Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: RR on July 20, 2012, 02:06 pm

Title: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: RR on July 20, 2012, 02:06 pm
ok i have tried many things thanks to my love of drugs and more recently thanks to silkroad, i have done mdma, coke, pills and bud since my teens and was getting bored  so i moved on to meth and quickly saw the downside so decided to quit that one while i was ahead, so here i am bored again so i ordered 2x tabs of lsd of aakoven and they came today now any advice before i take use them its a first time but looking forward to it, ive done amt once before and that made the walls and floor breath but what should i expect from lsd?
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: Raoul Duke on July 20, 2012, 02:20 pm
set and setting mate, you've got to be in a good mood in a comfortable place. i cannot emphasize this enough.

other than that have fun! i can't speak about amt as i've not done it but it's nothing like mdma, coke,pills or bud. have you done shrooms before? it's a more powerful version of that. and get a copy of the Beano, the kids comic, or something equally as silly. i guarantee you will not get off the first page without crying tears of laughter :)
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: flyinghigh1660 on July 20, 2012, 02:24 pm
My advice would be,

Make sure you have 12 hours free, where you won't be interrupted by anything that will throw your trip off. Parents, roomates etc coming home, people knocking on your door, phone ringing etc.

Outdoors in the sun and nature is good, but stay away from anything that could be dangerous like cliffs, rivers etc. Not because of the hype about wanting to fly etc, that is just bullshit. But you may be unsteady on your feet and won;t be able to judge distances etc well.

Have some good music ready to help you through any anxiety etc. One small thing could throw you off, for me it was a heavy metal song which really freaked me out. So I sat and listened to some calming music instead.

If outside make sure you have a selection of warm clothes, things to sit on etc. If inside make a nest of covers and pillows, but be aware you may want to get up and walk and look around.

LSD is much better with friends or partners taking at the same time. Much more of a blast, try to not mix it with anything on the first time.

If one your own, have a friend on speed dial  who knows you will be tripping. You never know when you might want to hear a friendly voice.

Just plan it well, be prepared, good mind set, good setting you will be fine and have a blast.

Oh and stay away from arseholes, people that is, will fuck your shit up.  :D

Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: sourpatchkid on July 20, 2012, 03:40 pm

If outside make sure you have a selection of warm clothes, things to sit on etc. If inside make a nest of covers and pillows, but be aware you may want to get up and walk and look around.

Another note on this, I think this is a good idea as well. BUT your body temperature on LSD is going to increase, so make sure the clothes are in layers so that you can easily remove/put on clothes depending on how you feel. In my experience, I can go from being hot to cold and from cold to hot in an instant.

Oh, and keep hydrated! And though you won't want to eat really, try some fruit. It's pretty cool while tripping.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: eternalcausation on July 20, 2012, 04:02 pm
No sunlight, as your pupil dilation might be a problem to you, at least it has been for me at certain times. stars ! They're almost. a must to me when I drop. If in the right circumstance. , you will discover a new nature to those beautiful shimmy beings of conscious. light. prepare your joints or marijuana before hand . as well as your food or drink that you may or may not what to take part in. make things easier on yourself with proper preparation. if you are going. to be with friends. be with. friends that will realize themselves as the eyes of the world, meaning that there is only so much people can relate on a surface level of communication and that certain times trying to relate or care about someone else's particular goings on can be stressful and a waste , while other times it can lead to extreme closeness and compassionate love. just be light and love...sorry for misspelled words and bad formatting , I'm on a phone right now
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: SteveyMcBobbyPants on July 20, 2012, 04:14 pm
Find a woman. Have sex with her. Trust me on this one, buddy.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: Spunkaroo on July 20, 2012, 04:32 pm
Have some good music ready to help you through any anxiety etc. One small thing could throw you off, for me it was a heavy metal song which really freaked me out. So I sat and listened to some calming music instead.

This is great advice and has helped me through many difficult trip phases. If you're in public you can also use headphones to block out people (should they be an issue for you.)

If outside make sure you have a selection of warm clothes, things to sit on etc. If inside make a nest of covers and pillows, but be aware you may want to get up and walk and look around.

Another note on this, I think this is a good idea as well. BUT your body temperature on LSD is going to increase, so make sure the clothes are in layers so that you can easily remove/put on clothes depending on how you feel. In my experience, I can go from being hot to cold and from cold to hot in an instant.

Oh, and keep hydrated! And though you won't want to eat really, try some fruit. It's pretty cool while tripping.

Can I suggest strawberries here? Good fresh ones are amazing whilst tripping.

No sunlight, as your pupil dilation might be a problem to you, at least it has been for me at certain times.

Totally agree with this as well, although I have a pair of good quality polarized shades that take care of this. Similar to the music idea, if you have these you can block out any people you may come across if you think they may be an issue.

Above all I'd suggest trying to avoid expectations and just going with it. Some people I've come across, hardcore psychonauts and the like, seem to think trips should be planned and directed (which may work for them), but the best trips I've had have been just me, my music, a bottle of water and a lot of nature.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: sourpatchkid on July 20, 2012, 04:36 pm

Can I suggest strawberries here? Good fresh ones are amazing whilst tripping.

1+ karma for mentioning strawberries. The first time I tripped, I contemplated the beauty of a strawberry for what seemed like 30 minutes. And then, when I put it in my mouth, it was an explosion of berry goodness that can only really be experienced at that level only if you are on psychedelics. Simply amazing.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: Spunkaroo on July 20, 2012, 05:02 pm

Can I suggest strawberries here? Good fresh ones are amazing whilst tripping.

1+ karma for mentioning strawberries. The first time I tripped, I contemplated the beauty of a strawberry for what seemed like 30 minutes. And then, when I put it in my mouth, it was an explosion of berry goodness that can only really be experienced at that level only if you are on psychedelics. Simply amazing.

Now I'm going to have to examine strawberries even closer next time I trip :) Honestly last time I had them I was watching TV (sounds lame, but I was really really into the show, connecting with teh characters on a whole new level) so I didn't really pat much attention to what I was eating. Apart from the amazing taste of course that is :)

I don't know if anyone else gets this, but often with LSD I'll get a really bad taste in my mouth, normally at least 3 hours in. I have a theory this is just me noticing the taste of the inside of my mouth... Anyway, strawberries did wonders for getting rid of this at the time.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: mrshah on July 20, 2012, 05:14 pm

Can I suggest strawberries here? Good fresh ones are amazing whilst tripping.

1+ karma for mentioning strawberries. The first time I tripped, I contemplated the beauty of a strawberry for what seemed like 30 minutes. And then, when I put it in my mouth, it was an explosion of berry goodness that can only really be experienced at that level only if you are on psychedelics. Simply amazing.

Now I'm going to have to examine strawberries even closer next time I trip :) Honestly last time I had them I was watching TV (sounds lame, but I was really really into the show, connecting with teh characters on a whole new level) so I didn't really pat much attention to what I was eating. Apart from the amazing taste of course that is :)

I don't know if anyone else gets this, but often with LSD I'll get a really bad taste in my mouth, normally at least 3 hours in. I have a theory this is just me noticing the taste of the inside of my mouth... Anyway, strawberries did wonders for getting rid of this at the time.

I find i get that weird/awful taste on the end trails of a trip, about 7hr in. Strawberries <3
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: 12345 on July 20, 2012, 05:15 pm
set and setting mate, you've got to be in a good mood in a comfortable place. i cannot emphasize this enough.

other than that have fun! i can't speak about amt as i've not done it but it's nothing like mdma, coke,pills or bud. have you done shrooms before? it's a more powerful version of that. and get a copy of the Beano, the kids comic, or something equally as silly. i guarantee you will not get off the first page without crying tears of laughter :)

1+ karma for this post. Nice positive flow comes from this advice.

@OP, just have fun. Ordered AA's AiW Blotter, too and I totally trust him. If it is true they are 125µg so in my opinion the perfect dose to have fun. Take one and feel the love.

...strawberries are great, alone the texture of this nut can drive you nuts.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: slybootz on July 20, 2012, 05:19 pm
+1 to whoever mentioned polarized sunglasses.  I always wear a giant pair of polarized "HD" sunglasses; everything appears more crisp, colors seem to "pop" a lot more, and the brightness of the sun is a non-issue.  Also, they sort of act as a security blanket for me if I ever get uncomfortable around a bunch of people.  Sometimes people look at me weird when it's 10pm and dark out, and I'm still wearing my sunglasses at a musi festival...
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: Spunkaroo on July 20, 2012, 05:24 pm

Can I suggest strawberries here? Good fresh ones are amazing whilst tripping.

1+ karma for mentioning strawberries. The first time I tripped, I contemplated the beauty of a strawberry for what seemed like 30 minutes. And then, when I put it in my mouth, it was an explosion of berry goodness that can only really be experienced at that level only if you are on psychedelics. Simply amazing.

Now I'm going to have to examine strawberries even closer next time I trip :) Honestly last time I had them I was watching TV (sounds lame, but I was really really into the show, connecting with teh characters on a whole new level) so I didn't really pat much attention to what I was eating. Apart from the amazing taste of course that is :)

I don't know if anyone else gets this, but often with LSD I'll get a really bad taste in my mouth, normally at least 3 hours in. I have a theory this is just me noticing the taste of the inside of my mouth... Anyway, strawberries did wonders for getting rid of this at the time.

I find i get that weird/awful taste on the end trails of a trip, about 7hr in. Strawberries <3

One last thing I'll say on this, I DON'T recommend mints or anything minty to try and get rid of this, Not even brushing your teeth. It just seems to make things worse for me. Not that it's actually that big a deal though :P
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: NeuroRelativizer on July 20, 2012, 06:57 pm
Lessee... Euphoria, clean, healthy feeling body high that's not overwhelming at all, relaxing but alert, constantly evolving fractals of iridescence in white walls and ceilings, love and acceptance for everything around you, the feeling that your standing on the shore of a bright and shining future of mind-blowing psychedelic adventure...

That's an acid high for me, and everyone else I've talked to. Really, do anything you'd be comfortable doing under those effects, cause that's what you can generally expect below 400 mcg (in my experience).

Also, I personally love sunshine on acid, but I'm also nocturnal myopic, which has me craving more brightness to improve my non-corrected vision.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: RR on July 20, 2012, 07:16 pm
some really good advice here thank you, im making my joints now and i feel happy and positive, got friends coming one wants to drop as well so wont be alone lol, and got shit loads of Valium just in case i want to sleep, so i think im set, will report back and may post during see how i feel :) 
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: NeuroRelativizer on July 20, 2012, 07:36 pm
Always awesome to share with friends, especially below tripping status. Looking forward to hearing how much fun you're having/had!
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: guysmiley on July 20, 2012, 07:50 pm
you should invite your mate over and watch a bunch of violent movies together.  he should have a bunch of coke that he can do while you trip on acid so he's alert and can watch over you. 
eat a large pizza right before you drop the tabs, cuz you'll want to have enough energy for the trip. 
try not to look away from the tv for very long, cuz stuff will look weird and you'll start to think about stuff you wouldn't normally think about. 
also, music sounds weird when you're on acid; for some reason when I was listening to my favorite record I thought "wow, indie rock is kinda boring."  really freaked me out, so now i don't listen to music on acid anymore. 
lighting is important: you'll want the brightest lights possible without sacrificing that "artificial" ambiance.  fluorescent tube bulbs are the best, IMO. 
definitely buy a newspaper and read it while tripping...the news is hella trippy. 
oh and put the volume of your phone ringer as high as it goes so you don't miss a call; talking to your family or old friends on the phone is a really great experience while tripping.
and last, don't forget to have your gun loaded in case the cops find out that you're tripping; you'll need to protect yourself from the raid they're gonna do at 6am

have fun!
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: NeuroRelativizer on July 20, 2012, 08:02 pm
you should invite your mate over and watch a bunch of violent movies together.
he should have a bunch of coke that he can do while you trip on acid so he's alert and can watch over you. 
eat a large pizza right before you drop the tabs, cuz you'll want to have enough energy for the trip. 
Try something healthy. The acid will reward you.
try not to look away from the tv for very long, cuz stuff will look weird and you'll start to think about stuff you wouldn't normally think about. 
That's why people do acid. Visual and cognitive shifts, among other reasons.
also, music sounds weird when you're on acid; for some reason when I was listening to my favorite record I thought "wow, indie rock is kinda boring."  really freaked me out, so now i don't listen to music on acid anymore. 
Never, ever underestimate the value of good music for your trip. Just need to find what's right for you - the acid itself may tell you at some point.
lighting is important: you'll want the brightest lights possible without sacrificing that "artificial" ambiance.  fluorescent tube bulbs are the best, IMO. 
Artificial light feels artificial. Natural light feels awesome. Either way, don't let it get too dark unless you want it dark.
definitely buy a newspaper and read it while tripping...the news is hella trippy. 
Personal preference, but I wouldn't do that. The world as it is and my head on acid don't mingle well.
oh and put the volume of your phone ringer as high as it goes so you don't miss a call; talking to your family or old friends on the phone is a really great experience while tripping.
No. Turn off your ringer. Don't do that your first time.
and last, don't forget to have your gun loaded in case the cops find out that you're tripping; you'll need to protect yourself from the raid they're gonna do at 6am
OH, you're just being a dick.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: cartographer on July 20, 2012, 08:08 pm
I think this may be an appropriate situation where I say, "successful troll is successful."

I love reading about LSD trips. Please do report back :)
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: NeuroRelativizer on July 20, 2012, 08:14 pm
I think this may be an appropriate situation where I say, "successful troll is successful."

Not so much successful as convenient for pointing out more do's and don'ts of acid.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: eternalcausation on July 20, 2012, 08:36 pm
Time the trip so your asleep when the Sun rises, idk. I always feel this grimminess. if I'm. still feeling it when the Sun comes back up. but I don't trip during the day either, always towards the night
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: slybootz on July 20, 2012, 08:53 pm
some really good advice here thank you, im making my joints now and i feel happy and positive, got friends coming one wants to drop as well so wont be alone lol, and got shit loads of Valium just in case i want to sleep, so i think im set, will report back and may post during see how i feel :)
Happy travels!!

Oh, and if you go for a bathroom break, don't get lost in the mirror... I've wasted a lot of time on acid staring at my face/eyebrows/skin in the bathroom mirror....
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: skills on July 20, 2012, 08:57 pm
This was my first heavy drug, i haven't done anything before, no coke, no mdma, no shrooms, no nothing lol

IT WAS FUCKED UP! In a good way, or most of it. It went wrong at some point but mostly i enjoyed it.

So, it was one of the most mind blowing drugs i did ;).

Definitely you don't want to be interrupted in the middle of a trip, my mom called me while i was tripping, i thought she was calling me from the hell, i got some seconds of sobriety so i could tell her to hang up that everything was ok, and then BANG "oh fuck, my mom is calling me from the entrances of the Earth, side by side with Satan..."

I don't recommend one acid for first timers, take half of one good clean acid, that should be enough.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: NeuroRelativizer on July 20, 2012, 10:22 pm
Time the trip so your asleep when the Sun rises, idk. I always feel this grimminess. if I'm. still feeling it when the Sun comes back up. but I don't trip during the day either, always towards the night
Or, time it so you redose, take a nap when it's dark and wake up to glorious, heavenly sunshine. Then you take the dog for a walk and smile and wave and say "Good morning!" to everyone you see.

I don't recommend one acid for first timers, take half of one good clean acid, that should be enough.
It depends on the strength and the situation, really. I personally recommend a solid 80-100 mcg, which is what I started with. The next weekend I took 180-200, and the weekend after that I took some 480-520. It was pretty spec-fucking-tacular, though I was unable to speak for much of the first time, being paralyzed with self-consciousness. Next time though, I committed to doing better beforehand and I was the most talkative one that night. The last time it was well split among the group (3 people inc me),

Another option is, before anything, try a single toke of DMT. It's clear headed, happy, visual, auditory, and it lasts all of 5 minutes. It's a wonderful preview and I honestly suggest that before anything.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: RR on July 20, 2012, 10:59 pm
its 12pm and i used both lol and im sitting here reading a laughing my socks off and feel little stimulated but nothing much visual yet maybe a little but we will see, the tabs kinda taste like soap? nasty taste, yuk
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: sourman on July 21, 2012, 12:27 am
I'd recommend going somewhere semi-new that you can explore without getting totally lost. Also, don't underestimate the potency of this stuff. Everything else has been said already...
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: RR on July 21, 2012, 12:46 am
getting a few visual  things going on, time seems slow lol its mental love it

gives you a new look on things thats for sure
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: ralph123 on July 21, 2012, 01:21 am
a lot of lucy I have done comes in stages. The acid comes on in waves until it finally peaks at it's most intense stage. You should know it when you get there. The signs of this are large pupil dilation and big time trips like the ground will be waving as you walk and the walls and pictures come alive and trees breath pretty heavy. Closed eye visuals can be just as intense. It varies from different acid and blotters. 1 blotter sometimes has an average of 4 hour of the most intense stage but then the over all is anywhere from 8 to 12 hours. You have been getting great advice from the good people here so not much more needed to be said. I like orange juice while I'm tripping
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: NeuroRelativizer on July 21, 2012, 01:28 am
I'd recommend going somewhere semi-new that you can explore without getting totally lost. Also, don't underestimate the potency of this stuff. Everything else has been said already...

I recommend learning how to explore the headspace before you explore the world on it. Afterwards, go wherever you feel like cause you'll be in control enough to not get lost somewhere very new.

Well maybe. Be careful before you go to that extent.

a lot of lucy I have done comes in stages. The acid comes on in waves until it finally peaks at it's most intense stage.
Every time I've done it and been sure it was really good LSD, it's come on in discrete steps that were defined by the occasions I stopped to think about my state of consciousness, meaning I'd feel exactly the same for an hour or two, then think about it, and suddenly be 30-60% further out there. I love that about it, because the progression isn't distracting from the rest.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: sourpatchkid on July 21, 2012, 01:44 am
I love how it's not just a come up, peak, then slowly back down like a weed high. With LSD, there will be times when I ask myself "Am I sober now?"

Then wait a few seconds..

Then it's like "Oh, fuck, definitely not", and the intensity just rolls over me again. :)
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: sourman on July 21, 2012, 01:52 am
I recommend learning how to explore the headspace before you explore the world on it. Afterwards, go wherever you feel like cause you'll be in control enough to not get lost somewhere very new.

Well maybe. Be careful before you go to that extent.

I guess it depends on the dose, cause I never really felt like I wasn't in control. Next time when I take a higher dose, I probably won't be straying into any new places though.

Yeah, it definitely comes on in stages. I went from feeling super high to being 5 years old again in a living imagination type thing, then back to super high but still seeing patterns come to life and whatnot.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: RR on July 21, 2012, 01:54 am
i feel just like me but i cant stop laughing, i see small things like the website breathing, but nothing dramatic i want more out of it it feels like a watered down version of what can be achieved, but then it hits me again, its mad stuff waves is true,  and i have got the munchies and fighting the demon telling me to walk to tesco 24hr store just for ben and jerrys ice cream and fags, but it might kick in more once im outside and i might see madness
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: Gary Oak on July 21, 2012, 01:55 am
This was my first heavy drug, i haven't done anything before, no coke, no mdma, no shrooms, no nothing lol

IT WAS FUCKED UP! In a good way, or most of it. It went wrong at some point but mostly i enjoyed it.

So, it was one of the most mind blowing drugs i did ;).

Definitely you don't want to be interrupted in the middle of a trip, my mom called me while i was tripping, i thought she was calling me from the hell, i got some seconds of sobriety so i could tell her to hang up that everything was ok, and then BANG "oh fuck, my mom is calling me from the entrances of the Earth, side by side with Satan..."

I don't recommend one acid for first timers, take half of one good clean acid, that should be enough.

Okay, you were in a fucking horrible situation to try acid and really shouldn't be giving advice on this subject because you went about it in a completely immature way. Also what the fuck is 'one acid'? You mean one tab? ::)

Anyways I'd recommend against what this novice said and I'd tell you to try between 200-300µg your first time somewhere safe, comfortable, and familiar. So long as you're mature and ready enough to delve into the world of psychedelics you'll have your mind blown and life changed forever. Remember, LSD is a tool and not a plaything. Get introspective, think about your life and how you've gotten to where you are and where you want to be in the future. Even in the worst of times, even in the worst trip imaginable, just focus on how much stronger you'll be for making it through it should the trip turn dark. :) Basically accept the fact that what you just ingested has the power to change who you are, take advantage of that and become who you want to be. I've taken LSD more than the average person in this time and age and despite that it still feels like I'm about to embark on an adventure every single time I dose. I still remember my first time tripping with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and it was unbelievable, it was as though my entire life was leading up to that point and I was born again a new and better person...that's how I want it to be with everyone their first time. It's a very noble undertaking to discover who you are and accept the being you see because it's not often a person get's that chance in life. :))
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: sourpatchkid on July 21, 2012, 02:00 am

Anyways I'd recommend against what this novice said and I'd tell you to try between 200-300µg your first time somewhere safe, comfortable, and familiar. So long as you're mature and ready enough to delve into the world of psychedelics you'll have your mind blown and life changed forever. Remember, LSD is a tool and not a plaything. Get introspective, think about your life and how you've gotten to where you are and where you want to be in the future. Even in the worst of times, even in the worst trip imaginable, just focus on how much stronger you'll be for making it through it should the trip turn dark. :) Basically accept the fact that what you just ingested has the power to change who you are, take advantage of that and become who you want to be. I've taken LSD more than the average person in this time and age and despite that it still feels like I'm about to embark on an adventure every single time I dose. I still remember my first time tripping with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and it was unbelievable, it was as though my entire life was leading up to that point and I was born again a new and better person...that's how I want it to be with everyone their first time. It's a very noble undertaking to discover who you are and accept the being you see because it's not often a person get's that chance in life. :))

I think this is very good advice! Inspiring, even ;) Just wondering, how much did you take on your first time, Gary? I wish I had taken a larger dose on my first time to have that sort of breakthrough, but instead it was just a silly and light trip. It was a great experience though, and I definitely still learn things about myself on small dose trips.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: ralph123 on July 21, 2012, 02:07 am
The first time I did acid was in 1993 and it was a real eye opener. A mind blowing experience. I had a co-worker who had friends that were dead heads so I tripped for a solid 2 years almost every other night. Would have been every night but I quickly grew accustom to the wait time in between trips so that it would have the full effects. Acid has definately showed me different ways of thinking and opened up a whole new world. I got some soon after I found the road and it had been at least ten years or more since I had tripped. I sure do appreciate the Silk Road.

My favorite part of tripping on lucy is during the most intense stage and I love a good thunder and lightening storm in the am hours. I love that "peak" period but it seems I need at least 150ug to get a descent trip. I peaked pretty good from one yin yang dolpin but could have handled more with ease
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: Gary Oak on July 21, 2012, 02:15 am

Anyways I'd recommend against what this novice said and I'd tell you to try between 200-300µg your first time somewhere safe, comfortable, and familiar. So long as you're mature and ready enough to delve into the world of psychedelics you'll have your mind blown and life changed forever. Remember, LSD is a tool and not a plaything. Get introspective, think about your life and how you've gotten to where you are and where you want to be in the future. Even in the worst of times, even in the worst trip imaginable, just focus on how much stronger you'll be for making it through it should the trip turn dark. :) Basically accept the fact that what you just ingested has the power to change who you are, take advantage of that and become who you want to be. I've taken LSD more than the average person in this time and age and despite that it still feels like I'm about to embark on an adventure every single time I dose. I still remember my first time tripping with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and it was unbelievable, it was as though my entire life was leading up to that point and I was born again a new and better person...that's how I want it to be with everyone their first time. It's a very noble undertaking to discover who you are and accept the being you see because it's not often a person get's that chance in life. :))

I think this is very good advice! Inspiring, even ;) Just wondering, how much did you take on your first time, Gary? I wish I had taken a larger dose on my first time to have that sort of breakthrough, but instead it was just a silly and light trip. It was a great experience though, and I definitely still learn things about myself on small dose trips.

The thing is back then we had no clue what a proper sized dose was or even what the hell a microgram was, but looking back on it now and comparing it to other tabs it had to of been around 175-200µg. Not a lot these days but for how young I was just right. ;) It really makes me miss those days, you could buy a sheet of legit acid in Washington for $200 then. :'(
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: ralph123 on July 21, 2012, 02:19 am
hey Gary I did some one time they said it was 4 way window payne. It was really intense and I didn't cut it into fours. I see a vendor with some microdot. Have you tried either of those kinds?
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: Gary Oak on July 21, 2012, 02:30 am
hey Gary I did some one time they said it was 4 way window payne. It was really intense and I didn't cut it into fours. I see a vendor with some microdot. Have you tried either of those kinds?

Can't say I have ralph, but I've been eager to try the microdots. This probably isn't true but microdots have always felt stronger than tabs so they make me very curious indeed. ;)
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: sourpatchkid on July 21, 2012, 02:34 am
Is it inefficient to make window panes or something? Why aren't these widely available anymore?
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: skills on July 21, 2012, 03:25 am
This was my first heavy drug, i haven't done anything before, no coke, no mdma, no shrooms, no nothing lol

IT WAS FUCKED UP! In a good way, or most of it. It went wrong at some point but mostly i enjoyed it.

So, it was one of the most mind blowing drugs i did ;).

Definitely you don't want to be interrupted in the middle of a trip, my mom called me while i was tripping, i thought she was calling me from the hell, i got some seconds of sobriety so i could tell her to hang up that everything was ok, and then BANG "oh fuck, my mom is calling me from the entrances of the Earth, side by side with Satan..."

I don't recommend one acid for first timers, take half of one good clean acid, that should be enough.

Okay, you were in a fucking horrible situation to try acid and really shouldn't be giving advice on this subject because you went about it in a completely immature way. Also what the fuck is 'one acid'? You mean one tab? ::)

Anyways I'd recommend against what this novice said and I'd tell you to try between 200-300µg your first time somewhere safe, comfortable, and familiar. So long as you're mature and ready enough to delve into the world of psychedelics you'll have your mind blown and life changed forever. Remember, LSD is a tool and not a plaything. Get introspective, think about your life and how you've gotten to where you are and where you want to be in the future. Even in the worst of times, even in the worst trip imaginable, just focus on how much stronger you'll be for making it through it should the trip turn dark. :) Basically accept the fact that what you just ingested has the power to change who you are, take advantage of that and become who you want to be. I've taken LSD more than the average person in this time and age and despite that it still feels like I'm about to embark on an adventure every single time I dose. I still remember my first time tripping with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and it was unbelievable, it was as though my entire life was leading up to that point and I was born again a new and better person...that's how I want it to be with everyone their first time. It's a very noble undertaking to discover who you are and accept the being you see because it's not often a person get's that chance in life. :))

Dude, chill out :P

it was a bit immature, yes indeed. But it was my first time, some years ago, with a serious drug. You're not much of a reader, are you?

Here in Portugal we call it "one acid" for each square :). I'll not forget those Dancing Bears lol

Gare Oak, chill a bit in your corner man. I was telling him to be in peace, to not get disturbed and told him about my incident/mistake .
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: 751a696c24d97009 on July 21, 2012, 03:26 am
What I do to prepare:

1. Make sure I have an entire day to myself, so I can mentally prep myself before the trip, I can trip without interruption, and I can come down peacefully at my own rate.

2. Have a sitter. I have a few close friends who I sit and in return they sit me as well. You should consider them to be one of your best friends. One time I had someone sit me who occasionally got on my nerves and was an okay friend, I was just anxious the entire time about him being around.

3. Have some nice ambient music and delicious food ready.

4. Have a xanax ready in case I get anxious, as I have minor anxiety problems. Had to use it twice, it greatly helped.

5. Trip balls  :)
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: Gary Oak on July 21, 2012, 03:52 am
What I do to prepare:

1. Make sure I have an entire day to myself, so I can mentally prep myself before the trip, I can trip without interruption, and I can come down peacefully at my own rate.

2. Have a sitter. I have a few close friends who I sit and in return they sit me as well. You should consider them to be one of your best friends. One time I had someone sit me who occasionally got on my nerves and was an okay friend, I was just anxious the entire time about him being around.

3. Have some nice ambient music and delicious food ready.

4. Have a xanax ready in case I get anxious, as I have minor anxiety problems. Had to use it twice, it greatly helped.

5. Trip balls  :)

You sir, get a +1 for effort! That's exactly what I like to read right there, perfect model of a responsible drug user. :))
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: NeuroRelativizer on July 21, 2012, 07:35 am
What I do to prepare:
1. Make sure I have an entire day to myself, so I can mentally prep myself before the trip, I can trip without interruption, and I can come down peacefully at my own rate.
2. Have a sitter. I have a few close friends who I sit and in return they sit me as well. You should consider them to be one of your best friends. One time I had someone sit me who occasionally got on my nerves and was an okay friend, I was just anxious the entire time about him being around.
3. Have some nice ambient music and delicious food ready.
4. Have a xanax ready in case I get anxious, as I have minor anxiety problems. Had to use it twice, it greatly helped.
5. Trip balls  :)
1. Totally agreed. It adds to the experience and lengthens one's perception of it, in my experience.
2. Nope. Can't stand sitters. Trip buddies I love, and we just stay to the fringes of our limits as our limits expand. Don't know your limits? Try a low dose, you'll have no need for a sitter.
3. Yea, verily.
4. That'll be personal preference, mine is to let the acid take me where it will and to learn whatever I can there.
5. Well of course it stands to be repeated. Trip glorious, psychedelic balls.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: 751a696c24d97009 on July 23, 2012, 12:18 am
4. That'll be personal preference, mine is to let the acid take me where it will and to learn whatever I can there.

With regards to 4, I had a really bad trip on shrooms once, but I didn't have a xanax nearby so I just had to ride it out. Definitely an experience I learned something from, however unpleasant it may have been. But some people probably aren't too fond of bad trips, regardless of whatever they may get out of them. I try not to use one unless it gets REALLY bad; sometimes bad trips can get better  :)
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: NeuroRelativizer on July 23, 2012, 01:55 am
4. That'll be personal preference, mine is to let the acid take me where it will and to learn whatever I can there.

With regards to 4, I had a really bad trip on shrooms once, but I didn't have a xanax nearby so I just had to ride it out. Definitely an experience I learned something from, however unpleasant it may have been. But some people probably aren't too fond of bad trips, regardless of whatever they may get out of them. I try not to use one unless it gets REALLY bad; sometimes bad trips can get better  :)

Disclaimer: I do not always take measures to prevent a difficult trip, in terms of environment (lighting, company, music, etc). Whenever I have taken measures, I had a beautiful, positive trip start to finish.
I've had terrifying trips which leave me the sense that part of me is still in each of them, trapped there eternally. Wouldn't trade a single one away. One in particular had me desperately trying to sleep as I looped through 5 seconds of a normally beautiful but then horrifying track by Beats Antique over and over, thinking the same thought in different words for eternity till I woke up to sunshine in the window and a happy dog and I have never felt that everything was so beautiful before or since.

You have to know Hell to see Heaven, humans have one scale and we resize experiences to fit!
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: 751a696c24d97009 on July 23, 2012, 02:43 am
Disclaimer: I do not always take measures to prevent a difficult trip, in terms of environment (lighting, company, music, etc). Whenever I have taken measures, I had a beautiful, positive trip start to finish.
I've had terrifying trips which leave me the sense that part of me is still in each of them, trapped there eternally. Wouldn't trade a single one away. One in particular had me desperately trying to sleep as I looped through 5 seconds of a normally beautiful but then horrifying track by Beats Antique over and over, thinking the same thought in different words for eternity till I woke up to sunshine in the window and a happy dog and I have never felt that everything was so beautiful before or since.

You have to know Hell to see Heaven, humans have one scale and we resize experiences to fit!

For any first-timers or people wondering what a bad trip can lead to, this is the best way I've ever heard it described.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: NeuroRelativizer on July 23, 2012, 05:09 am
For any first-timers or people wondering what a bad trip can lead to, this is the best way I've ever heard it described.

Why thank you. That was my third experience in that vein, and it took seriously contemplating each of them, committing them to memory, then poring over them collectively to really develop in a way that could be understood the underlying structure of my personal hell (I could actually go much more in depth if anyone is interested, though I advise anyone who's nervous to stay away from reports of difficult trips). Not always fun, especially since powerful memories have a way of coming on like a hardcore flashback when I think about them too hard (this is true of sober memories as well as psychedelic for me, I'm not talking acid flashbacks like people tend to fret about).

I've noticed that whenever anyone takes the time and effort to analyze part of a psychedelic experience and explain it in a way that's understandable, a(n un)surprising number of people say "Hey, that's exactly what it's like!" Surprising because of how the experience is generated within our own mind and could potentially vary wildly, unsurprising because people are more the same than different, and Lucy has a pretty consistent personality across every dose, accounting for dose size.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: RR on August 04, 2012, 02:24 pm
where am i going wrong? i am really getting in to this hole psychedelic thing but im not finding much joy, i first ever started mith amt this was a fun experience where the walls rippled and floor moved but i felt i wanted more out of it, so i moved on to lsd and done the two tabs in one night and felt only mild effects the most i saw was the letters on my pc screen moving around. but nothing more except it kept me awake all night and them early morning hours are the worst after any stimulant so i took 20mg of valium and went to sleep at around 9am. after some further research i come across 25i and 25c nbome, i started with the 25i and found this slightly more powerful and energetic (kinda like a light mdma feeling) a few visuals and watched avatar while on it, great film to watch on it, but still felt like i want more so doubled the dose but got same effect, now i waited a week and then tried the 25c in my eyes this is not as good as the I but some mild visuals nothing more.

so where do i go from here? i am looking for a mind blowing visual display of colors and i dont care if it is a bad trip as long as i get a trip!!!! frustrating to say the least.... do i need a huge 10tab dose of acid? or is there better out there in the 2c family? there are just so mant to choose from i dont know where to start, i hear 2c-i is good but manic but how true is this? or maybe strooms but eatting them puts me off

someone help i want a trip but its just not happening for me     
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: guysmiley on August 04, 2012, 02:54 pm
where am i going wrong? i am really getting in to this hole psychedelic thing but im not finding much joy, i first ever started mith amt this was a fun experience where the walls rippled and floor moved but i felt i wanted more out of it, so i moved on to lsd and done the two tabs in one night and felt only mild effects the most i saw was the letters on my pc screen moving around. but nothing more except it kept me awake all night and them early morning hours are the worst after any stimulant so i took 20mg of valium and went to sleep at around 9am. after some further research i come across 25i and 25c nbome, i started with the 25i and found this slightly more powerful and energetic (kinda like a light mdma feeling) a few visuals and watched avatar while on it, great film to watch on it, but still felt like i want more so doubled the dose but got same effect, now i waited a week and then tried the 25c in my eyes this is not as good as the I but some mild visuals nothing more.

so where do i go from here? i am looking for a mind blowing visual display of colors and i dont care if it is a bad trip as long as i get a trip!!!! frustrating to say the least.... do i need a huge 10tab dose of acid? or is there better out there in the 2c family? there are just so mant to choose from i dont know where to start, i hear 2c-i is good but manic but how true is this? or maybe strooms but eatting them puts me off

someone help i want a trip but its just not happening for me   

5 to 10 hits of good acid combined with a small dose of really good MDMA will do for you what you want.  or you could just smoke some DMT.  none of the research chems will get you to where you want to go.

if you take the mushroom route, you should eat 5 to 7 grams all at once.  like in a sandwich or something.  and be prepared to lay down and not move for a while afterwards.

keep at it dude, you'll get there!
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: aminophoenix on August 04, 2012, 03:38 pm
This thread's been going for a good few pages, but I have to admit to being a bit of an LSD-safety freak so I'm gonna type out my usual instructions for first timers.  I'm typing this up as a guide for LSD first timers who are NOT using a sitter, but ideally you should have someone who's got a bit of psychedelic experience with you, sober, to keep an eye out.

Beforehand -
     First things first. You need to prepare for LSD before you take it, not during. Think of it like a roller coaster. Once you're on, you're on. However, if you've got the safety bars in place and your wallet safely tucked away, most of the risk is dramatically reduced.
     The first thing you want to do is prepare your set and setting. Don't take LSD for the first time unless you are happy, stable, and in a good place in your life. With a bit of experience, sure, you can take it when you're in a crappy mood, but the first time will be your roughest. When it comes to setting, use your common sense. That starts with doing it inside, away from straights, for the first time at least.  Clean your room/apartment/house/crack den. Yeah, really. I don't care if you're the biggest stoner on earth, get the place tidy. Hoover the carpet. Get rid of anything sharp you could stand on. If you're more comfortable in a place that's a little cluttered, then cool, but don't leave the place in a total mess.
     Secondly, take advanced precautions for anxiety or bad-tripping. Personally? I buy half a kilo of starburst and a few litres of orange juice, because I loved both of them as a kid and they pretty much instantly take me to a happy place. Avoid hot drinks, but get some food and drink that makes you comfortable and gives you feelings of security. What this is is up to you. Candy that you really liked as a kid is usually a pretty good idea. Then, make a music playlist specifically to chill yourself out. The sort of music that you find appropriate for this if up to you. Maybe it's Shpongle, maybe it's an ambient In Flames song, maybe it's the Beatles. With this sort of thing in place, you have a prescribed way to calm yourself down, and one of the best ways to do with the feelings of inescapable anxiety that come with a bad-trip is to create a 'way out' - if you feel like you can do something at all to deal with it, then those feelings are going to go away a lot faster because one of the most consistent triggers for a negative experience is feeling like your situation is permanent and inescapable.
     Third. Music. Get your playlists set out in advance. I don't know what technology you use, but make a mix-tape CD, or a spotify/youtube playlist, or just arrange your CD collection so you can get stuff out quickly. Music is very important, not only because it makes tripping more intense, but because it can help with the weird feelings of timelessness that can creep out first-timers.
     Fourth. Dosage. Don't be a fuckwit. If it is your first time, stick to a ~200ug dose. DO NOT GO ABOVE 400ug. Acid at higher dosages is a very different beast and one you do not wish to confront without some experience.
     Lastly, be considerate. If you live with other people, tell them if at all possible - my flatmates are cool and for a while I had a "On acid. Do not disturb." sign that I could throw on my door. Dealing with people unexpectedly on acid isn't nice, either.

During -
Most of the work with acid is beforehand. Here's a few tips for the experience itself, however.

- LSD takes hours to fully kick in. Do not go 'Hey, I feel fine. Maybe another tab?' after an hour. This is stupid and you will regret doing so.
- Don't go outside first time without an escort.
- KEEP THE LIGHTS ON FIRST TIME. Sure, some people can trip in pitch darkness with no issues. Some people find it scares them shitless. Find this out when you're a little better at this.
- Don't try to creep yourself out deliberately. I shouldn't have to say this but experience has taught me to tell people this. Yes, you can fuck with yourself and induce a bad trip. It can and will happen if you do so. Don't do this.
- Don't go outside first time.
- Don't call, facebook, or message anyone who does not know you are on acid.
- Don't go outside first time.
- Mixing other substances first time, except maybe weed, isn't a good idea. Don't get bored and decide to take half a gram of MDMA to see what happens. This especially applies with other hallucinogenics.

I hope this helps someone at least - I will happily admit to being very conservative about this stuff, but in my experience it's justified. LSD is very capable of screwing with your head in a way that most people underestimate. If anyone wants any other tips, feel free to ask!
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: guysmiley on August 04, 2012, 03:43 pm

- Don't go outside first time without an escort.

- Don't go outside first time.

- Don't go outside first time.

lol, now can you tell us what happened to you when you went outside by yourself the first time you took acid?
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: aminophoenix on August 04, 2012, 03:50 pm

- Don't go outside first time without an escort.

- Don't go outside first time.

- Don't go outside first time.

lol, now can you tell us what happened to you when you went outside by yourself the first time you took acid?

It was the second time, actually. Let's just say that I was for some time barred from that branch of Burger King.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: RR on August 04, 2012, 04:13 pm
if i could only feel half of what others describe i would be happy, just ordered a glass pipe and 100mg dmt any advice there? what should i expect?
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: Neville Bartoz on August 04, 2012, 04:18 pm


During -
Most of the work with acid is beforehand. Here's a few tips for the experience itself, however.

- LSD takes hours to fully kick in. Do not go 'Hey, I feel fine. Maybe another tab?' after an hour. This is stupid and you will regret doing so.
- Don't go outside first time without an escort.
- KEEP THE LIGHTS ON FIRST TIME. Sure, some people can trip in pitch darkness with no issues. Some people find it scares them shitless. Find this out when you're a little better at this.
- Don't try to creep yourself out deliberately. I shouldn't have to say this but experience has taught me to tell people this. Yes, you can fuck with yourself and induce a bad trip. It can and will happen if you do so. Don't do this.
- Don't go outside first time.
- Don't call, facebook, or message anyone who does not know you are on acid.
- Don't go outside first time.
- Mixing other substances first time, except maybe weed, isn't a good idea. Don't get bored and decide to take half a gram of MDMA to see what happens. This especially applies with other hallucinogenics.

yeah as the late great Bill Hicks said "Take off from the ground first, you don't see ducks lining up for the elevator!"
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: TravellingWithoutMoving on August 04, 2012, 09:40 pm
Dont get too uptight about it and being as natural and normal state of mind before is whats accelerated (or exaggerated) during and after.
Small things grow into bigger ones
your little phobia can get the better of you unless you take control of yourself and your situation.
It is many things including self healing

The objective should be discovery, discovery of you and your self thought process and what the universe has to offer you.

Let the Acid flow
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: RR on August 05, 2012, 11:16 am
well i think my good times will start friday, i have ordered 500mg freebase dmt, and i have ordered a glass pipe so its game on :)
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: RR on August 05, 2012, 11:54 am
okay now i have a glass pipe, 500mg of DMT and 3gr dried A++ Psilocybin Cubensis Mushrooms (equivalent to 30gr un dried)

how much of the 3gr dried A++ Psilocybin Cubensis Mushrooms should i try frist? not looking forward to eatting them they look nasty and wrong, i like normal mushrooms but dont think these taste the same, they look like something they eat in im a celebrity (uk program)
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: Gary Oak on August 05, 2012, 09:53 pm
okay now i have a glass pipe, 500mg of DMT and 3gr dried A++ Psilocybin Cubensis Mushrooms (equivalent to 30gr un dried)

how much of the 3gr dried A++ Psilocybin Cubensis Mushrooms should i try frist? not looking forward to eatting them they look nasty and wrong, i like normal mushrooms but dont think these taste the same, they look like something they eat in im a celebrity (uk program)

Just grind the boomers up, spread the powder onto a peanut-butter sandwich, and down it with some chocolate milk since it'll be sticky. By far one of the easiest ways to eat them if you're not into the shroomy flavor. ;) Also I say eat all three grams, they won't be that strong to be honest. Maybe a mid-level *** trip which won't be too bad, so don't sweat it. ;)
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: 751a696c24d97009 on August 05, 2012, 11:22 pm
I'd recommend eating all of them unless you're really small or something. I usually take at least five, and over at Erowid, 3.5g dried seems to be the most common amount.
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: RR on August 06, 2012, 09:07 am
okay now i have a glass pipe, 500mg of DMT and 3gr dried A++ Psilocybin Cubensis Mushrooms (equivalent to 30gr un dried)

how much of the 3gr dried A++ Psilocybin Cubensis Mushrooms should i try frist? not looking forward to eatting them they look nasty and wrong, i like normal mushrooms but dont think these taste the same, they look like something they eat in im a celebrity (uk program)

thanks for advice i have managed to up my order to 5grs for an extra coin and a half so will be eating the hole 5grs at once  ;)
Title: Re: trying LSD first time any advice?
Post by: RR on August 12, 2012, 10:05 am
right where to begin its been a while since i have posted on this topic and so much magic has happened since,  last night i tried another acid vendor's (Janis) tabs and this was defo 100% genuine Acid, if you have been fooled and disappointed by fake acid i fully suggest and HIGHLY recommend you try the real deal and dont give up hope. i got 3x 100ug tabs and took them all at once (Note Tasteless), now after my first unsuccessful DMT journey, it just felt painstakingly long to take effect. but like i say thats prob more to do with the fact that DMT is so instant, more on that soon but for now back to the acid, it took about half hour before i started seeing odd things, (i spent this hole time in front of my PC, and i was fully functional throughout) for example the icons and buttons on the screen where moving like a slight wobble only ever so often like its teasing you,this happened every 10 minutes or so (this is what i mean buy it felt painstakingly slow), but slowly the gaps got smaller and more often, the way i would sum up a low does of acid..(300ug)..i ay low but it effets each differently but to me this dose was far to mellow and relaxed an easy trip. i wanted more challenging issues to deal with now in my opinion  Acid Has got its own never ending building  rhythm a kind of wobble theme that builds up, when you reach full peak hours but feels weeks later it all builds up like a story  and it all comes together

THIS was when I got a sudden  unresistantable  inspiration telling  me to do A hit Of DMT half way though slow acid trip, i know (madness) i do not recommend you try this your self its just some thing i had to do and it was beyond my capability to risist, so now with a glass meth style pipe in my amory i loaded it up with 75mg's and sat back and menally prepaid myself for what i was about to face and have to deal with cos its a one way ticket once thats smokes gone theres no turning back. i pulled as hard as i could on the pipe and took the first hit and held my breath, now this is where it gets hard cos before you get a chance to get the pie in your mouth for the most important second hit, the world is already falling apart around you and its challenging to get it right, i missed the second hit so didnt quite make it though but annoyingly close, im learning with each failure and had one hell of an eye opening experience, words will never be enough to fully explain DMT its some thing one must see for themselves, but as i tried and failed to get a second hit and i thought i did until i saw the pipe the next morning, as i tried to align lighter and pipe everything was falling apart around me and that feeling of the biggest overweening strangeness,  i just sat in my arm chair and closed my eyes... after a few seconds dark grey shapes  slowly getting lighter and lighter and slowly color is introduced in to the flow as it where (its a flow and your going along for the ride no matter what and its smoother and as comfortable as poss if you just go with it,  if you try and fight it i would imagine it could become quite alkword although even letting yourself go with it is still overwhelming and strange, cos there are feelings there that just dont exsist in this relm,) but as i sat there watching with amazement the light becomes more and more intense and out of that swirling light or energy little bits peel off slowly at first but increasing,  the little pieces of  light  or energy that peeled of shoot off and make a outline of a face shape, its just glitches at first but they get faster and faster until you can see a outline of a face thats left purely out of trails left behind buy the light,(i can not expertize enough just how overwelied and powerless you are  but sadly this is where it all started to ware off before that climax it just wore of  (this is why the second hits so important , its the final step blast off. and it slowly faded away, and the thing with DMT it needs to be done the first time, its not something you can chase with more, you either get enought smoke in first try or you dont. if you try again the same day your just wasting DMT. cos you will never get close again, to the first attempt that day, but the next didnt seem an issue and if only i had got that second hit right i could have continued the story but have no fear because one day it will all go just perfectly and i will be able to tell you what i thought i saw happen.

im sure a few are wondering how the effects  of DMT differed when i was mid acid trip, and all i have to cross reference to is my first unsussesful try a few days before, where i got a slight teaser of its power. and saw what many refer to as the mustroom like effects it has in minor doses. on its own DMT was Rapid powerful overweening but very fast, as for the effects at low doses. i am almost inclinded to state a minor dose as a hole new drug in the lsd range, the walls ripple and spin and color is much more simple and blends together far better, there is zero contrast to anything like no edges and that makes you feel like your in a 2d world everything flat and no shading or shadows,  and the mid acid trip was the same but different almost slowed down giving you half a chance of understanding whats going on.

the acid almost slowed the flow down to a pace that was at the very tip of our ability to see, this is NOT a trip for the faint hearted and could properly push a few over the edge permanently,  if you are not menally, physically and i think most importantly emotionally Ready to face those moments that felel ever lasting and it lake everything you have to make it though  and thats just one of many non stop moments you have to pass and the only way though is to let go, but not in the physical sense, more menially let go of everything that you have been thought before now and it takes everything you have to let go of the comforts of reality you must have a free mined approach to things that you are going to come across and up against, it takes everything you have every last drop you prosess in that one moment  to get to the the next moment (The Flow)  and thats only the start of a endless chain off moments )  and its not until you learn to let go it becomes easier to get to the next moment.... you start to flow with it, until you let go you are trapped in the  timeless relem    ,the most noticable moment i can recall that is possable to put into words is a feeling of waiting never endeing moments an explain it was as the effects start to hit home and the flow takes over its so overwhelming and beyond anything you ever will see normally in your life. so its like a moment you have to cross where time feels like it stand still. and you are thinking about breathing cos breaths seem like a life time apart. it take for that one moment everything you possibly have as a human and the only way though it to let go of reality completely. its not easy at allbut once you do so much happens so quickly i could tell this story for ever and ever, but please dont read this and think cool and buy some, this is NOT a recreational high or feeling at any stretch of  the imagination  and if you go in to it not understanding then you will never see what else is out there.

i can not stress enough how powerful and potant this chemical is. and if you go in looking from the "i want to get high" propective or way of thinking you will come out disapointed its more of a tool almost a form of transport to another place not in our universe anyhow

im sure lots of opinions will follow i have tried my absolute best to put it in to words but there are two few, but this is my honest try :)