Silk Road forums

Support => Technical support => Topic started by: jaywaka2713 on October 10, 2012, 10:45 pm

Title: Silk Road irregularites - Disappearing Products
Post by: jaywaka2713 on October 10, 2012, 10:45 pm
Two days ago I bookmarked three ecstasy items that I was expecting to purchase yesterday. Yesterday they all were giving that Product Not Listed error, and couldnt be found. I also noticed significant decrease in the items available in almost every category. After browsing for 30 minutes today, I noticed that the amounts of products in each drug section sporadically increased and decreased dramatically, and items that had been bookmarked suddenly could be found again. It's strange, and I cannot find the products that I wanted to buy, yet they were listed 2 days ago, and merely 10 minutes ago. I mainly notice the issue in the Psychedelics Drugs subcategory, with multiple types of drugs appearing and then disappearing. I was viewing listings for 4-AcO-DMT, and now no longer can find any. Same with the Ecstasy subcategory, as I cannot find the products I had just seen. I only see 51 listings total for ecstasy, when just 10 minutes earlier it was over 300. Any reasoning for these issues?
Title: Re: Silk Road irregularites - Disappearing Products
Post by: pine on October 10, 2012, 11:16 pm
1. Check your country setting on your account.
2. If it's correct, then it is probably just vendors moving product into stealth mode.