Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: Edawg420 on May 04, 2012, 08:12 pm

Title: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Edawg420 on May 04, 2012, 08:12 pm
So i stumbled on the silk road one day, about a month ago, researching LSD.  Aside from my dismay of never being able to find it where i live, including the fact that i had already given up on this search at my ripe old age of late 20's i actually surfed the net to figure out what  happened to all the LSD?  Sure enough i come across a post about some guy saying you would have better luck buying LSD online then on the streets.Personally i hadn't tried it and psychedelics have always been very mysterious to me.    This enticed me and i of course learned everything i needed to learn to be talking with you all right now!

Well lets just say when i found the SR i felt like i was on some sorta speed.  I probably smoked a bowl here and there but legitimately i couldn't sleep the first 2-3 nights (minimal sleep more like it).  All i wanted to do was research the forums and surf the silk road.  Even now i am bored realizing my package wont be arriving today so i feel COMPELLED to spend time with my silk road brothers, share my experiences and read up on some of theirs. It seems however, the more i read the more Pandora's box seems to open.  Personally i was quite content with an order of LSD, but wait!  I guess i have always wanted to try PURE MDMA!  Next thing i know i am just LOOKING at the fish scale cocaine and the butterflies start racing around in my stomach.

Now i bet your all thinking I'm going to take this anti SR twist here at the end, but not quite.  I still stand neutral in all this because well quite frankly, this is ultimately pure freedom.  The pure freedom to choose what you want to do with your bodies and what experiences YOU choose to have.  ALTHOUGH with this site comes a great power, and with any great power comes great responsibility.  Now, i have the ability to literally browse for the best drugs in my very own privacy. 

So what does this all mean?  Well quite frankly it was harder for me to access drugs before but now i have an endless supply of options through complete anonymity.  My options have been opened and my desire has been fueled by testimonies and pictures of mouth watering mind enhancing chemicals.  I believe in time my GIANT BONER for this site will subside, but i was feeling compelled so i wanted to share my experiences thus far and see if anybody else has similar behaviors.

PS.  Seriously i felt like i took some sort of amphetamine the first night i discovered SR, is that a common experience or am i just a full blown addict =P

my choice, my body, YOUR DRUGS!

Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 04, 2012, 08:29 pm
Hahaha! its alright brother, this site can be  rather overwhelming! i was/am the same SR is pretty much always up on my second display.

Love the forums here, you couldn't ask for a better community, this place has such a variety of people you can pretty much get a answer for anything :)

This site is the best example for harm reduction i have ever seen. I hope it continues for along time to come!
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 04, 2012, 09:17 pm
Haha I wouldn't worry about it OP. I've been here about 2 months and look at my post count....

I suspect I may need to get out more. To be fair though I do try to be either entertaining or informative. :)
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 04, 2012, 09:29 pm
Haha I wouldn't worry about it OP. I've been here about 2 months and look at my post count....

I suspect I may need to get out more. To be fair though I do try to be either entertaining or informative. :)

and if all that fails he brings up "striping" although that is more of a recent thing :p
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 04, 2012, 09:32 pm
Haha I wouldn't worry about it OP. I've been here about 2 months and look at my post count....

I suspect I may need to get out more. To be fair though I do try to be either entertaining or informative. :)

and if all that fails he brings up "striping" although that is more of a recent thing :p

Toooo be fair g, although this may be stretching it a little I would have to try and include Striping in both informative and entertaining. :P
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 04, 2012, 09:37 pm
LOL, that would be the ideal balance :)
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 04, 2012, 09:41 pm
LOL, that would be the ideal balance :)

Might even do a practical guide lol. Just to see if the balance could be achieved.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: simplyanon on May 04, 2012, 09:45 pm
Total Time Spent Online:
    5 days, 7 hours and 59 minutes.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 04, 2012, 09:46 pm
The question is when does one stripe too much? :)
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Jimmy245 on May 04, 2012, 09:49 pm
I hear that ibogain can cure Silk Road addiction.  You can get it on Silk Road.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: n0n00dz4u on May 04, 2012, 09:54 pm
I felt the exact same way when i first found out about the dark net.

After downloading tor I didn't even log on or start exploring for about a week. Instead I just kept steadily doing research on how it works and the ways of navigating it.

After a matter of time I decided to actually take the plunge and joined SR as well as BMR. Two great places imo.

I totally agree with this site comes ALOT of power and I don't even share the exact natures of my online dealings with my closest friends. At least for now or until the orders start coming in.

Awesome to hear from another excited new member.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: diskoking23 on May 04, 2012, 10:04 pm
Total Time Spent Online:
 8 days, 11 hours and 0 minutes.

I'm feeling it too!
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 04, 2012, 10:06 pm
The question is when does one stripe too much? :)

When I stop finding cunts, I will stop punishing them by striping them. That is my policy.  8)
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Gary Oak on May 04, 2012, 10:37 pm
I'm pretty sure I'm not addicted...seriously! I can stop anytime I want! You believe me don't you? :o
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: spacewasp on May 05, 2012, 12:49 am
haha, i was the same when i first sumbled upon this site, all bright eyed and in love, unable to sleep thinking about all the aspects and how I was gonna get off the ground.

be careful though.  its easy to start thinking its totally normal and no big deal to buy on SR, but remember that what we're doing here is committing a number of very serious crimes. 

keep your eyes & ears open at all times in onionland, don't ever get sloppy with what you're doing, and watch your back for the scammers and gangstas around every corner.  its not just a bunch of benign and nerdy psychedelic users and pot heads here...a lot of these folks are the real fuckin deal, yo.

have fun, but stay real and be safe.

Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Joeyjojojr on May 05, 2012, 08:11 am
Im definitely addicted to this place. Its funny i was looking for LSD myself when i stumbled across this place some few months ago.

Small world huh? Silk road is the bees knees baby! Welcome.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: cindylove on May 05, 2012, 12:12 pm
be careful though.  its easy to start thinking its totally normal and no big deal to buy on SR, but remember that what we're doing here is committing a number of very serious crimes. 

keep your eyes & ears open at all times in onionland, don't ever get sloppy with what you're doing, and watch your back for the scammers and gangstas around every corner.  its not just a bunch of benign and nerdy psychedelic users and pot heads here...a lot of these folks are the real fuckin deal, yo.

have fun, but stay real and be safe.


This man speaks the truth +1
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Wazup7 on May 05, 2012, 06:38 pm
Hahahaha!  I couldn't agree more that SR is arguably more addictive than heroin.  I *also* came here looking for Lucy, only to find not just real, legitimate Lucy, but 10 other real, legitimate substances I've always wanted to try but never had the appropriate opportunity. 

It's true though, don't let your guard down--better to get into the habit of obfuscating your onion dealings than to forget, slip up, and get scammed, or worse, a knock at the door from LE.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: benomatu3 on May 05, 2012, 07:26 pm
I came here for variety and I found it :)
What I love about this place is that most people on here are generally nice and funny but it's not so overwhelming that it's like it's too good to be true.
I can honestly say this IS the most addictive thing to me.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Buster39 on May 05, 2012, 08:38 pm
Yea dude I almost tapered my self off of the Silkroad. Unfortunately I relapsed and got some more drugs god this SR is hard to quit... the withdrawls suck.

Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 05, 2012, 09:06 pm
I'm washing up a gram of SR right now.... LOL
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 05, 2012, 11:19 pm
I'm washing up a gram of SR right now.... LOL

why stop there, freebase that shit :)
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: simplyanon on May 06, 2012, 01:32 am
I want to inject the SR directly into my veins!!!!

I usually just let it sit between my upper lip and gums for 20-30 minutes.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 06, 2012, 01:37 am
Now so strung out on SR my kids have been taken into care.......
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 06, 2012, 01:41 am
Now so strung out on SR my kids have been taken into care.......

Pff lightweight, sold them off a long time ago :)
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 06, 2012, 01:48 am
Anyone know the LD50 of silkroad so I don't OD?

Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 06, 2012, 01:51 am
Anyone know the LD50 of silkroad so I don't OD?


ah crap, peace....
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 06, 2012, 01:52 am
You done too much too quick Prawlster?
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 06, 2012, 01:54 am
yuup, it was good while it lasted :)
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 06, 2012, 01:57 am
yuup, it was good while it lasted :)

So was Mister Danks mum. She got all crusty and started chaffing my balls though. Dirty bitch.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 06, 2012, 02:02 am
yuup, it was good while it lasted :)

So was Mister Danks mum. She got all crusty and started chaffing my balls though. Dirty bitch.

For your own sake get tested, im not sure what i gave her :)
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 06, 2012, 02:03 am
yuup, it was good while it lasted :)

So was Mister Danks mum. She got all crusty and started chaffing my balls though. Dirty bitch.

For your own sake get tested, im not sure what i gave her :)

Oh I know what you gave her, I tasted it in the back of her mouth when she kissed me. Dirty bitch. :P
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 06, 2012, 02:07 am
Hehe, what can i say, it was more of a revenge fucking then anything else
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 06, 2012, 02:10 am
Hehe, what can i say, it was more of a revenge fucking then anything else

For me it's just because I get my kicks from her donkey-bray cum noise accompanied by the holocaust face she pulls when she does it.

Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: simplyanon on May 06, 2012, 02:11 am
And this is a prime example of why the SR is so amazing.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 06, 2012, 02:15 am
Hehe, what can i say, it was more of a revenge fucking then anything else

For me it's just because I get my kicks from her donkey-bray cum noise accompanied by the holocaust face she pulls when she does it.


sick fuck ;D

And this is a prime example of why the SR is so amazing.

I know right, how can anyone not love this place!
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 06, 2012, 02:23 am
Yeah.....shit just got very dark.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 06, 2012, 02:24 am
Yeah.....shit just got very dark.

Dont worry mate its that time of night :)
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 06, 2012, 02:26 am
It really is, I'm kinda surprised Dank hasn't come back at me yet. I'd be well pissed if I found out someone who lived about 4000 miles away was making my mum bray like a mule and pull a holocaust face when she came....and then made her suck my toe....

But yeah seriously...where the fuck is he?

Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 06, 2012, 02:30 am
It really is, I'm kinda surprised Dank hasn't come back at me yet. I'd be well pissed if I found out someone who lived about 4000 miles away was making my mum bray like a mule and pull a holocaust face when she came....and then made her suck my toe....

But yeah seriously...where the fuck is he?

Where do you think he is? cleaning up the mess we left for him, and by the looks of things he might be awhile.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 06, 2012, 02:33 am
Read the thread in the link above.... ;)

And yeah this is true. Are you going to take her down Optimax after you gave her cataracts with your jiz dude? You did promise.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 06, 2012, 02:37 am
aye i saw :)

haha nah let her suffer,

lol have you noticed how many threads we derail on random tangents? :)
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 06, 2012, 02:41 am
Yeah but I love it though, like when I tried to pull the lesbian in the middle of a troll thread or talked about what I'm making for dinner in USD-gate thread. Makes life interesting.

Mister Dank, I'm not paying your mum today by the way. She wasn't value for money and without bum fun I don't consider it good value for money I'm afraid. I like to see a Dank-Brown-Mum-Nug on the bellend before I do a sex piss.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 06, 2012, 02:44 am
Hahaha, speaking of lesbians, knocked over some giant dykes drink this evening thought she was going to lay me out! aye that pasta sounded fucking nice!
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 06, 2012, 02:46 am
Hahaha, speaking of lesbians, knocked over some giant dykes drink this evening thought she was going to lay me out! aye that pasta sounded fucking nice!

That's just a bonus point man. Knocking over a lesbians drink is ok because it's funny. Knocking over a bisexual girls drink is ok because you can buy them another and get a threesome.

And yeah it was man, I had it again tonight.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 06, 2012, 02:50 am
Hahaha, speaking of lesbians, knocked over some giant dykes drink this evening thought she was going to lay me out! aye that pasta sounded fucking nice!

That's just a bonus point man. Knocking over a lesbians drink is ok because it's funny. Knocking over a bisexual girls drink is ok because you can buy them another and get a threesome.

And yeah it was man, I had it again tonight.

you should of seen this girl/man she was massive!

ahh dude you should start a recipe thread :)
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 06, 2012, 03:12 am
I think I actually will man.

That not a girl/man my friend. It's a shim.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Prawl42 on May 06, 2012, 10:16 am
I like to see a Dank-Brown-Mum-Nug on the bellend before I do a sex piss.

Okay... I think, after staring at it for a minute, I actually understood this.

Dank brown mum nug is poop, and bellend is apparently another word for penis. The only thing I'm not sure about is a sex piss, which I think might be trying implicate his mom as a urophile.

Did I get it???

Bellend is the bell shaped end of your dick, hence bellend :)
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 08, 2012, 09:22 am
I like to see a Dank-Brown-Mum-Nug on the bellend before I do a sex piss.

Okay... I think, after staring at it for a minute, I actually understood this.

Dank brown mum nug is poop, and bellend is apparently another word for penis. The only thing I'm not sure about is a sex piss, which I think might be trying implicate his mom as a urophile.

Did I get it???

Hahaha I do love Americans! :P

Dank Brown Mum Nug is a nug of poo but I used the word Dank and Nug because it relates to Mister Danks name and nug is a word related to cannabis which also implies his weed is shit, reinforces I'm talking about Mister Dank's mother and rubs his nose in the fact I'm doing that. Bellend is the tip of your nob. Sex piss is just a weird way of saying cumming and jiz.
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: gazwel on May 08, 2012, 10:08 am
I like to see a Dank-Brown-Mum-Nug on the bellend before I do a sex piss.

Okay... I think, after staring at it for a minute, I actually understood this.

Dank brown mum nug is poop, and bellend is apparently another word for penis. The only thing I'm not sure about is a sex piss, which I think might be trying implicate his mom as a urophile.

Did I get it???

Hahaha I do love Americans! :P

Dank Brown Mum Nug is a nug of poo but I used the word Dank and Nug because it relates to Mister Danks name and nug is a word related to cannabis which also implies his weed is shit, reinforces I'm talking about Mister Dank's mother and rubs his nose in the fact I'm doing that. Bellend is the tip of your nob. Sex piss is just a weird way of saying cumming and jiz.

You been watching Celebrity Juice as well mate? :D
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: Limetless on May 08, 2012, 10:17 am
Yeah I am an avid fan mate. :P
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: RR on May 08, 2012, 05:42 pm
im defo addicted to silkroad and forums, ive had a day off today and done nothing but sit here for 8hrs posting and flicking around the main site. ive got it bad  ::)
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: 420jordan on May 09, 2012, 02:32 pm
I can sit on my macbook browsing the forums and listings all day long, i guess ide be considered an addict...I dont need DETOX!
Title: Re: Silk Road Addict?
Post by: RR on May 09, 2012, 03:13 pm
I can sit on my macbook browsing the forums and listings all day long, i guess ide be considered an addict...I dont need DETOX!

never going to happen lol  ;)