Silk Road forums

Market => Product offers => Topic started by: Crystall Wife on March 20, 2012, 07:59 pm

Title: Crystall Wife
Post by: Crystall Wife on March 20, 2012, 07:59 pm
“Crystall Wife” is a ultra strong premium quality Crystal Meth!!!
You can be shure, that these stuff has the same constant, excellent quality as a fresh polished diamond…!
…and some people say, it they had the choise, they would choose the Meth.
Look at the picture and what you see is to 100% the Crystal you buy.
But that’s not all: for “Crystall Wife” it’s also important, that the package has the same quality, as the stuff in there!!!
All in all “Crystall Wife” stands for ultra strong, high quality Crystal Meth, in an excellent package.
Of course fresh from “mother’s kitchen”!!!
The stuff can be consumed in the following manner: you can snuff, smoke and squirt it.
It will be sent so fast as we can, because our philosophy is: “The customer is always right”,
and we are strive that the service and the package, is so good as our Meth.

Title: fakeone@fake.fak
Post by: Shot2H3ll on March 20, 2012, 09:08 pm
Crystall Wife looks like she needs to have an affair.  How do we hook up?
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: snoopyblog on March 21, 2012, 06:47 pm
why did you close you "heinsenberg is back" account? strange it had the exactly same description text,i can smell the scam ......
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: Crystall Wife on March 22, 2012, 12:57 pm
******OHHH yes Heisi is back, was a beautiful name. But unfortunately someone had almost the same name... Very Very Sad ... :-(...**********
                                                                                    !!!!But now to continue ...:-D ..!!!!
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: Crystall Wife on March 22, 2012, 01:01 pm
*****OHHH "Shot2H3ll" yes, we can...;-)...and we will have a lot of fun ...:-D ...********
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: Holly on March 22, 2012, 02:04 pm
Where's the picture and your vendors account?  Gotta have those first yo
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: sensisky on March 25, 2012, 08:06 am
the account seller closed "heinsenberg is back " it's same seller " Crystall Wife " ??
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: Bud on March 25, 2012, 06:34 pm
Don't do any dealaings with this personthey are a scammer! Fucked me over bigtime!
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: GORDENRAMSEY on March 26, 2012, 02:21 am
Sounds like a divorce for you Crystall wife...hahaha
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: flicky42 on March 26, 2012, 03:03 am
why did you close you "heinsenberg is back" account? strange it had the exactly same description text,i can smell the scam ......

Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: snoopyblog on March 26, 2012, 09:03 pm
i see there is already a victim  of this scammer scumbag please sr delete is account, i could have been scammed if i was new,
this is dangerous for the newbies, GO AWAY FUCKING LOOSER
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: themessenger2 on March 27, 2012, 02:40 am
Sounds like a divorce for you Crystall wife...hahaha

It's called a pump and dump.  :P
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: Crystall-wife on March 28, 2012, 10:48 am
Are you stupid snoopyblog? you don´t know what you´re writing here...there is no scamming!!! You´re already´s only sure that I have had some problems with my account as newbie, but I didn´t and I don´t scam anybody!!! Try it and be more than satisfied!!!
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: snoopyblog on March 28, 2012, 07:52 pm
Don't do any dealaings with this personthey are a scammer! Fucked me over bigtime!
can you explain this?
how come your older account had 2 feedback after only after 24h of being created?
there is no name on your product picture?, i am maybe stupid but not enough to create a new forum account every time i need to post.
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: harpua25 on March 29, 2012, 12:19 am
how come your older account had 2 feedback after only after 24h of being created?

This.   I had my doubts immediately, but once I saw this it confirmed 100% that it was a scammer account.
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: snoopyblog on March 29, 2012, 06:42 am
i'dont understand why the listing are still up, he tried to wait a litlle bit to give a feedback to himself in an  attempt to scam again, nobody has posted a review........
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: koolkev on March 29, 2012, 08:44 am
how do people expect to scam somebody when their english is more than worse :D
cmon srsly u guys how can you consider ordering after reading his first post?
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: costello143 on April 09, 2012, 06:58 am
hi all,

can i buy Crystall wife or there is a scammer ???
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: sensisky on April 09, 2012, 04:40 pm
hi all,

can i buy Crystall wife or there is a scammer ???

I waiting my order this week . I do not think  Crystall wife is scammer. My  Feedback later.

Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: ooTTRA1SXoo on April 10, 2012, 11:56 am
Same here... I'll update in this forum when I receive my order..
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: sensisky on April 11, 2012, 03:35 pm
hi all,

can i buy Crystall wife or there is a scammer ???

I waiting my order this week . I do not think  Crystall wife is scammer. My  Feedback later.

 receiver today my order , very good product and clean purity , Very nice letter package and discreting . Crystall wife is NOT scammer.
GO !! 5/5
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: ChokeNuke on April 14, 2012, 11:42 am
Also going along with an order... let's how it goes
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: ooTTRA1SXoo on April 14, 2012, 11:58 am
I got my order in yesterday. Looks good! :-) Packaging is stealthy.

I ordered a 0.2 sample. Was a tinybit underweight but no problem. Only thing I can remark is that Crystall Wife marked it in transfer on 6th april but actually shipped it 9th of april.

Besides that, I think we have a legit and professional EU vendor amongst our mids! :-)

THANX Crystall Wife! ;D
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: snoopyblog on April 16, 2012, 12:46 pm
i would like to apollogize for everything i said about crystal wife, i decided to give it a try a make an order myself to be 100% sure, i was wrong very wrong and i apologize the product is perfect the package is super stealth and the delivery time blazing fast, she or he is not a scammer at all, again i'm deeply sorry.
i'm glad to have europe meth supplier.
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: ChokeNuke on April 17, 2012, 02:14 am
Mmm is looking good... Im waiting on the other site of the border :-)
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: Trice on April 17, 2012, 06:51 pm
here is a picture tutorial http://p3lr4cdm3pv4plyj.onion/guides/shepj.html
or go to youtube and watch "Tutorial - Gpg4win" (but not with your Tor browser otherwise you will lose your anonymity)
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: Kundalini95 on April 17, 2012, 09:05 pm
here is a picture tutorial http://p3lr4cdm3pv4plyj.onion/guides/shepj.html
or go to youtube and watch "Tutorial - Gpg4win" (but not with your Tor browser otherwise you will lose your anonymity)

If this is meant at Crystall Wife,I doubt she is lurking on the forums and her English isn't 2 good either but don't worry I have been talking to her since yesterday(in german),helping her to set up PGP and she should be done any second now.
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: ChokeNuke on April 19, 2012, 01:04 pm
It came, it's good.
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: Trice on April 19, 2012, 09:30 pm
helping her to set up PGP and she should be done any second now.

gogogo i hope its done this weckend
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: Perrey on April 21, 2012, 07:00 pm
Anyone in Europe that has ordered from Crystall Wife? How is the quality compared to the meth from the US?

Thinking of trying her out..
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: the hawk on May 17, 2012, 10:07 am
So I have ordered a small amount, and the status is showing as shipped. I haven't had to finalise yet (which I thought was strange as I'm new) and it has been in transit for a day or 2. I am European based (not mainland) and will update if it ever arrives, as scammers on here deserve outing and genuine sellers deserve props for honesty.

Can anyone else verify the validity of this vendor?
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: Perrey on May 18, 2012, 07:15 am
She is known from before yes. Took her a while to get her new batch which she is now selling.
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: the hawk on May 18, 2012, 10:19 am
OK quick update. Received my letter today! Nice packaging and good product. Can't weigh it but it looks about right.

Just to confirm... CW is NOT a scammer people. I will definitely be using them again!

Nice on CW. You have made my weekend!! ;D
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: RR on May 21, 2012, 03:46 pm
i placed my third order with crystall wife on saturday and it was marked in transit sunday, she dont mess around even getting product out on a sunday, the last two orders where super fast delivery (3days to uk) and the packaging is some of the best ive seen, topped only by skyy. i would recommend crystall wife to anybody, i cant wait to get my order now, and best of all the meth is super clean, keep up the hard work :)
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: the hawk on May 25, 2012, 08:37 pm
OK... I ordered a 0.2 on Tuesday and received by Friday which was very nice indeed.


The weight was 0.11, which is EXTREMELY underweight.

I have messaged CW asking for a 45% refund or the remainder to be sent ASAP or I will change my feedback to a score of 1, because that is quite simply not on. As it stands, my feedback is sill showing as 5, but basically with this information in the description.

I will update what happens in the forthcoming days. I really don't want to give someone really bad feedback as I know how important it is to sellers on here to maintain a positive reputation, and the last order from CW was spot on. But nearly 50% underweight is just unacceptable.

Hopefully all is resolved and everyone is happy within a few days.
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: lvlbrained on May 25, 2012, 09:02 pm
not sure how being under weight is worth a 1/5. thats the lowest score, so you score that the same as a scammer who stole your money totally. i would have thought a 3/5 would be more fitting but to each their own. was the sample really cheap? if the sample price was really low then its certainly worth more then 1/5. freaking out over 90mg is boss.
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: Perrey on May 26, 2012, 09:18 am
OK... I ordered a 0.2 on Tuesday and received by Friday which was very nice indeed.


The weight was 0.11, which is EXTREMELY underweight.

I have messaged CW asking for a 45% refund or the remainder to be sent ASAP or I will change my feedback to a score of 1, because that is quite simply not on. As it stands, my feedback is sill showing as 5, but basically with this information in the description.

I will update what happens in the forthcoming days. I really don't want to give someone really bad feedback as I know how important it is to sellers on here to maintain a positive reputation, and the last order from CW was spot on. But nearly 50% underweight is just unacceptable.

Hopefully all is resolved and everyone is happy within a few days.

Understandable. As long as you give her a chance to correct it before you give her an 1 out of 5.

But giving a 1 out of 5 for receiving more than 50% of what you ordered is stupid imo.

1 / 5 is for amphetamine vendors only as they tell you that they are selling THE shit but when you receive it you understand that it IS shit, chalk sugar and whatnot.

2's 3's can be used as well, and as I said before, you received half and the amount you spent can´t hurt that much in your wallet.
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: thegoodstuff on May 28, 2012, 11:32 pm
This was my first order on SR.  Ordered on the 22nd, shipped on the 23rd, and I received it today (28th).

Packaging is nice.  Very stealthy and no smell whatsoever.  Looks like regular mail if you don't know any better.

I ordered 0.2g, which weighed out perfectly.  Product is small crushed up crystals.  Haven't had a good test yet, since I have to work tomorrow and don't want to be up all night.  But I did a small bump and am feeling some effects.  Will update once I've had a chance to give it a proper test.

** Update **
So I had a chance to do a proper test, and I didn't really feel anything.  Did a nice fat line and went to sleep for 4 hours...  definitely felt some physical effects (tight chest, vasoconstriction), but nothing else to speak of.  No tolerance to stims whatsoever, this is actually my first time trying meth.

I have talked to people about this, and there seem to be "non-responders" - people that don't feel the effects of stimulants.  Perhaps that is my issue?  I don't seem to feel the effects of coke like other people do either, so maybe it's me and not the product.  I welcome any feedback.
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: the hawk on July 14, 2012, 12:40 pm
This was my first order on SR.  Ordered on the 22nd, shipped on the 23rd, and I received it today (28th).

Packaging is nice.  Very stealthy and no smell whatsoever.  Looks like regular mail if you don't know any better.

I ordered 0.2g, which weighed out perfectly.  Product is small crushed up crystals.  Haven't had a good test yet, since I have to work tomorrow and don't want to be up all night.  But I did a small bump and am feeling some effects.  Will update once I've had a chance to give it a proper test.

** Update **
So I had a chance to do a proper test, and I didn't really feel anything.  Did a nice fat line and went to sleep for 4 hours...  definitely felt some physical effects (tight chest, vasoconstriction), but nothing else to speak of.  No tolerance to stims whatsoever, this is actually my first time trying meth.

I have talked to people about this, and there seem to be "non-responders" - people that don't feel the effects of stimulants.  Perhaps that is my issue?  I don't seem to feel the effects of coke like other people do either, so maybe it's me and not the product.  I welcome any feedback.

You're doing it wrong. Smoke it, don't snort it.

And in response to my previous post, I was given a speedy 45% refund and left a 5/5 feedback score.
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: Bob Arctor on July 14, 2012, 01:12 pm
This was my first order on SR.  Ordered on the 22nd, shipped on the 23rd, and I received it today (28th).

Packaging is nice.  Very stealthy and no smell whatsoever.  Looks like regular mail if you don't know any better.

I ordered 0.2g, which weighed out perfectly.  Product is small crushed up crystals.  Haven't had a good test yet, since I have to work tomorrow and don't want to be up all night.  But I did a small bump and am feeling some effects.  Will update once I've had a chance to give it a proper test.

** Update **
So I had a chance to do a proper test, and I didn't really feel anything.  Did a nice fat line and went to sleep for 4 hours...  definitely felt some physical effects (tight chest, vasoconstriction), but nothing else to speak of.  No tolerance to stims whatsoever, this is actually my first time trying meth.

I have talked to people about this, and there seem to be "non-responders" - people that don't feel the effects of stimulants.  Perhaps that is my issue?  I don't seem to feel the effects of coke like other people do either, so maybe it's me and not the product.  I welcome any feedback.

More or less the same for me - tried various ROA and dosages, even vaping (lightbult vaporiser) vaped around 50-80mg. with very milt mental effect and physical effects like tight chest, vasoconstriction. felt like shit so I went to sleep hour or so. Something is wrong with me?
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: sensisky on July 14, 2012, 01:32 pm

vaped around 50-80mg. with very milt mental effect and physical effects like tight chest

And to think that I put on 30 mg of aluminum, don 't have enough already . I like the color pink, yum yum
Title: Re: Crystall Wife
Post by: hillybilly2 on July 14, 2012, 05:09 pm
Ok time out pnk? really and using aluminum methods of vaping are so unsatisfying to me and actually too hard to control to be efficient unless you are simply traveling and improvising. Get glass good glass keep it clean and use good torches in controleed safe environment. no substitute in my mind. the other reactions that you are describing above actually immediately bring the concern about the reduction used. That really sounds like the side effects and  response to ephedrine or psuedo in a large part of the population. This would indicate under reduction or bad catalyst.  It all depends on the synth route. Please go look in the meth forum thread. it is painful read in many spots but huge information and knowledge being exchanged there as well.  Go to erowid and read some of the archived information. I placed a sample order with this vendor and that is the only thing that lead me here.

Peace and regards