Silk Road forums
Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: thabarrt on May 08, 2013, 11:56 am
A German vendor was busted a few days ago for selling drugs over the internet. The article is kind of vague, but it mentions him using an encrypted website and 35 seized packages. Anybody knows if this was actually an SR vendor and who he might be?
Article is in German:
Die Polizei in Nordrhein-Westfalen konnte am Wochenende erfolgreich den Betreiber eines Online-Shops festsetzen, der über das Netz verschiedene illegale Drogen per Versand verkaufte.
Marihuana, Amphetamine, Kokain und Ecstasy konnten hier bisher bequem über eine Webseite bestellt werden und wurden per Post geliefert, berichtete die Westdeutsche Zeitung. Demnach hatte sich der Täter gut abgesichert und den Ermittlern gelang es erst einmal nicht, ihn durch die Rückverfolgung von Online-Verbindungen zu enttarnen. Die Verbindungen waren verschlüsselt und getarnt, hieß es. Klar war nur, dass die Spur in den Süden Düsseldorf weist.
Auch die Bezahlvorgänge über anonyme Payment-Dienstleister brachten das Cybercrime-Kompetenzzentrums beim Landeskriminalamt nicht weiter. Letztlich war es einmal mehr die klassische Polizeiarbeit, die zum Erfolg führte. Die Ermittler besuchten die Postfilialen in der Region und erkundigte sich nach einem Kunden, der regelmäßig kleine und sehr leichte Päckchen aufgibt.
Dies erwies sich schließlich als erfolgreich. So konnten durch einen entsprechenden richterlichen Beschluss bereits 35 Sendungen abgefangen werden. Die Hinweise verdichteten sich und wiesen auf einen 22-Jährigen in Hassels. Dieser wurde am Wochenende festgenommen. In der Wohnung des Beschuldigten fanden die Ermittler nach Angaben der Polizei größere Mengen Drogen und Materialien für deren Versand.
Nach dem aktuellen Stand der Ermittlungen lebte er schon seit einiger Zeit von diesem Geschäft. Eine Ausbildung oder einen Job hatte er wohl nicht. Die Ware wurde ihm offenbar auch geliefert. Mangels Fahrerlaubnis konnte er zumindest selbst nicht problemlos die Beschaffung erledigen.
Die Polizei setzt nun darauf, über eine Auswertung des Rechners Hinweise auf die Kunden zu erhalten. Auch diese müssen dann damit rechnen, belangt zu werden. Aktuell geht man davon aus, dass man es mit etwa hundert Bestellern zu tun hat.,75957.html
Thanks for moving this thread to a more appropriate forum!
no idea
So LE strikes another blow in the war against drugs.....NOT
As the late great Bill Hicks once said: "There's a war being fought, and the people on drugs are winning it."
You should copy and paste so people dont have to click on the links
The interesting part about this:
They finally find out, asking the post office workers in the areas- about a customer sending out small packages on a regular basis.
Why did he do this? If he sold marihuana, speed, cocaine and MDMA?
There was no need, to go to the post office?
I can't read German!
Police in North Rhine-Westphalia on the weekend could successfully fix the operator of an online store, the various illegal drugs sold over the net with fast shipping.
Marijuana, amphetamines, cocaine and ecstasy to date was conveniently be ordered through a website and were delivered by mail, the West German newspaper reported. Accordingly, the perpetrators had well secured and the investigators failed only once to expose him through the tracking of online connections. The compounds were encrypted and disguised, it said. Clear was that the track has to southern Dusseldorf.
Also the payment transactions via anonymous payment services provider brought the Cybercrime Centre of Excellence at the State Criminal Investigation Department no further. Ultimately, it was once again the classic police work that led to success. The investigators visited the post offices in the region and inquired about a customer who gives small and lightweight package regularly.
This eventually proved successful. So could be intercepted by an appropriate court order already 35 items. The information summarized and reported on a 22-year-olds in Hassel. This was arrested at the weekend. In the apartment, investigators found the accused according to police larger quantities and materials for drug shipments.
According to the current status of the investigation, he lived for some time of this business. An education or a job he probably had not. The goods were apparently also supplied him. Lack of driving he could not easily do at least the procurement itself.
The police now hopes to obtain information on the customer by evaluating the computer. These must then expect to be prosecuted. Currently it is believed that one has to deal with about a hundred buyers.
Chemical sisters?
i have no idea, just a guess, they haven't been seen or heard from in almost a month when they said they'd be back in a week.
Most recent feedback says nothing has arrived...and there's no active listings but they did sell stuff similar to what the article mentioned.
I guess we shall see if they're account is still up or if new info comes to light.
Good luck whoever got busted, FTP FTG.
So LE strikes another blow in the war against drugs.....NOT
As the late great Bill Hicks once said: "There's a war being fought, and the people on drugs are winning it."
What I hate is that every time I light up I'm helping the LE's by destroying marijuana crops :p
The germans are too efficient, while U.S. Post offices are lame.
How there be another to take there place.
Chemical sisters?
i have no idea, just a guess, they haven't been seen or heard from in almost a month when they said they'd be back in a week.
Most recent feedback says nothing has arrived...and there's no active listings but they did sell stuff similar to what the article mentioned.
I guess we shall see if they're account is still up or if new info comes to light.
Good luck whoever got busted, FTP FTG.
Damn.... My first 2 orders on SR were from them and neither arrived. Very possible, +1
I cant read german :(
It is sad, but it also affirms my model:
- don't ship priority (or if you do at least don't use services which involve meeting post people)
- encrypt everything
Couldn't you have translated this?
It sounds like the vendor was compromised because of his poor tradecraft (per pine above) rather than because of any technical innovations on the part of the police. Human beings are extremely powerful at pattern recognition — no amount of encryption in the world is going to save you from face-to-face recognition.
hmmm anyone heard sth. about this?
What good is a tradecraft model when faced with the classic police work of the Cybercrime Centre of Excellence?
OK fair enough, but is their arrest due to online selling activity or something in their daily routine such as, routine traffic stop, found x, then search home, then jackpot, what leads law enforcement normally to vendors? I ask because besides the obvious what other steps can you take to avoid arrest and so on....
The end of that article concerns me.......
"The police now hopes to obtain information on the customer by evaluating the computer. These must then expect to be prosecuted. Currently it is believed that one has to deal with about a hundred buyers."
German cops want to go after the buyers?
these 50 are raping me. German postoffices put more work in than americans
It sounds like the vendor was compromised because of his poor tradecraft (per pine above) rather than because of any technical innovations on the part of the police. Human beings are extremely powerful at pattern recognition — no amount of encryption in the world is going to save you from face-to-face recognition.
That's right. It is like people's perception of CCTV and facial recognition systems, they assume the computer has supernatural levels of intelligence or god-like powers when in fact it is more like a half blinded human with far too much time on its hands. In practice it is detective work that gets results, that applies whether you're an actual detective or a vendor doing his/her homework.
What good is a tradecraft model when faced with the classic police work of the Cybercrime Centre of Excellence?
these 50 are raping me. German postoffices put more work in than americans
The germans are too efficient, while U.S. Post offices are lame.
The Germans and Japanese are both societies with a high average I.Q. They also have a culture which encourages intellectual labors. Probably those two statements are equivalent. Any race between LE agents and Darknet agents shall be more athletic than elsewhere, so you should all watch the press of those countries carefully to keep ahead.
Australia is not what it seems in my opinion, it is simply that they are irrational about objects leaving and entering their country. It is not SR and the darknet markets specifically that cause a high package interception rate, it is that they are phobic about foreign things in general. They have a tendency to misallocate resources because of this, it is a general rule and not an exception. I appreciate this sounds crazy, but there is compelling stories (nothing to do with drugs or post) to suggest some Australian LE are unhinged and that a large number of Australians are only tangentially linked to reality. I like Australia and Australians, so it is with regret that I have to say that the politics of nationalism could go from dysfunctional to nasty there. Sometimes a whole society can get a contagious like madness for no apparent good reason, and I think something like that might be starting.
As for America, it has huge resources dedicated to LE so it is bound to turn up results eventually regardless of how good they actually are. America's obsession with security has its roots in the fact it is a far more violent society than most of the other civilized countries. The issue of drugs with correlation/causation and so on has been conflated with violence and this is why they are also disproportionately obsessed with our method of employment. The fact of the matter is that there are some uncomfortable truths that liberals and conservatives want to avoid at all costs. The most visible drug dealers are blacks. Nobody on a television screen mentions this extremely obvious fact, but books are filled with it. They are not the most important players by a long shot. But they are by far the most violent and our culture constantly emphasizes a strange connection between machismo and drugs, even a celebratory one such the music videos on MTV. We avoid talking about this or taking it seriously as a prime motivator and concentrate on "crazy making" drugs. The liberals think the drug war is a culture war based on race, and the conservatives think that drugs cause just cause violence in society generically because they need some scapegoat and any mention of race or geography (generally speaking Southerners are (a lot) more violent than Northerners) is taboo. This is because they both want to avoid the real issue at all possible costs, which is that genetics must have something to do with violent crime as well as culture. If you combine both culture and genetics you arrive at the reason for America's unusually high rate of violent crime for a Western nation as well as the distribution patterns of crime across geography and race.
Science has plenty of data to back up the reasons why violent crime occurs. None of it is inexplicable. Some cultures and races have higher levels of testosterone than others. There is no great mystery here. It is just a society in denial. Asians, Caucasians, Blacks and Hispanics don't just have different cultures, they also are just different by nature and as a result have different kinds of problems. Until we can all sit down and rationally discuss how to solve our problems without rancor, by looking purely at the data, we cannot solve our problems. This is not a "blame" game, this is a get-our-shit-together game. I mean lest we forget, although caucasians are responsible for less violent crime per capita, they are at the same time responsible for much higher levels of what I'd tag as "institutional violent crime". These are those infrequent but curiously periodic outbursts of organized violence within society. Something similar happens even more infrequently in Asian culture (this is the explanation for the "social harmony" obsession), although when it does happen it's even more dramatic. No propensity excuses the excesses of the others. Once that is realized the Drug War will end proper and we can all go home. Really we make profits because a large subsection of society is being illogical, and once our society becomes more analytical at the ground level our arbitrage points shall come closer together until they disappear.
tldr; Cultural relativism and racism are equally stupid and harmful ideas in the Drug War. One is because it neglects and thinks the solution to a problem is to ignore its existence, the other because it creates social norming which generate a self fulfilling prophesy. If we really live in an Age of Reason then society needs to RTFM and look at the data head on. The real economic function of the drug vendor is to normalize prices when society gets the arithmetic wrong. It is society that has the broken model, not the vendors. And fuck that MTV shit, machismo has done nobody any favors, any smart vendor knows to avoid those kinds of people like they were carriers of airborne cancer. Thank God for SR, that's what most of us think, because without it some people would have got the chop by now, the law of averages is much more friendly on an anonymous marketplace where culture, race is irrelevant.
Not sure...
That's not sr related. It was the
creature of habit
Not a smart thing to do, to deliver in person a lot of small packages , at the post-office.
Just drop those in the postoffice box, like you would do with a normal letter.
Seems to be only the stupid ones that get caught...
Like in nature, the lion will catch those with a handicap...
A physical or mental handicap...
The police is the lion here and the seller the one with the mental handicap.
Just an other stupid seller gone.
Like NY stamps , it seems a smart thing to demand pgp.
When everything , has been said or written in gpg, nobody has to worry if the police confiscates a computer for analyzing data purposes.
It is sad, but it also affirms my model:
- don't ship priority (or if you do at least don't use services which involve meeting post people)
- encrypt everything
Did you mean express? Everything I receive is priority shipping.
It is sad, but it also affirms my model:
- don't ship priority (or if you do at least don't use services which involve meeting post people)
- encrypt everything
Did you mean express? Everything I receive is priority shipping.
The descriptor doesn't matter. There are two models of vendor transport: the Cheetah and the Zebra. I think the Zebra makes more sense than the Cheetah, but many vendors disagree with me.
I describe them here, along with other stuff: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=150653.msg1057268#msg1057268
That's not sr related. It was the
Nice catch! Looks like the site has been down for ages, but when they were up they were indeed selling drugs on clearnet:
Wow bad news.
This may sound dumb but if there are people are waiting on packages. They better Finalize so their order disappears from the page.