Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: hubble on August 08, 2012, 12:44 pm

Title: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: hubble on August 08, 2012, 12:44 pm
The other day the police called. They told me to visit them or they will come to search my place.    :o
I know from the forum, that a seller who could be the prob got busted. Prob they have found my address at the sellers place. only small amounts have been ordered and i dont think that they are that bad after me. But they will want some infos about the story, my plan is to tell them, that i know nothing, because i don't think that they can proof that i ever received something and ordered by my self. Or ? But that shit really stresses me. Somebody got some advice ?  ???
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: random0 on August 08, 2012, 01:54 pm
Clear the house, encrypt your computer, reset your router and set it to WEP or open.
Call a lawyer, some of them might even offer free help depending on your country, ask about your options, or pay him to go with you.

It shouldn't be too serious if they call you first, but where I live they use it as a trick, call you in with something unrelevant like an accident or a stolen car or something, then keep you in, search your house, interrogate etc, this way they can catch you off the guard.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: dddfffsss on August 08, 2012, 02:25 pm
dude fuck... i'm sorry to hear that.  i think we all deserve to know WHAT DEALER???
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: Mashman on August 08, 2012, 02:32 pm
Why would they call you and tell you they're coming round? Ime police have never been so courteous.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: Crooked on August 08, 2012, 02:46 pm
sounds like imprint
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: Snoopish on August 08, 2012, 03:19 pm
That seems like a really weird encounter. Random gives good advice. Obviously you gotta toss/relocate everything and possibly overwrite your drive a couple times with one of those programs that will copy bogus 1s and 0s and then reformat depending on how badly you think they want to hook you.

Good luck man.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: Errl_Kushman on August 08, 2012, 04:28 pm

So, am i missing something? How did the seller, let alone the police get your phone number and name?

If the police had a reason to come get you, they wouldn't call, they'd just come in.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: bastards on August 08, 2012, 04:32 pm

So, am i missing something? How did the seller, let alone the police get your phone number and name?

If the police had a reason to come get you, they wouldn't call, they'd just come in.
Maybe he meant the Police called round to his place???

Op needs to elaborate more, I think the vendor needs to be made public so other buyers can make preparations in case they coming knocking down their doors... 
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: CoughDrop on August 08, 2012, 04:32 pm
I am really interested in who the seller was. Did he specialize in PCP and MDMA?
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: hubble on August 08, 2012, 05:44 pm
Yes its about imprint!!
so im cleaning my house for sure, but do think that its enough to store the pc at a friends place? (also my router ip is fixed, so for unchangeable)
Yeah, that they wanted to talk first and not search the house straight is strange. And can they even bust me, just for finding my name at the sellers list and probably some talk of him ??
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: Errl_Kushman on August 08, 2012, 06:03 pm
Yes its about imprint!!
so im cleaning my house for sure, but do think that its enough to store the pc at a friends place? (also my router ip is fixed, so for unchangeable)
Yeah, that they wanted to talk first and not search the house straight is strange. And can they even bust me, just for finding my name at the sellers list and probably some talk of him ??

I wouldn't talk to anyone about anything. Do not incriminate yourself... best way to do that is not talk! "I dont talk to police, do you have a warrant?" Checkout *clearnet*, they have a good guide.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: vlad1m1r on August 08, 2012, 07:54 pm
Why would they call you and tell you they're coming round? Ime police have never been so courteous.

Yes, it is very obliging indeed of the Police to give the OP warning in advance, let's hope we're all so fortunate!

Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: Snoopish on August 08, 2012, 08:01 pm
Here's hoping the OP keeps us posted. I'd like to see how this all turns out. Seems very...strange.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: pine on August 08, 2012, 08:09 pm
If they had enough evidence to incriminate you, then you would have been arrested. The police do not call their suspects when they have hard evidence and give them time to flush contraband/wipe hard drives etc. Because on levels of dumb, that would be a 10.

Ring them back and ask if you are under arrest. If not, then decline their offer of a meeting. Simple. You are not obliged to appear on demand because the police wish it to be so. They can only force you to do things if you have a warrant out for your arrest.

If you do wind up in the interview room, then you simply refuse to acknowledge anything about the silk road, imprint et al. Advise watching "Don't Talk to the Police" on youtube to understand precisely how that works.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: FollowIcculus on August 08, 2012, 08:18 pm
Yeah dude if the cops had enough on you to actually search your house that is what they would do.  Not call you and ask to talk but bust in your door.  Sounds like they are trying to scare you into a confession.  Tell them to fuck off.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: The Reverand on August 08, 2012, 08:53 pm
Alright, keep your fucking mouth shut.  Don't tell them a single thing.  You aren't required to go to the meeting unless they have some document entitling you to do so, or you are under arrest.  If they had a case to arrest you, you wouldn't be here right now.  Clean your place, wipe your pc, do everything you can to remove any link of you to the crime.  Get a lawyer, and be sure to be ready to use him.  Number 1 rule though is what I posted first, if the words coming out of your mouth aren't let me talk to my lawyer then you are fucking up.  The police can and will use anything you say against you, even things you might not think are important can be VERY harmful so don't say a single word.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: random0 on August 08, 2012, 09:43 pm
Laws might be very different where he lives so it's better to ask a local lawyer about the options.
Taking your PC to a friend might be a good idea, but I'd still push the reset button on the router and set up an open access point. This way you can claim your internet connection might have been used by someone else.

Most likely scenario is that they got your name and address from the vendors computer, that's how they got to you but this alone is not enough to fuck you up, if it would have been enough you would be already fucked up as someone else already said.

Don't tell anything to the police, *don't even deny*, if they catch you lying it can be enough to make you a suspect under some jurisdictions.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: HOUSE on August 08, 2012, 09:51 pm
Simple, as others have said: don't say a word. Don't put yourself in a position where you're under interrogation, so first step is to refuse to go to meet them in the first place, ie, just don't show up - chances are, they'll just give up - as others have said, if they had anything on you in the first place, they wouldn't be phoning you in. If they don't give up and call you to ask why you didn't show up, just tell them you forgot. You're a busy innocent person, remember? If they ask again, start asking THEM questions, ask them whether you HAVE to go, and whether they'll put you under arrest if you don't (they won't).

If you don't have the balls to do the above and end up under interrogation, the only words coming out of your mouth should be "I want my lawyer". Don't tell them where you were doing last Sunday, don't tell them what your hobbies are, don't tell them anything. Don't chit chat with them. Shut the fuck up and ask for a lawyer. With cops, saying something which you think is innocent can have repercussions. And given that you're not innocent, multiply that by 100, because you'll end up lying. And under pressure, you'll mess up and they'll pick up on it. That's how they screw you. You open your mouth - you're fucked.

Fuck, I can't count on one hand the number of interrogation videos I've seen where the cops just outsmart the 'suspect' and make him volunteer information. And despite whatever claims they might make, incriminating yourself can never ever be of benefit to yourself. So, once again, shut the fuck up.

OK - one last thing - shut the fuck up.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: viyai on August 08, 2012, 10:10 pm
My guess is that they know they do not have enough probable cause on you to arrest you or get a warrant, but if they call you and scare you, that you will either confess, or agree to a deal where they "forgive" your actions in exchange for singing against imprint.

The previous advice is your best bet.

1) Clean your house
2) Lawyer up
3) Shut up

You should be fine.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: sugarfree11 on August 08, 2012, 10:14 pm
what country?
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: lefthandspinner on August 08, 2012, 10:26 pm
they might just want to scare u and make u a witness against the vendor
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: hubble on August 09, 2012, 12:16 am
Guys, i really didn't expect so many helpful answers, thank you very much !!
I will not go to the meeting and will deny every statement. Also the nr. of a lawyer for backup. Only prob. is that i cant change ip, and also cant make open network, because i dont have wireless(but isnt the tor ip changing all the time?).
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: Errl_Kushman on August 09, 2012, 01:41 am
Only prob. is that i cant change ip, and also cant make open network, because i dont have wireless(but isnt the tor ip changing all the time?).

Correct. As long as you're tor'd up and using a service like Tormail for email, you don't need to reset anything. Since you can't get to SR without using TOR, you're covered there.

I think you're worried over nothing but, better safe than sorry.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: sitamaja1 on August 09, 2012, 03:03 am
Guys, i really didn't expect so many helpful answers, thank you very much !!
I will not go to the meeting and will deny every statement. Also the nr. of a lawyer for backup. Only prob. is that i cant change ip, and also cant make open network, because i dont have wireless(but isnt the tor ip changing all the time?).

DO NOT EVEN DENY! If You don't have to answer, then don't answer. Remember they can have some kind of information, so denying something could jeopardize Your freedom. Cops can legally lie to You and in most countries You can legally lie to them.(just not in court) I'm only saying don't even deny anything, because I've been reading a lot of legal material lately, and even intending to do something, without following through can be punished(as severely as if you had gone through with it). Keep it mind, they might not be enough to arrest You, but they might just need some denying from You, to have probable cause. If You were arrested, never give out any information, any deal they'll offer You will get you in trouble(as someone else has mentioned before)(and also, if they drop the drug charge, they'll find ten other legal reasons why they can charge you, just think about it) If I were You, I'd be better safe than sorry, and I'd do every possible erasing to the PC(if possible, destroy it), if You ever told Your friends about SR then tell them it was a joke or You're just full of shit. Because if You'd get arrested, they would've to witness and they'd be swearing to tell the truth, if not they'd perjury themselves and perjury has some really nasty penalties itself. So, shut & lawyer up, tell friends off and go on with Your life :)

Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: fartsRlumpy on August 09, 2012, 05:48 am
Realize this, cops want you to make any statement so in the future they can use it against you.   Once a statement is made you are locked into it.

Be safe and consult an attorney.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: DoubleDragon on August 09, 2012, 06:02 am
Funny how 90% of the replies can be summed up as "DON'T SAY ANYTHING" and 90% of the rest as "Clean your house, consult an attorney, and DON'T SAY ANYTHING"  ;D

Hope you get away without a problem bro, but some people seem to not have noticed you're not from the US. be sure to check your own country's laws about this stuff (yeah I doubt you should mention your country here). There are usually institutions that provide legal advice for free about drug-related stuff in almost every country, search your local internet. I also found asking related stuff in the local anonymous imageboard to be of great help often about things like this (just make sure you use TOR/tormail/cryptocat for contacting anyone about this issue).

For example, in England they can lock you up for 2 years if you "forget" the password of your encrypted hard-drive. In the US, I believe right now it appears that due to the 5th amendment, legal agencies can no longer do shit if you don't tell them your password (not sure of it actually, but remember reading it at multiple places).

Law is definitely not universal.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: thefringe on August 09, 2012, 01:47 pm
it would help us if you told us

(a) you are in the EU
(b) US
(c) UK
(d) None of the above
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: Mickie496 on August 09, 2012, 09:04 pm
Get rid of anything incriminating, (Not by smoking it) obviously, and what the person near the front of the thread said: Set your router to WEP for the excuse that someone used your network to buy them, remove all history of SR and any other site, or put anything sensitive you can't destroy in a STRONG TruCrypt folder. And remember, when in doubt, DBAN.(
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: TedDanzig on August 09, 2012, 11:50 pm
As others had mentioned, since you're on tor you're probably ok with IP related stuff. You mention you don't have a router, I'd suggest getting a really cheap one that has wireless and setting it up for open access. That way you CAN say (not that you should be saying ANYTHING) it must have been someone else accessing your network. Also, look into spoofing your MAC address. Probably overkill, just my 2 cents...

Guys, i really didn't expect so many helpful answers, thank you very much !!
I will not go to the meeting and will deny every statement. Also the nr. of a lawyer for backup. Only prob. is that i cant change ip, and also cant make open network, because i dont have wireless(but isnt the tor ip changing all the time?).
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: midlandsmafia on August 10, 2012, 12:17 am
You sure it weren't a prank call?
 I don't know of any agencies that would want you to come to the capital, they would come pick you up and work the scare tactics, not give you an advance warning to clean up.. No comment everything. In the UK no comment works better then coming out with a fullproof excuse, they will breakdown your statements and find incosistencies. (From my experience)
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: darthvaderstar on August 11, 2012, 08:24 pm
Post back on what happened if you can.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: Limetless on August 11, 2012, 08:33 pm

Ask for a solicitor and say no comment, that is all you should ever do. AND DEFINITELY NO CHEEKY WINKS AT ANY FIT FEMALE OFFICERS!

Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: GreatWhiteShark on August 14, 2012, 10:32 pm
any updates on this? this is strange. what if op is jsut a cop trying to scare people off? how did the seller even get busted? was he busted for a crime off the SR and then they seized his pc? if OP's name an address was encrypted, how did they get it?
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: assclown321 on August 14, 2012, 10:43 pm
just read my signature below nuff said
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: Winters86 on August 15, 2012, 01:18 am
I come from a family of LEO's. I have heard the discussing SR a fair bit recently. They are terrified of it despite what the media/customs has been saying. I came into possession of a confidential internal report recently released for aussie LE, discussing possible methods of combating SR and the bottom line is, the only way they believe LE will get any kind of result is through user ignorance of the system/self incrimination. Don't say anything about anything to anyone except perhaps your lawyer if it comes to it. no matter what threats the police make if they come knocking on your door. Unless they catch you in the act of opening a container and consuming/storing/distributing narcotics you should be right. anyone can send anyone anything in the mail, they have to prove you ordered it, which from what i understand, they have little chance of succeeding thanks to the genius design of SR. Good luck mate.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: Winters86 on August 15, 2012, 01:24 am
I come from a family of LEO's. I have heard them discussing SR a fair bit recently. LE are terrified of it, despite what the media/customs has been saying about it. I came into possession of a confidential internal report recently released for aussie LE, discussing possible methods of combating SR and the bottom line is, the only way they believe LE will get any kind of result is through exploiting user ignorance of the system/self incrimination/lack of proper security measures discussed on these forums. As everyone else has said- Don't say anything about anything to anyone except perhaps your lawyer if it comes to it. no matter what threats the police make if they come knocking on your door. Unless they actually catch you in the act of  receiving, opening, consuming, storing and or distributing narcotics, you should be right as long as you keep your mouth shut. Remember, Anyone can send anyone anything in the mail, they have to prove you actually personally ordered it, which from what i understand, they have little chance of success thanks to the genius design of SR and the constant focus on security. Good luck mate. I think you'll be fine.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: 8U1J1 on August 15, 2012, 02:12 am
Roger Clemens got indicted not for using steroids, but for lying to congress when he was asked if he used steroids. In other words, by denying using steroids he got in trouble, and if he had not said anything he would not be in trouble at all....
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: loperimide on August 24, 2012, 02:49 pm
If they called before they came knocking or busting down your door -don't talk to them-. Clean house and be cool. Format and overwrite with random ones and zeros
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: k141 on August 24, 2012, 08:53 pm
I come from a family of LEO's. I have heard them discussing SR a fair bit recently. LE are terrified of it, despite what the media/customs has been saying about it. I came into possession of a confidential internal report recently released for aussie LE, discussing possible methods of combating SR and the bottom line is, the only way they believe LE will get any kind of result is through exploiting user ignorance of the system/self incrimination/lack of proper security measures discussed on these forums. As everyone else has said- Don't say anything about anything to anyone except perhaps your lawyer if it comes to it. no matter what threats the police make if they come knocking on your door. Unless they actually catch you in the act of  receiving, opening, consuming, storing and or distributing narcotics, you should be right as long as you keep your mouth shut. Remember, Anyone can send anyone anything in the mail, they have to prove you actually personally ordered it, which from what i understand, they have little chance of success thanks to the genius design of SR and the constant focus on security. Good luck mate. I think you'll be fine.

Date Registered:
    August 15, 2012, 12:02 AM

Total Posts: 3

Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: springseed23 on August 25, 2012, 01:36 pm
If they really called you-----and told you this---and the people calling were LE-----

They told you this to see WTF you were going to do next!!!!   

Do not take anything out of your house---i would immediately expect surveillance. 

Do not take your computer to a friends house----it would be easy to pull you over ask for receipt or proof the computer is yours---if you can--then well now--we got stolen property, and in order to verify ownership, we need to look through your harddrive.

First, how the fuck did they get your phone number-----your cell---land line?   That is odd in its own right----sounds like a prank call to me---but if not----and they pre warned you----its cause they are watching to see what you do----or montiering your web traffic somehow----I would not be on SR in my house if I got that call.

My two cents --- best of luck!!!!
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: RxKing on August 25, 2012, 11:09 pm
Ill tell you what happened.


Just one more to add to the LONG list of paranoid complete bullshit stories.

How come so many people fall for these type of post.

It ALWAYS turns out to be false. 99% of the time the story is told by someone....wait for it...that smoked too much weed.

I respect a lot of the posters in this thread.....BUT

But come on Pine your are a numbers guy and the GURU of PGP. ...tell everyone in this thread how many of these phoney, paranoid stories have been told and how many were real.

So many people get worked up and give there 2 cents and all for nothing. And the number one thing I hear after each one of these is "better safe then sorry"

And that is total bullshit. We are never in a position....sitting at home behind our be safe then sorry. These post get all the paranoid people to come into one post and spew off there bullshit. And some poor new guy reads it and freaks out and moves his coin off SR. Or say's they are going to "cool off" while SR cools down. I mean what the fuck is that ???

The good thing is this thread didn't contain Silk Road going down this time. Yet there has been 1000+ post about LE and this site being compromised and EVERY SINGLE ONE IS WRONG.

Yet the same people will be right on the next thread freaking out and of course  it just repeats itself over and over and over again.

They are  worse then the Mt.Gix threads that keep popping up

PeoplePLEASE read these responses when you are sober...It is a great laugh.

If they really called you-----and told you this---and the people calling were LE-----

They told you this to see WTF you were going to do next!!!!   

Do not take anything out of your house---i would immediately expect surveillance. 

Do not take your computer to a friends house----it would be easy to pull you over ask for receipt or proof the computer is yours---if you can--then well now--we got stolen property, and in order to verify ownership, we need to look through your harddrive.

First, how the fuck did they get your phone number-----your cell---land line?   That is odd in its own right----sounds like a prank call to me---but if not----and they pre warned you----its cause they are watching to see what you do----or montiering your web traffic somehow----I would not be on SR in my house if I got that call.

My two cents --- best of luck!!!!

This guy is 100% serious!!! I mean he says all of that paranoid shit...then at the end he puts 2 and 2 together and says the only smart thing....

"That is odd in its own right----sounds like a prank call to me"

This thread gets 2500 views based on a god dam phone call a guy had????? Maybe had???

any updates on this? this is strange. what if op is jsut a cop trying to scare people off? how did the seller even get busted? was he busted for a crime off the SR and then they seized his pc? if OP's name an address was encrypted, how did they get it?

The OP is just a cop trying to scare off people????????????????????????

What the fuck!!!!

I hope all you really smart people can realize how incredibly stupid you sound.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: springseed23 on August 26, 2012, 12:27 am
Ill tell you what happened.


Just one more to add to the LONG list of paranoid complete bullshit.

How come so many people fall for these type of post.

It ALWAYS turns out to be false. 99% of the time the story is told my someone....wait for it...that smoked to much weed.

I respect a lot of the posters in this thread.

But come on Pine. You are a numbers guy and the GURU of PGP. Tell everyone in this thread how many of these phoney, paranoid stories have been told and how many were real.

So many people get worked up and give there 2 cents and all for nothing. And the number one thing I hear after each one of these is "better safe then sorry"

And that is total bullshit. We are never in a position, sitting at home behind are computers to be safe then sorry. These post get all the paranoid people to come into one post and spew off there bullshit. And some poor new guy reads it and freaks out and moves his coin off SR. Or say's they are going to "cool off" while SR cools down. I mean what the fuck is that.

The good thing is this thread didn't contain Silk Road going down this time. Yet there has been 1000+ post about LE and this site being compromised and EVERY SINGLE ONE IS WRONG.

Yet the same people will be right on the next thread freaking out and it just repeats itself over and over and over again.

They are almost worst then the Mt.Gix threads.

I mean people read these responses when you are sober...It is a great laugh.

If they really called you-----and told you this---and the people calling were LE-----

They told you this to see WTF you were going to do next!!!!   

Do not take anything out of your house---i would immediately expect surveillance. 

Do not take your computer to a friends house----it would be easy to pull you over ask for receipt or proof the computer is yours---if you can--then well now--we got stolen property, and in order to verify ownership, we need to look through your harddrive.

First, how the fuck did they get your phone number-----your cell---land line?   That is odd in its own right----sounds like a prank call to me---but if not----and they pre warned you----its cause they are watching to see what you do----or montiering your web traffic somehow----I would not be on SR in my house if I got that call.

My two cents --- best of luck!!!!

This guy is 100% serious!!! I mean he says all of that paranoid shit...then at the end he puts 2 and 2 together and says the only smart thing....

"That is odd in its own right----sounds like a prank call to me"

This thread gets 2500 views based on a god dam phone call a guy had????? Maybe had???

any updates on this? this is strange. what if op is jsut a cop trying to scare people off? how did the seller even get busted? was he busted for a crime off the SR and then they seized his pc? if OP's name an address was encrypted, how did they get it?

The OP is just a cop trying to scare off people????????????????????????

What the fuck!!!!

I hope all you really smart people can realize how incredibly stupid you sound.

so the fuck what----passing time with a drunk response last night----

Of course it sounds like a prank call-- or some other stupid shit--COPS do not announce, but the scenario was fun to play out.  Other than the good drugs I get-----my life is very boring these days------so WTF

I am aloud to say both smart and stupid shit-----thanks for letting the rest of SR know which is which------shit picker:}!!!!!

Have'nt you ever roll play:}!!!! 
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: anym on August 26, 2012, 12:58 am
I'm glad other posters came to the realization, but somewhat saddened that it took 3 pages.

This is most likely an LEO posting trying to scare users off. Don't you guys see? They have no other avenue, apart from disrupting the BTC economy or killing the internet.

We are winning guys.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: quinone on August 26, 2012, 04:18 pm

Ask for a solicitor and say no comment, that is all you should ever do. AND DEFINITELY NO CHEEKY WINKS AT ANY FIT FEMALE OFFICERS!

And treat them with respect, even if they are being dick face pole smoking filth, their just trying to exert their 'authority' (which makes them feel better about their shitty lives I guess) and want to agitate you to either spill the beans or give them a reason to detain/arrest you.

Hard to do when you've got your own pride, but so is 10 years in prison.
Title: Re: Seller busted - Police Visit- HELP!
Post by: kmfkewm on August 26, 2012, 04:26 pm
Was mighty nice of the police to let you know about their search in advance like that