Silk Road forums

Market => Product offers => Topic started by: Limetless on May 29, 2012, 03:43 am

Title: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 29, 2012, 03:43 am
Ok so like with the 5-MEO-MIPT samples I am giving out 10 x 20mg samples of 5-MEO-DALT.

If you want a sample you need over 100 posts. Post your interest on this thread then PM me your address USING PGP!

Also I have just changed my public key so for those who has my olllllld one here is the brand spanker -

Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.18 (Darwin)



Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Gary Oak on May 29, 2012, 03:49 am
Well, I haven't heard much about this drug other than good things so sign me up! :D I'm planning on writing a review on a pharmahuasca sample this week so you can judge if I'm decent enough then if you'd prefer?
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: hyruleantoker on May 29, 2012, 03:52 am
I dunno if you'd give me another. I'll express interest, but I'll completely understand if you would rather not send me a sample of the DALT as well as the MIPT. ^_^
Hey, if you would, let me know!
Otherwise, good luck with your sales!

I expect the MIPT to arrive within the next day or two, and I'll give it a shot and post the results within the next seven days, probably.

Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Caparino on May 29, 2012, 03:55 am
Well I'm gonna pass on this one since I already got a sample of the MIPT on it's way, but what's the DALT experience like if you don't mind me asking?
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 29, 2012, 03:57 am
I dunno if you'd give me another. I'll express interest, but I'll completely understand if you would rather not send me a sample of the DALT as well as the MIPT. ^_^
Hey, if you would, let me know!
Otherwise, good luck with your sales!

I expect the MIPT to arrive within the next day or two, and I'll give it a shot and post the results within the next seven days, probably.


I will have to say no mate, giving them to the same people would be favouritism. I'm sure you understand dude. :)

And I haven't tried the 5-MeO-DALT yet mate. Waiting for the weekend. Erowid makes it sound fairly entertaining though.

Listings are up now for those that want it. Quite a cheap little drug, around £30 a gram.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 29, 2012, 04:32 am
I'd like a sample. Should i pm you my address on SR or here on the forums?

On the forum mate. :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Bob Arctor on May 29, 2012, 06:56 am
I <3 tryptamines, and haven't tested this one yet. Addy's coming
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 29, 2012, 07:06 am
I <3 tryptamines, and haven't tested this one yet. Addy's coming

Cool man. Hit me up whenever, remember to use PGP and use the key in the OP. :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: 328502E on May 29, 2012, 07:54 am
Hey Lim - forgive me as this isn't exactly on topic, but why the new PGP key?  I get a bit skeptical whenever that happens.  Perhaps you should sign your new key with the old to dissuade any suspicion of foul play?
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 29, 2012, 08:00 am
Hey Lim - forgive me as this isn't exactly on topic, but why the new PGP key?  I get a bit skeptical whenever that happens.  Perhaps you should sign your new key with the old to dissuade any suspicion of foul play?

Lol nah I don't mind you asking. I got a new MacBook Pro so I installed GnuPG on thus a new key. Was using a VAIO before. And what do you mean sign it with the old one?  :-\ I ain't that tech savvy mate.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: 328502E on May 29, 2012, 08:07 am
PGP is very versatile.  You can encrypt something with someone's public key such that only the person with the private key can decrypt it (that's what we do when we send addresses and private messages).  But it can also be used to "sign" plain text.  Basically, anyone can read the text - and they can verify that it was actually written by the person claiming to have written it.  The process works in reverse - you can only sign something if you have the private key, and anyone with the public key can verify that the person with the private key signed it. 

Basically, by signing your new key, you are showing people that you still possess the old key.  LEO didn't arrest you and somehow get access to SR, then planted a new key so that they can read any future communications sent to you.  DPR signed a message on the old SR URL to show people that it was actually him telling people to go to the new address, not someone posing as him. 
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 29, 2012, 08:10 am
PGP is very versatile.  You can encrypt something with someone's public key such that only the person with the private key can decrypt it (that's what we do when we send addresses and private messages).  But it can also be used to "sign" plain text.  Basically, anyone can read the text - and they can verify that it was actually written by the person claiming to have written it.  The process works in reverse - you can only sign something if you have the private key, and anyone with the public key can verify that the person with the private key signed it. 

Basically, by signing your new key, you are showing people that you still possess the old key.  LEO didn't arrest you and somehow get access to SR, then planted a new key so that they can read any future communications sent to you.  DPR signed a message on the old SR URL to show people that it was actually him telling people to go to the new address, not someone posing as him.

So basically in short you want me to encrypt my new key with my old key?
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: 328502E on May 29, 2012, 08:15 am
Hash: SHA256

No.  I'm not sure what program you are using, but it's an entirely new option.  You input text into it, and it'll spit out that text + a signed "random" string of characters.  Under kleopatra, it's another option next to "encrypt". 

I'll sign my post here so you can see what it looks like.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


If you had my public key, you would then be able to copy the above message, go to your PGP software, and click "verify".  It would then tell you if the above message was actually sent by me or not.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: war on May 29, 2012, 08:19 am
Count me in :)

May need a new drop address before ordering though
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 29, 2012, 08:37 am
Hash: SHA256

No.  I'm not sure what program you are using, but it's an entirely new option.  You input text into it, and it'll spit out that text + a signed "random" string of characters.  Under kleopatra, it's another option next to "encrypt". 

I'll sign my post here so you can see what it looks like.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


If you had my public key, you would then be able to copy the above message, go to your PGP software, and click "verify".  It would then tell you if the above message was actually sent by me or not.

I'm using GPG Keychain Access (the one for Mac). Ok, I will see if I can work it out, might take me a few mins. Not massively tech savvy as I said and still gettin used to the Mac.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 29, 2012, 08:44 am
Do you mean like this -

My name is Limetless

Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: 328502E on May 29, 2012, 08:58 am
Make sure you include the first part:
Hash: SHA256"

Also, before you go further - I should clarify.  You need to do this with your OLD certificate - the one on the viao.  The point is to prove that you are the same person that used the old key, and if you sign it with your new key you will only prove that you are the person with the new key. 
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 29, 2012, 09:07 am
Make sure you include the first part:
Hash: SHA256"

Also, before you go further - I should clarify.  You need to do this with your OLD certificate - the one on the viao.  The point is to prove that you are the same person that used the old key, and if you sign it with your new key you will only prove that you are the person with the new key.

Ohhhhh I see what you mean now. You basically want me to nip onto my Vaio and do it on there. I thought you meant you wanted me to combine both keys or something. Yeah ok 2 mins, I'll do it now. :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: diskoking23 on May 29, 2012, 09:42 am
I've tried the freebase of this.. Smoked give a 10 min trip with a slight body load! Pretty good chem! Nice addition Lim..

Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 29, 2012, 09:59 am
Hash: SHA1

Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)

- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


There you go playaz.  8)

And cheers Disco, I noticed it wasn't on here so I thought I'd spice it up a bit.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Knomo on May 29, 2012, 02:19 pm
5-MeO-DALT is a synthetic psychedelic. It is extremely uncommon with nearly no history of human use.

Sounds interesting indeed ;D If only I understood how GPG worked  ::)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: somahaoma on May 29, 2012, 02:41 pm
Hey Limitless :D, sample still going? if so lemme know Ill PM an addy, Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 29, 2012, 09:24 pm
Hey Limitless :D, sample still going? if so lemme know Ill PM an addy, Thanks in advance

Yeah shoot me over your address. Also you don't HAVE to use GPG Knomo, I just recommend it but it's your security. If you want one you are welcome to one. :)

I have 8 left, if you guys want one that takes it down to 6.

Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on May 29, 2012, 09:40 pm
5-MeO-DALT is a synthetic psychedelic. It is extremely uncommon with nearly no history of human use.

Sounds interesting indeed ;D If only I understood how GPG worked  ::)

I'd love a sample of 5-MeO-DALT as well if you would send me one :). But like Knomo, I have no idea how GPG works  :(. I'll have to find out
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 29, 2012, 09:43 pm
5-MeO-DALT is a synthetic psychedelic. It is extremely uncommon with nearly no history of human use.

Sounds interesting indeed ;D If only I understood how GPG worked  ::)

I'd love a sample of 5-MeO-DALT as well if you would send me one :). But like Knomo, I have no idea how GPG works  :(. I'll have to find out

As I say mate you don't HAVE to use GPG to send me your address, I just highly recommend it. If you do send it me without it I will delete the message as soon as I get the message.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Knomo on May 29, 2012, 10:49 pm
Right so a privnote will do too?

Not really concerned about my address being safe and all, don't think the Dutch police is going to arrest me for a sample of 5-MEO-DALT  ;D
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 29, 2012, 11:10 pm
Right so a privnote will do too?

Not really concerned about my address being safe and all, don't think the Dutch police is going to arrest me for a sample of 5-MEO-DALT  ;D

Yeah privnote is fine mate. :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: ksquizzle on May 30, 2012, 12:13 am
sending you my info thanx for the offer....hope I qualify
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 30, 2012, 12:19 am
sending you my info thanx for the offer....hope I qualify

You do mate. 5 left!
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Devaney1984 on May 30, 2012, 12:31 am
Shit, I can't find too much about 5-meo-dalt.  What's a standard dose of this stuff?
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: 4903kmn1d on May 30, 2012, 12:39 am
lame, I don't have enough posts! lol  :(
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: 4903kmn1d on May 30, 2012, 12:41 am
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Devaney1984 on May 30, 2012, 12:45 am
gratzi +1, couldn't find that page on erowid for some reason
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: mito on May 30, 2012, 01:05 am
greetings limetless,

may I humbly request a sample?

I'll privnote you my address in advance..

Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 30, 2012, 01:30 am
Yeah Devaney and Mito just forward me your addresses. :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Devaney1984 on May 30, 2012, 01:39 am
awesome, thanks!
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 30, 2012, 01:43 am
3 to go! :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: rottentoe on May 30, 2012, 03:52 am
lame, I don't have enough posts! lol  :(

Aha, ditto. So close, yet so far.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 30, 2012, 05:22 am
Some of the samples are going out today. Forgot to mention that make sure you weigh the sample properly and don't just do it all in one go. Like with my 5-MEO-MIPT samples and most things I weigh over so if you just do it all in one go it will probably be a bit much. When I say 20mg, I mean between 20-40mg.

Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: SpiceTrader on May 30, 2012, 06:02 am
Limitless it goes without saying that id love a sample, ill drop you a pm...
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 30, 2012, 06:05 am
Limitless it goes without saying that id love a sample, ill drop you a pm...

You don't have 100 posts mate, you need 100+ to qualify.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Mrambulancedriver on May 30, 2012, 06:24 am
I PM'd Limetless for a sample, he quickly responded saying he'll get it shipped out soon.

Last time I tried 5-MEO-DALT i had fun, I'm excited to try Lim's stuff.

I'll report the experience in his vendor review thread once received.

Thanks Lim!
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 30, 2012, 06:26 am
1 left! :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 30, 2012, 08:29 am
1 left! :)
Shotgun :D
As long as you don't mind sending to Australia?

Not at all mate, just send me over your address. :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: mito on May 30, 2012, 10:11 am
hi limetless,

did you get my address?

I privnoted it.

Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 30, 2012, 10:21 am
hi limetless,

did you get my address?

I privnoted it.


Yeah I got it mate. It's already sent.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Gary Oak on May 30, 2012, 11:33 am
I think I'll be watching The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou when I get my sample, it'll give me a good idea of what it's effects are.....also I love that movie. ;)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on May 30, 2012, 11:53 am
hey lim ya back :) hows things? anyway what is 5-meo-dat? and effects?? thanks mate
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 30, 2012, 01:01 pm
hey lim ya back :) hows things? anyway what is 5-meo-dat? and effects?? thanks mate

Hi RR, I am good mate thanks. Hows you?

5-MeO-DALT is a derivative of DALT with a methoxy group on the 5th ring position of the structure. It's related compounds are DALT and 5-MeO-DPT. It's a psychedelic Tryptamine which means it makes you trip balls lol.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on May 30, 2012, 01:32 pm
yeah good thanks mate, and oh okay not really my sort of thing mate, tbh i took that AMT stuff and mate i was seeing all sorts of crazy shit.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 30, 2012, 01:41 pm
yeah good thanks mate, and oh okay not really my sort of thing mate, tbh i took that AMT stuff and mate i was seeing all sorts of crazy shit.

Yeah I have tried aMT and it's ok in smaller doses.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: mito on May 30, 2012, 04:58 pm
Anyone tried MXE after 5-meo-dalt?

Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Gary Oak on May 30, 2012, 10:54 pm
Anyone tried MXE after 5-meo-dalt?

Not that I know of, but I'll give it a shot. ;)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: SpiceTrader on May 31, 2012, 02:18 am
Limitless it goes without saying that id love a sample, ill drop you a pm...

You don't have 100 posts mate, you need 100+ to qualify.

Yeah i just read the first page.. Derp

Ill get there... FTW!
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Caparino on May 31, 2012, 02:19 am
Limitless it goes without saying that id love a sample, ill drop you a pm...

You don't have 100 posts mate, you need 100+ to qualify.

Yeah i just read the first page.. Derp

Ill get there... FTW!

What's your definition of FTW?
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: SpiceTrader on May 31, 2012, 02:22 am
Fuck the world no?
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 31, 2012, 02:23 am
Mine is For The Win.  :-\
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: SpiceTrader on May 31, 2012, 02:25 am
FTW  best used randomly and inappropriately
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Devaney1984 on May 31, 2012, 02:32 am
Mine is For The Win.  :-\

ha mine too, funny to go back and think that all those people meant Fuck the World though...really changes the tone of things, eh?
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on May 31, 2012, 02:33 am
I'm looking forward to sampling this! I'm going to weigh the dose out carefully though.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: SpiceTrader on May 31, 2012, 02:40 am
Mine is For The Win.  :-\

ha mine too, funny to go back and think that all those people meant Fuck the World though...really changes the tone of things, eh?

I was being sarcastic.....

Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 31, 2012, 02:42 am
I'm looking forward to sampling this! I'm going to weigh the dose out carefully though.

Yeah make sure you do mate because I generally overweigh samples. As I say when I say 20mg it's usually between 25-45mg lol.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Caparino on May 31, 2012, 02:58 am
Mine is For The Win.  :-\

ha mine too, funny to go back and think that all those people meant Fuck the World though...really changes the tone of things, eh?

That's what I thought he meant... Without any particular reason, "Fuck The World" meaning of it annoys me
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on May 31, 2012, 10:04 am
WOOP! My sample just came through... Cheers Lim  :D. Will let you all know how it goes  8)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 31, 2012, 10:09 am
WOOP! My sample just came through... Cheers Lim  :D. Will let you all know how it goes  8)

Boss. By the way, this stuff comes on quick apparently. One of the fastest mechanisms of actions/metabolisation rates I have read about. Apparently it comes on within 15-20 minutes which beats MOXY by about 5-10 minutes and MOXY is comes on rapid.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on May 31, 2012, 10:14 am
WOOP! My sample just came through... Cheers Lim  :D. Will let you all know how it goes  8)

Boss. By the way, this stuff comes on quick apparently. One of the fastest mechanisms of actions/metabolisation rates I have read about. Apparently it comes on within 15-20 minutes which beats MOXY by about 5-10 minutes and MOXY is comes on rapid.

 I've read it has a short duration as well as a fast come up.. Would you snort it or take it orally? I'm weighing out 15mg now.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 31, 2012, 10:18 am
WOOP! My sample just came through... Cheers Lim  :D. Will let you all know how it goes  8)

Boss. By the way, this stuff comes on quick apparently. One of the fastest mechanisms of actions/metabolisation rates I have read about. Apparently it comes on within 15-20 minutes which beats MOXY by about 5-10 minutes and MOXY is comes on rapid.

 I've read it has a short duration as well as a fast come up.. Would you snort it or take it orally? I'm weighing out 15mg now.

Take it orally, I don't know if it has any bioavailabiltiy if you snort it and I have never seen anyone mention snorting it. I know it can be taken orally for certain so go that way. It can also be smoked as well but apparently that is fucking foul. Stick with oral.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: diskoking23 on May 31, 2012, 10:21 am
I've smoked it, very harsh.. But rapid comeup! Was a little intense for me, there's quite a body load to it (Probably the R.O.A.) I've got a stash left.. Saving for a rainy day! ;)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 31, 2012, 10:24 am
Yeah when I try it I am going to do it orally because bad tastes from smoking stuff ruins it for me tbh.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on May 31, 2012, 10:50 am
Fuck, I can't half feel it now  ::)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on May 31, 2012, 10:52 am
Fuck, I can't half feel it now  ::)

Haha nice man! Let us know how it goes! :D
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 01, 2012, 04:16 pm
hey lim got any samples left? i wanna try :o lol
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 04:17 pm
hey lim got any samples left? i wanna try :o lol

As you are a vendor then I don't mind doing an extra one. PM me either on here or the Road.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 01, 2012, 04:51 pm
thanks mate i pm u on the road more secure  :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 04:53 pm
Cool man, will ship it in the next few days. I'm done for the day now, Friday chiiiiilllll time.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 01, 2012, 05:57 pm
lol dont blame ya mate its my friday chill time now.........still got nearly a gram of mdma left so might have a party night  ::)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 06:01 pm
lol dont blame ya mate its my friday chill time now.........still got nearly a gram of mdma left so might have a party night  ::)

Haha, I got Bing and K. :P
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on June 01, 2012, 06:03 pm
lol dont blame ya mate its my friday chill time now.........still got nearly a gram of mdma left so might have a party night  ::)

Haha, I got Bing and K. :P

:( Jealous!! Remember last time Lim when I was bumping K, then did that 70mg line and didn't reply for a good hour  ;)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 06:04 pm
lol dont blame ya mate its my friday chill time now.........still got nearly a gram of mdma left so might have a party night  ::)

Haha, I got Bing and K. :P

:( Jealous!! Remember last time Lim when I was bumping K, then did that 70mg line and didn't reply for a good hour  ;)

Haha ahhh yeah that was an entertaining Wednesday. I'm having a chilled weekend I reckon, cba to go partying. Just gunna be chillin with mates methinks and enjoy Liz's big day.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: diskoking23 on June 01, 2012, 06:30 pm
Settled with a beer and had a small slice of hash cake... :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 06:38 pm
Haha nice.

Yo check out this trip report for my MOXY, it's insane - http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=25183.0
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: mito on June 01, 2012, 07:58 pm
Mine arrived today!     That was fast.

How many mg are in the baggie?

Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 08:02 pm
Mine arrived today!     That was fast.

How many mg are in the baggie?


You need to check mate because I generally overweigh. It will be at least 20mg but probs more. I sent you the 5-MEO-MIPT right?
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on June 01, 2012, 08:09 pm
Have fun with it Mito! 15mgs had quite an effect on me. Hey Lim, I'm about to order a gram of bing from dutchaanbod... I've heard from a reliable person its the dogs bollocks  ;)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 08:12 pm
Have fun with it Mito! 15mgs had quite an effect on me. Hey Lim, I'm about to order a gram of bing from dutchaanbod... I've heard from a reliable person its the dogs bollocks  ;)

Yeah you wont go wrong with it mate. It's the don.

Anyway yeah Mito if you were the MOXY sample take 10mg, if it was DALT then 15mg but you can go to 20mg.

Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: mito on June 01, 2012, 08:16 pm
Mine arrived today!     That was fast.

How many mg are in the baggie?


You need to check mate because I generally overweigh. It will be at least 20mg but probs more. I sent you the 5-MEO-MIPT right?

you sent 5-meo-DALT and today you said you'd mail the MXE sample on Monday.

I'll do the DALT orally only, no insufflation.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 08:19 pm
Yeah I remember now. I have just sent out about 30 odd samples over the last few days and obviously I don't keep records lol.

Anyway have fun with the 5-MEO-DALT. Let us know how it goes. :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 01, 2012, 08:22 pm

Haha, I got Bing and K. :P

never tried K, did order and pay 3btc of HashUk but he never sent it then vanished, whats it like? thing that has always put me off is the fact its also used to put horses to sleep, so that does make me wonder what its going to do to me.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 08:23 pm

Haha, I got Bing and K. :P

never tried K, did order and pay 3btc of HashUk but he never sent it then vanished, whats it like? thing that has always put me off is the fact its also used to put horses to sleep, so that does make me wonder what its going to do to me.

LOL K is the tits. Brings the inner child out. On it now. :P
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on June 01, 2012, 08:26 pm
Order some RR :D. I've got some on the way, fingers crossed it arrives tomorrow. It's brilliant mate, just watch Limetless struggle to type later  ;) hehe.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 08:28 pm
Order some RR :D. I've got some on the way, fingers crossed it arrives tomorrow. It's brilliant mate, just watch Limetless struggle to type later  ;) hehe.

I'm havin a fuckin hard cime now.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 01, 2012, 08:29 pm
fuck that was a fast reply, i posted and by the time i clicked the see new link you had posted, im surfing the road as we speak to see if i can find a sample, the inner child??

and yeah im looking
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 08:30 pm
Go to Reich, his product is the bollocks.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 08:32 pm
And yeah you will see what I mean when I say it brings out the inner child when you try it. It's why I love K so much. Makes you feel like you are 7 again.  ;D
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on June 01, 2012, 08:36 pm
Does it go well with Bing Lim?
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 08:39 pm
Does it go well with Bing Lim?

Yeah, it's shit hot with Bing. Try Bing-K 100mg/60mg = Fuck-Faced.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 01, 2012, 08:55 pm
mate im 0.30btc short of being able to get 500mg :'(  so close but still so far, i will message him and ask and ask him if the will do a smaller sample may get lucky  ;D
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on June 01, 2012, 08:58 pm
Send me your SR username... I'll cover it.  8)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 01, 2012, 11:10 pm
haha  thank you i will give it back in a few days been on vacation on sr just wanted a me week this week no running about to postboxes

click on the globe under my name to the left :)

thank you il let ya know how it goes
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: zubic09 on June 02, 2012, 12:12 am
Yeah, it's shit hot with Bing.

My friends and I have named this combo ketacaine haha it has a nice ring to it
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Knomo on June 03, 2012, 08:38 pm
Aight sample received, weighed in at 40mg. Should be 2 doses, right?
Or should I start lower for first time..
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 03, 2012, 08:39 pm
Aight sample received, weighed in at 40mg. Should be 2 doses, right?
Or should I start lower for first time..

I'd just split it into 2 x 20mg hits mate. It's not an overwealming drug.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Knomo on June 03, 2012, 08:50 pm
Aight sample received, weighed in at 40mg. Should be 2 doses, right?
Or should I start lower for first time..

I'd just split it into 2 x 20mg hits mate. It's not an overwealming drug.

Alrighty, will probably test tomoz
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: mito on June 03, 2012, 09:53 pm
Anyone tried MXE after 5-meo-dalt?

Not that I know of, but I'll give it a shot. ;)

Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on June 03, 2012, 10:11 pm
I did 15mgs.. wasn't an overwhelming experience as Lim said. Heavy load though, you feel like your tripping but its clear headed and doesn't last long. Amplifies music as well.. did you find that Lim?
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 03, 2012, 10:14 pm
hey sollemnis thanks for the loan just paid you back  :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on June 03, 2012, 10:41 pm
No problems mate, have fun friday! :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 03, 2012, 10:51 pm
haha i plan to mate  ;D
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: 4903kmn1d on June 03, 2012, 11:22 pm
My friends and I have named this combo ketacaine haha it has a nice ring to it

it's called cK here ;)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: dimitriirtimid on June 04, 2012, 01:04 am
I've found anything less than 40mg to be seriously underwhelming with this substance and have dosed it up to several hundred mg with varying levels of intensity. It starts to get decent for me at around the 80mg+m mark, depending if I'm making a proper session of it or not. A light dose is good for just chilling in a slightly trippy happy way and benefits over some RC's in this respect by not being simply annoying at the lower end of the dosage scale. I'd pretty much recommend it be tried across the dosage range by any psychonaut that has access to it. Mixes well with MDMA too in my experience, and with 5-IT.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 04, 2012, 01:07 am
My friends and I have named this combo ketacaine haha it has a nice ring to it

it's called cK here ;)

CK for the win. Or if you are feeling really deadly then try a CK1 - Bing/MDMA/K in one line. Tis a body-rocker.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 05, 2012, 03:32 pm
right ive ordered my 500mg of ketamine guys, my Q is on friday how much do i need to take considering its my first try and dont want to end up in a hole. also got 2g top quality base (speed)  coming and i also got a gram of mdma in my stash to, so id say i will have a mental night :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 05, 2012, 03:34 pm
forgot got my sample is coming of limetless as well, i can see this weekend being a wild one  ;D
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on June 05, 2012, 04:37 pm
Do a K + MDMA combo?  ;D I've never done it myself, done a Drone + K combo though and that was intense. But if you're just doing K start of with a 30mg bump and work your way up  ;)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 05, 2012, 04:50 pm
so 180mg mdma and 60mg of K? its funny when i was a lot younger than i am now back in the 90's you could get these little yellow pills with specs in them, now these where the business, fuck knows what there continence was but they where amazing, im hoping that  K was what made them so good.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on June 05, 2012, 05:03 pm
That sounds good... but I'd start of with 30mgs of K and do the other 30mgs 20 mins later. Yeah I know some pills were mixed with K, I've never done the combo but I've heard its amazing. I'd do the combo myself but I've got some drone coming through, so can't roll for another month. Have a good one! Update on here how it goes!  ;D
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 05, 2012, 05:13 pm
lol okay will do and i will post my experience here, feel like a big kid as trying something new :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Gary Oak on June 08, 2012, 02:14 am
Anyone tried MXE after 5-meo-dalt?

Not that I know of, but I'll give it a shot. ;)


Never even got the chance to try the sample. :'( It sounds like a decent booster for stronger drugs and it's incredibly cheap so I'll probably buy a gram when I get a chance. I'll let you know if I ever try the combo. ;)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: jewfro on June 08, 2012, 02:45 am
or ket, h, and c

really nice until the the ck wears off, then you find you may have overestimated your own hardcore xD
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Devaney1984 on June 11, 2012, 11:22 pm
Can anyone clue me in on distinct smells/appearance of 5-MEO-DALT?  Got a sample in the mail this evening that I'm pretty sure is from Lim but not sure which it is!  This looks like fluffy white powder, similar to 2CB...does that sound more like methylone? Dare me just to take it all? :D
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 11, 2012, 11:25 pm
Can anyone clue me in on distinct smells/appearance of 5-MEO-DALT?  Got a sample in the mail this evening that I'm pretty sure is from Lim but not sure which it is!  This looks like fluffy white powder, similar to 2CB...does that sound more like methylone? Dare me just to take it all? :D

It's very white, almost crystalline.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Devaney1984 on June 11, 2012, 11:30 pm
+1, thanks.  it's not very crystalline--just weighed it and it's gotta be M1 unless you're giving Hero samples of the DALT out.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 11, 2012, 11:35 pm
+1, thanks.  it's not very crystalline--just weighed it and it's gotta be M1 unless you're giving Hero samples of the DALT out.

Oh, yeah if it's over 50mg then it's definitely M1, the 5-MEO-DALT is very crystally.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 12, 2012, 02:08 pm
lim i aint got the sample yet?
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 12, 2012, 02:09 pm
lim i aint got the sample yet?

I may have left yours out actually. PM me your address on SR again
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 12, 2012, 02:14 pm
okay mate il do it now thanks  ;D
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 14, 2012, 04:31 am
Just got my sample in today, cheers Lim!
What's everyone's take on the dose? Measure it into a couple caps and spread it out over the night? Haven't weighed it yet but I'll have a look before I dose myself.

Go for 20mg mate. :)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Mr.Charlie on June 15, 2012, 03:48 am
Hey Lim how big were the samples?

I received one (this is my new forum accnt) and i weighed it and it seemed pretty small, like 15mg, I feel like some might of fallen out when I opened it, I was super stoned on hash oil so I could've dropped some on accident, IDK

I'll probably eat it after doing a little K one of these nights.

THanks Lim!
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Gary Oak on June 16, 2012, 09:00 pm
-sexy time with lady-

Ferris Bueller, you're my hero.

Woot woot! Hero status, watch out everyone! ;D
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Knomo on June 16, 2012, 09:10 pm
Recogniiiiiiizee :D

And yeah I'm all for higher dose too, I took the whole 40mg that was in the sample ;D
Was pretty fun  8)
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 17, 2012, 04:24 pm
cant wait to try it still waiting for my sample but its properly the postmans fault as waiting on about 6items atm  :'(
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 17, 2012, 04:33 pm
cant wait to try it still waiting for my sample but its properly the postmans fault as waiting on about 6items atm  :'(

I haven't sent it yet mate. I've been proper busy of late so not been able to. Going to ship it this week.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 17, 2012, 04:36 pm
oh okay no worries at least i know the postman anit stealing my post, id hate to have to chin him lol, so its just 5items i gotta worry about now  :-\
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: Limetless on June 17, 2012, 04:43 pm
oh okay no worries at least i know the postman anit stealing my post, id hate to have to chin him lol, so its just 5items i gotta worry about now  :-\

I wouldn't worry man Royal Mail is being slow as shit at the moment, it's not just you that has these issues it's being talked about quite a bit around the forum. I'm pretty behind with my packages at the moment because I'd rather wait until RM has sorted their lives out rather than pressing "confirmed" and having clients winge at me for something I can't do much about. Although...the other side of the coin to that is that I have clients winging because it's taking a while to send their shit out. Can't please everyone I guess...  :-\
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 17, 2012, 04:52 pm
yeah that's it mate you cant please everyone
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: sollemnis on June 17, 2012, 05:16 pm
Can anyone give me an idea what drug I should try next? I've done Coke, Meph, M1, MDMA, Weed, LSD, 2c-b, Ketamine, MXE, and 3-meo- pcp. Oh and 5-meo-dalt... seriously want to try something new! I mostly prefer Stims, don't mind psychedelics, hate depressants.
Title: Re: Lim's 5-MEO-DALT samples! :)
Post by: RR on June 17, 2012, 05:20 pm
Can anyone give me an idea what drug I should try next? I've done Coke, Meph, M1, MDMA, Weed, LSD, 2c-b, Ketamine, MXE, and 3-meo- pcp. Oh and 5-meo-dalt... seriously want to try something new! I mostly prefer Stims, don't mind psychedelics, hate depressants.

meth its the best stim you can get  :D