Silk Road forums
Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: ODB on July 29, 2012, 06:22 am
Im needing some advice on finding a reliable dropbox for receiving international orders that i deem to risky to be sent to my household, there is great profit to be made in the region that i live but due to certain factors including me sending personal amounts of product to my home (i wouldnt want my real address to be on the mailmans shitlist, i still need my green) i am not wanting to get these international orders shipped to my current address.
I would also be looking at setting up a vendor account to sell certain wares if i can get this idea afloat, any information or guidance would be much appreciated, and if you would like to communicate in private please drop your email or any other form of communication here and i will be keeping a keen eye on this thread.
Not sure if trolling...
...or just stupid
As quoted by famous Fry.
What your asking is this. I want someone to receive all my incoming mail, but i don't want any of the risks. But all the mail goes to me eventually. Don't worry, for you sticking your head on the chopping block, I'll be sure to cut you in on the profits that which you are the sole basis for.
Who in their right mind wouldn't just cut out the middle person?
Not sure if you understand the whole idea of a dropbox? hah.
Im not looking for someone to willingly receive my illegal goods with full knowledge of whats going on, im looking for a totally random address (possibly abandoned?) to get goods sent to so that my name is not attached to said goods in any way, im asking for tips on how to find such a letterbox.
This is not going to get the person who is named on the letter in any sort of trouble as we all know packages can get sent to wrong addresses or a variety of things could have happened and in this case the receiver is fully innocent anyway (it just means if a dropbox gets compromised i can still continue with business using another address), it also means i can continue to order personal amounts of goods domestically to my own address and can continue to do so even if my dropbox gets compromised (My real address wont be on the posties shitlist).
This is common practice on SR, maybe you have been living under a rock?
Still looking for real advice from people who know what they are doing!
Not sure if trolling...
...or just stupid
As quoted by famous Fry.
Oh the irony.
Still clarify this for me.
Who in their right mind wouldn't just cut out the middle person?
Still clarify this for me.
Who in their right mind wouldn't just cut out the middle person?
Clarify this for me, who is this middleman you speak of? All i can see is me getting an order shipped to a random address instead of my own. Who is this middle person that im cutting out that you speak of? I hope your not talking about me cutting out the person who's address i would be using to get the good sent to? Would you like me to knock on there door and say "hey, here's the thousand bucks i owe you for getting grams of narcotics sent to your address, wouldn't want you to feel like you're missing out on anything.".
Honestly is this the first time you have heard of dropboxes being used to receive narcotics in the mail? Or am i seriously missing your point lol
Sorry about the caps dude but you still havnt clicked as to what i am trying to accomplish here, i will be using an address of someone who is unaware the drugs are being shipped to there house (they are unaware anything is being shipped for that matter), i will check the box without anyone seeing me and will pick up my package without the knowledge of the owner of that letterebox, moral of the story, there is no middleman its a random address.
This has been explained 3 times now, i did not want this thread to be derailed by people who have no clue what the meaning of a 'dropbox' is, hopefully this thread will get back on track and some people can start throwing real ideas into the mix (in private if needed).
Google virtual offices. They are services for teleworkers such as yourself sir.
Google virtual offices. They are services for teleworkers such as yourself sir.
This looks very promising, thanks alot for the tip, now to do my homework and get this sorted.
Edit: Thanks alot Pine, this is exactly what i have been looking for, PO boxes require genuine ID so that was out of the question, a dropbox seemed like my next best option yet taking a look at this 'Virtual office' it seems to trump them all.