Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: superhippie on August 08, 2012, 07:51 pm

Title: Smoking DMT?
Post by: superhippie on August 08, 2012, 07:51 pm
Okay maybe im looking in the wrong topic but i was wondering how would i smoke the free base DMT!! im looking and im on page 27 of 83 and there's nothing so far ,so if you could post the link to the tread that talk about it or if you could kindly explain it to me?? Thanks superhippie
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: msft1 on August 08, 2012, 08:37 pm
Come on, now. A simple Google search will give you so many good results. Have you even tried searching?

But since you asked, I had good luck buying Vapor Genie (cheapest one, around $50) and smoking DMT from that. Just make sure to put many extra screens inside so that DMT doesn't leak into bottom of pipe.
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: Orinoko Flow on August 08, 2012, 09:12 pm
I dont own pipes / bongs and dont smoke em ! I smoke 1 skins  ... Im going to get some free base d mt and im hoping there's some way you can make your own pipe! Any links people
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: flicky42 on August 09, 2012, 06:08 am
I dont own pipes / bongs and dont smoke em ! I smoke 1 skins  ... Im going to get some free base d mt and im hoping there's some way you can make your own pipe! Any links people

Look up "the machine" on google. It's a really efficient DMT vape that you can make out of cheap shit from home depot.
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: Spunkaroo on August 09, 2012, 12:54 pm
I dont own pipes / bongs and dont smoke em ! I smoke 1 skins  ... Im going to get some free base d mt and im hoping there's some way you can make your own pipe! Any links people

Look up "the machine" on google. It's a really efficient DMT vape that you can make out of cheap shit from home depot.

I tried this, but I don't have a lot of patience for crafts (or rather I didn't when I received my DMT. Would definitely try to make one of these again next time.)

What I did instead is got a single serving alcohol bottle, took the labels off and cleaned it so there was no adhesive or alcohol left. I then dried it really thoroughly for obvious reasons. Once ready I put my dose in the bottom of the bottle, making sure it sat in a corner so it's easier to heat. To vape it up I simple taped two straws into the opening of the bottle and held my fingers over these so nothing escaped, then used the gas stove to vape everything in the bottom of the bottle. To take a hit I simply sucked on one straw using the other as an air intake.

Honestly it was dodge as, and you'll have much more luck with a more professionally made/purchased rig, but it did work so perfect if you're desperate :P

PS - One thing to be careful with if you do get desperate enough to try this, the bottle will be hot. You'll need to tape the straws well enough you can hold the whole thing by these only, and you'll need somewhere to drop the bottle after you've hit everything you can. I used a thick towel on the floor next to my bed.

Good luck.
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: raven92 on August 09, 2012, 01:02 pm has tons of great information about DMT, check it out.

I tried this, but I don't have a lot of patience for crafts (or rather I didn't when I received my DMT. Would definitely try to make one of these again next time.)

What I did instead is got a single serving alcohol bottle, took the labels off and cleaned it so there was no adhesive or alcohol left. I then dried it really thoroughly for obvious reasons. Once ready I put my dose in the bottom of the bottle, making sure it sat in a corner so it's easier to heat. To vape it up I simple taped two straws into the opening of the bottle and held my fingers over these so nothing escaped, then used the gas stove to vape everything in the bottom of the bottle. To take a hit I simply sucked on one straw using the other as an air intake.

Honestly it was dodge as, and you'll have much more luck with a more professionally made/purchased rig, but it did work so perfect if you're desperate :P

PS - One thing to be careful with if you do get desperate enough to try this, the bottle will be hot. You'll need to tape the straws well enough you can hold the whole thing by these only, and you'll need somewhere to drop the bottle after you've hit everything you can. I used a thick towel on the floor next to my bed. has tons of great information about DMT, check it out.

Bedroom, Tiny Glass Bottle, Gas Stove, Plastic Straw, Towel, DMT... this sounds like a recipe for insurance fraud. I'd not recommend anyone try doing this, The Machine is pretty easy to make, and far less dangerous, or buy a GVG :)

How did you get from the kitchen to your bedroom after sucking down DMT? Did you break through?
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: Spunkaroo on August 09, 2012, 01:10 pm has tons of great information about DMT, check it out.

I tried this, but I don't have a lot of patience for crafts (or rather I didn't when I received my DMT. Would definitely try to make one of these again next time.)

What I did instead is got a single serving alcohol bottle, took the labels off and cleaned it so there was no adhesive or alcohol left. I then dried it really thoroughly for obvious reasons. Once ready I put my dose in the bottom of the bottle, making sure it sat in a corner so it's easier to heat. To vape it up I simple taped two straws into the opening of the bottle and held my fingers over these so nothing escaped, then used the gas stove to vape everything in the bottom of the bottle. To take a hit I simply sucked on one straw using the other as an air intake.

Honestly it was dodge as, and you'll have much more luck with a more professionally made/purchased rig, but it did work so perfect if you're desperate :P

PS - One thing to be careful with if you do get desperate enough to try this, the bottle will be hot. You'll need to tape the straws well enough you can hold the whole thing by these only, and you'll need somewhere to drop the bottle after you've hit everything you can. I used a thick towel on the floor next to my bed. has tons of great information about DMT, check it out.

Bedroom, Tiny Glass Bottle, Gas Stove, Plastic Straw, Towel, DMT... this sounds like a recipe for insurance fraud. I'd not recommend anyone try doing this, The Machine is pretty easy to make, and far less dangerous, or buy a GVG :)

How did you get from the kitchen to your bedroom after sucking down DMT? Did you break through?

I kept the vapor in the bottle with my fingers over the straws till I got back to my room, then inhaled it there. You're right though, reading back over that post it is fairly ridiculous. I guess the point is you can be creative? :P

And I'm not sure about the breakthrough. It was my first experience, and I was definitely in another reality, but it seemed really quick. Like over in under a minute quick. I got the feeling that it was actually longer though, like time was sped up during the experience. Unfortunately I didn't time it so I'll never know... Not much insight either, but that could be me being a poor observer of what was actually happening.

I will say this, there was definitely enough vapor in the bottle for me to breakthrough, that much I was confident of.
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: Joey Terrifying on August 09, 2012, 01:59 pm
well the easiest way is most definitely not the best way, but IMO the easiest way is with a meth pipe.  you can buy them real cheap on ebay if you search for "happy valentine glass rose."  I bought a 6-pack for 10 bucks.

the smoke is gonna be really harsh this way and you have to be determined to smoke as much as you can.  but it will work if you persevere.

vapor genie is way better tho

good luck!
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: RR on August 09, 2012, 03:00 pm
watch this video, i to am about to try DMT and am going to use his 2l bottle and foil method
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: Snoopish on August 09, 2012, 03:14 pm
My first DMT experience was got from smoking it out of a normal glass pipe we used for weed. The kind you could get at any head shop. It was about 5 inches long with a medium sized bowl. We had some screens on the bottom and just put the dmt on the lip of the bowl. I don't know how optimal that is but I got a great experience from it.
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: Joey Terrifying on August 09, 2012, 03:33 pm
watch this video, i to am about to try DMT and am going to use his 2l bottle and foil method

cool man, just make sure you get a big enough hit in a short amount of time, cuz its gonna be pretty rough smoke.  i understand though, you gotta do what you gotta do.

blessings & good luck!!
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: Orinoko Flow on August 09, 2012, 04:10 pm
I dont own pipes / bongs and dont smoke em ! I smoke 1 skins  ... Im going to get some free base d mt and im hoping there's some way you can make your own pipe! Any links people

Look up "the machine" on google. It's a really efficient DMT vape that you can make out of cheap shit from home depot.

Thanks man much appreciated  ;D
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: RR on August 09, 2012, 04:28 pm
watch this video, i to am about to try DMT and am going to use his 2l bottle and foil method

cool man, just make sure you get a big enough hit in a short amount of time, cuz its gonna be pretty rough smoke.  i understand though, you gotta do what you gotta do.

blessings & good luck!!

lol yeah thats it, i just want to have the smoke ready before i take it, so i dont have a lighter to worry about and im used to rough smoke so dont worry its all going in :)
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: msft1 on August 09, 2012, 04:46 pm
There's a topic with some good feedback about smoking/vaporizing freebase DMT:

Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: RR on August 09, 2012, 09:45 pm
WOW is all i can say for now, what the fuck WOW amazed, i will do a full trip report on my "whats the best psychedelic" thread

i never broke though as im having big issues trying to get enough smoke in one go.

the bottle and foil is okay but not the best way cos once the smokes gone there is no second hit.

Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: username100 on August 09, 2012, 09:52 pm
Just inject it. It's easier and more reliable.
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: RR on August 09, 2012, 09:57 pm
hate needles :(

thinking snorting it maybe??
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: RR on August 12, 2012, 01:11 pm
i have copied and pasted this in a couple of places because it covers aspects of a number of different substances that crops up on a few of the threads we have all been talking about, and what happens when you combine a couple of them at once. hope it helps someone

im also interested in others experiences with higher doses of lsd and know what to expect to prepare myself for it.   full details guys :)

right where to begin its been a while since i have posted on this topic and so much magic has happened since,  last night i tried another acid vendor's (Janis) tabs and this was defo 100% genuine Acid, if you have been fooled and disappointed by fake acid i fully suggest and HIGHLY recommend you try the real deal and dont give up hope. i got 3x 100ug tabs and took them all at once (Note Tasteless), now after my first unsuccessful DMT journey, it just felt painstakingly long to take effect. but like i say thats prob more to do with the fact that DMT is so instant, more on that soon but for now back to the acid, it took about half hour before i started seeing odd things, (i spent this hole time in front of my PC, and i was fully functional throughout) for example the icons and buttons on the screen where moving like a slight wobble only ever so often like its teasing you,this happened every 10 minutes or so (this is what i mean buy it felt painstakingly slow), but slowly the gaps got smaller and more often, the way i would sum up a low does of acid..(300ug)..i ay low but it effets each differently but to me this dose was far to mellow and relaxed an easy trip. i wanted more challenging issues to deal with now in my opinion  Acid Has got its own never ending building  rhythm a kind of wobble theme that builds up, when you reach full peak hours but feels weeks later it all builds up like a story  and it all comes together

THIS was when I got a sudden  unresistantable  inspiration telling  me to do A hit Of DMT half way though slow acid trip, i know (madness) i do not recommend you try this your self its just some thing i had to do and it was beyond my capability to risist, so now with a glass meth style pipe in my amory i loaded it up with 75mg's and sat back and menally prepaid myself for what i was about to face and have to deal with cos its a one way ticket once thats smokes gone theres no turning back. i pulled as hard as i could on the pipe and took the first hit and held my breath, now this is where it gets hard cos before you get a chance to get the pie in your mouth for the most important second hit, the world is already falling apart around you and its challenging to get it right, i missed the second hit so didnt quite make it though but annoyingly close, im learning with each failure and had one hell of an eye opening experience, words will never be enough to fully explain DMT its some thing one must see for themselves, but as i tried and failed to get a second hit and i thought i did until i saw the pipe the next morning, as i tried to align lighter and pipe everything was falling apart around me and that feeling of the biggest overweening strangeness,  i just sat in my arm chair and closed my eyes... after a few seconds dark grey shapes  slowly getting lighter and lighter and slowly color is introduced in to the flow as it where (its a flow and your going along for the ride no matter what and its smoother and as comfortable as poss if you just go with it,  if you try and fight it i would imagine it could become quite alkword although even letting yourself go with it is still overwhelming and strange, cos there are feelings there that just dont exsist in this relm,) but as i sat there watching with amazement the light becomes more and more intense and out of that swirling light or energy little bits peel off slowly at first but increasing,  the little pieces of  light  or energy that peeled of shoot off and make a outline of a face shape, its just glitches at first but they get faster and faster until you can see a outline of a face thats left purely out of trails left behind buy the light,(i can not expertize enough just how overwelied and powerless you are  but sadly this is where it all started to ware off before that climax it just wore of  (this is why the second hits so important , its the final step blast off. and it slowly faded away, and the thing with DMT it needs to be done the first time, its not something you can chase with more, you either get enought smoke in first try or you dont. if you try again the same day your just wasting DMT. cos you will never get close again, to the first attempt that day, but the next didnt seem an issue and if only i had got that second hit right i could have continued the story but have no fear because one day it will all go just perfectly and i will be able to tell you what i thought i saw happen.

im sure a few are wondering how the effects  of DMT differed when i was mid acid trip, and all i have to cross reference to is my first unsussesful try a few days before, where i got a slight teaser of its power. and saw what many refer to as the mustroom like effects it has in minor doses. on its own DMT was Rapid powerful overweening but very fast, as for the effects at low doses. i am almost inclinded to state a minor dose as a hole new drug in the lsd range, the walls ripple and spin and color is much more simple and blends together far better, there is zero contrast to anything like no edges and that makes you feel like your in a 2d world everything flat and no shading or shadows,  and the mid acid trip was the same but different almost slowed down giving you half a chance of understanding whats going on.

the acid almost slowed the flow down to a pace that was at the very tip of our ability to see, this is NOT a trip for the faint hearted and could properly push a few over the edge permanently,  if you are not menally, physically and i think most importantly emotionally Ready to face those moments that felel ever lasting and it lake everything you have to make it though  and thats just one of many non stop moments you have to pass and the only way though is to let go, but not in the physical sense, more menially let go of everything that you have been thought before now and it takes everything you have to let go of the comforts of reality you must have a free mined approach to things that you are going to come across and up against, it takes everything you have every last drop you prosess in that one moment  to get to the the next moment (The Flow)  and thats only the start of a endless chain off moments )  and its not until you learn to let go it becomes easier to get to the next moment.... you start to flow with it, until you let go you are trapped in the  timeless relem    ,the most noticable moment i can recall that is possable to put into words is a feeling of waiting never endeing moments an explain it was as the effects start to hit home and the flow takes over its so overwhelming and beyond anything you ever will see normally in your life. so its like a moment you have to cross where time feels like it stand still. and you are thinking about breathing cos breaths seem like a life time apart. it take for that one moment everything you possibly have as a human and the only way though it to let go of reality completely. its not easy at allbut once you do so much happens so quickly i could tell this story for ever and ever, but please dont read this and think cool and buy some, this is NOT a recreational high or feeling at any stretch of  the imagination  and if you go in to it not understanding then you will never see what else is out there.

i can not stress enough how powerful and potant this chemical is. and if you go in looking from the "i want to get high" propective or way of thinking you will come out disapointed its more of a tool almost a form of transport to another place not in our universe anyhow

im sure lots of opinions will follow i have tried my absolute best to put it in to words but there are two few, but this is my honest try :)     
Title: Re: Smoking DMT?
Post by: moonflower on August 15, 2012, 04:09 am
personally, i prefer the mckenna method... sandwiched between weed in a bong. never fails to give me a breakthrough trip. :)