Silk Road forums
Discussion => Philosophy, Economics and Justice => Topic started by: curiositymatrix on May 02, 2013, 07:57 pm
TL;DR first: I feel like "things" of all sorts, are coming to a head, conflict on a scale we haven't seen before is inevitable within our lifetimes. We can chose to be the architects of this: why aren't we already mobilizing and preparing? I envision a fight-club style mobilization of the working class, realizing that their work supports the luxury of those who have done no more to earn it. And tor seems the way to do it.
This almost feels like it belongs on reddit, but I'm neither a member of that site nor would I expect the same kind of audience there.
I feel (and definitely hope) like we're heading towards inevitable, ground-breaking upheaval in a number of areas; the potential energy for conflict and the number of things we clash over seems to be growing more than it historically has before.
The difference between rich and poor grows larger than ever, as does the unrest this causes. Though this is traditionally solved with a revolution and change of power, I hardly see this being possible in America: Could the United States citizens, sufficiently fed up with government incompetence / deliberate corporate theft, successfully overthrow the power systems that control them? I feel like we've reached the point where revolt wouldn't be "unreasonable" - we have enough evidence that those up top are just too out of touch with those at the bottom to be entitled to control over their lives.
I don't think our government can be fixed and reformed from within; that's just stalling for time. "A few more bills, a different administration, and we'll get back on track"
No government that has fallen this far out of favor with its constituents has cleaned its act up and gotten its shit together. It's gotten overthrown when its people realized what was going on.
The difference between science and religion is also coming to a head: We've now split into 2 factions, which no longer seek to advance their own goals, but deliberately hamper the others: (many) atheists actively bash and mock religious individuals, and we see anti-intellectual objectives being pushed by churches just to spite science. Religious factions still at war with each other, frankly, strike me as silly and outdated. That's close-minded of me, but at the same time it has a cold rationality to it.
The promise of god as an answer to "why are we here" is starting to really get in the way of progress beyond that idea; it'll naturally fight this progress, and it's become politically incorrect to call out religion on its bullshit. Political correctness, really, is just a tool to limit revolution by making taboo the very subjects we need to reform.
I think a lot of people are starting to feel a strong sense of foreboding for the future curiositymatrix, you're certainly not alone. This feeling has spread to both left wing and right wing camps, especially with younger people.
I had a thread entitled "Is the West going to War?" a while back saying almost exactly the same thing, albeit from pine's perspective. I think we're seeing the same thing though. It at first blush sounds ridiculous to say we could have civil war and revolution soon, but the closer you look at history and current events the less funny the idea seems.
Thanks for the read! That thread fleshes out / well expresses a lot of what I was aiming for with my post.
The world is moving closer and closer to the day of judgment. We are living in the last day.
If you care I will elaborate not from the astray point of view of the christian but from the Islamic point of view.
It will not and cannot be a gradual thing...
There must be one day where gas prices in America triple or a wall street completely crashes. Something like that, it is sad to see rights being taken away one by one but that's exactly the plan, little by little fuck with the working class they'll accept one thing at a time until its too late but if they (govt) did it all at once they fear all out revolt.
The powers that be are smarter than the general public thinks (which is also their plan) Monsanto...C'mon! their gonna disable the public literally by controlling the food and if you wanna eat, you better follow the law.
Militias are on the rise in America but none of them have the balls to pull the trigger and be the first one to rise up. The best chance we got is groups like anonymous hacking banks and fighting the good fight that way. Once we strip the Military Industrial Complex of their money they have nothing.
You got the money and that's all that matters. That's all that's ever mattered, and it all that ever will matter. It is happening right before MY eyes and i still admit i don't have the balls to be the one to start the next revolution, I would need to see at least 1/3 of my fellow citizens up in arms (literally/figuratively) before i myself risked my life for this cause.
Making a revolution requires the will to sacrifice your life for the cause. Revolution is can lead to civil war and alot of bloodshed.
I in my opinion people now a days enjoy there life to much to be willing to die. That is the lack of balls you are speaking off. They such dont care enough for the cause to die for it.
Tell me honestly jackofspades would you sacrifice your live for a truly free America. Atleast if you are American.
Many people here have a dystopian view of the future. I'm much more positive about it.
If you think about it, there is no better time to be alive than right now. We live in the best conditions that humans have ever lived in. We have the lowest mortality rate in history. The lowest infant mortality, death from disease, and exposure to violence. The world was an incredibly shitty place to live in until 100-200 years ago.
We have the highest wealth, the best overall health, best education, and highest literacy rate in history. Technology allows us to perform acts of magic like flying across oceans and standing on the moon.
And it seems to me that on the most important quality of life indicators, things are still getting better -- there's lower infant mortality and higher literacy today than 20 years ago. Of course, that's because the third world is still improving and catching up to first world standards.
Some specific things get worse. There's an obesity epidemic in the United States, but life expectancy keeps going up! Even as we get unhealthier in some respects, we are living longer because medicine keeps improving. There's no better time in human history to get a disease than right now, because you have the best chance of curing it. And the only better time there will be to get a disease is in the future.
As for freedom and law, you again have to take a global and historical view. Maybe if you're a white, middle class drug user, things are getting worse, because drug sentences are getting longer, but is that worse than segregation? Is that worse than Jim Crow laws? Is that worse than slavery? Is it worse than middle age feudalism or living under the rule capricious and blood thirsty emperors?
Sure, some of that stuff still happens, but more people live under democracy now than ever. Globally, people are more free than ever.
And even if your main concern is freedom to do drugs...
<logs into SR>
I have more drugs available to me right now than ever in my life.
I don't see how things are getting worse. At least, not overall.
And even with economic inequality, it's increasing because the rich are getting much richer, not because the poor are getting poorer. The bottom decile is about as rich as it was 30 years ago, and median wealth has increased.
Partially true
The democary is more of pseudo democracy and the the people that are elected do not have the best interest in mind for the population in mind. And are on heavy ego trip. I dictatorship or an empire with one emperor is not bad
in its self. If the ruler is just and sincerely cares for his subject there is not problem at all. On the contrary it would be even better. Because most of the current governments just dont give a damn about the country or the general population but only about pleasing the ones that but them in power.
How many election promises have been broken. How many unjust wars have been started.
Freedom is not everything and freedom is also depends on how you define freedom.
I am Muslim and I consider myself as free as I ever was before.
I don't see how you can say politicians today care less about the public compared to politicians who fully supported slavery, segregation, or the force relocation of whole ethnic groups[1].
The government isn't studying syphilis patients without treating them[2] or dosing mental patients with psychedelic drugs[3] like they used to. I guess it depends on which issues you focus on, but many politicians and government agents didn't have the best interests of the public in mind in the past. The rosy-tinted glasses of nostalgia make it look like a more innocent time, but it was far from innocent.
Also, I think the legal system works better now because of better forensics. I'm convinced that many innocent people were murdered by juries of their peers in the past, especially if they were poor or minorities. Of the 143 exonerated death row inmates in the United States, 142 were exonerated after 1973 [4]. At the same time, more real killers get caught now than 50 or 100 years ago.
Overall, I think we have better government and less dysfunctional democracy now than we had in the past, although obviously it is far from perfect.
Some other examples:
Miscegenation laws criminalized cohabitation and sex between mixed race couples[1], and were overturned in the United States in 1967 [2].
People were prosecuted for gay/anal sex as recently as the 1980s [3], and those laws were only finally overturned across the entire United States a decade ago[4].
And I believe within 10-20 years, same-sex couples will be able to marry across the entire US, as they are able to do in an increasing number of countries around the world.
There were even ugly laws! They made it illegal for ugly people to appear in public. No joke. The last of them were overturned in the 1970s [5].
Overall, societies are expanding the moral circle, not contracting it, and governments are protecting the rights of more of their citizens than ever before.
Orgies, drugs, and freedom.
My place. In the future. Be there.
Oh yeah, there will be a book club, too. Right before the nightly orgy.
Drugs and freedom are not optional.
Some other examples:
Miscegenation laws criminalized cohabitation and sex between mixed race couples[1], and were overturned in the United States in 1967 [2].
People were prosecuted for gay/anal sex as recently as the 1980s [3], and those laws were only finally overturned across the entire United States a decade ago[4].
And I believe within 10-20 years, same-sex couples will be able to marry across the entire US, as they are able to do in an increasing number of countries around the world.
There were even ugly laws! They made it illegal for ugly people to appear in public. No joke. The last of them were overturned in the 1970s [5].
Overall, societies are expanding the moral circle, not contracting it, and governments are protecting the rights of more of their citizens than ever before.
ANAL SEX! - Well God Bless America. - How far we've come!
Even Ugly laws?
So important to society at large.
Sounds like a product of the education system here in the US. - Or as I see them "Liberal Indoctrination Centers"
Right now we have THE MOST CORRUPT ADMINISTRATION in US History. Though you wouldn't know it from the leftist vermin who control the media.
Or the other anti-Americans who run the sewer pipe of Hollywood.
Everyday these enemies of the state pass more and more legislation, that is anti-business, anti-family, basically anti-American.
This past week it was finally revealed (what I knew all along) that the Obama administration ran a 'cover-up' about what happened at the Embassy in Benghazi.
Hillary Clinton - the worst secretary of state ever! - Yet lauded by the sycophantic media.
Sorry but there are still of us left, who don't buy into this whole "Social Justice" bullshit. Somehow it sounds "FAIR", and "isn't that nice?"
They are just leading you on, to make you 'think' they're benevolent.
I see nothing but pure evil in Obama. - He was groomed into who he is today, by Communist Radicals. Bill Ayers a terrorist, now gives lectures at colleges.
Also penned Obama's book.
Well I can scream about it more, but for many of you your mind is made up, I won't confuse you with the facts. (can't you do better than Wikipedia links?) They are a known Socialist organization. - And please, no definitions of Socialists vs Communists. - You all know what I mean, Take your pick. We have a whole variety pack of hybrids of both philosophies infecting our country. Anti-American and Anti-capitalist.
Do you really think Obama want's America to remain a superpower? - Do you think he really want's the economy to recover?
If so, then the saying is true,.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
I still wonder if there's any hope for this country at all.
W Bush was bad too, so don't even go there. Obama is much much worse, you just don't know because the media is complicit in this deception.
Some other examples:
Miscegenation laws...
The word "miscegenation" just cracks me up every time. Even though I have nothing against mixed race couples, the devil in me wants to play the role of that fellow in Oh Brother, Where Art Thou and come out with things like: "Nooooooooooooooooo! They be miscegenating!" and "But that would be miscegenatuous!", just for the reactions! :D
Fortunately so far I have been a model of good behavior :)
ANAL SEX! - Well God Bless America. - How far we've come!
Even Ugly laws?
So important to society at large.
Yeah, who gives a fuck about disabled and disfigured people, and whether they get to participate in society.
Privileged asshole.
This past week it was finally revealed (what I knew all along) that the Obama administration ran a 'cover-up' about what happened at the Embassy in Benghazi.
The fact that you brought this up tells me everything I need to know about where you get your news and what kind of person you are.
Well there have been lost of cover ups in recent history for what ever reason. If the government has trouble being honest. It might also have trouble being just.
TL;DR first: I feel like "things" of all sorts, are coming to a head, conflict on a scale we haven't seen before is inevitable within our lifetimes. We can chose to be the architects of this: why aren't we already mobilizing and preparing? I envision a fight-club style mobilization of the working class, realizing that their work supports the luxury of those who have done no more to earn it. And tor seems the way to do it.
This almost feels like it belongs on reddit, but I'm neither a member of that site nor would I expect the same kind of audience there.
I feel (and definitely hope) like we're heading towards inevitable, ground-breaking upheaval in a number of areas; the potential energy for conflict and the number of things we clash over seems to be growing more than it historically has before.
The difference between rich and poor grows larger than ever, as does the unrest this causes. Though this is traditionally solved with a revolution and change of power, I hardly see this being possible in America: Could the United States citizens, sufficiently fed up with government incompetence / deliberate corporate theft, successfully overthrow the power systems that control them? I feel like we've reached the point where revolt wouldn't be "unreasonable" - we have enough evidence that those up top are just too out of touch with those at the bottom to be entitled to control over their lives.
I don't think our government can be fixed and reformed from within; that's just stalling for time. "A few more bills, a different administration, and we'll get back on track"
No government that has fallen this far out of favor with its constituents has cleaned its act up and gotten its shit together. It's gotten overthrown when its people realized what was going on.
The difference between science and religion is also coming to a head: We've now split into 2 factions, which no longer seek to advance their own goals, but deliberately hamper the others: (many) atheists actively bash and mock religious individuals, and we see anti-intellectual objectives being pushed by churches just to spite science. Religious factions still at war with each other, frankly, strike me as silly and outdated. That's close-minded of me, but at the same time it has a cold rationality to it.
The promise of god as an answer to "why are we here" is starting to really get in the way of progress beyond that idea; it'll naturally fight this progress, and it's become politically incorrect to call out religion on its bullshit. Political correctness, really, is just a tool to limit revolution by making taboo the very subjects we need to reform.
Wow, you certainly know how to make a person feel OLD.. lol ;) Telya what, get back to this thought in 25 years and leme know what's changed other than you ought to be done with school. haha :) People do change and so does popular opinion which in turn changes the laws. It just takes time, and when your YOUNG it is hard to see how much further we have come because you don't have the years of experience to base the past vs present on. When speculating on what the future should be you have to take into consideration the masses, and most importantly what can be handled by the masses. I don't think you realize how small this community really is and how different those of us on here really are, especially you curiositymatrix..This is not intended as a DIG.. :)
People do change and so does popular opinion which in turn changes the laws. It just takes time, and when your YOUNG it is hard to see how much further we have come because you don't have the years of experience to base the past vs present on.
That's a good point, and a good reason why studying history is so important.
People do change and so does popular opinion which in turn changes the laws. It just takes time, and when your YOUNG it is hard to see how much further we have come because you don't have the years of experience to base the past vs present on.
That's a good point, and a good reason why studying history is so important.
Thanks astor, always been a fan of your intellect, +1 to you Governor.
History by whom? You can't trust everything you see, hear, read or participate in, oh wait, that would be your perception of the events...Skewed by the life you lead and the influences of your particular world....
Still love the astor!!!! ;)
ANAL SEX! - Well God Bless America. - How far we've come!
Even Ugly laws?
So important to society at large.
Yeah, who gives a fuck about disabled and disfigured people, and whether they get to participate in society.
Privileged asshole.
This past week it was finally revealed (what I knew all along) that the Obama administration ran a 'cover-up' about what happened at the Embassy in Benghazi.
The fact that you brought this up tells me everything I need to know about where you get your news and what kind of person you are.
Should I not have brought it up? I'm sorry, did I insult the fuhrer? Is that not allowed now?
The fact that you resorted to calling me a "privileged asshole" tells me all I need to know about you.
You're probably a lot younger and less wiser than me. Though I wouldn't resort to calling you an asshole for having a different view.
I grew up in the 60's and 70's of lower middle class America. Privileged? Maybe, because I learned to have a work ethic, believe in God and Country. Had a loving family, and friends and neighbors.
The world wasn't fair or perfect then, just as it isn't now. The only difference is perversion and decadence wasn't rewarded, or glorified, and wasn't looked at as a "Lifestyle Choice".
It seems now, the more twisted and fucked up you are morally, the more you are rewarded.
To be a white hetero Christian, is looked down upon in some 'circles'. Not middle America maybe, but the great "Cities of Culture and Progress" like NY or San Fran, etc
Antisemitism is on the rise as well.
While I ridiculed your point about the "anti-ugly" laws, I wasn't saying it was a bad thing that we've gotten past such archaic things, just that the example given doesn't have much to do with "Where the world is going".
Sure, it's great we've gotten past many of the inequities.
But the drive towards "State-ism" and the ever increasing dependence on the Government, is downright scary to me.
The current ruling class, controls us, by using the old trick of "divide and conquer". - We allow them to put us all into groups. Gay vs Straight, Black vs White, Believer vs Non-Believer, and the labels go on and on and get more complicated, to where everyone feels divided. - Ah! There we are! Divided and waiting to be conquered.
I worked in many different industries through the 80's and 90's. I encountered all races, religions, gays, etc. Nobody was pushing me to accept their way of life. It didn't matter to them or me. Just keep it to yourself! Nobody really cares! - I know gay couples today, that hate the whole gay movement. They just want to be left alone.
I didn't need some phony politician pretending to "be for the gays", telling me how to behave. I landscaped homes of gay couples, long before it was part of some phony election platform. They were my customers, and what they did was their business. Whether I approved or not, was my own personal belief. Just as it is now, and no one can take that away from me. They didn't try to make me accept them, and I didn't try to make them accept me. We all just got along fine, without some LAW telling us to do so.
I won't go on, because I feel it's futile. I just wanted to explain my position further.
I didn't go to college, I went straight to work, because I knew how to make a living already. Some may say I wasn't privileged enough to go to college.
In hindsight, that may have been an enormous privilege. I was spared the brainwashing I saw so many of my contemporaries get.
It seems we are moving closer and closer to a one world government. That is scary. I will not go quietly, I'll tell you right now.
I have a plan of action in place, for when or if, our government turns on it's citizens. There are many signs that they will.
I am a member of the opposition.
@SOUTHPAW - absolutely not taken as a dig! Thanks for the insight and taking part in the discussion!
I wondered if I might just be describing the state of mind we encounter as we learn more about our world. Not sure if I'm reassured or annoyed though.
Does this mean, we have a perpetual population of 20-30 somethings who think they've figured it out, who come present their findings to the world, and it says, "yeah, we know, we tried changing things, and you're sitting in the results..."
Making a revolution requires the will to sacrifice your life for the cause. Revolution is can lead to civil war and alot of bloodshed.
I in my opinion people now a days enjoy there life to much to be willing to die. That is the lack of balls you are speaking off. They such dont care enough for the cause to die for it.
Tell me honestly jackofspades would you sacrifice your live for a truly free America. Atleast if you are American.
I guess it would depend on the definition of "truly free" if you mean that i could choose the laws of the land to be followed as if i was some all powerful man who had the final say and i was guaranteed that my will would be followed after my death then ... YES absolutely!
I would sacrifice my own life for a truly free (according to my definition of freedom) America.
Making a revolution requires the will to sacrifice your life for the cause. Revolution is can lead to civil war and alot of bloodshed.
I in my opinion people now a days enjoy there life to much to be willing to die. That is the lack of balls you are speaking off. They such dont care enough for the cause to die for it.
Tell me honestly jackofspades would you sacrifice your live for a truly free America. Atleast if you are American.
I guess it would depend on the definition of "truly free" if you mean that i could choose the laws of the land to be followed as if i was some all powerful man who had the final say and i was guaranteed that my will would be followed after my death then ... YES absolutely!
I would sacrifice my own life for a truly free (according to my definition of freedom) America.
I'm sure yourself and Chip are sincere about wanting freedom. However like jundullahi I'm inclined to think you're fairly rare in the population. Although there are right and left wing people who want the best for the country, and would even physically defend it if necessary, the majority of those people are also the most ticked off about where America is going and have been for a very long time. Despite media coverage giving the impression of tribal conflict being the root cause of today's political problems, I think we're actually more centrist than we've ever been (in practice, once you drop the talk). I think people get that, which is partly why Congress has all time low ratings in the polls, nobody feels represented.
In a more individualistic and centrist society it is harder to get nationalism, certainly it is harder to get productive types of nationalism. I'm not a nationalist myself but that is what I see.
I think that a younger generation is likely to be a good bit more extreme in their political outlook, which may be no bad thing so long as it doesn't turn into illegitimate violence. I mean if centrism was a politically optimal ideology then we'd have evolved out of right/left thinking several thousand years ago. I think centrism happens after a long period of peace and prosperity, and it evaporates once the boat hits the rocks.
Sometimes I wish I was more optimistic for the medium term, lol.
@SOUTHPAW - absolutely not taken as a dig! Thanks for the insight and taking part in the discussion!
I wondered if I might just be describing the state of mind we encounter as we learn more about our world. Not sure if I'm reassured or annoyed though.
Does this mean, we have a perpetual population of 20-30 somethings who think they've figured it out, who come present their findings to the world, and it says, "yeah, we know, we tried changing things, and you're sitting in the results..."
Outstanding cm, love to be part of a thread that is not trying to manipulate the people into a self absorbed rant that is only out to benefit the OP. these types(yours that is) can actually help many more of the people that will in fact sway the public to the betterment of The World. I salute you for your insight of this being the product of the 20-30 year old minds that have 'figured this out', obviously very few have really figured it out(including myself).
I think 'we' should all be both 'annoyed and reassured'(not sure the order really matters) but the fact is certainly understood by the true thinkers who have seen more and learned that life is far more complex than can be summed up in a short 20 to 100 years of living.
Back to the reassured or annoyed point, we should be reassured that what we concluded is both real and true. We can be annoyed that YES it was tried and left for us to sit in, but do we just sit in it? Or, do some move it out of the way and say 'wait I have an idea(the youth) that may help. It is our responsibility to listen, look into, and possibly act on what maybe a solution.
Regardless there is that age of 'oh shit I get it' and it's your fault. I know a better way! Yes, usually between the ages of 20-30 depending on eco, enviro, and genetic boundaries.
First off this coffee house chat has been pointless because its likely U.S.A. revolt sentiment(an old revolution baa it wasn't great it was gloryius). People aren't even stating the country they're typing about. Ive watched a documentary titled Happiness (thats what its about) and find it very interesting only dull needs some zest. The rich are 11x ($40,000[$440,000]) richer money in the bank wise but really happiness wise that is spending money for happiness they're only like 40% better off if they spend for themselfs and why shouldn't they it makes money worth somthing to spend money earned or as the people here would say invested. Ehhmmm so have you spent your money on poor or non-money earning people in third world countrys(Ive thought of it). I looked though some site with sites with B.B.B. stamp and I looked on the B.B.B. to make sure and found what you would expect nothing worth putting my money into. If you want to do some good give out loans on its for the super poor and it really does get you your money back as far as an hour of looking though it can see (think third world internet bank). Also One laptop per child O.L.P.C is a good one both without the B.B.B. stamp -(yep)- I looked at it's Wikipedia page and everything you would think is necessary is stated on it. Its about me (allways)so if your interested then send me a message and I'll tell you all about my charity.
First off this coffee house chat has been pointless because its likely U.S.A. revolt sentiment(an old revolution baa it wasn't great it was gloryius). People aren't even stating the country they're typing about. Ive watched a documentary titled Happiness (thats what its about) and find it very interesting only dull needs some zest. The rich are 11x ($40,000[$440,000]) richer money in the bank wise but really happiness wise that is spending money for happiness they're only like 40% better off if they spend for themselfs and why shouldn't they it makes money worth somthing to spend money earned or as the people here would say invested. Ehhmmm so have you spent your money on poor or non-money earning people in third world countrys(Ive thought of it). I looked though some site with sites with B.B.B. stamp and I looked on the B.B.B. to make sure and found what you would expect nothing worth putting my money into. If you want to do some good give out loans on its for the super poor and it really does get you your money back as far as an hour of looking though it can see (think third world internet bank). Also One laptop per child O.L.P.C is a good one both without the B.B.B. stamp -(yep)- I looked at it's Wikipedia page and everything you would think is necessary is stated on it. Its about me (allways)so if your interested then send me a message and I'll tell you all about my charity.
Hey, I have fully admitted to having a reading and writing disability but, WTF is this saying?????
I have been in and out of underground groups sense the late 1970's and this is a topic I have heard many times. How everything is coming to a head, the revolution is coming, things are getting worse and the people will not put up with it, etc.
This sentiment seems to cross many boundaries, as I have heard it in hacking groups, Phreaking Groups, crypto privacy groups, here on SR, and even in local gun groups (USA). Hell one of the local shooting (gun) groups has hidden sections in there online forums for the coming revolution.
To date, I have never see it happen but it could. Thomas Jefferson once said "What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?"
So, will it happen? Yes at some point the government will make a move that will spark a reaction from the people. It is people in places like SR as well as others that have preserved the spirit of resistance who will seize the day. However until there is more support among the general population it will just be an idea, spoken in the hidden places and held in the minds of those who resist. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
I have been in and out of underground groups sense the late 1970's and this is a topic I have heard many times. How everything is coming to a head, the revolution is coming, things are getting worse and the people will not put up with it, etc.
This sentiment seems to cross many boundaries, as I have heard it in hacking groups, Phreaking Groups, crypto privacy groups, here on SR, and even in local gun groups (USA). Hell one of the local shooting (gun) groups has hidden sections in there online forums for the coming revolution.
To date, I have never see it happen but it could. Thomas Jefferson once said "What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?"
So, will it happen? Yes at some point the government will make a move that will spark a reaction from the people. It is people in places like SR as well as others that have preserved the spirit of resistance who will seize the day. However until there is more support among the general population it will just be an idea, spoken in the hidden places and held in the minds of those who resist. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
It's different this time, its not the '70's ...we have the internet, nuff said.
The 'gray state' is coming, they call us 'paranoid' they call us 'truthers' and 'conspiracy theorists' but they know exactly what they are doing, the people out number the govt by a huge amount. Id say revolution by 2017 at the latest. Ya'll think Obama is bad, he is just the scape goat, the fall guy for the next puppet to get in office (who'll blame all the woes of 'today' on the previous administration) Then his executive orders and laws and shredding of the constitution will blow Obama's out of the water!
You think the 'drug war' is a, no no it is a real war. They are killing us, and locking us up and it doesn't stop with 'law breakers', they want the entire poor and middle class enslaved or locked up, in their eyes that's all were good for.
You all can scream "wake up America" from the roof tops, most of us are 'awake' its time to get out of bed.
But sadly must people get there mind hooked to the TV and believe what ever the TV tells. Them most are to lazy the thing for them self or thing about what is really going in the world behind the screens or in brood day light. Freaks them out and the get right back in to the fantasy world the media has created for them. As long as they has the
gallon of pepsico and the macdonalds. The would not care.
Correct me if am wrong.
The media and Hollywood is the true opium off the massa's.
He in the Netherlands some people have never read a single book and are proud to say it. And that are people with College education.
If you ever seen the movie Idiocracy that is where the world is know. The system is in place but most just dont know how it works. Like a herd of sheep walking slowly of the cliff.
Chip Douglas
I agree with you it is strange that perversion is glorified now a days. Girls 10 years old dressed like hookers.
And then people wonder why there are so many pedophiles around.
Then with the advent of the evolution theory. The human as a creature was been made in a sense made an animal.
And animal only fallow there base instincts. Just enjoy eat, drink, sex. Look at the monkeys.
I well I am not a monkey.
The education system in America is getting worst and worst. I am I right. Some students even point out France on the map. Then you know your society is in trouble.
We well educated and population is more difficult to control. Then a heard of sheep.
The education system in America is getting worst and worst. I am I right. Some students even point out France on the map. Then you know your society is in trouble.
We well educated and population is more difficult to control. Then a heard of sheep.
lol "worst and worst" i guess there is something wrong with education
but in all seriousness there does need to be a change, things will not be pretty if the current system prevails, the things we are aware of are scary, just imagine what we don't know about.
But sadly must people get there mind hooked to the TV and believe what ever the TV tells. Them most are to lazy the thing for them self or thing about what is really going in the world behind the screens or in brood day light. Freaks them out and the get right back in to the fantasy world the media has created for them. As long as they has the
gallon of pepsico and the macdonalds. The would not care.
Correct me if am wrong.
The media and Hollywood is the true opium off the massa's.
He in the Netherlands some people have never read a single book and are proud to say it. And that are people with College education.
If you ever seen the movie Idiocracy that is where the world is know. The system is in place but most just dont know how it works. Like a herd of sheep walking slowly of the cliff.
Chip Douglas
I agree with you it is strange that perversion is glorified now a days. Girls 10 years old dressed like hookers.
And then people wonder why there are so many pedophiles around.
Then with the advent of the evolution theory. The human as a creature was been made in a sense made an animal.
And animal only fallow there base instincts. Just enjoy eat, drink, sex. Look at the monkeys.
I well I am not a monkey.
The education system in America is getting worst and worst. I am I right. Some students even point out France on the map. Then you know your society is in trouble.
We well educated and population is more difficult to control. Then a heard of sheep.
A well put post, if i was more skeptical i'd think it was someone else writing it.(except your poor command of teh engrish gives you away, its all good)
i cycle most places i go, and the amount of people who walk straight in front of me in the road while looking at their phone/pod/pad is astounding.
every day!!
and the open-mouthed gape of utter confusion when i'm forced to screech to a stop next to them as they cant hear the real world with their earbuds in.
i may state that distraction is the 'nwo' opiate of the masses. and they're gulping it down
So I assume that plus karma points come from you then.
There are more thing I can talk about then religion.
And about my poor English well. I am not a native speaker and it was really late here in Europe so that might be a reason. In compression to the my other here I command English quite well.
And about people being stuck to there smart phones. You are right.
Ones when I was in public transport a saw I guy just sliding he the screen of this smart phone left and right, right and left with now goal or purpose. Completely lost in oblivion. Was kind of scary to see people like that.
A silk road commune would be awesome. Somewhere out of the way, avoid getting too much attention while setting it up - have a few scientists so we can make all our own materials (over time, sharing the knowledge and bringing people up to speed)
As long as it avoids getting labelled a "drug resort" and busted by the gov't, I imagine those who wish society were more enlightened, could create their own community for themselves.
Should it not be about more then just using drugs. Drugs in the past have been used to reach some kind of enlightenment. To change the awareness of the mind to be able to look at the world in an other light. Get other insight.
Maybe some people are here for that reason and for others for just to get high.
From my personal experience being high all the time is just part being afraid to face the reality of ones life sober.
A cheap change. Like you want to have the walls of your house to have an other color but are to lazy to paint it.
So you get some colored glasses and put them one.
curiositymatrix dont get me wrong I am not talking to personally. I believe drugs should not be an escape.
And should it not be that all though that want change and opposes the power that rule and oppress the general population should band tougher and work to get to achieve a common goal
you raise a good point jundullahi; I didn't mean "a drug commune," because the silk road isn't a "drug marketplace" - its a "free market" :)
I meant a commune of we members who wish to not be oppressed for our thoughts and choices we lead our lives by.
you raise a good point jundullahi; I didn't mean "a drug commune," because the silk road isn't a "drug marketplace" - its a "free market" :)
I meant a commune of we members who wish to not be oppressed for our thoughts and choices we lead our lives by.
Then we are talking about the same thing and are giving the same goals.
I do not wish to be oppressed not do I wish to oppress anyone.
I want a free world where every country can life how the want and according to what ever law the want to life by.
With out unjust wars or interference from some country over other.
If some country want Islamic Law let them be and if some country want democracy let them be. Group of people should enforce there moral values on an other group of people by force or intimidation.
Would you not agree?
you raise a good point jundullahi; I didn't mean "a drug commune," because the silk road isn't a "drug marketplace" - its a "free market" :)
I meant a commune of we members who wish to not be oppressed for our thoughts and choices we lead our lives by.
Then we are talking about the same thing and are giving the same goals.
I do not wish to be oppressed not do I wish to oppress anyone.
I want a free world where every country can life how the want and according to what ever law the want to life by.
With out unjust wars or interference from some country over other.
If some country want Islamic Law let them be and if some country want democracy let them be. Group of people should enforce there moral values on an other group of people by force or intimidation.
Would you not agree?
I would agree completely! The sad truth is, so many communities take it upon themselves to oppress others...
@ CM great idea wold love to participate, well maybe just a fly on the wall, so to speak. How is your knowledge of history, ever read or know anything about the Moors(sp?)?
The moors where quite successful in building a highly advanced and tolerant society. Nobody was oppressed Muslim, Jews and Christians lived together peacefully for almost 500 centuries. The began the recuinqista by the Spainsh Christian and the oppression began. Muslims where forced to covert to Christianity or leave so where Jews.
And guess where most Jews went to? The went across the strait of Gibraltar to Morocco. Where thrived an continued to live in peace.
@ CM great idea wold love to participate, well maybe just a fly on the wall, so to speak. How is your knowledge of history, ever read or know anything about the Moors(sp?)?
I'm unfamiliar with the specifics, but jundullahi fills in pretty well. Basically, yes, exactly that. Maybe we can scrape together a bitcoin fotune and buy several islands in the pacific for our own nation. Sealand is a pretty good model for independent nation-state, we'd probably even ally ourselves with them - they're looking into making a business out of webhosting for sites that have been pushed out of every other nation.
Well how much would be need the scrape together do you think.
I am unfamiliar with Sealand could you fill us in a bit?
A few people claimed an abandoned offshore drilling rig and declared it a sovereign nation. It's been recognized by most major nations, and so is effectively its own country.
(clearnet, not that it matters in this case)
The pirate bay toyed with the notion of its own island, and found the pricetag in the niehborhood of 300-400 million USD, so,
I think just about 1 billion USD (Surely some early-adopter bitcoin billionaire has that much in reserve) should purchase enough area, and several oceangoing vessels, to create a nation-state, with enough land to be self-sustaining. We could adopt bitcoin as our national currency; debit cards loaded with certain amounts of coin, swiped at registers - it'd be beautiful. I imagine we could support a population of several thousand people, bringing the initial cost under $1 million per person. We'd serve as a hub of unrestricted research and enlightenment, doing our best to spread this to the rest of the world.
Ideally we wouldn't isolate ourselves, just create a free nation that seeks to better mankind.
Well that sound like a great idea I all for it.
On the other hand when the civil war in Syria is over. I will also be good place for me personally atleast.