Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: zameek on July 06, 2012, 12:49 pm

Title: whats best way to use meth
Post by: zameek on July 06, 2012, 12:49 pm
reason i got sample of meth never done meth before sample his .10g so yeah
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: dzlrv on July 06, 2012, 05:35 pm
eat, smoke, sniff or inject- check erowid for differences-

I think injection will get you most out of it both in terms of intensity and dosage.

personally I dont like needles and dont think the high is worthwhile and prolly bit wasteful if eating it, (never tried snorting it), and Im already used to smoking (cigs/weed) so thats how I take it, I like smoking it and it works pretty well- smooth easy smoke and nice high

google how to make a methpipe from a lightbulb, may take ya some tries/bulbs to get it right but worth it and pretty easy homemade thing for some easy puffs for testing I think
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: zameek on July 06, 2012, 07:02 pm
yeah guess i smoke it because i do smoke alote of cannabis and cigs
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: tordemon on July 06, 2012, 09:39 pm
I haven't injected anything yet, but I've taken meth orally, nasally, and vaporized, and of the three I have most certainly preferred vaporized. I've never tried smoking it out of a lightbulb, but would instead suggest you just go and buy a meth pipe. Head shops sell them as "incense burners," and they usually only cost like $6. At first it might take you just a bit to learn how vaporize the meth without burning it, but once you get it down, I actually enjoy how it tastes vaporized (the drip tastes horrible) and the effects are great.

Also, if you're looking to get fancy, hot rails are pretty fun and interesting, and they seem to get you higher. They require a crack pipe, and I don't know if the increased effects are just placebo or what, but it's worth doing at least once.
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: breathe on July 07, 2012, 06:07 am
I think you should snort for your first time because you'll probably screw up the whole smoking thing, twirling the pipe is harder than it looks
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: CanDy SweeTz on July 07, 2012, 06:12 am
I tried meth once. In my experience....snorting actually hit harder than smoking....if you can even consider meth "hitting hard" , but get ready for the worst come down of your life....or it might of been because I tripped for like a week straight while taking mdma....never again <_<; .....
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: CX on July 07, 2012, 08:11 am

How it’s done:
This is a common method of use, often the way guys use crystal the first time. The shards of crystal are chopped up or crushed into a powder. The powder is inhaled into the nose through a straw, hollowed out ballpoint pen or, if you're feeling old school and kinda disco, a rolled up bill. Once inside the nose and sinuses, the drug is absorbed by the blood vessels.

Time to get off:  about 3-5 minutes.

Things to watch out for:
The lining of the nasal passages is fairly delicate and can be injured easily. This can lead to nose bleeds, sinus trouble, and in some cases permanent damage to the nasal structure. Sharing straws or bills can transmit all types of germs from the common cold to possibly Hepatitis C (and theoretically HIV).

Strategies to reduce possible harms:
Chop it up fine, fine, fine! Big chunks in your nasal passages don't get absorbed and can cause tissue damage. Don’t share straws or bills. If you’re trapped on a desert island and have to share a straw, clean between use.  At a certain point, snorting becomes an ineffective way of delivering the drug because the nasal passages can’t absorb any more of the drug due to congestion, over-use or tissue damage. It’s best not to snort speed like it’s coke – try to lengthen the time between hits. Or switch the way you do it and try swallowing it.


How it’s done:
The drug is heated in a glass pipe, bowl or stem until it becomes gaseous ("smoke"). It's then inhaled into the lungs. The "smoke" enters the blood stream via the lungs.

Time to get off:  about 7-10 seconds.

Things to watch out for:
Smoke of any kind irritates the lungs. Prolonged irritation can lead to breathing difficulties and coughing. People with asthma, emphysema, and other lung problems are particularly at risk for these effects. If you're smoking speed, you' re going to end up consuming larger quantities of the drug much faster than if you are snorting or swallowing. Keep in mind, the time to get off is much quicker and the high is more intense than when swallowing or snorting speed.

Strategies to reduce possible harms:
Before you hit the pipe, decide how much product you're going to use. And then stick to that amount.  Too challenging, you say? Maybe you can try to  decrease the frequency of hitting the pipe after your first hit.

Booty Bumping

How it’s done:
There are two ways this works.  In the first, think turkey baster!  With some acrobatics thrown in for good measure. The crystal is dissolved in water and a syringe without the needle is used to “bump” this solution of crystal into your butt hole. The other way is to push a small shard or a fingertip covered with powdered crystal into your butt.  Either way, the drug is absorbed by the blood vessels in the lining of the rectum.

Time to get off:  about 3-5 minutes.

Things to watch out for:
If you bottom after booty bumping, you're likely to have something besides your absorbent blood vessels and his big dick up your butt. You're also gonna have an abrasive powder which can increase chances for internal abrasion and condom breakage. If there's no condom on that dick,  the risk for abrasions both in your rectum and on his dick goes up. This increases the chance for exchange of blood. Damage to the mucous membranes that line your rectum, like burning or tearing, can put you at higher risk of giving or getting HIV and other STDs.

Strategies to reduce possible harms:
If you booty-bump and bottom make sure he has a condom on. Make sure you use clean water to dissolve the speed. Don’t share booty bump syringes – you could be sharing shit which could give you hepatitis, parasites or other diseases.

Hot Railing

How it’s done:
The tip of a short glass stem, or the middle of longer stem, is heated until it’s red-hot. The end of the stem is placed over a bump or line. The heat vaporizes the speed and the vapor is inhaled, usually through the nose.

Time to get off:  similar to smoking, about 7-10 seconds.

Things to watch out for:
As with smoking, the vapor can definitely irritate your lungs. You rail through your nose, so there’s irritation of the nasal passages to consider. The stem will be very very hot, and can burn you or someone else.

Strategies to reduce possible harms:
The stem used for railing could, theoretically, be contaminated with blood or other body fluids containing HIV and Hep C. Have your own stem and, if you have to share, try and wash the stem between uses and users. To avoid burns, keep your eyes on the hot stem before, during and after railing. To prevent burning down your house, have a glass or metal dish to put the hot stem on after you've done your hit.


How it’s done:
Crystal is injected directly into the veins with a needle and syringe, often called a "rig" or, though rarely among speed users, "works". Other ways of injecting drugs are "muscling" - injection of the drug into muscle - and "skin popping" - injecting the drug under the skin. Muscling and skin popping are not recommended because crystal won't absorb through muscle or skin. You won’t get high and it’s almost a guarantee for an abscess.

Time to get off:  about 15-30 seconds.

Things to watch out for:
If we're talking about the risk of infection, slamming is the most dangerous way to use.  Injecting bypasses all the defenses our bodies have to protect the blood supply. We all have bacteria on our skin so if you inject you can develop an abscess after this bacteria gets under your skin. Sharing rigs increases risk of giving or getting Hep B, Hep C and HIV. Any contaminants in the crystal will be injected directly into the bloodstream.
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: sniper123 on July 07, 2012, 10:41 pm
So i'm the only one that smokes off tin foil still? Wow.. i need to get with the program. I prefer to snort some, swallow some, then smoke some. That way the smoked high hits me first, followed by the dose i snorted, followed by the oral. It somehow smooths the comedown very nicely. Snorting does cause discomfort. I have asthma and haven't noticed it effecting my breathing much. But, i smoke it like i do all things. I take a little to medium size hit and exhale immediately. I have noticed if i hold in my smoke it does cause some lung irritation.

Happy tweaking. :)
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: long_hairhippie on July 08, 2012, 04:47 am
should pick up a glass dick at the corner store, lol ask for a rose, or go to a head shop where they sell good bongs, and get a glass oil burner, hell they have them so you can plug them into your bong. My bro has bowl for his diffuser bong that has lava rocks in it, hits it with a torch and bam its like a big ass hot rail.
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: sniper123 on July 09, 2012, 10:05 am
should pick up a glass dick at the corner store, lol ask for a rose, or go to a head shop where they sell good bongs, and get a glass oil burner, hell they have them so you can plug them into your bong. My bro has bowl for his diffuser bong that has lava rocks in it, hits it with a torch and bam its like a big ass hot rail.
Takes it to a whole new level and you can actually taste the product fully.
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: marsvolta12 on August 03, 2012, 03:32 am
go to priscillmarie90's thread about the proper way to smoke crystal. she was nice enough to include very informative videos, which demonstrate the proper technique to make the most of your product.
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: Gibbroni on August 03, 2012, 02:02 pm
I too have flirted with the idea of seeing what Meth is like since joining SR. It hasn't eventuated in me purchasing any yet, as i'm still stocking up on weird and wonderfuls/bread and butter.  I guess i'm not particularly drawn to it. From my understanding you feel wired, tweaked, energetic, focussed/on fire?  I guess, without trying it (except as an adulterant in awful local pills perhaps), I get the impression MDMA is a lot better, and I love MDMA, so I've never bothered to seek meth.  But, i'm still curious!

Now that i'm here, I feel it could give my drug stash some much needed edge!
Ooo edgy, stigma stimulant baby!  Why not give it a go?!   8)

So yeah...

I don't know if i'll ever inject anything.  I would give the vapourising/snorting/oral a go though!  Apparently meth is quite addictive/seductive, and it creeps up on you if you let it.  Is this a common experience? How carefully should people approach meth in order to minimise chance of addiction, while still getting a peak experience?
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: Hauau on August 03, 2012, 10:41 pm
It depends on situation. If you can afford having track marks, don't afraid of needles and need balanced effect (rush + speedy + feeling good) - of course IV. But injecting anything in your bloodstream (not to mention drugs, made in a home lab).

Next one, if your needs require speedy stimulating effect is plugging (yep, into your ass). I haven't plugged meth, but i heard it works pretty good. Of course stuffing chemicals in your butt can't be good for health - there is some sensitive surfaces there. Bioavailability is second to injecting.

Snorting gives you more speedy, nervous feeling. It's pretty nice all-around choice, if you use meth like speed. It's also most easy way, and you can enjoy meth everywhere.

Hotrailing? I don't think so.

And last one, but not the lease is smoking. NO TINFOIL, DAMN IT! Not only it's hard for novice to smoke from tinfoil, it also made of aluminium, presence of which in your system is a big NO-NO! Especially if you use this hot turbo lighters. For smoking i recommend of course meth pipe, but if you can't buy one in your area, vaporizer made from light bulb will work just fine. Search on youtube how to make it - it won't take more than 10 minutes, and all you need is light bulb, straw (that thing used to drink beverages), plastic bottle cap and scissors. From my experience, smoking gives you almost complete different high - you still have energy, but don't feel overstimulated. Negative side effects are weaker or even gone. You feel calm and good. Please google how to smoke meth properly before doing it. I believe it's most addictive way to use meth, not only smoking it is a pleasant ritual, but also effect of the drug wears of quickly therefore you consume more of the drug - you can easily consume all your meth in one day, when via other ROA it could've been lasted for few days and sometimes more. Tolerance is also builds up fast, and more of the drug you consume (even if it doesn't get you high properly cause of tolerance) - the more negative health effects you will have. All stimulants can be very addictive - and meth is the king of them.

I'm not a pro meth-head and all above information is based on my own experience. Please research all available information from different sources prior to using the drug - almost any recreational drug can cause serious health issues.
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: marsvolta12 on August 03, 2012, 10:51 pm
I too have flirted with the idea of seeing what Meth is like since joining SR. It hasn't eventuated in me purchasing any yet, as i'm still stocking up on weird and wonderfuls/bread and butter.  I guess i'm not particularly drawn to it. From my understanding you feel wired, tweaked, energetic, focussed/on fire?  I guess, without trying it (except as an adulterant in awful local pills perhaps), I get the impression MDMA is a lot better, and I love MDMA, so I've never bothered to seek meth.  But, i'm still curious!

Now that i'm here, I feel it could give my drug stash some much needed edge!
Ooo edgy, stigma stimulant baby!  Why not give it a go?!   8)

So yeah...

I don't know if i'll ever inject anything.  I would give the vapourising/snorting/oral a go though!  Apparently meth is quite addictive/seductive, and it creeps up on you if you let it.  Is this a common experience? How carefully should people approach meth in order to minimise chance of addiction, while still getting a peak experience?

Treat meth with the utmost respect, and especially fear. Make sure you do not buy more then .25-.50 your first time, and space out your bowls by 15-20 minutes, because it can creep up on you. also, make sure you have an accurate .00 scale, or even better .000 to measure your product. i personally prefer smoking, because it doesnt last as long as the other ROA, but it does make you want more because the peak vanishes quickly. Snorting is another good method, but will tear apart your nostrils fairly quickly. All methods of consumption have negative side effects(this is meth after all) , so find out which one is best suited to you. have fun but above all be carefull!
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: mrguymann on August 03, 2012, 11:47 pm
hot rails are a cheap thrill if your bored with the usual. Prone to giving sinus problems afterward tho- maybe not everybody experiences them but seen people conplain about that side effect more than once.
I you get an oxegen mask try hooking a pipe up too it sometime and inhale through your nose and mouth at the same time - i liked it.
Its possible to water bong it although, its very wasteful to use water. NEVER USE A SOLVENT-  using a diet pepsi instead of water supposedly filters impurities out of product because the sugar binds with them- also adds a nice flavor =).
If your a 1st timer- crush n snort or bomb it in a gelcap w lots of water is my recommendation.
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: SilenceSpeaks on August 05, 2012, 06:05 am
I would never inject that stuff into my body, but if you give it a go then be careful!!
Depending on how I felt, I would either vapor (smoke) or snort. Snorting it burns like a mofo, but it gives you a quick high. Smoking it hits you a little while after you take a hit. If you smoke, I would pack a small bowl and take 2-3 hits and chill for a while and see how you feel. Take your time with it. If you like it, next time pack the same (or a little more) amount. If you snort it, the first time you do it make it a thin, maybe inch long line. See how it makes you feel. Wait a while, and if you want more then do the same amount. I would always like to keep my lines the same size, but it really depends on your personal choice.
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: Michael25 on August 05, 2012, 07:51 am
I was given a little meth from a friend. Took out what was a good size dose and foiled it up. I'm pretty good with the foil and barely nothing gets lost. The meth really didn't get me high. I felt my head kind of buzzing, balmy hands, raised hearbeat but nothing like euphoria or anything like that. I don't think I'm a "speed" person anyway.
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: RR on August 05, 2012, 11:18 am
smoke it in a glass pipe, tin foil is wastefull
Title: Re: whats best way to use meth
Post by: sniper123 on August 06, 2012, 03:06 pm
smoke it in a glass pipe, tin foil is wastefull
This is true, but i don't feel like smashing a bowl after i get done. In an ideal situation i would use a glass pipe.

I was given a little meth from a friend. Took out what was a good size dose and foiled it up. I'm pretty good with the foil and barely nothing gets lost. The meth really didn't get me high. I felt my head kind of buzzing, balmy hands, raised hearbeat but nothing like euphoria or anything like that. I don't think I'm a "speed" person anyway.

Smoking gives you more of a rush than euphoria. If you're looking for euphoria, snort it.