Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: cricket on September 27, 2012, 02:40 am

Title: WTF is with Precription Drug prices on here?
Post by: cricket on September 27, 2012, 02:40 am
Honestly I can walk up to some random street thug and get ANY pill for at least a dollar a milligram for example I can get a roxi 30 for 30 dollars
I can get a percocet 5 for 5 dollars, (Sometimes less if its bulk)

Xanex- I can get 2 Mg Bars for 4-5 dollars AT THE MOST AND THIS IS NOT a quantity

If this is supposed to be the future of drugs then it looks like we are headed the wrong way, toward the very ways that most of us oppose
(Large corporations and greed)
I know for a  FACT that a script of percocet 5mg can be purchased for Less than 200 dollars that being said if the vendors sold them for 5 dollars they would make at LEAST 300 dollars whats so wrong with that? Are they really all that greedy?

Let me close by saying i LOVE SR some items are actually VERY well priced and HIGH quality but as far as I can tell NO ONE on here sells Pills at a decent price
Title: Re: WTF is with Precription Drug prices on here?
Post by: sdesu on September 27, 2012, 03:02 am
There are many factors that may drive up rx drug prices.
A vendor may not have insurance (or at least has not paid their deductible off yet), so they may be paying out of pocket for their prescriptions. And if they are going to be selling their prescription, they are obviously going to want to make at least a little bit of a profit. You have to consider what they are using the money to pay for. They could be using the money to pay for bills or even groceries because they aren't making enough at work, ect. Also, they are paying for packaging materials as well as postage to send to you.

There is also the factor of supply and demand. If there's a short supply for an item with high demand, vendors can charge whatever they want.

There's a good chance I'm wrong, and I wouldn't be surprised if I was, but unless these people are getting these pills in large quantities, they aren't just interested in paying out of their pocket for a prescription that they are going to sell just to break even.

Title: Re: WTF is with Precription Drug prices on here?
Post by: pine on September 27, 2012, 05:42 am
There's a huge number of perfectly legal drugs which are impossible to obtain on the white market thanks to regulations limiting supply.

Thus there are factories that produce nothing but an illegal supply of legal drugs. And even factories that produce legal supply of legal drugs don't always get them to market.

In fact if SR didn't sell a single illegal drug, this would still be a huge market. This is the primary reason why the IOPs exist.

If you're thinking that maybe there's some safety related reason to limit supply of legal drugs, you're incorrect. There may even be a good rationale, but that's has nothing to do with the real situation, which is that there is a conspiracy against the consumer aided and abetted by the government. This is main reason our pals at the Customs and USPS postal inspectors offices exist. Catching contraband is merely a pretext, because 99.9% of the drugs they are intercepting and destroying are completely legal. I have had legal drugs, for which I had a prescription and all the appropriate paperwork filled out correctly, destroyed by Customs as "counterfeits" and a stern letter of commendation sent out. So they stole my stuff and then threatened me with a fine. Priceless. They believe their own propaganda about protecting the consumer and preventing "counterfeit drugs" being passed on, but the true picture is their real world function is to drive up prices for western pharmaceutical companies while driving out their competitors in developed markets under the pretext of protecting intellectual property (I'm not against IP, but I am against copy cat patents (just about the only thing the FDA is liberal on giving out due to lobbying *cough* bribes) and ridiculous and arbitrary patent extensions which prevent generics existing and stifle innovation).


The cost of manufacturing Xanax is $0.24 per 100 tabs. It sells for $136.79 or more.

This is a markup of 56895%.

Tell me there's competition in that market. Go on. Tell me.

Here's yet another example.

The cost of manufacturing a Prozac is $0.11 per 100 tabs. It sells for $247.47 or more.

This is a markup of 224872%

This is not a market, that is not capitalism. That is a rigged match.
Title: Re: WTF is with Precription Drug prices on here?
Post by: Addy on September 27, 2012, 12:44 pm
We really need a sticky. "Economics: why drugs on the 'Road often cost more than those you buy from your dealer IRL"

Maybe that would cut down on the biweekly "why are prices so expensive on here" threads.
Title: Re: WTF is with Precription Drug prices on here?
Post by: BobSacamano1 on September 28, 2012, 12:52 am
Rx amphetamines are the worst on here hahah, its like seriously a joke. Definitely 3-5x more expensive than any local market. The benzos seem fairly cheap though, and the Rx opioids seem like their only a bit more expensive than they are around my way.
Title: Re: WTF is with Precription Drug prices on here?
Post by: M364M1ND on October 02, 2012, 02:33 am
you gotta figure those prices are geared for the average small-time user, no habit...yet. who most likely live in some outta-the-way town that has no connects for miles. i would never ever be able to rationalize the prices i see listed on here for pharmies. and like @BobSacamano1 said...the prices for Rx Amps turns my stomach. Except for the occasional Desoxyn listing...which is on my bucket list and is impossible to score IRL.
Title: Re: WTF is with Precription Drug prices on here?
Post by: BonesJones42 on October 02, 2012, 05:05 am
Sometimes I wish I had a vendors account just so I could peddle my adderall prescription every time I fill it. Shit, I get dirt selling them in real life compared to the prices on SR. I can sell a 20mg IR for $3-5 in real life; they go for $10-15 each easily on SR.
Title: Re: WTF is with Precription Drug prices on here?
Post by: raven92 on October 02, 2012, 06:32 am

The cost of manufacturing Xanax is $0.24 per 100 tabs. It sells for $136.79 or more. This is a markup of 56895%.

Tell me there's competition in that market. Go on. Tell me.

Here's yet another example.

The cost of manufacturing a Prozac is $0.11 per 100 tabs. It sells for $247.47 or more. This is a markup of 224872%

This is not a market, that is not capitalism. That is a rigged match.

Not saying there isn't a massive amount of corruption, and foul play because there is. I'm not here to defend drug companies, but I do believe your being a bit unfair.

It's simply unfair to state it costs $1 to make but you sell it at $100, so they are being greedy and selling at 100x markup. There are a lot of factors that go into this equation that you've left out.

They do have to spend many 10's of millions dealing with the FDA/DEA, and billions on unjustifiable law suits. As well as create the drugs in the first place, and for every drug that makes it to market. Most will never see the walls of your local pharmacy, but they still cost massive research and testing dollars. And yes, the drug companies do take massive hits from the DEA as well, look at the changes to Oxy in the past years, they had to change the carrier mechanism, change equipment, and go through testing rounds, costing huge amounts of money. Of they also lobby for stupid regulations that make themselves a pretty penny.

Another example of a research market vs cost to manufacture is the tech sector. Take Intel, it costs almost nothing to grow your CPU today, but the equipment and research gone is billions of dollars.