Silk Road forums
Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: whenwhy on February 24, 2013, 04:39 am
can drug dealers just take weekends off? I know of one, whats the fuckin point
Boy, Think.
We're Self-Employed Bosses!
We dont have to sell anybody anything. Ever.
We Choose To, IF We Choose To.
We take weeks/months/forever off if & when we choose.
Even if you have no pubes, You should not have all your eggs in one basket, go & ask grandma what she would do.
I guarantee she'd have/has a half dozen reliable, verified suppliers for whatever her needs be.
Come & Buy Some Weed & Have A Think About It.
Boy, Think.
We're Self-Employed Bosses!
We dont have to sell anybody anything. Ever.
We Choose To, IF We Choose To.
We take weeks/months/forever off if & when we choose.
Even if you have no pubes, You should not have all your eggs in one basket, go & ask grandma what she would do.
I guarantee she'd have/has a half dozen reliable, verified suppliers for whatever her needs be.
Come & Buy Some Weed & Have A Think About It.
+1 gave it to you
To the OP (opening poster aka the person who starts a thread)
I get this is is a section for newbies on the road..but that does not mean you are idiots..yet with your post you have proven that not only are you new....but you are dumb. And that is the worst combo for someone on SR as a will be a vendors worst nightmare... How you don't understand it and had to make a post is unreal.
But another reason weekends are easy for us vendors to take off is that we 100% depend on the mail. And there is only mail on Saturday. It is an early cutoff and soon will be no there really is not a need for weekends. Also not only do some vendors take weekends ready for this....we take weeks off sometimes!! Yes you read that correct..weeks! Now it all depends on the vendor and what he is selling..but a lot of us at some point will either be reloading on the goods or just need to take a week off to get everything straight. Or something will come up IRL. Also being a vendor takes a lot of time. As we are constantly answering questions from idiots like you. We have to answer all the messages from buyers that refuse to read the listings where their questions are already answered.. Or the questions where they ask about shipping and if you ship on Sundays, or they ask everything that is answered on your vendor page...again they don't like to read. Or they will reads where you say your cutoff time is 2pm they will then message you and say " it is 1:30pm pst...I know your cutoff says 2pm but I am just checking if I out an order in now,,,will it still get sent out?" The, with them being waste your time and say yes it will be...and they will come back with " Oh ok... I need to get coins then... I am not sure how long it will take to get them to my wallet...but I will probably just order tomorrow..thanks" And in between those we have the legit questions (very few) and we have to deal with customers, orders, packaging,shipping, account maintenance ect. So as not to get burned out...or just to in general take a week off because we can...then a lot of us do.
What is important for newbies to understand is that you need to read the vendors page. On it most vendors post daily updates and will give ALL the info you will need. I would say that 98% of ALL your questions are answered on the vendors page. So always go there. It is best that when you find a vendor you like that you "become a fan" why that is important is that it allows you to when you log be able to see all the vendors that are your favorites(you became a fan) and you can just click on there name and you will be taking to their vendor page. You can find that option on their vendor page where it will say "become a fan" You just click it and you are then able to also see them if they go into stealth mode. If you are not a fan....then you will not see them. I suggest you read the Wiki page to learn more about that.
Good luck!
OP's Not An Idiot Nor Dumb.
OP has a bit of an ego, as do we all.
What is important for buyers to understand is that you need to read the vendors page. On it most vendors will give ALL the info you will need.
AFK not IRL - Teh Internets Are Very Real
USPS which is preferred mailer is dropping saturday mail due to budget cuts sooooo you will not be able to mail anything out all weekend. order ahead of time, dont wait 2days before your out and bitch at the vendor cuz he didnt read your mind and ship your order 2 weeks ago
So now it's just weekday mail huh? Interesting.
I Post Worldwide 7 Days Per Week.
Not sure about what days off the posties get in different countries
i slightly misspoke seems saturday delivery will be limited to some sort
If the U.S. Postal Service stops delivering mail on Saturday, it will bring a small inconvenience to its business and residential customers but little real change to commerce and personal lives.
We see the discontuation of Saturday mail service as being preferable to the agency’s making up the same ground by more drastic measures elsewhere.
The USPS said its research shows nearly 70 percent of its customers agree with cutting back to five-day delivery as a way of reducing costs for the struggling postal service.
Older readers may remember the days when residential mail deliveries were made twice a day — a practice that ended in 1950, according to Congress’ Government Accountability Office.
We have no doubt postal customers in 1950 would have preferred to continue to receive two mail deliveries a day — but were able to adapt to the change. In the same way, 2013 postal customers should be able to adapt easily to losing Saturday mail deliveries.
Much of today’s business — everything from bill-paying to job applications to income tax filing and much more — can be conducted by computer. Bills also are paid by many Lubbock residents over the telephone or by automatic drafts from their bank accounts.
Personal communication among family members, friends and acquaintances is made by email, text messages, Facebook, Twitter, cell phone calls and other methods. The country is not going to come to a standstill if people stop getting mail on Saturday.
And Saturday delivery will continue, to some degree, under the USPS plan. Packages will continue to be delivered six days a week, and Saturday mail will still be delivered to post office boxes.
The USPS is a federal agency that gets no funding with tax dollars for day-to-day operations. Nonetheless, it is subject to congressional control.
Congress has repeatedly declined to give its blessing for five-day mail delivery in recent years and has a ban on it in its appropriations bill. Postmaster General and CEO Patrick R. Donahoe said the USPS is making the interpretation it can make the change on its own because the federal government is operating under a temporary spending measure rather than an appropriations bill, according to The Associated Press. It will be interesting to see if Congress will allow that.
In any case, the USPS needs much more than just cutting back on Saturday mail delivery to make ends meet.
Donahoe estimates five-day mail delivery will save $2 billion a year. The USPS annual loss for its last budget year was $15.9 billion, and the loss was $5.1 billion the year before that.
The postal service has little choice but to make some big changes, and cutting back on Saturday mail is an obvious place to begin.
Because it is self-funded, the USPS has to live within its means, and that requires honest self-examinations and realistic adjustments. Congress and the rest of the federal government should take note.
so priority and express still deliver but i wonder if the post office will be open on saturday as well.
OP's Not An Idiot Nor Dumb.
OP has a bit of an ego, as do we all.
What is important for buyers to understand is that you need to read the vendors page. On it most vendors will give ALL the info you will need.
AFK not IRL - Teh Internets Are Very Real
How do you know he is not dumb or an idiot? He sure sounds like he is one or the other or both.
Lol, We all make ourselves sound like knobs at times.
Look, he made it this far.... Give the guy a break, hes probably just trying to get thru 50 posts asap and particularly wordsmithy.
you may see another reply of mine to one of his quotes was quite scathing but i mean no harm.
missing the point is 1 step closer to being able to help out others when you learn better.
one might say....'at least he asked' albeit in a gruff and unrefined manner.
brb - need more tabasco
check it;
Posted by: whenwhy
« on: Today at 04:39 am - can drug dealers just take weekends off? I know of one, whats the fuckin point
WLB - We Sell drugs so we can take whatever fucking time off we fuckin feel like.
THATS the fuckin point.
Wow..So I hope you are high on your own supply and you are just replying so you too can get to 50! All these people come in here and just send stupid shit to get to 50 post so they can then not post in the next forums..or post there stupid shit?
The funniest thing about all this is the forums are absolutely total shit! They went to shit a few months ago. There is more bad information in there then anywhere else. SO racing to get in there is pointless...there is no need to post anything..
I actually left another message but I deleted it as it looked like I was taking a shot at you and the guy who was making the point about the USPS. When in fact I was not.. I went ahead and gave you all +1 Good luck to all of you!!
Yea bro, i feel like i have earned my 1st stalker...Nervouslol :-\
I am indeed high on my own supply, i also grew it, harvested it, dried it, cured it and then ran it through bubblebags to get some fine as cream A11 bubble hash.
unfortunately for me i dont think much of the hash through a volcano so im using an old iced coffee can to burn it.
Donations for a decent bit of glassware will be very much appreciated though more than likely non-forthcoming.
Personally im glad they're in here posting their shit as it gives me something to respond to as well as displaying correct spellings of their, there & they'
If you're so deep in the game what are YOU doing in here with all the virgins and smoothcrotches?
Apart from stalking me??
First you are from England or somewhere over there so I will give you a pass not knowing the definition of stalker.. or sarcasim ;)
Also as to why someone " if" you are deep in the game? If? Again it is your britt humor as I am not sure what you mean by "deep in the game" but if you meant " Since clearly you are big time and have the best feedback, I have ever read, of any vendor on the road, why is it you are posting in here if you say the forums are so shitty and it is even worse in this forum" Well if that is what you meant... it is because I was asked to make a few post for a moderator...So I did..then I saw the OP and I had to comment..then I saw that you were trying to just get to 50 post and you happen to be in the thread that I was asked to post in also..(I assume that's what you were trying to get across in your humor about a stalker) that I then responded, to your attempt, to not so much defend the OP but trying to get to 50 I thought better of it and actually deleted my post and then made another post where I told you guys that I am the one who in fact gave all of you your first Plus Karma.. And then I was done..but then I refreshed and again I saw your post so I am here for the last time to address your last post and to give you yet another opportunity to not only show your great sense of humor but to also get that much closer to 50.
Also you should be thanking me...because if I didn't come into this forum, to lay down some factual knowledge then you would have no clue that you indeed have to have your SR address in your signature so you can then, once you get to 50, go to the big boy forums to spam (I mean advertise) them with all your home made if you tried with out would not only get your post could get suspended from posting for 2 weeks..that would not be good for someone like you that needs to get in there and spam/advertise so you can get business and actually sell some of your goods. I was sincere when I said good luck in that game... even harder for you not being in America.
Also realize that no one cares about the use of their/there,they're (that one is NEVER used) though I appreciate it because I too hate when people don't use the right one :)
And I do not look at these people as smoothcrothes, but again I will assume that across the pond that is HIGHlarious :) I just look at them the same way I do the 90% of posters in the shitty regular forums.....they do not know a thing about SR.... but act like and repeat the shit they read over in the big boy forums.. that in fact less then 5% of actual buyers post in the forums... Think about that number again...5%..that is the real number of actual customers that post in the forums.. when you log on next or even now..go to the bottom of the forums opening page and see the members that are actually in here.... you will see it is the same guys...and all they do is repeate there bullshit to each a group they are totally crazy and paranoid....Also look at how small that number is(like 140 at best but usually less then 80)..Compared to all the buyers that are actually on SR(10,000). The truth is that the posters in the forums are not actually buying shit..yet they all claim to be EXPERTS on SR. What they are experts in is total bullshit and paranoia! As a whole they love to be paranoid..and they will make claims to things that are 100% not true...but they sound they will then repeat it..
But also there are some very smart people in here that really know their shit.. But I am only in here for the vendor only forum..and then I was asked to make a post in here...I did it..then I looked at a few other threads.. And in doing so I feel sorry for the newbs that actually are in here thinking they are getting good advice..when in fact it is total shit. They will learn soon enough.
So I think I addressed all your questions..also you will soon learn that this is a small community..a and the vendors is even smaller....and the one thing we do is stick together as vendors.. So welcome.. I was totally talking shit in this post..but I was just kidding.. It's good that you do all that work yourself with your product you sell.... I do not partake in weed..but it seems you are completely organic...and I think you should market it that way...also take my advice from the other not give samples! It is a HUGE waste of time and energy and it does nothing for you ...even if you were doing that you can then just charge them for shipping and this way they can then leave you is a total waste..the feedback will not count..your % will still be shit..those people will NEVER buy form you. The point of giving samples away is to get business and to get feedback is the completely wrong way to go..And you can ask any vendor that is established and they will tell you the same thing.. Or you can listen the the number 1 marketing guy on SilkRoad as a vendor.. You just have to find him first. They call him one name..KING
Everyone needs time off
you may call yourself king, but i'll stick with ignorant cunt.
You may keep your 'pass' for being from 'somewhere over there'
you talk out of your arse
you dont shut up
you love yourself
you lie
you stalk 'noobs'
you insult people & seemingly entire nations
you make things up
and you call yourself the king
what more needs to be said?
im sure you can think of another 41 PARAgraphs extolling your own virtues and the ignorance of any & everyone else.
for now, you have bored me.
thanks your majesty, you're fucking awesome but your spelling is atrocious.
educated people DO care how you fail to spell words in your own language.
Far less people are impressed by your own rampant declarations of 'bigness'
Hows that for sticking together?
you may call yourself king, but i'll stick with ignorant cunt.
You may keep your 'pass' for being from 'somewhere over there'
you talk out of your arse
you dont shut up
you love yourself
you lie
you stalk 'noobs'
you insult people & seemingly entire nations
you make things up
and you call yourself the king
what more needs to be said?
im sure you can think of another 41 PARAgraphs extolling your own virtues and the ignorance of any & everyone else.
for now, you have bored me.
thanks your majesty, you're fucking awesome but your spelling is atrocious.
educated people DO care how you fail to spell words in your own language.
Far less people are impressed by your own rampant declarations of 'bigness'
Hows that for sticking together?
hahaha! Celebrity Vendor Deathmatch!
In the Blue corner! Weighing in at a paltry 47 posts with one positive piece of Karma... WatLanBooooooon!
In the Red corner! Tipping the scales at 637 posts with +38 pieces of Karmic power... RRR XXXX Kiiiinnggg!
Let's have a fair fight now Vendors - low blows, biting, eye gouging, elbows & headlocks are all welcomed here!
you may call yourself king, but i'll stick with ignorant cunt.
You may keep your 'pass' for being from 'somewhere over there'
you talk out of your arse
you dont shut up
you love yourself
you lie
you stalk 'noobs'
you insult people & seemingly entire nations
you make things up
and you call yourself the king
what more needs to be said?
im sure you can think of another 41 PARAgraphs extolling your own virtues and the ignorance of any & everyone else.
for now, you have bored me.
thanks your majesty, you're fucking awesome but your spelling is atrocious.
educated people DO care how you fail to spell words in your own language.
Far less people are impressed by your own rampant declarations of 'bigness'
Hows that for sticking together?
hahaha! Celebrity Vendor Deathmatch!
In the Blue corner! Weighing in at a paltry 47 posts with one positive piece of Karma... WatLanBooooooon!
In the Red corner! Tipping the scales at 637 posts with +38 pieces of Karmic power... RRR XXXX Kiiiinnggg!
Let's have a fair fight now Vendors - low blows, biting, eye gouging, elbows & headlocks are all welcomed here!
I went out to post todays orders and during my 22km bike ride i thought that id been a lot more harsh and felt a pang of remorse.
now i re-read it i wish id been about 10% harsher.
The guys a self-confessed kingpin of the road and hes in here where the newbs are stuck trying to make a name for themselves and hes giving it all;
its fucking shit in here,
"if you aint buying from THE KING, 300+ ra ra ra your FUCKING EXPLETIVES OR DUMB"
what kind of a man wants to scare my only fkn customer to ever enquire about my new business into shitting himself for a fortnight while his gears on its way??
THEN trying to justify his presence here by saying he was told to come here and post something, well im sure no one requested him to come and wipe his besmurchery all over my feeble efforts to satisfy my customers newbie fears.
I stand by my statement that hes a mug and leave it at that.
i cant really afford nino brown and tony montana teaming up to run my ass clean outta town...
If you Fallkniven want a free joint, privnote me your details and ill send you a joint of what i smoke daily.
PLease dont take offense to the offer if its unappreciated, no harm no foul etc.
RxKING - The Absolutely, Positively, Right Royal Best-Seller On SR, Bar None!!
You Heard It From Him First...
Buy From Him Not Me...
Never, EVER Fuckin FE!!
But i'll hook you up as I would FAMILY if you want to... Check My Feedback...
I'm sorry but I just don't say no to free drugs. Life's pretty straight without Twisties.
PM inbound.
this is a terrible thread. i assumed by drug dealers he meant irl who should be busiest at the weekend when everyone's partying not vendors on here who work similarly to ebay sellers. just don't think of vendors on here as dealers but maybe that's just me.
but yes self employed/criminals can work as many or few hours as they please ::) no employment contracts stipulating hours on here corrr blimey
What a stupid statement, working self employed entitles you to do pretty much anything you like if you don't like your dealer don't get involved!
Its a Lifestyle choice.
In an ideal World We Wouldn't Have To Hide, But In An Ideal World No-One Would Want Or Need To Buy Drugs.
I reckon.
... In An Ideal World No-One Would Want Or Need To Buy Drugs ...
Yes, they would be free for anyone who wants or needs them.
Speaking of free drugs, for some awesome reason which i can't figure out (too stoned), Watlanboon has offered to send me a free joint of his great weed.
I only just finished some G13 and Bubblegum he sent to me earlier in the week and i can safely say that it is high quality bud all the way at a very good price.
I hope you have a lot of stock mate, cause i'll be buying more very soon.
Nothing to contribute, moving a long now to the next post till 50.
and for my trouble i got my first negative karma off've some sly cunt....
not that i even care.
I'll be out of stock within 3-4 weeks and be off road for a while growing something even better and teaching my lil girl how to swim.
While the topdawgs will refuse to be nice ill be chilling.
when i return and show ppl how to play nice i'll get abuse til i leave, again & again.
i love giving ppl free stuff, just like i love helping the helpless replace a tyre or cross a busy street or get something they cant reach.
we can't all be cunts.....can we?
I'll be out of stock within 3-4 weeks and be off road for a while growing something even better and teaching my lil girl how to swim.
i misread that as you were teaching her how to trim! like for your harvest haha responsible parenting ftw
LOL, her mums just gone through plenty of that.
maybe when shes old enough to not want to feed everything to the dogs.
aw can you ever grow out of that?! i used to hear my dog whining outside the door when we'd cook a roast and it made me feel so bad. dogs are emotionally manipulative i swear! my dad used to get these stupidly expensive sausages when we'd have a bbq and just chuck them in her mouth from a distance hahaa :D
dads are awesome.
treating animals well is one of the best lessons we can teach our kids.
as well as how to fight and how to adapt and overcome.
without dads, our kids turn into quivering little victims. waiting on handouts.
Dads, Give yourself a pat on the back if your not a delinquent shit.
weird you say that, if you look through my past posts you can see i identified my dad as a sociopath and psychological abuser so i'd have to disagree with you there from my personal experience. he didn't treat the dog well he just over fed her and locked her outside on a chain :'(
still +karma to you if i didn't already for being a good dad!! make sure your kids know they're loved no matter what :)
haha, chin up bro
im breaking the chain, my old man was elsewhere and my stepdad was like uncle slippy fist or that fiddling about uncle from 'Tommy'
Real Dads are awesome, mums can only do so much and theyre over emotional behaviour can fuck kids up psychologically.
the trick to overcoming an abusive past is to be as present as you can in the moments you can with those that you can.
Ive got 3 kids, only 1 with i could easily be seen as a delinquent shitcunt dad from 2 kids perspectives....
do what you can, where you are, with what you;ve got
and if things get toomuch, skin up, have a giggle or a weep, then back at it again.
time and tide wait for no man
lol I should have specified street dealers as the weekend i thought would have been "a rush point" they would be missing out on allot of business. not SR :o
BTW I am not a noob to SR by any means ::)
Good first post for me after about a year of lurking. Me personally I operate in a small town with little competition and plenty of addicts. I live about 7 hours away from where I do my dirt. I have a wife and two kids to be there for, I can't fuck around and serve all day everyday anymore and don't even plan to hustle much longer. I've been going there in cycles for a few months now. For me the money is always there. I just keep up a good rapport with my heads (a lot of them are friends), and keep in touch with them while I'm away and let them know I'll be back soon (never specify when exactly), that way I can get new phone numbers, updates on LE activity, snitches, and overall activity. I also read the news of the town religiously (politics, drug busts, etc.) to always keep myself informed even while away. I've come to find that if you treat the custies like humans and show a certain level of respect and decency they'll always fuck with you (provided the product is still fire, even still I've had plenty of my heads move straight up trash because they didn't wanna see me fall.). Basically take your breaks when you need them. Do not let the money or the addicts run you, you're already risking so much you deserve the breaks in between doing dirt. It also helps take the heat off of you. I'd recommend not taking weekends off though if you don't have to, those are $$$$$ days.
It is nice to put in a message they are gone or to go stealth but i don't blame them for taking time off. As long as they don't mark things in transit and sit on your order for a week, it's all good with me.
go easy on da newbees mmmmaaaaannnnn...see i love my fishes....don't want anyone hurting them....
oh and i did not know their was such thing as a stupid question.......@whenwhy go ahead and ask whatever u wanna ask
i might not be in post heavyweight but in reality u will be good in my homo........
when i become a vendor i will be on dat job 24/7 no sleep---as long as the coins are rolling u will find me online.....
money make me feel good.....can't wait to start......
1st rule is there are no rules ------- i do whatever i want to
You can take the weekends off but you will definitely lose some business\customers. We are talking about IRL dealing, correct?
Why couldn't they take time off? Sometimes its nice to just relax for a couple of days with no distractions.
Actually this was a hotly debated issue at the last annual conference of the IDDU (International Drug Dealers Union.)
Participants in a workshop that aims to Standardize Trading Drugs (STD) on a global basis voted for the following code of conduct in order to structure their workload with a special regard on various health issues ranging from
* lack of sleep due to long hours at all-weekend raves,
* strong headaches stemming from beatings during a raid by the local SWAT team and
* a deficit of fresh air because they were sentenced to the usual mandatory minimum penalty of 10 years because police could prove they had possessed 51 MDMA pills at one time.
1) Written orders will be processed in the DMT (Dealer Morning Time) between the first line of breakfast coke and a good lunchtime helping of magic mushrooms.
2) LSD (Listing, Stocking, Deliveries) will only be done in the 2.5 hours before and after the daily 5'o'clock poppy tea as dealers have to pick up their kids from kindergarten like everybody else.
3) The conference also agreed on the MDMA rule which translates into "More Dealing - More Assets" and will allow STP (Super Trippy Purchases) in afterhours if the volume of the trade surpasses TMA (Two Million Afghanis.)
4) Rule 3, however can be extended to any hour if there is any involvement of 2CB (2 Cute Birds/Boys) since IDDU members have to use up all the generic Indian Viagra they cannot sell before the date of expiration.
5) A last special rule was introduced by the official association of SR vendors campagning for a 30-hour week (AoSRVC30H) due to the rapidly growing client base on SR: DOC (Discharge of Clients) if they think their 0.5g weed order will result in the same efforts during a dealers time off as if it were a multi-pound order.
If you appreciated this piece - please Karma me ;D
People like me come from nothing, we are what we're build and create. Without work and effort, we're nothing, and that's legit truth.
I don't believe in days off personally. I believe in supportive friends, loyalty and respect. If you call me at 2AM Monday morning example, don't excpect me to answer the phone, even though I always do. After months of working like this, if you use drugs, you'll burn out. The key is treat your drug dealing like a business, a trade, work. So maintain a healthy diet, get sleep when you can, and what I do is I lend out bud to good friends. When I need a good sleep, I take money off their bill and they run my business for a night.
YOU can take days off. But in my opinion, your BUSINESS shouldn't :-) . Get workers, share the load :-)
+1 connoisseur, love the MDMA rule, lol
People like me come from nothing, we are what we're build and create. Without work and effort, we're nothing, and that's legit truth.
I don't believe in days off personally. I believe in supportive friends, loyalty and respect. If you call me at 2AM Monday morning example, don't excpect me to answer the phone, even though I always do. After months of working like this, if you use drugs, you'll burn out. The key is treat your drug dealing like a business, a trade, work. So maintain a healthy diet, get sleep when you can, and what I do is I lend out bud to good friends. When I need a good sleep, I take money off their bill and they run my business for a night.
YOU can take days off. But in my opinion, your BUSINESS shouldn't :-) . Get workers, share the load :-)
My kind of guy. I'm annoyed right now cause my weekend is now drug free because of slow shipping. :-\
I just learnt something from researching for this thread. There is a mail pick up on Saturday mornings in the UK. I'm not sure if anything is done with it until Monday though. I don't want to leave parcels in the post box over the weekend.
I just checked, if you mail it Saturday morning its meant to arrive on Monday.
On SR we are known as vendors, not dealers.
And being a vendor is practically a vocation.
every day is a weekend if you have things set up the right way.
if you are risking life in prison by selling and STILL busting your ass working a 9-5 then you are wasting time.
as far as taking days off from sales? absolutely not.
unless it is for a vacation, then someone else fills in for that week
it depends on how motivated you are and what you are attempting to accomplish, i would say that more than half of those involved in the drug game have no business in it to begin with, but to each their own
Drug dealing is a business just like any other.
Think of it like this:
The government operates the public sector of the criminal industry, while we operate in the private sector.
It is simple- In order to deal drugs, you need a business plan.
I have one, and I assume most other vendors do as well.
Best regards,
The Andromeda Group