but my own.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: ZenAndTheArt on September 23, 2012, 11:35 pm
^^ Lol! Nice one. :D

A,B & C. Also for the experience, I believe life is there to be lived. To drink deeply from the forbidden pool of exotic wonders.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: bernlin on September 23, 2012, 11:38 pm
Do you see it as a negative question?  It's not.

We're a community here, some of us are looking for perspective on things, and sometimes perspective is gained by hearing from others.

Don't worry, if I were LE I don't think your sentence will be impacted much by your personal reasons buying/selling here.

Why do you need to know?

No I just don't see it as anyone's business but my own.

Fascinating...the rest of us are having a discussion, you're free to leave whenever :-)
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: Limetless on September 23, 2012, 11:39 pm
Sorry man, forgot to say answers are not mandatory.

I hereby declare that anyone not replying to a thread is free to continue using SR.  :)

Namaste to you brother.

I just don't see it as anyone's business but my own.

Lol perhaps I came across a little bluntly, that was not my intent. I was more curious as to why you were asking the question.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: ghetto bird on September 23, 2012, 11:53 pm
MY drug intake is to merely treat my own personal medical issues.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: crazyburnout on September 24, 2012, 04:41 am
man i just like to get high as hell and see some pretty colors
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: johnmtl on September 24, 2012, 04:54 am
I love weed!  ::)
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: upast7am on September 24, 2012, 11:00 am
why not?  ;)

Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: RR on September 24, 2012, 11:54 am
well a mix of all of the above, depends what sort of mood im in, if i want to party mdma, coke and weed, if i want to escape my life for a short while K or lots of strong weed. if i want to have an spiritual encounter acid strooms or dmt. to be honest the main reason i take drugs is cos they are fun and because they say i can't, feels like a life time ago but when i was underage all i wanted to do was stay up late and drink but ever since i could do these things they quickly become boring and now they say i cant do drugs i want to all the more.  but fun is the main factor for me.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: TheSocialEngineer on September 24, 2012, 01:13 pm
Look a-fuckin-round.

Life is largely boring and depressing (really depends on your outlook I guess) but most importantly: objectively meaningless.

We all die anyway. Life is about quality, not quantity.

Nobody in their right mind would want to live forever, you'd get incredibly bored and go insane.

This is why I do drugs.

They do not detract from my life at all, they enhance it.

WE ALL DIE IN THE END SO MAKE THE FUCKING MOST OF IT (who votes for this to become SR's new motto?)

of course... there is that alternative drug that most people are addicted to on this planet: RELIGION.... the opiate of the masses. So either you can take that drug and hope that when you die you'll go to heaven (and basically be in a drug-like high for the rest of eternity), or you can take your chances, experience drugs here on earth and when you die and nothing happens, at least you had a fucking great time here and enjoyed yourself.  ;)

And to all those people that say "I get high on life, I don't need drugs".. good for you! I get high on life too... I get even higher on life when I take MDMA at a club and make love to beautiful women and gain confidence and social skills that I previously didn't have.

Remember, drugs aren't always bad for you, there are certain scenarios you can take them which can change your life for the better, but you have to be smart about when you take them and not just get addicted and chase them everyday. This is the part most people struggle with, but like I said: WE ALL FUCKIN DIE ANYWAY SO WHATS THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE. THE REAL QUESTION SHOULD BE: WHY DONT YOU TAKE DRUGS?
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: Spunkaroo on September 24, 2012, 01:39 pm
Because I'm curious by nature, and some things demand that I try them at least once, so I don't go the rest of my life wondering.

After the first time it's usually A or C that gets me back. Sometimes I just want to have fun, other times I have a specific reason I'm dosing (usually introspective therapy or stress relief.)
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: AnonymousAddict on September 24, 2012, 04:07 pm
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: torchlight on October 06, 2012, 06:02 am
I hate to ask a stupid Q but what is with the A.& C.  Not familiar with this term.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: Slugger on October 06, 2012, 06:33 am
Weed - To just chill out and have fun throughout the day.
Mushrooms - Hell of a ride and definitely a glorious substance.
Drinking - Mainly social, to bond with family/friends.
DMT - Strong other-worldly experiences.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: BenJesuit on October 06, 2012, 08:20 pm
Why do I do drugs?

Because it's better than baseline.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: metta on October 06, 2012, 08:23 pm
Why do you do drugs?

a)  It's fun, or to party, or to hang out with friends, or any recreational purpose.
b)  Your addicted and it's hard to stop
c)  Self medication - depression, escape, to not feel not shit, or to help with some problem in your life

Just curious, no judgement.

I'll start by answering (c).

d) I don't have a woman right now, so I need something to look forward to ...
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: bludsrevenge on October 06, 2012, 09:05 pm
A) because life is a party. I party every day all day, why you ask, because fun is the best part of life.
I guess drugs also make me like people more. I am a very social person, but I dislike most people. Drugs change that
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: USPS on October 06, 2012, 09:25 pm
I have a "constant need for stimulation." Meaning that I am in a state of constant boredom lol. Drugs help push me into a more fun place and combat boredom.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: metta on October 06, 2012, 09:47 pm
I have a "constant need for stimulation." Meaning that I am in a state of constant boredom lol. Drugs help push me into a more fun place and combat boredom.

I agree. Although I would gladly give up coke for a hot woman who likes having sex and knows what to do to keep it interesting ...
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: bludsrevenge on October 07, 2012, 03:32 am
I have a "constant need for stimulation." Meaning that I am in a state of constant boredom lol. Drugs help push me into a more fun place and combat boredom.

I agree. Although I would gladly give up coke for a hot woman who likes having sex and knows what to do to keep it interesting ...

I say go for both. What I love about my girl is she will do any of the crazy shit I do and then we fuck for hours.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: Spunkaroo on October 07, 2012, 06:39 am
I hate to ask a stupid Q but what is with the A.& C.  Not familiar with this term.

Referencing the points in the OP, that's all.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: danconia on October 07, 2012, 06:51 am
I do drugs all recreationally.  I used to be addicted to opiates but I was able to beat that and no longer touch them.

MDMA - do for fun and partying
Mushrooms - do for fun and I suppose philosophical reasons.  I love the way I think on it.
LSD - do for music festivals and nature-related activities
Xanax - mostly for going to sleep after I do drugs =P

I'm definitely looking to try peyote, 2CB, DMT, etc.
Title: Re: Why do you do drugs?
Post by: TheBusiness on October 07, 2012, 07:10 am
I can take it or leave it to be honest. I do not have an addictive personality and rarely feel the need to overdo anything.

There are more important things than drugs. They are a nice side on the tasting plate of life.