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Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Dopeboy on September 06, 2012, 05:53 pm

Title: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: Dopeboy on September 06, 2012, 05:53 pm
Just a bunch of ideas I've been having the last few months I figured I'd jot them down and share... even though it's a lot of psychobabble there's a few good ideas I think.

- An idea can spread through society the same way a virus spreads through a body. All that is needed is the right idea, the right structure of words, condensed into a single sentence, to ignite and inspire the synapses in the minds of all who read it. The banks can control the most primitive aspects of our minds, but without religion being forced onto the unconscious minds of children they will fail to control the one aspect that separates man from monkey; intellect.

- Every government holds domain over the creation of its currency and its laws. Since our brains are designed to seek reward and avoid fear, currency controls the reward center of our brain and laws control the fear center. In order to train a dog one needs to control reward and fear. But men are not dogs, we have a much more powerful component to our minds that no other animal has; intellect. And so whichever nation can best harness the intellect of the most men will dominate. In order to harness a man's intellect he needs to be corrupted before he becomes conscious. This is where religion comes into play. Religion is the ultimate corruption of an innocent mind. Religion takes away a child's freedom of thought, freedom to learn and discover. Religion gives dominance to the old and corrupt, and takes freedom away from the innocent.

- Religion is the reason why America became the superpower of the world.

- Let's face it; America has done a lot of bad things in order to remain in the top spot. Rather than empowering others they used manipulation, intimidation, lies and social tricks on their path to dominate the world. All in the name of capitalism and selfishness.

- The unconscious mind is formed during the first few years of life. This is like the main operating system of our behavior. If parents use intellect to teach their children it will raise their IQ. If parents use the fear/reward system it will lower IQ and intellectual abilities, and those children will likely join the military or police force or some other government department, as they will be incapable of thinking for themselves.

- Everything the government does is based on domination. A major part of this is keeping the masses in the dark and clueless. The TSA pat-downs have nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with forcing the populace to be submissive. The act of allowing government to put hands on you and your family is an act of complete submissiveness and it creates a precedent. I am 100% sure that the underwear bomber and shoe bomber and all the other failed terrorist attempts were the work of US and Saudi government undercover cooperatives sending stooges with faulty bombs onto planes.

- The internet is dominated by the intellectual alpha. Television was dominated by the social alpha. Social and intellectual alphas almost always clash, and all too often it is the social alpha who is in power. Only during times of hardship, revolutions, wars etc. do we see intellectual alphas climb to power. It is a struggle seen on the personal level as well; the more socially dominant someone is the less intellectually dominant they become. It is difficult to maintain the balance. It is one of the greatest challenges to become a leader in both domains.

- When leaders control the pleasure and fear centers in the brains of their subordinates, they gain incredible control of them. For example a government will reward submissive behavior with money and perks, and it will punish disobedient behavior with prison and fines. Religions and cults work under the same premise, using social acceptance as reward, and outcasting/isolation as punishment. Not to mention the whole Heaven and Hell thing.

- As leaders of the majority they are able to decide who to cast out from society and who to label as the enemy, and usually it is a very small minority that can be easily attacked and harassed. Israel uses the Palestinians. America uses drug users and other minorities.

- A government requires zero energy to create unlimited amounts of dollars. They then use domination, intimidation and manipulation to enslave entire populations; forcing the slaves to expend energy and waste their life trying to attain those dollars. That in turn adds value to those dollars. As a last resort,  when faced with an uprising or attempts to overthrow the government, they will use any physical force deemed necessary including imprisonment and other tactics (secret police, kidnapping, torture, assassinations, even chemical and biological weapons if need be). Computers just add insult to injury to this issue; turning the money that we all work so hard for into nothing more than numbers on a screen. It's like credits in a video game except it's real life.

- History repeats itself because humans are social animals that all think in a similar manner. The primitive part of our brain forces us to pursue reward and fight or flee from fear. People with knowledge of how to exploit the fear/reward system all too often use their knowledge to manipulate others. Fathers manipulate their children with fairy tales and religion. Governments manipulate society with money and politics.

- Every dictator says the same shit: “My country needs me to keep order and unity.” I've even heard a US senator say, in reference to why government is not more open, that “the American people don't know what they want. They don't know what's good for them”. In reality what they're saying is: “Please don't take away my golden palace and Bentley! Just let me run the show because I know what's right. But I'm gonna need a lot of money and power to enable me to create jobs and prosperity.”

- Whether it's a militant dictatorship or a democratically elected government, scumbags always find a way into power. The act of desiring to be in power kind of automatically makes you a scumbag really. So isn't there a way to keep humans out of power? Constitutional laws help, but even they can be changed. And why does another man have to represent me anyways? That's impossible unless he's been castrated.

- The internet will free us. Once we create an internet voting system we will be able to vote 24/7/365 in order to keep our representatives accountable. Or perhaps remove the “representative” altogether. Maybe we'll be able to represent ourselves for once. That would be true democracy.

- Everybody wants a free ride. Everybody wants to make a living by gambling on the stock market; gambling on the success and failure of other people's work. Everybody wants free money and free healthcare, free school and free daycare. Everybody wants a stress-free, work-free job. Everybody wants to do yoga and drink protein shakes so they can have the perfect body. Everybody wants to dominate and force the young and the poor to do all the labor. Everybody wants to be a boss. Everybody wants free dental, free vacations, free benefits, free perks. And nobody wants to pay for any of it.

- Obama = zombie apocalypse. Romney = nuclear armageddon.

- Why do people have children? Is it because they want to make a positive impact in the world? Or is it purely for personal gain? Reproduction is a necessity for the survival of the species and so our brains reward us accordingly. People with children are less likely to become addicted to drugs, food, sex, etc.  and more likely to become supervisors and managers at their workplace. Fathers and mothers become automatically dominant over their offspring and since we are all products of circumstance, that dominance trains the minds of the parent to become more assertive and authoritative. And since personality, ego, social conditioning are all memorized behaviors, when you have children you are less likely to become isolated and lose the memorized social behavior that is responsible for success in social settings.

- Poor people tend to reproduce faster than rich people.

- Power corrupts. When people get into a position of power they take up the belief that life is about domination. That is a spoiled view on life. Poor people have to worry about food, shelter and survival.

- The government has a monopoly on authority.

- We keep thinking that if we put a new king into power that it will solve all our problems. The problem is not the king, it's the throne. Burn the motherfucking throne. No man can represent another man, every man is in it for himself. Evolution has designed us to seek out self-gain and so everything we do is for our own benefit. Now that we have computers we could easily design a system without “representatives”. Let me vote for myself.

- As men age and gain power they tend to adopt a “dominate or submit” mentality (ie. hunt or be hunted etc.).

- An isolated man without an outside enemy will either become submissive or he will create a conflict (the enemy within?) in order to maintain a sense of dominance. Men can dominate themselves and self-destruct when isolated.

- Behaviors exhibited on the individual level are also observed on the national level because we are social animals; when we are in a group we think as a group.

- Before the Soviet Union collapsed they invaded Afghanistan in order to recapture a sense of dominance, to have something to fight for, and to stop the war within. Of course they failed and the Soviet Union collapsed within the decade. And we now see the same thing happening with the USA; creating outside enemies in order to avoid facing the truth and that there is a major internal struggle between Americans who want dominance and Americans who want freedom. America is obviously heading towards war with itself.

- Drugs do only as much damage as the amount of persecution received from the alpha and his subordinates (in our case the government). Smoking marijuana in 2012 does less damage than practicing witchcraft in 1692 Salem. Taking MDMA does less damage than being a Jew in 1944 Auschwitz. Drugs only damage the ego, it is the persecution from socially dominant leaders that ostracizes and isolates anyone who enjoys cannabis or MDMA as opposed to tobacco and alcohol. Being ostracized, isolated and persecuted can lead to further chemical and hormonal imbalances. As well as reduced cognitive abilities, abnormal behaviors and anti-social tendencies. Psychedelic drug use should be a prerequisite for leadership roles.

- Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. We come into the world powerless, with no knowledge, we start out innocent. As we age we gain knowledge. And since nature has required us to be capitalists in order for us to survive, all too often men in positions of power use their knowledge for their own gain and benefit, even if it is to the detriment of society as a whole. In fact that is really how those men got into power in the first place. The entire system is geared towards rewarding greed and punishing altruism.

- In the “two-slit” experiment we see that an electron has “free will”. It can choose between two paths but it cannot alter it's past or future. The future is represented by a probability wave which remains the same no matter what path the electron takes. Reality is based on math. Is free will an illusion?

- We now have the ability to create video games and movies. What if we could design characters who had the ability to question their reality and purpose?

- Government demands submission from all of it's citizens. Therefore the only way to become a dominant  male is to do so in the name of the government. If you are submissive to the government, everyone who you dominate will also be submissive to the government. It creates a pyramid of social dominance/hierarchy. And at this very special time in history, just as governments around the world are perfecting the art of forcing humans into submission via the use of psychological and financial tactics, the world is also waking up. Individuals are spending more time on the internet, outside the reach and influence of the social alpha (government) and individuals are starting to think for themselves. Individuals are becoming less social and more intellectual. This is happening on a massive scale and it could lead to a collapse. We know that the chimpanzee social hierarchy is completely based on social dominance. But we now have computers; tools of the gods. Do we really expect the monkey mind to be able to handle such power?

- It doesn't matter which nation is the alpha, the fact is that the most corrupt and manipulative nation takes the alpha position.

- A transition away from capitalism will be difficult and bloody. Communism weakens the populace and so the only way it will work is to remove any outside competition. Communism requires global domination.

- The human race acts as a whole in order to guarantee its survival and prosper. Men who work hard and fight hard are rewarded with dominance. Whoever works and fights the hardest becomes more dominant. There is however a way to circumvent and cheat this system. And that is by dominating younger and weaker humans. Dominance is a tangible thing, it can be measured hormonally and chemically in our bodies and minds. When too many of the old become too dominant over the young, it creates an imbalance and stresses out the human race as a whole.

- When a man competes with or dominates someone who is weaker than himself, it lowers his overall level of dominance and competitiveness. When a man competes with or dominates someone who is stronger than himself, it raises his overall level of competitiveness and dominance.

- When a man forces his children into submission those children will always be submissive to authority. When they grow into adults they will work within the system to gain dominance but always remain submissive.

- Christians believe their god gave his only son for the sins of mankind which is basically giving themselves permission to persecute other men for their own gain.

- Anyone who uses fiat currency is on Team Fiat. They don't even realize they are being submissive to whichever organization that controls the production and issuance of the currency.

- Currency controls our reward. Punishment controls our fear. Religion controls our intellect.

- If a father dominates his children it will weaken them and they will always fight to for dominance and control. If a father gives his children freedom it strengthens them and they will always fight to remain free.

- To become socially dominant someone else has to become socially submissive.

- Religion corrupts the child's mind for the parent's benefit.

- If you are submissive to the government then you become part of that “entity” or “group” and you won't have an issue with domestic spying and an all-seeing government. If you are not completely submissive to the government then you will have a problem with it, because it is an invasion of privacy from an outside “entity” or “group”. This is the basis for the “you're either with us or against us” mentality. You're either on Team Government or you're on Team Rebellion. Government will never give up power and influence, they only seek to gain more.

- Children need to be taken care of. Youth want freedom. Parents want a police-state or a nanny-state. Retirees want freedom. Elderly need to be taken care of. The cycle of life.

- We love the things that bring us pleasure and we hate the things that cause fear. We love our children because they bring us pleasure, happiness and a sense of dominance and control but social humans don't really care about the future. Intellectuals and people who actually care about the future are being starved by the masses of social humans.

- Scientists estimate that if the world economy continues at a growth of 3% per year, within 400 years the surface of the Earth would be at the boiling point of water. It's obvious that a correction is going to be made very soon.

- When police do television interviews they always look serious and stoic. They never smile, because they want domination. They want the citizens to fear them and view them as the authority so they simply play the role of the alpha male. This is how a 100lb female police officer is able to control male humans much larger than her. It is simply using behavioral tricks to deceive the monkey mind.
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: tpebop on September 07, 2012, 01:20 am
I'm not gonna lie dopeboy, I can't be fucked reading all of that but what I did read was just delightful.

Just thougt I'd say I haven't seen you around for a while, so welcome back mate hope all is well.
+1 for the Bukowski quote
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: Knomo on September 07, 2012, 01:37 am
I did read it and it was quite an interesting read :) +1

Gonna come back and read this again while I'm sober so I can remember more shit and use it IRL.
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: dkmonk on September 07, 2012, 03:34 am
Nice to see your okay Dopeboy!
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: MushBox on September 07, 2012, 04:01 am
Thanks for sharing your ideas :)
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: wetdog on September 07, 2012, 04:12 am
Wow!  Well Said.
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: philter3 on September 07, 2012, 09:52 am

  There is a book you might enjoy. It's called "A Plague Of Change" by L. Warren Douglas. It's a science fiction novel (one of the best ever) that deals with alot of the zen you are laying down.
  Good thoughts, hollah anytime.

Fu Jiezi
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: SpaceAce on September 18, 2012, 01:34 am
Loved the read mayyynee :) hopefully some of these ideas will spread!
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: Niriane on September 18, 2012, 01:50 am
Loved it!
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: MixM8 on September 18, 2012, 02:48 am
Great points being made here, especially when you bring up the TSA pat downs. Physical contact breaks boundaries, making people more submissive towards authorities after being physically dominated. I always found it a matter of submission how we teach students our Amendment rights but barely ever explain how these rights can be exercised to protect ourselves from authority.
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: a_blackbird on September 18, 2012, 05:44 am
not really sure why i'm replying to this... some of it's good, but some of it's utter bollocks.  guess i'm bored.

This is where religion comes into play. Religion is the ultimate corruption of an innocent mind. Religion takes away a child's freedom of thought, freedom to learn and discover. Religion gives dominance to the old and corrupt, and takes freedom away from the innocent.

how, then, do you explain the fact that our brains seem to be wired to seek out "religious" (perhaps spiritual is a better word, since religion is such a loaded term) experiences?  organized religion != religion.  or, to think of it another way, religion (spirituality?) doesn't have to do the things you say.  it can give someone freedom to wonder, to think about their place in the universe, to ask all of those big questions that nobody has any answers to but that we all sit and think about when we're tripping balls and it all somehow makes sense.  it's not religion that's as much a problem as it is the mix of religion and politics.  separation of church and state doesn't really mean shit when your leaders are looking to god for help in troubled times, or when they say that god likes america (or allah likes iran, or what-the-fuck-ever).  this isn't religion, it's politics and nationalism, pure and simple. 

- Religion is the reason why America became the superpower of the world.

disagree.  geographical isolation and plentiful natural resources are the reasons why america became a superpower.

- Let's face it; America has done a lot of bad things in order to remain in the top spot. Rather than empowering others they used manipulation, intimidation, lies and social tricks on their path to dominate the world. All in the name of capitalism and selfishness.

agree, but you know what?  i bet you that any other country in the same position would do the same thing.  look at russia and china trying to flex their muscle on the international stage.  if they had the same kind of hard and soft power that the US possesses, they would absolutely be trying to use it.  think about the cold war, this is exactly what it was - a bipolar world with two superpowers, each one waging proxy wars with the other in the name of ideology and somehow gaining an upper hand.  the only reason that the us "won" the cold war was because the soviets just couldn't keep up, economically.  reagan was more than willing to throw massive amounts of money into national defense, even though for a good chunk of the 1980s, the soviets actually had more warheads than the US.

- The unconscious mind is formed during the first few years of life. This is like the main operating system of our behavior. If parents use intellect to teach their children it will raise their IQ. If parents use the fear/reward system it will lower IQ and intellectual abilities, and those children will likely join the military or police force or some other government department, as they will be incapable of thinking for themselves.

agree. studies show that the bulk of our personality and primary behavior is formed by the time we're 5 or 6 years old.

- Everything the government does is based on domination. A major part of this is keeping the masses in the dark and clueless. The TSA pat-downs have nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with forcing the populace to be submissive. The act of allowing government to put hands on you and your family is an act of complete submissiveness and it creates a precedent. I am 100% sure that the underwear bomber and shoe bomber and all the other failed terrorist attempts were the work of US and Saudi government undercover cooperatives sending stooges with faulty bombs onto planes.

everything the government does is based on people wanting to keep their jobs. a politician's first duty isn't to serve his constituents, it's to get re-elected.  the masses are in the dark and clueless not because the government forces them to be there, but because their lives aren't so difficult that they really give two shits to go seek out something else.  the TSA pat-downs are pure security theatre.  it doesn't bother me, and i consider it a small act of civil disobedience to opt-out of the full-body scanners and force someone to come grab my ass.  it slows down the system.  if more people stopped readily accepting a dose of full-body ionizing radiation every time they go to the airport and said "i opt out" it probably wouldn't take a whole lot to seriously fuck up air travel for a day.  forget occupy wall street, bring the airports to a crawl.

- The internet is dominated by the intellectual alpha. Television was dominated by the social alpha. Social and intellectual alphas almost always clash, and all too often it is the social alpha who is in power. Only during times of hardship, revolutions, wars etc. do we see intellectual alphas climb to power. It is a struggle seen on the personal level as well; the more socially dominant someone is the less intellectually dominant they become. It is difficult to maintain the balance. It is one of the greatest challenges to become a leader in both domains.

yeah, i'd buy that.  makes sense.

- As leaders of the majority they are able to decide who to cast out from society and who to label as the enemy, and usually it is a very small minority that can be easily attacked and harassed. Israel uses the Palestinians. America uses drug users and other minorities.

the real trick of governments and other entities in power is in dehumanizing the opposition.  once you stop thinking of the person that disagrees with you as a *person* first and start thinking in terms of "evildoer" or "terrorist" or "underclass" or other assorted prole terms, it's that much easier to go along with an us vs. them mentality.

- History repeats itself because humans are social animals that all think in a similar manner. The primitive part of our brain forces us to pursue reward and fight or flee from fear. People with knowledge of how to exploit the fear/reward system all too often use their knowledge to manipulate others. Fathers manipulate their children with fairy tales and religion. Governments manipulate society with money and politics.

you might also say that history repeats itself precisely because we study history.  george santayana was responsible for that famous quote about being doomed to repeat the past - but we still study history, and we still fuck up in the same kinds of ways.  i think the one part of this that you're missing is that nobody likes to admit that they're wrong, and the dumber you are, the smarter you tend to think you are.  dunning-krueger effect and all that business.  also, you're forgetting the real way in which society gets manipulated - the media.  the government controls what it passes to the media such that the mainstream public gets ahold of it and ultimately ends up making decisions based on what scraps are fed to them from the top.  it's called manufacturing consent.  walter lippman wrote about it many, many years ago.  noam chomsky has had much to say about it, too.  propaganda is to a democracy what the secret police is to a dictatorship.

- The internet will free us. Once we create an internet voting system we will be able to vote 24/7/365 in order to keep our representatives accountable. Or perhaps remove the “representative” altogether. Maybe we'll be able to represent ourselves for once. That would be true democracy.

don't count on it.  direct democracy is an even better way than representative democracy to oppress minority groups.  an internet voting system isn't going to help solve the problem of stupid and uninformed people.  the internet hasn't made us smarter.  it's made us stupid.  we don't think critically, we just accept whatever tripe is spewed on some blog post that got forwarded to us from some shit-for-brains co-worker.  if google says it, it has to be true.  that's the kind of world we are creating.  even easier to manipulate the collective masses than ever.

- Everybody wants a free ride. Everybody wants to make a living by gambling on the stock market; gambling on the success and failure of other people's work. Everybody wants free money and free healthcare, free school and free daycare. Everybody wants a stress-free, work-free job. Everybody wants to do yoga and drink protein shakes so they can have the perfect body. Everybody wants to dominate and force the young and the poor to do all the labor. Everybody wants to be a boss. Everybody wants free dental, free vacations, free benefits, free perks. And nobody wants to pay for any of it.

that sums it up pretty well, except that it's "everyone wants someone else to pay for it".

- Why do people have children? Is it because they want to make a positive impact in the world? Or is it purely for personal gain? Reproduction is a necessity for the survival of the species and so our brains reward us accordingly. People with children are less likely to become addicted to drugs, food, sex, etc.  and more likely to become supervisors and managers at their workplace. Fathers and mothers become automatically dominant over their offspring and since we are all products of circumstance, that dominance trains the minds of the parent to become more assertive and authoritative. And since personality, ego, social conditioning are all memorized behaviors, when you have children you are less likely to become isolated and lose the memorized social behavior that is responsible for success in social settings.

so are you saying that having children is good?  or bad? 

- Poor people tend to reproduce faster than rich people.

dumb people also tend to reproduce faster than smart people.  so we're fucked all around.

- The government has a monopoly on authority.

no, government has a monopoly on the use of force.  not the same.  think carefully here.

- We keep thinking that if we put a new king into power that it will solve all our problems. The problem is not the king, it's the throne. Burn the motherfucking throne. No man can represent another man, every man is in it for himself. Evolution has designed us to seek out self-gain and so everything we do is for our own benefit. Now that we have computers we could easily design a system without “representatives”. Let me vote for myself.

humans are *social* animals.  you said so yourself in an earlier part of this post.  at the very basest level, biology commands each of us to spread our genes on to the next generation at the expense of the next guy or girl, but we remain social animals, and we've been that way for millions of years.  look at our primate ancestors.  the lone ape just doesn't exist.

- Before the Soviet Union collapsed they invaded Afghanistan in order to recapture a sense of dominance, to have something to fight for, and to stop the war within. Of course they failed and the Soviet Union collapsed within the decade. And we now see the same thing happening with the USA; creating outside enemies in order to avoid facing the truth and that there is a major internal struggle between Americans who want dominance and Americans who want freedom. America is obviously heading towards war with itself.

eh, maybe.  it's going to take a long time for the US to get there.  despite all the bullshit, despite all of the occupy protests, all of the ranting and raving and the disapproval of current politicians, the vast majority of people are still far too comfortable in their lives to do shit about it.  poverty in america is shitty, but it's still nothing like poverty in the third world.

- Drugs do only as much damage as the amount of persecution received from the alpha and his subordinates (in our case the government). Smoking marijuana in 2012 does less damage than practicing witchcraft in 1692 Salem. Taking MDMA does less damage than being a Jew in 1944 Auschwitz. Drugs only damage the ego, it is the persecution from socially dominant leaders that ostracizes and isolates anyone who enjoys cannabis or MDMA as opposed to tobacco and alcohol. Being ostracized, isolated and persecuted can lead to further chemical and hormonal imbalances. As well as reduced cognitive abilities, abnormal behaviors and anti-social tendencies. Psychedelic drug use should be a prerequisite for leadership roles.

i have a hard time seeing correlations between smoking weed or dropping a hit of mdma and being a jew in the nazi ovens or a witch burned at the stake.

- Knowledge is power. Power corrupts.
so study hard.  be evil.

- In the “two-slit” experiment we see that an electron has “free will”. It can choose between two paths but it cannot alter it's past or future. The future is represented by a probability wave which remains the same no matter what path the electron takes. Reality is based on math. Is free will an illusion?

i think you need to re-take physics.  you have a poor understanding of the two-slit experiment.  quantum mechanics and the collapse of the wave function requires an observer.  it has nothing to do with "free will" of an electron.  free will is only an illusion if you subscribe to a completely newtonian and deterministic view of the universe where cause A always leads to effect B given conditions C, D, and E.  quantum uncertainty throws that out the window.  heisenberg rules the very small.

- Government demands submission from all of it's citizens. Therefore the only way to become a dominant  male is to do so in the name of the government. If you are submissive to the government, everyone who you dominate will also be submissive to the government. It creates a pyramid of social dominance/hierarchy. And at this very special time in history, just as governments around the world are perfecting the art of forcing humans into submission via the use of psychological and financial tactics, the world is also waking up. Individuals are spending more time on the internet, outside the reach and influence of the social alpha (government) and individuals are starting to think for themselves. Individuals are becoming less social and more intellectual. This is happening on a massive scale and it could lead to a collapse. We know that the chimpanzee social hierarchy is completely based on social dominance. But we now have computers; tools of the gods. Do we really expect the monkey mind to be able to handle such power?

computers are tools of the gods?  doubt that very much.  how is this a very special time in history?  people have been saying that for thousands of years.  we all like to think that we're special, or that this time it's different, but i have a hard time agreeing with any of that.  we have all sorts of advanced technology that didn't exist 50 years ago, but our culture, our philosophy, our laws and social norms haven't kept pace.  we have laws which punish cruelty to animals but we still don't have laws guaranteeing a full set of equal rights for all members of society.

- A transition away from capitalism will be difficult and bloody. Communism weakens the populace and so the only way it will work is to remove any outside competition. Communism requires global domination.

communism ignores biology.

- Christians believe their god gave his only son for the sins of mankind which is basically giving themselves permission to persecute other men for their own gain.

interesting idea.  i don't understand the whole "god gave his only son" story anyway.  it makes no sense to me whatsoever.  if god existed and wanted to "wipe away the sins of man" - well, fuck, he's god, he can do whatever he wants.  the whole thing is a fairy tale.  someone needs to bring back zeus.

- If you are submissive to the government then you become part of that “entity” or “group” and you won't have an issue with domestic spying and an all-seeing government. If you are not completely submissive to the government then you will have a problem with it, because it is an invasion of privacy from an outside “entity” or “group”. This is the basis for the “you're either with us or against us” mentality. You're either on Team Government or you're on Team Rebellion. Government will never give up power and influence, they only seek to gain more.

there is a very sad truth in this.

- Scientists estimate that if the world economy continues at a growth of 3% per year, within 400 years the surface of the Earth would be at the boiling point of water. It's obvious that a correction is going to be made very soon.

uh, what?  citation, please.
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: prometheus247 on September 18, 2012, 11:38 am
Excellent post, many thanks! I forwarded your thoughts to a few friends :)

I really liked the bit about voting through the internet and it is something that also crossed my mind a few times. If enough people push their governments to hand the power back to the people through putting to vote more decisions through the convenience of the internet, I believe it will do this world a lot of good. The technology is simpler than an iPhone app, and the benefit will be huge. The only reason it is not already used is because governments / people in power don't want to share that power for all those reasons you very correctly exposed in your post.
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: Dopeboy on September 23, 2012, 06:23 pm
- Intellect can be controlled with religion, but it can also be controlled through the media as well as the education system.

- Anyone who is submissive to the government becomes a set of eyes and ears and hands that the government can exploit. A “drone” so to speak. By controlling reward, fear and intellect, the government is able to force it's citizens into submission and use them as pawns against anyone who is not submissive. Working for government fiat currency is an act of submission because the government creates it out of thin air.

- As more people refuse to become submissive to government oppression, crime rates will rise, prisons will fill, unemployment will rise and economies will collapse.

- You are either with the government or you are against them. As the “us vs. them” mentality becomes more contrasted, governments will turn to using electronic cameras, recording devices and drones in order to replace the biological ones.

- If you ever become submissive to another man's currency, or to another man's law, or to another man's god, then you deserve only the enslavement you will inevitably endure.

- Humans are capitalist by nature. Since government is made up of humans that means the government represents the government. They are not “public servants” because they are not subservient to the public. People need to dominate the government in order to gain representation. People need to stand up and unite against tyranny.

- America was founded on ideals and ethics that benefited the people. Battles were fought to guarantee freedom and equality for all. Gold was used as currency, to enable slow and steady growth. But at some point fiat currency became legal tender and was used to enable exponential economic growth, and give ultimate power to the government and central bank. The power involved in creating money from thin air will corrupt absolutely. Fiat requires zero energy to produce and therefore it is backed by human manipulation and domination. The creator of the fiat must trick billions of humans into believing that it has value. This is often done with a show of force (in other words: war).

- When a man has power over others it elevates and inflates his ego. At the highest levels of government, men are in positions so elevated above others that millions of people look and act like millions of ants. This is what enables presidents and dictators to murder thousands of people without batting an eye.

- During sleep our brain replays the important events/patterns of the day as a way of learning whatever is deemed important throughout the day. If an event during the day caused a high level of stress or fear then while we sleep it will be stored in our memory so that we can avoid that type of event in the future. The brain naturally tries to avoid stress and fear.

- Personality/ego is kind of like an onion. Our most recent learned behavior patterns form the outer layer; these can be peeled away with relative ease. At the core of the onion is our inner child/ego and this is formed during the first few years of life. American prisons, especially Guantanamo Bay and the CIA's secret prisons are being used as testing grounds to learn how to tear away the outer layers of personality and gain access to the main core of the ego and attempt to form and mold a submissive personality. The most widely used tactics include a combination of isolation and stress. Stress can be applied with many different techniques such as sleep deprivation, loud noises or prolonged knocking sounds, bright lights, verbal/psychological harassment, and of course torture techniques such as water boarding etc.

- Religion reinforces the ego by perpetuating the idea that we have souls or spirits or invisible ghosts that control our bodies. And that these souls are immortal. This is most often taught to young children and so it becomes part of their unconscious identity and ego.

- “Easy come easy go.” Free money weakens the populace and weakens the currency.

- “Do not send good money after bad.” Pumping trillions more dollars into a corrupted system of greed and hate will only make matters worse.

- Chemicals are responsible for many of our natural behaviors. Scientists who study the damage done by drugs do not take into account behavior changes. If exercise releases a reward chemical, and so does a certain drug, then it may be the lack of exercise that is causing the damage as opposed to the drug itself. In this sense the user is forced to use his intellect to take control of his/her own exercise regiment in order to stay healthy.

- Drugs can disrupt the natural chemistry in the brain and thus change natural behaviors. But in a way this takes the individual off of “autopilot” and forces the user to take control of their behavior, rather than just being a drone that is easily manipulated by others. This may be why certain drugs are used in “coming of age” ceremonies where children symbolically become adults. Governments will always outlaw drugs, because no government wants people to think for themselves.

- Leaders have historically demonized witchcraft because it takes control away from the leader. Nature is full of millions (billions?) of various chemicals in herbs, spices, plants, flora, etc. all of which may or may not change our natural behaviors. The conscious may need to then “take control” of it's own unconscious behavior.

- Marijuana releases reward chemicals and that may be why people who ingest marijuana are usually not as motivated to achieve financial success (and/or greedy and/or capitalistic). The government wants to control your reward center with their fiat money that only they can print. And they want you to be extremely greedy, selfish and capitalistic in order to increase the value of their fiat currency.

- Government also benefits from a greedy and selfish population because it facilitates their ability to infiltrate, disrupt and disband any anti-government groups, movements and organizations.

- Mind-altering drugs could very well be a necessity; as a catalyst to a revolution against unimpeded personal greed and selfishness.

- After spending several years in a federal prison I discovered that 80% of inmates were informants and 20% of inmates had no one to inform on. When facing 20 or 30 years in prison there's not much a man won't do to cut his sentence in half.

- A one-world state is inevitable but it won't be achieved through greed, domination and lies. It will be achieved by the majority of the world's population standing up and demanding freedom and equality, and uniting against oppressive governments.

- Testosterone increases masculinity and estrogen increases femininity. Men want sex and women want children. So most sexual dysfunctions are likely caused by imbalanced hormones. Imprisonment, isolation and inactivity will decrease testosterone and increase estrogen and so prisons are a major cause of many sexual dysfunctions in society. Not to mention mental dysfunctions.

- With great power comes great responsibility. A responsible father gives his children freedom and independence so that they can learn about life on their own and create their own beliefs. Irresponsible fathers force their beliefs onto their children and dominate their children.

- Government = Corporation. President = CEO. Dollar = Stock. If you work for a dollar created by another man (or group of men) you become a slave to that man (or group of men). If you work and get paid with gold or another nature-made metal then you are a slave to nature. Man did not design the human brain, nature did.

- If an animal is physically weak, fear becomes a requirement for survival. Humans have intelligence to counteract our physical weakness but we also have fear. As our bodies age and weaken our brains increase our level of fear. This is a leading cause of schizophrenia and paranoia especially among the elderly. Schizophrenia and paranoia can be cured with exercise, healthy diet and increased social activity.

- Since the elderly hold a lot of the wealth and power in society, if they become weak, frail and fearful they will demand an increase in policing and prison sentences.
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: a_blackbird on September 24, 2012, 06:04 am
- Intellect can be controlled with religion, but it can also be controlled through the media as well as the education system.
intellect is more often controlled with education and media than religion.   this is what education and media are for.  this has been known for hundreds of years.  i want to say that it was conservative philosopher edmund burke, but i could be wrong... might have been one of his contemporaries ... but there's a quote from one of those guys who basically said that it's the job of education to produce citizens out of savages.

- You are either with the government or you are against them.
life is rarely that simple.  and what is the government, really?  is it the individual bureaucrats that work for some federal / state / local agency?  is it the president or the prime minister?  or the idea of government in general?

Since government is made up of humans that means the government represents the government. They are not “public servants” because they are not subservient to the public. People need to dominate the government in order to gain representation. People need to stand up and unite against tyranny.
how do the people dominate the government without becoming the government? 

- A one-world state is inevitable but it won't be achieved through greed, domination and lies. It will be achieved by the majority of the world's population standing up and demanding freedom and equality, and uniting against oppressive governments.
a one-world state is neither inevitable nor desirable.  but even if it were, why would you want to replace governments with limited power (i.e., their power is limited to a particular nation state) with a government that has power over everyone? 

Imprisonment, isolation and inactivity will decrease testosterone and increase estrogen and so prisons are a major cause of many sexual dysfunctions in society. Not to mention mental dysfunctions.
a decrease in testosterone isn't automatically accompanied by an increase in estrogen or vice versa.  prisons aren't a cause of sexual or mental dysfunction in society.  a better way to think of it is that prisons are reflections of dysfunction in society.  countries that have large absolute or per-capita prison populations may well be dysfunctional in some way or another, but the prison isn't the cause, it's a symptom.

Government = Corporation. President = CEO. Dollar = Stock. If you work for a dollar created by another man (or group of men) you become a slave to that man (or group of men). If you work and get paid with gold or another nature-made metal then you are a slave to nature. Man did not design the human brain, nature did.
how, then, does a person escape the bonds of slavery?

- Since the elderly hold a lot of the wealth and power in society, if they become weak, frail and fearful they will demand an increase in policing and prison sentences.
generally speaking, old people vote.  young people don't.  a politician's first job is to get re-elected, so why would they pay any attention to the younger generation?  it's just rational self-interest.
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: Dopeboy on September 24, 2012, 10:07 pm
how do the people dominate the government without becoming the government?
It doesn't matter what group of people are in power, what matters is that they serve the people rather than vice versa.
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: ralph123 on September 24, 2012, 10:37 pm
where I grew up all the people are brainwashed from the day that they are born including myself.  a couple years ago i woke up and honestly felt like i had been plugged into the matrix. You cant change 40 years of programming over night. But a good start is to by watching and paying close attention to this guy:
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: pine on September 25, 2012, 01:31 am
Interesting posts Dopeboy. Some things I disagree with, other things I think irrelevant or tangential to the big picture, but mostly I like the fact you're actually thinking.

I won't do battle with you now on those elements I disagree with, but keep up the good work :)

In many ways it's the effort that counts. I mean, if you have just 1 or 2 original ideas, conceptions of the world, then you are at a distinct advantage. Thinking is like a magic trick, it's the small amount of information the audience doesn't know that gives the magician this enormous advantage in seeing the bigger picture. We don't have to be right about everything, in fact we're usually wrong about something (compare and contrast how people think in the 18th century with the 19th century, or the 20th century with the 21st), but what's important is that we keep coming up with new ideas, collecting the best and discarding the rest. That's how we get places, whether we're about empires, societies, corporations or individuals.

Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: painbow on September 25, 2012, 05:37 am
Thanks for the great read!
Title: Re: Random thoughts on domination and government manipulation
Post by: tintor on September 25, 2012, 09:03 am
I think you are so wise your mind is so wide and clear for an American man(and also for a man regardless of nationality) if you are from USA Dopeboy.I found your ideas interesting and worth to think about on them.I'm also thinking different with some of your ideas but I just want to say that one is not really correct:
'When a man forces his children into submission those children will always be submissive to authority. When they grow into adults they will work within the system to gain dominance but always remain submissive.''
You absolutely cannot say ''always''...if it is true,there no need to talk about these things and you also know that.However I'm really glad to see people like you,thank you for your posts.