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Discussion => Philosophy, Economics and Justice => Topic started by: k1k1 on October 04, 2012, 08:28 am

Title: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: k1k1 on October 04, 2012, 08:28 am
( I really love this new section :-) )

I want to hear your key/secret/way to happiness/life/satisfaction, but i also want to collect some thoughts/way of being in a 'bad' mood. I just want to collect posts/views/thoughts on that subject.

In my personal opinion, it's 'easy' to reach happiness in life, by accepting, that happiness isn't something absolute. Realizing that, we always can be happy, by trying to change our point of view to something 'positive' in life. I think, that in every situation we are experiencing in our time of life, there can be found a 'positive' view. To me that doesn't mean I can't feel 'bad', but besides that 'negative' emotions, there is always at least one reason to be happy about it. Happiness is an imaginary good, which we all can 'hold in our hands' and it's one of the rare goods, which doesn't get less when sharing it.
I'm trying to live that way for several years now and I would describe myself as a 'happy' person. At the very beginning it was hard to find a positive view to some situations I experienced, but over the years I got very common to this and nowadays finding a 'positive view' is like breathing to me, a very automated process. Sometimes I seem to be kind of unemotional, cold, etc. to my social contacts, but all I try is to be positive.
Title: Re: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: Ballzinator on October 04, 2012, 11:25 pm
( I really love this new section :-) )

I want to hear your key/secret/way to happiness/life/satisfaction, but i also want to collect some thoughts/way of being in a 'bad' mood. I just want to collect posts/views/thoughts on that subject.

In my personal opinion, it's 'easy' to reach happiness in life, by accepting, that happiness isn't something absolute. Realizing that, we always can be happy, by trying to change our point of view to something 'positive' in life. I think, that in every situation we are experiencing in our time of life, there can be found a 'positive' view. To me that doesn't mean I can't feel 'bad', but besides that 'negative' emotions, there is always at least one reason to be happy about it. Happiness is an imaginary good, which we all can 'hold in our hands' and it's one of the rare goods, which doesn't get less when sharing it.
I'm trying to live that way for several years now and I would describe myself as a 'happy' person. At the very beginning it was hard to find a positive view to some situations I experienced, but over the years I got very common to this and nowadays finding a 'positive view' is like breathing to me, a very automated process. Sometimes I seem to be kind of unemotional, cold, etc. to my social contacts, but all I try is to be positive.
I think you pretty much got it right. It's all about finding something positive about even the shittiest things or if you can't do that, believe that there's a deeper meaning to it all you can't (yet) comprehend. That's why I'm a pantheist.
Title: Re: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: ihuntwhales on October 05, 2012, 07:02 pm
I only achieved true happiness when I stopped focusing on making myself happy. No matter how much I tried, it couldn't erase the fact that I was focusing on selfish ideals. If you want to be truly happy, pull out of yourself and instead focus your energy towards making other people happy. Through helping other people achieve happiness, you will find a confidence and sense of worth that cannot be match by any self-achievement. Helping others is the only absolute joy in this world, in my eyes. Don't expect it to be repayed by that person, for you will be disappointed the majority of the time. However, I'm a strong believer in karma and I can promise that the good you do for other people will come back to you, in one way or the other.
Title: Re: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: Limetless on October 05, 2012, 08:29 pm
Knowing what I want and knowing that I have got what it takes to get it. That's basically all I need to know to make me happy. :)
Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on October 05, 2012, 09:08 pm
Title: Re: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: Ballzinator on October 05, 2012, 09:54 pm
I only achieved true happiness when I stopped focusing on making myself happy. No matter how much I tried, it couldn't erase the fact that I was focusing on selfish ideals. If you want to be truly happy, pull out of yourself and instead focus your energy towards making other people happy. Through helping other people achieve happiness, you will find a confidence and sense of worth that cannot be match by any self-achievement. Helping others is the only absolute joy in this world, in my eyes. Don't expect it to be repayed by that person, for you will be disappointed the majority of the time. However, I'm a strong believer in karma and I can promise that the good you do for other people will come back to you, in one way or the other.
I used to be an asshole. Not the stupid kind that doesn't know better but the selfish, self-opinionated kind. The kind of asshole you don't even pity for being an asshole.
About six years ago I found friends (why they put up with me at that time is beyond me) who were very open-minded. They pretty much taught me to self-reflect and I realized what a hideous cunt I was. They opened my mind and destroyed every bit of self-centeredness that was left in me.
They taught me that happiness comes from interacting with people, making them happy and experiencing new stuff.
I want to cry when I look back at all those wasted years I lived in vanity. I'm still far from being a good person and I'm not truly happy yet but I'm steadily trying to improve and I'm pretty confident that I'll eventually even out the shitty karma.
Title: Re: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: TheBusiness on October 07, 2012, 11:17 am
Title: Re: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: metaphoe on October 07, 2012, 05:32 pm
SR, and knowledge, oh' and add to the list, cute ravin' cuties
Title: Re: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: Dopamin on October 07, 2012, 11:08 pm
What makes me happy is, when I created something unique by myself. Be it text, art or reaching the top of a mountain.

Emotions are very important to me, happiness is when I can live and express all of them. It may sound a bit strange, but I was really happy when I was able to cry again for the first time after maybe 15 years. That was soooo liberating.
Title: Re: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: LEGACY on October 07, 2012, 11:51 pm
I only achieved true happiness when I stopped focusing on making myself happy. No matter how much I tried, it couldn't erase the fact that I was focusing on selfish ideals. If you want to be truly happy, pull out of yourself and instead focus your energy towards making other people happy. Through helping other people achieve happiness, you will find a confidence and sense of worth that cannot be match by any self-achievement. Helping others is the only absolute joy in this world, in my eyes. Don't expect it to be repayed by that person, for you will be disappointed the majority of the time. However, I'm a strong believer in karma and I can promise that the good you do for other people will come back to you, in one way or the other.
I used to be an asshole. Not the stupid kind that doesn't know better but the selfish, self-opinionated kind. The kind of asshole you don't even pity for being an asshole.
About six years ago I found friends (why they put up with me at that time is beyond me) who were very open-minded. They pretty much taught me to self-reflect and I realized what a hideous cunt I was. They opened my mind and destroyed every bit of self-centeredness that was left in me.
They taught me that happiness comes from interacting with people, making them happy and experiencing new stuff.
I want to cry when I look back at all those wasted years I lived in vanity. I'm still far from being a good person and I'm not truly happy yet but I'm steadily trying to improve and I'm pretty confident that I'll eventually even out the shitty karma.


I've been like some of your friends ;) Seeing my influence aid in others growth and joyful self discovery has been a great experience.

Joy and Happiness are the underlying things we are. Pleasure is not happiness. And while living within relativity, the relative universal paradigm, we will dip and swell throughout. Only impermanence is permanent. So try not to forget all things come n go. All things outside of ourselves we think will "make" us happy... only that which is within can. The rest is a never ending ego game of acquiring.... more. More, more, more. I recommend reading some deepak chopra or other kinds of authors. Very insightful!

I think this place will continue to coral all sorts of the connected ones. Regardless of what kind of label they choose.
Title: Re: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: Joy on October 08, 2012, 06:53 pm
Money,Power & Love.
Title: Re: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: pine on October 08, 2012, 07:26 pm
Title: Re: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: wretched on October 08, 2012, 07:46 pm
Title: Re: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: libertyseller on October 08, 2012, 11:22 pm
Title: Re: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: ToleranceBreak on October 09, 2012, 08:56 am
I think an important thing to keep in mind is that all things outside your mind are out of your control. If you do not have 100% control of it 100% of the time, then it's the same as having no control at all. This is important because it means that in addition to people and events and situations, we have no control of our bodies. Thinking this way allows us to enjoy a good healthy body if we have it, but if not, one does not dismay. For you are the inner you, not this shell you carry. Even though it's hard to follow at all times, to remember that you have no control really helps with dealing with anger at people or sadness at a loss or something like that....I guess this is less a key to happiness than a way to help yourself from being unhappy.
Title: Re: Your key to happiness ?
Post by: oban_18 on October 11, 2012, 12:13 pm
I only achieved true happiness when I stopped focusing on making myself happy. No matter how much I tried, it couldn't erase the fact that I was focusing on selfish ideals. If you want to be truly happy, pull out of yourself and instead focus your energy towards making other people happy. Through helping other people achieve happiness, you will find a confidence and sense of worth that cannot be match by any self-achievement. Helping others is the only absolute joy in this world, in my eyes. Don't expect it to be repayed by that person, for you will be disappointed the majority of the time. However, I'm a strong believer in karma and I can promise that the good you do for other people will come back to you, in one way or the other.

I very much subscribe to this belief, and in the karmic wheel of what you give is what you get back.

Recently, I was at my state DMV to get a new driver's license. I had actually been without a license for close to a decade, and wasn't looking forward to having to take either the written test, driving test, or both to get a new one.  At the DMV, there was an elderly Asian gentleman in his 60's who didn't seem like he spoke English well.  As I was sitting waiting my turn, he sat down next to me and confusedly stared around, even though I could see they had called his number. I tapped him on his shoulder, pointed at the number on his ticket, pointed toward the board that his number on it, and helped him get to the right window to get service. He smiled from ear-to-ear and shook my hand.

When it came turn for me to go to test, I was surprised to find the DMV waived both my written and driving test, because I had "failed" to renew by mail back in 2003 (I never received notification of such an event.)  Because of this, they reissued my license and all I had to do was pay a small fee to receive it.

I didn't have to help that old guy, and the DMV certainly isn't in the habit of helping people out (well, in my opinion.)  But what goes around, comes around.

The key to my happiness came for me in understanding that I am responsible for my own happiness, for making my life into what it is. I can be either positive or negative, a help or a hinderance. Up until then, I was always relying on others to make me happy and failing miserably. Doing good for others and not looking for happiness outside myself has done wonders for my anger management issues and self-esteem. ;)