Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: CNNWorldNews on July 26, 2012, 11:33 pm

Title: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: CNNWorldNews on July 26, 2012, 11:33 pm
Hello Silk Road Community!

I am currently working on story about Silk Road, which will air next Thursday 8/2/12. I would like to get input from both buyers and sellers. Sellers, are you making more money than you did on the streets? How many packages do you mail per week? Are you concerned about security or getting busted by LE? Buyers, do you still seek drugs from real life dealers? Do you prefer online over face to face? What's the most amount of packages you've gotten in a week?

I really appreciate everyone's input. Personally, I think Silk Road is a great idea and the story will shed some positive light on the market and focus on the failed "war on drugs".

Thank You

Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: deadfuture on July 26, 2012, 11:39 pm
Hello troll, I mean CNN,

Just cast us in a good light separate from the kiddy diddlers and hold us up to a higher standard and we'll be happy.  Also if you could mention Limetless' land rover I'm sure he would greatly appreciate it.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: tomorrowman on July 26, 2012, 11:41 pm
would you also like our names and addresses to make it easier? how about the total amounts we have sold so far?
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: sselevol on July 26, 2012, 11:56 pm
Don't mention kiddie fiddlers or intentionally make the story about teenagers/children buying drugs. Mention purity of the products and security compared to buying on the street.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: turqiun on July 26, 2012, 11:58 pm
would you also like our names and addresses to make it easier? how about the total amounts we have sold so far?

HAHAHA......... I hope nobody gives this person any info. In the words of Ed Lover "CMON SON, fuck outta here with that bullshit"
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: metaphoe on July 27, 2012, 12:00 am
mention that we resemble what is not in the streets but more of a tight close-knit community....
also mention of the possiblities of people not getting killed , robbed, or dealth with when buying on here..
mention how hard it is to get in, and mention how lives have changed for the better because of this, also mention how people wont risk dealing bad buisness when now we have a way to voice anything we feel when opinion
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: deadfuture on July 27, 2012, 12:04 am
Ah if you need a link here you go.  Land Rover...Yeah mention it, so Lim stops bitching.

Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: Tienamen on July 27, 2012, 12:08 am
You need to voice the fact that this has happened, is happening, and will happen.  The war on drugs has failed.  The darknet is the darknet, and if this site is targeted and brought down, it will rise again.  Mark my words troll - we will not disappear.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: 20DollarBILL on July 27, 2012, 12:08 am
CNN Journalist,

What is your name?
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: MetaD13 on July 27, 2012, 12:10 am
Fuck off, the people don't need to know about SR. Especially the stuck up pricks that listen to the bullshit propaganda on CNN and quote it like scripture....
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: tomorrowman on July 27, 2012, 12:11 am
Fuck off, the people don't need to know about SR. Especially the stuck up pricks that listen to the bullshit propaganda on CNN and quote it like scripture....

right on
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: No FE ever on July 27, 2012, 12:13 am
Vendor here! Please promptly go fuck yourself and leave us alone, we do not enjoy this extra attention, no matter how much extra business it might bring both myself and fellow vendors, we service our community and keep people safe, now I'd ask if you have ever tried to purchase coke on the streets, but being as you work at CNN you most likely get it at work, but for those who actually have to go to a coke dealer to buy, it can be VERY dangerous, the only danger anybody will ever encounter on this site is the government; other then that it completely removes the violence out of a very violent business. Not only does it remove all violence, but it keeps people safe, almost all of the products being sold on here (I said almost) are very pure and actually are what the vendor says they are, in the streets if you go to try to buy any drug, you dont know what your ACTUALLY getting, if your getting anything at all (vs being held up when you arrive to the deal location) it could contain very dangerous adulterants that local dealers might not know are actually dangerous.

As far as how many packages per week for buyers/sellers or anything such as how much were making/spending, you will not get any answers, this is to protect us from LE, which you could be yourself.

If you are who you say you are, show the true side of Silk Road, dont say that it lets kids buy drugs, because seriously, what teenager cant? In high school I had more connections from just going to school then I knew what to do with, kids can get drugs without having to use the internet just fine. Speaking about everybody now, regardless of age, there are always dangers of buying drugs, be in physical dangers, or potentially drugs not being what their advertised as, Silk Road makes sure that you get what you want and in a very safe manor, as well as having a community of very friendly (for the most part) and helpful people that will help you to make sure your using it right and not doing to much, or not doing anything stupid while on the drug. Also dont mention the Armory, that's like Silk Road's adopted autistic child who we found in a garbage can one day but decided to keep around because were nice people.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: Delta11 on July 27, 2012, 12:14 am
Ah if you need a link here you go.  Land Rover...Yeah mention it, so Lim stops bitching.

lol! I hope they mention it
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: deadfuture on July 27, 2012, 12:20 am
Fuck off, the people don't need to know about SR. Especially the stuck up pricks that listen to the bullshit propaganda on CNN and quote it like scripture....

Lol I'm sorry, anyone who is anyone in politics knows of this site.  There is no spreading it's already been spread, everyone that matters (LEA's) know about us.  No point in trying to cover it up, just amuse them...
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: sourman on July 27, 2012, 12:23 am
LOL I can't believe some people still think that Silk Road is real. I hate to break it to you, but no one actually sells drugs over the internet. Look what happened to The Farmer's Market. Silk Road is a SCAM/TROLL SITE. Only a few users actually receive drugs, and when they do, the authorities are promptly notified for the lulz. The rest of their "customers" get nothing except their bitcoins held in permanent escrow, i.e. stolen. It's like those fake internet pharmacies that never send you anything and then use your username to post rave reviews to their shopping cart system and forums.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: MetaD13 on July 27, 2012, 12:27 am
Fuck off, the people don't need to know about SR. Especially the stuck up pricks that listen to the bullshit propaganda on CNN and quote it like scripture....

Lol I'm sorry, anyone who is anyone in politics knows of this site.  There is no spreading it's already been spread, everyone that matters (LEA's) know about us.  No point in trying to cover it up, just amuse them...

When I said "the people" I meant regular citizens, my bad I shoulda been a bit more specific. I know that most politicians know about this site, but not the average citizen am I right?
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: jameslink2 on July 27, 2012, 12:29 am
Fuck off, the people don't need to know about SR. Especially the stuck up pricks that listen to the bullshit propaganda on CNN and quote it like scripture....

Lol I'm sorry, anyone who is anyone in politics knows of this site.  There is no spreading it's already been spread, everyone that matters (LEA's) know about us.  No point in trying to cover it up, just amuse them...

When I said "the people" I meant regular citizens, my bad I shoulda been a bit more specific. I know that most politicians know about this site, but not the average citizen am I right?

Where do you think the politicians come to get there drugs, it is not like they can find a dealer with out being recognized.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: deadfuture on July 27, 2012, 12:32 am
When I said "the people" I meant regular citizens, my bad I shoulda been a bit more specific. I know that most politicians know about this site, but not the average citizen am I right?

Eh, you are in a gray zone there, depends on where you are from.  I know AUS has been flooded with these stories.  In the UK there is a medium level of saturation and in the US I think the saturation is a little lower than that.  Canada has just bulked up it's mail security though as well and I think they are getting more seizures than the norm.  Just remember this site is worldwide.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: skills on July 27, 2012, 12:35 am
I've been using SR for only 2 or 3 months, but i really think that the extra attention of the media will fuck things apart...

What do you think that governments will do when this website becomes a public health problem? Really, someone?

One does not have more power than some countries. If they decide to fuck this up, they will...This is the next generation of drugs supplying. There will be methods to control what can be considered an epidemic burp, by cutting the possibility of using the mail.

Drugs are not safe for the public in general.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: MetaD13 on July 27, 2012, 12:39 am
When I said "the people" I meant regular citizens, my bad I shoulda been a bit more specific. I know that most politicians know about this site, but not the average citizen am I right?

Eh, you are in a gray zone there, depends on where you are from.  I know AUS has been flooded with these stories.  In the UK there is a medium level of saturation and in the US I think the saturation is a little lower than that.  Canada has just bulked up it's mail security though as well and I think they are getting more seizures than the norm.  Just remember this site is worldwide.

True, it is easy to forget that this site operates all around the world. In the US, the only time I've ever heard SR mentioned in the media was on the interent, through a couple articles a while back. Never seen mentioned on TV, suppose that will change in the future though.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: jackstraw on July 27, 2012, 12:52 am
CNN couldn't even get it right reporting on the Supreme Court Healthcare Bill that was the BIGGEST story of the day.  They said it was overturned for a full 10 minutes before correcting their error.   I highly doubt they will do a good job reporting on SR.

First rule of fightclub....DON"T TALK ABOUT FIGHTCLUB
Same for SR.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: DigiPimp on July 27, 2012, 01:04 am
Vendor here! Please promptly go fuck yourself and leave us alone

Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: thedoser on July 27, 2012, 01:05 am
Hey asshole journalist: why do I have a feeling you're either LE or are going to do a hit-piece on SR? Any mention of SR on CNN won't lead to anything good for SR. Instead, why don't you do a report on how shitty the war on drugs has been on people's lives? Why don't you point out how cruel this society is to drug /users/ (*NOT* abusers)? Someone's life is ruined every 19 seconds[1], not by drugs, but by LE and the unjust laws. Why don't you talk about how many people have lost their lives thanks to the war on drugs, both in America and abroad? Why don't you talk about the success of decriminalization in Portugal? Why don't you point out contradictions like cigarettes being a bigger public health concern than heroin, yet are legal [2]? Or point out the studies showing that many illegal drugs, including marijuana, ecstasy (MDMA), LSD, and mushrooms have been shown to have therapeutic uses and are generally safer than alcohol? Or point out the billions (over a trillion since the war on drugs began) of dollars that have be worse-than-wasted, that could have been put to better use in education, prevention, addiction-treatment, and regulation? Everyone, on both sides of the "debate" agrees the WOD has been a failure, and yet it's still a reality. Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result?

Do some worthwhile reporting for a change. Be a force for positive change instead of spreading propaganda and sensationalism. Don't you owe the world an apology for the shit whitehouse-mouthpiece reporting you did that helped get us into Iraq? This could be your attempt at redeeming yourselves. Stop causing damage with your bullshit! Have some balls and speak the truth! Have some compassion for those whose lives have been ruined thanks to the war on drugs.

[2] heroin doesn't actually damage the body like cigarettes do, and nicotine is more addictive
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: Shroomeister on July 27, 2012, 01:25 am
Reporter, What is your name? And when will this air? are both very valid questions.

I have a VERY hard time believing that CNN would make a story with the view that would cast any type of positive light on this place. I think its more a ploy to get vendors and buyers to open up.

I don't buy "it".
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: thedoser on July 27, 2012, 01:35 am
dont say that it lets kids buy drugs, because seriously, what teenager cant? In high school I had more connections from just going to school then I knew what to do with

Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: turqiun on July 27, 2012, 01:42 am
Hey asshole journalist: why do I have a feeling you're either LE or are going to do a hit-piece on SR? Any mention of SR on CNN won't lead to anything good for SR. Instead, why don't you do a report on how shitty the war on drugs has been on people's lives? Why don't you point out how cruel this society is to drug /users/ (*NOT* abusers)? Someone's life is ruined every 19 seconds[1], not by drugs, but by LE and the unjust laws. Why don't you talk about how many people have lost their lives thanks to the war on drugs, both in America and abroad? Why don't you talk about the success of decriminalization in Portugal? Why don't you point out contradictions like cigarettes being a bigger public health concern than heroin, yet are legal [2]? Or point out the studies showing that many illegal drugs, including marijuana, ecstasy (MDMA), LSD, and mushrooms have been shown to have therapeutic uses and are generally safer than alcohol? Or point out the billions (over a trillion since the war on drugs began) of dollars that have be worse-than-wasted, that could have been put to better use in education, prevention, addiction-treatment, and regulation? Everyone, on both sides of the "debate" agrees the WOD has been a failure, and yet it's still a reality. Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result?

Do some worthwhile reporting for a change. Be a force for positive change instead of spreading propaganda and sensationalism. Don't you owe the world an apology for the shit whitehouse-mouthpiece reporting you did that helped get us into Iraq? This could be your attempt at redeeming yourselves. Stop causing damage with your bullshit! Have some balls and speak the truth! Have some compassion for those whose lives have been ruined thanks to the war on drugs.

[2] heroin doesn't actually damage the body like cigarettes do, and nicotine is more addictive

and close thread. :)
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: Holly on July 27, 2012, 01:48 am
We're all cops stop ruining our undercover operation!!!!
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: 20DollarBILL on July 27, 2012, 01:55 am
We're all cops stop ruining our undercover operation!!!!
Why did you tell them? I have been working on this for days.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: Shroomeister on July 27, 2012, 01:59 am
So now the piece will say we are all juvenile hecklers.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: thedoser on July 27, 2012, 02:02 am
Hey asshole journalist: why do I have a feeling you're either LE or are going to do a hit-piece on SR? Any mention of SR on CNN won't lead to anything good for SR. Instead, why don't you do a report on how shitty the war on drugs has been on people's lives? Why don't you point out how cruel this society is to drug /users/ (*NOT* abusers)? Someone's life is ruined every 19 seconds[1], not by drugs, but by LE and the unjust laws. Why don't you talk about how many people have lost their lives thanks to the war on drugs, both in America and abroad? Why don't you talk about the success of decriminalization in Portugal? Why don't you point out contradictions like cigarettes being a bigger public health concern than heroin, yet are legal [2]? Or point out the studies showing that many illegal drugs, including marijuana, ecstasy (MDMA), LSD, and mushrooms have been shown to have therapeutic uses and are generally safer than alcohol? Or point out the billions (over a trillion since the war on drugs began) of dollars that have be worse-than-wasted, that could have been put to better use in education, prevention, addiction-treatment, and regulation? Everyone, on both sides of the "debate" agrees the WOD has been a failure, and yet it's still a reality. Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result?

Do some worthwhile reporting for a change. Be a force for positive change instead of spreading propaganda and sensationalism. Don't you owe the world an apology for the shit whitehouse-mouthpiece reporting you did that helped get us into Iraq? This could be your attempt at redeeming yourselves. Stop causing damage with your bullshit! Have some balls and speak the truth! Have some compassion for those whose lives have been ruined thanks to the war on drugs.

[2] heroin doesn't actually damage the body like cigarettes do, and nicotine is more addictive

and close thread. :)

Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: Gary Oak on July 27, 2012, 02:08 am
Don't forget to mention the infamous powerhouse family of Limetless, Tall Temptress, and their son Gary Oak....we do drugs and fuck shit up....for the greater good? ???
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: pine on July 27, 2012, 02:19 am
If you are a journalist, then you are approaching this in the wrong way. A discussion thread isn't going to deliver concrete answers any more than a typical vox pop does. For all you know half of the people in this thread are LE trolls.

If you have questions for vendors, then PM them using their public keys and give them your public key, it's the only way you'll be taken seriously (and if you don't know PGP, join PGP Club!).

That said I can tell you that 97.51% of all SR's mail reaches it's destination without incident since we've done a survey. And a journalist from the Australian broadsheet 'The Age' has an interesting article you should read that refers to the volume of packages, all of this is more or less publicly available information.

I can also tell you that the majority of us believe that buying drugs (not to mention vending) here is infinitely superior to acquiring them on the streets due to SR's services like escrow, seller feedback and so on. This ensures that the product is far less likely to be contaminated and effectively reduces the potential for violence to zero. The DEA hasn't ever managed to reduce violence on the streets or reduce harm in such a dramatic way in its entire history, I'd go further and say it has failed to produce any positive outcome for America period. This works. It doesn't address whether taking illicits is right or wrong, but it works, and perhaps it is the case that the moral questions of right and wrong cannot be answered by the market, that is not the kind of issue the Silk Road is trying to solve, that is for society and indivduals to decide. You cannot resolve a social issue by interfering with market forces, but you can sure make them a whole lot worse, that is the lesson of the Drug War.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: fartsRlumpy on July 27, 2012, 02:33 am
Dear Hack Journalist,

go piss up a rope.

highest regards,
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: turqiun on July 27, 2012, 02:40 am
If you are a journalist, then you are approaching this in the wrong way. A discussion thread isn't going to deliver concrete answers any more than a typical vox pop does. For all you know half of the people in this thread are LE trolls.

If you have questions for vendors, then PM them using their public keys and give them your public key, it's the only way you'll be taken seriously (and if you don't know PGP, join PGP Club!).

That said I can tell you that 97.51% of all SR's mail reaches it's destination without incident since we've done a survey. And a journalist from the Australian broadsheet 'The Age' has an interesting article you should read that refers to the volume of packages, all of this is more or less publicly available information.

I can also tell you that the majority of us believe that buying drugs (not to mention vending) here is infinitely superior to acquiring them on the streets due to SR's services like escrow, seller feedback and so on. This ensures that the product is far less likely to be contaminated and effectively reduces the potential for violence to zero. The DEA hasn't ever managed to reduce violence on the streets or reduce harm in such a dramatic way in its entire history, I'd go further and say it has failed to produce any positive outcome for America period. This works. It doesn't address whether taking illicits is right or wrong, but it works, and perhaps it is the case that the moral questions of right and wrong cannot be answered by the market, that is not the kind of issue the Silk Road is trying to solve, that is for society and indivduals to decide. You cannot resolve a social issue by interfering with market forces, but you can sure make them a whole lot worse, that is the lesson of the Drug War.

First of all if this person is CNN or not don't tell them how to message vendors, let them figure it out. You bout to give up the launch codes of SR pine lol. Saying '97% of the mail makes it's destination', CNN prolly didn't know that. Why tell them directly how good or bad the site is doing? I love this site and anyone that comes in here with the name CNN should be avoided at all costs. Even if they try to paint us in a good light you know the politicians, LE and others drinking the kool aid aren't going to listen or care. They're just going to see SR as an outrage and won't give a damn about what the site has done for us.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: DigiPimp on July 27, 2012, 02:42 am
Someone's life is ruined every 19 seconds[1], not by drugs, but by LE and the unjust laws

Fuckin' a. Most of the bad should be attributed to prohibition, not the drugs themselves. It's a shame to see so many people brainwashed.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: pine on July 27, 2012, 02:49 am

There is a whole lot of law enforcement in this thread, that's for sure. Our LE trolls appear, ah, somewhat enraged today.

Generally the SR community is quite friendly and open, it is interesting how the tone suddenly changes when people I have long suspected of being LE agents enter a thread, it happens every time, they can't quite hide
their malice, it seems likely they feel disquiet at the idea of SR potentially receiving positive press.

The very idea that more press for SR would culminate in "too much attention", is a LE troll trope that is extremely familiar to all long time SR users. It has no bias in logic or reality. LEO are doing all they possibly can to destroy SR, more publicity hurts them, not us.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: turqiun on July 27, 2012, 02:52 am
why is exposure on a worldwide news network bad? the more people that know about sr, the more get involved, and the more both the online drug scene and the agorist revolution roll on

Why is network exposure bad? Name one establishment that was in the same business as SR and became a fortune 500 company after they were on CNN, ABC or FOX. Even the legal weed shops in Cali were busted after too much exposure. C'mon Son.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: thedoser on July 27, 2012, 02:54 am
It has no bias in logic or reality. LEO are doing all they possibly can to destroy SR, more publicity hurts them, not us.

You think so? I don't see how publicity would hurt them... I'd like to hear more of your reasoning. I would think that more publicity would put greater pressure on them to bring it down.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: BigScrote on July 27, 2012, 03:04 am
CNN Journalist,

What is your name?


Any journalist worth his salt starts by introducing himself. Journalists look to get the facts themselves and then, definitely in the case of CNN, spin them to whatever suits their needs. That means setting up a buyer account, ordering some stuff, persuing the forums, and then making sweeping and ignorant generalizations about the state of the Road.

What's the most amount of packages you've gotten in a week?

Gotten? Really? I might have said received or ordered, but then, I'm not an esteemed CNN journalist.

You wanna know what I've gotten from Silk Road? An appreciation for feeding the trolls sometimes. It's fun. And a lot of drugs. They're fun too.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: pine on July 27, 2012, 03:06 am

Neither of you seem to get it. This is not Cali. This is an anonymous network. The Tor network cannot be physically shut down.

Secondly, LE *already are* spending vast amounts of capital trying to shut us down. The difference between shutting down a RL operation and an operation like SR is that it takes exponentially more effort and resources to obtains results on SR. You cannot climb up a hierarchy using an informant here. Most of us don't know each other in real life, you have to bust 1 cell at a time.

Thirdly, it should be blatantly obvious that the more attention SR receives, the more customers it receives. The more money SR obtains the more powerful its security can become. This is the Red Queen affect. You have to run twice as fast to just keep standing still.

More attention = More customers = More LE effort.
                                                      = More Security.

The disadvantage for LE, is that even if they shut down SR, the idea will have spread elsewhere like a wildfire, the demand of all those customers will create a diverse supply of SR similar hidden services. It'd be like the Cambrian Explosion only for selling product on the Tor network.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: pine on July 27, 2012, 03:10 am
The very idea that more press for SR would culminate in "too much attention", is a LE troll trope that is extremely familiar to all long time SR users. It has no bias in logic or reality. LEO are doing all they possibly can to destroy SR, more publicity hurts them, not us.

I wouldn't mind SR receiving positive mainstream press but it has yet to happen!  :(

Can you please show me one mainstream article that shows SR in a positive light either on a major news network or national newspaper please?

It would be great to see one!  :)

There have actual been more than a few.

The Age (mainstream Australian broadsheet) printed a positive article on the Silk Road and drug prohibition.

Then in at least two magazines, the original Gawker article and the Penthouse Australia article. I think a famous Rock&Roll magazine also had a positive article.

Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: thedoser on July 27, 2012, 03:15 am
Neither of you seem to get it. This is not Cali. This is an anonymous network. The Tor network cannot be physically shut down.

Actually it can be shut down, as they do in China. Search the web for: firewall china blocking tor

I can totally see Fox News/CNN sensationalism resulting in some idiot congressman pushing for greater "internet regulation to protect our children" that would result in blocking of all of Tor.

More attention = More customers = More LE effort.
                                                      = More Security.

The disadvantage for LE, is that even if they shut down SR, the idea will have spread elsewhere like a wildfire, the demand of all those customers will create a diverse supply of SR similar hidden services. It'd be like the Cambrian Explosion only for selling product on the Tor network.

Sounds like an assumption to me... if they could shut down SR they'd be able to eventually shut down any other hidden service that pops up too. I don't see any definite logic to say it would certainly lead to a "cambrian explosion".
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: mybodymychoice on July 27, 2012, 03:22 am
Neither of you seem to get it. This is not Cali. This is an anonymous network. The Tor network cannot be physically shut down.

Actually it can be shut down, as they do in China. Search the web for: firewall china blocking tor

I can totally see Fox News/CNN sensationalism resulting in some idiot congressman pushing for greater "internet regulation to protect our children" that would result in blocking of all of Tor.

actually TOR has a workaround for that. in the vidalia settings there is an option for "My ISP Blocks Connections to the TOR Network". Ive also read another article able using TOR in blocked countries but I cannot remember where it was that I read it, nor do i have enough care factor to find it. Bottom line, TOR can be used in countries that block it with a little tweaking.

Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: Holly on July 27, 2012, 03:23 am
If an attack be done they gonna head straight to the bitcoin market.  That is also quite an obstacle for them.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: sourman on July 27, 2012, 03:28 am
I'm not so sure that SR alone can scale to handle the publicity. However, I completely agree on that last point. Now that this successful idea is out of the bag, expect 10 anonymous markets to go up if SR is ever shut down. I call it the Napster Effect, and it is certainly an e-cambrian-explosion of sorts. Tor and the bitcoin market are independent of SR, and even if they are ever shut down or significantly compromised, other crypto currencies and darknets will likely be created to facilitate the supply of this growing demand.

The government could shut down the hidden service if they really wanted to. It's not easy, nor will it fix the larger "problem", and they know it. Now if the US sets up a national firewall in an attempt to filter tor and other protocols a la China, then we have a lot more to worry about than Silk Road.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: thedoser on July 27, 2012, 03:29 am
actually TOR has a workaround for that. in the vidalia settings there is an option for "My ISP Blocks Connections to the TOR Network". Ive also read another article able using TOR in blocked countries but I cannot remember where it was that I read it, nor do i have enough care factor to find it. Bottom line, TOR can be used in countries that block it with a little tweaking.

Hmm.. forgot about that, I'm not sure though if they've been able to block even that option... Are you positive that their latest stuff can't block that?

(Like your username btw!)
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: pine on July 27, 2012, 03:40 am
Neither of you seem to get it. This is not Cali. This is an anonymous network. The Tor network cannot be physically shut down.

Actually it can be shut down, as they do in China. Search the web for: firewall china blocking tor

I can totally see some idiot congressman pushing for greater "internet regulation to protect our children" that would result in blocking of all of Tor.

More attention = More customers = More LE effort.
                                                      = More Security.

The disadvantage for LE, is that even if they shut down SR, the idea will have spread elsewhere like a wildfire, the demand of all those customers will create a diverse supply of SR similar hidden services. It'd be like the Cambrian Explosion only for selling product on the Tor network.

Sounds like an assumption to me... if they could shut down SR they'd be able to eventually shut down any other hidden service that pops up too. There's no logic to say it would definitely lead to a "cambrian explosion".

You know what's an amazing assumption. The idea that if we just keep our heads down, that the DEA will fuck off back home and take a break or something. That is not how this works. The DEA want nothing better than to prevent the Silk Road attaining critical mass whereupon they become a household name and make them a laughing stock across the entire country.

The Chinese can bypass the Green Dam software if they know what to do with Tor, it is just that the majority of them like any other bunch of users don't have the motivation or ability to figure it out. The key word on government actions to block Tor is 'lethargic'. They are not very good at it and the Chinese government is not special in that regard, it is just that it throws huge amounts of manpower at problems.

Finally, the idea that somehow heightened demand will not result in a greater multiplicity of suppliers is astounding. This darknet market is the New Gold Rush for huge numbers of dealers with the brains to work it out. Unless of course I'm terribly mistaken, and the Gawker article actually resulted in the same or less vendors after publication? Seems to me this thought experiment has already been carried out empirically.

Key word in your post is "eventually". We don't expect the Silk Road to last for the rest of the century. I do expect the idea that is the Silk Road to live on and influence the course of events irrespective of whether the DEA discover the location of the hidden service and interrupt it. That is kind of the entire point.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: thedoser on July 27, 2012, 03:41 am
tor cannot be completely blocked. access to public entry nodes can be blocked, and even access to the non-public bridge nodes can be blocked. however, the tor project recently completed work on a protocol obfuscator designed to circumvent deep packet inspection, and let tor function with ANY transport layer obfuscator. even if obfsproxy is correctly fingerprinted and blocked, there can be many people writing different obfuscators, it's a game the other side can never win due to the hydra effect

I read the paper on that, I didn't know they actually already implemented it in the current version... that's cool!  :)

Well, if they can't block Tor completely, they might decide to pass a law allowing them to put all mail through some magic machine that's better able at detecting drugs... here I am giving them ideas... I don't know. I'm just not sure I buy the idea completely that more exposure of SR is a good thing. Maybe it is... maybe it isn't. I think the reporter needs to focus not on SR though, but the massive damage/suffering being created by the war on drugs. Cover that instead. I don't see how covering SR will magically improve things. There needs to be a serious public discussion on the evils of the war on drugs instead.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: pine on July 27, 2012, 03:45 am
I find it very interesting that my negative karma has increased by 3 points in less than 20 minutes or so since I began to become a participant in this thread. That is really quite cute.

Seems I'm doing something right.

I wonder if LE agents and supporters on here have worked out by now that it would be possible to find your sock puppets by examining karma flows. Probably not, they don't seem the brightest bunch.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: thedoser on July 27, 2012, 03:50 am
You know what's an amazing assumption. The idea that if we just keep our heads down, that the DEA will fuck off back home and take a break or something.

Certainly I agree with you there, that's not the point I was making though.

That is not how this works. The DEA want nothing better than to prevent the Silk Road attaining critical mass whereupon they become a household name and make them a laughing stock across the entire country.

I would be surprised if SR ever became a household name (I'd be thrilled though if it were to happen).

I don't know about the laughing stock thing though. Take a look a Bush for example, he was for many people a laughing stock, but did that matter much? No. He still commanded authority and people listened to him, did what he told them to do, etc.

Also, I'll bet that a lot more people didn't like Bush, than people who are against the war on drugs. I don't see how parading SR around the country, while much of the country thinks "drugs are bad", is going to accomplish much in the way of changing people's opinions on the war on drugs. If the opinion is to change, opinion leaders, like the news networks and others, need to call the WOD out for what it is: stupid and hurtful, a menace to society.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: thedoser on July 27, 2012, 04:05 am
terahertz scanners, ion mobility spectrometry machines, and x-rays are the best things they have going now. thz is way too slow to use on more than a single piece of mail at a time, and ims/x-ray require manual intervention

plus the numbers themselves simply can't be beaten. the usps delivered 213 billion pieces of mail in 2006, good luck scanning an amount like that :)

Technology is pretty amazing. I wouldn't be surprised if they could do it, given enough time and money.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: pine on July 27, 2012, 04:07 am
I don't see how parading SR around the country, while much of the country thinks "drugs are bad", is going to accomplish much in the way of changing people's opinions on the war on drugs. If the opinion is to change, opinion leaders, like the news networks and others, need to call the WOD out for what it is: stupid and hurtful, a menace to society.

The Agorists and I are not trying to change people's minds about drugs. If people really dislike drugs, that is totally their own prerogative. I disagree, but hey, it's a free country. It is not morally wrong to be socially conservative.

It is however, as the famous Milton Friedman once said about the War on Drugs, a dreadful strategy to be throwing huge numbers of people into prisons because of the War on Drugs even from a socially conservative position because higher taxes are being levied on the entire population irrespective of ideological position. You don't need to be a liberal or even a libertarian like myself to think the War on Drugs is completely fucking crazy.

If you were injected H into babies, then I'd be delighted to see you behind bars as well. The key guiding principal is whether using drugs is a free choice or coercive in some way. The best moral guide is that your freedom to swing your fists should end at that coordinate where my nose exists. You don't get to interfere in other people's liberty simply because you disagree with their voluntary choices. This is not the easy way out, it is tough sometimes. But fundamentally departing from that principal leads to an arbitrary system of justice that eventually becomes as cruel and cancerous as our one has. It is rotten to the core. Anyway who doesn't see that, simply hasn't had any contact with it and has Hollywood notions of how American justice works.

Lastly, I don't even take illegal drugs. This is still my position.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: skills on July 27, 2012, 04:09 am
KXAN CNN aired this a month ago, mostly sawed in Texas i think.

If it really airs on CNN Word News will probably not air on the public mainstream television (CNN international [200 countries])

Let us hope not, with so many drugs running on the mail, it really can be a problem (Law enforcement dogs sniffing all arround, machines to perforate through flat letters, and other technologies (even new ones). This will become to them, a public health  problem.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: thedoser on July 27, 2012, 04:15 am
I don't see how parading SR around the country, while much of the country thinks "drugs are bad", is going to accomplish much in the way of changing people's opinions on the war on drugs. If the opinion is to change, opinion leaders, like the news networks and others, need to call the WOD out for what it is: stupid and hurtful, a menace to society.

The Agorists and I are not trying to change people's minds about drugs. If people really dislike drugs, that is totally their own prerogative. I disagree, but hey, it's a free country. It is not morally wrong to be socially conservative.

Yes I agree with everything you said in this post. I didn't mean to make it sound like I was saying that people need to change their opinion on drugs, but rather the war on drugs. That I would like to see more people change their opinion on, because that affects individual liberty and the quality of life for all. As you say: "The best moral guide is that your freedom to swing your fists should end at that coordinate where my nose exists."
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: THUMBSuP. on July 27, 2012, 05:26 am

Quote me or cease to exist!

And Limetless' Land Rover.. and Encrypted Cell Phones.
He is all about that shit, dough.

Throw a picture up there with a bold caption under it. "Gangster #1 WALK WITH IT."
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: Tunbear on July 27, 2012, 06:50 am
Knew this was fake the second I seen him use LE instead of typing it out, a random reporter wouldn't know to do that.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: Shroomeister on July 27, 2012, 07:04 am

Neither of you seem to get it. This is not Cali. This is an anonymous network. The Tor network cannot be physically shut down.

That is a bit pompous of a view.

Not saying that Tor would ever get shut down , or  certainly not shut down for SR but to just make a statement like that. If you but that I'll sell you a ticket to an unsinkable boat.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: darkmirror on July 27, 2012, 08:59 am
Okay I'm speaking as if this was or is a real CNN reporter. First thing you need to know that we are exercising what we perceive as being our freedom to choose what we put  into our body. The Silk Road is a means of harm reduction, the vendor and buyer agree to make a private transaction and will never meet face to face. Most people would choose to do transactions this way, it takes the danger away from trying to find drugs on the street.
Accepting the positive effect of the Road requires a conscious evolution for some people to realize the stereotypes about drugs and users are false, having a war on drugs and mandatory prison sentences for non-violent drug offenses not only wastes time and money but creates broken homes. The  drug offender is made to look and feel like a bad person, a bad parent and a criminal. When it was really the gross indoctrination of these drug policy's that caused it. If someone is addicted and they want help they should be able to get it without being thrown in a cage or being looked down upon by society and their family.
We believe that people should be given the choice to make their own rational decisions, isn't that what freedom is about? Saying that you understand the dangers, you've done your research and you accept the consequences to your health is a practice of fundamental freedom.
The moment we chose to do our first transaction we made a statement...
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: Knomo on July 27, 2012, 09:57 am
Hey asshole journalist: why do I have a feeling you're either LE or are going to do a hit-piece on SR? Any mention of SR on CNN won't lead to anything good for SR. Instead, why don't you do a report on how shitty the war on drugs has been on people's lives? Why don't you point out how cruel this society is to drug /users/ (*NOT* abusers)? Someone's life is ruined every 19 seconds[1], not by drugs, but by LE and the unjust laws. Why don't you talk about how many people have lost their lives thanks to the war on drugs, both in America and abroad? Why don't you talk about the success of decriminalization in Portugal? Why don't you point out contradictions like cigarettes being a bigger public health concern than heroin, yet are legal [2]? Or point out the studies showing that many illegal drugs, including marijuana, ecstasy (MDMA), LSD, and mushrooms have been shown to have therapeutic uses and are generally safer than alcohol? Or point out the billions (over a trillion since the war on drugs began) of dollars that have be worse-than-wasted, that could have been put to better use in education, prevention, addiction-treatment, and regulation? Everyone, on both sides of the "debate" agrees the WOD has been a failure, and yet it's still a reality. Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result?

Do some worthwhile reporting for a change. Be a force for positive change instead of spreading propaganda and sensationalism. Don't you owe the world an apology for the shit whitehouse-mouthpiece reporting you did that helped get us into Iraq? This could be your attempt at redeeming yourselves. Stop causing damage with your bullshit! Have some balls and speak the truth! Have some compassion for those whose lives have been ruined thanks to the war on drugs.

[2] heroin doesn't actually damage the body like cigarettes do, and nicotine is more addictive

Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: sara on July 27, 2012, 11:31 am
Hey asshole journalist: why do I have a feeling you're either LE or are going to do a hit-piece on SR? Any mention of SR on CNN won't lead to anything good for SR. Instead, why don't you do a report on how shitty the war on drugs has been on people's lives? Why don't you point out how cruel this society is to drug /users/ (*NOT* abusers)? Someone's life is ruined every 19 seconds[1], not by drugs, but by LE and the unjust laws. Why don't you talk about how many people have lost their lives thanks to the war on drugs, both in America and abroad? Why don't you talk about the success of decriminalization in Portugal? Why don't you point out contradictions like cigarettes being a bigger public health concern than heroin, yet are legal [2]? Or point out the studies showing that many illegal drugs, including marijuana, ecstasy (MDMA), LSD, and mushrooms have been shown to have therapeutic uses and are generally safer than alcohol? Or point out the billions (over a trillion since the war on drugs began) of dollars that have be worse-than-wasted, that could have been put to better use in education, prevention, addiction-treatment, and regulation? Everyone, on both sides of the "debate" agrees the WOD has been a failure, and yet it's still a reality. Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result?

Do some worthwhile reporting for a change. Be a force for positive change instead of spreading propaganda and sensationalism. Don't you owe the world an apology for the shit whitehouse-mouthpiece reporting you did that helped get us into Iraq? This could be your attempt at redeeming yourselves. Stop causing damage with your bullshit! Have some balls and speak the truth! Have some compassion for those whose lives have been ruined thanks to the war on drugs.

[2] heroin doesn't actually damage the body like cigarettes do, and nicotine is more addictive


lol, he hit the nail on the head
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: DeadRa7 on July 27, 2012, 11:46 am
It's been fun reading this whole thread, superb trolling skills, OP.

Anyways, I've enjoyed reading some of the very good points made on here and I might as well go ahead and make one more point that I don't think anybody's mentioned yet.

Tell ya what CNN-one of my friends gets pure mdma on SR to vend locally, in a market plagued with R.C. type bullshit and unsafe additives used to decrease purity and increase profits, and not only does she and her customers no longer have to worry about getting low grade, potentially harmful chemicals, it arrives to her safely and sound.

There's going to ALWAYS be people who experiment with mind altering substances, and we've learned (well, seen) from the W.O.D. that throwing away our money and resources is not an effective solution. 

If you are a full blown addict in search of xxxxxxx, this isn't the place for you. 

If you are in search of items sold for the sole purpose of harming others, you won't find those here.

If you are under a certain age where you do not have the ability to take the steps needed here to make purchases/orders, you definitely don't belong here.

Point is, there's more that meets the eye once people find this place and learn about it-but the closed-minded fucks i.e. your employer will say that "Our children can buy drugs like herion and meth online!" just to get people pissed off-but then in the same story give a step by step tutorial on how to access the fuckin place...

Media confuses me, but hell-fuck it.  The more the merrier, I guess...
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: mito on July 27, 2012, 12:37 pm
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FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!! FAKE!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: goblin on July 27, 2012, 01:30 pm
He's just spoofing you all, you don't think a bona fide journalist is going to post on SR, do you? Geez!

Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: digitbh on July 27, 2012, 02:25 pm
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: kwaigon57 on July 27, 2012, 03:30 pm
No way a real journalist would say "Personally I think it's a great idea".  That was the tell for me.
But to answer your question- I've received over 9000 packages in one week.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: kryptoz on July 27, 2012, 03:48 pm
over 9000

Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: 20DollarBILL on July 27, 2012, 04:22 pm
No way a real journalist would say "Personally I think it's a great idea".  That was the tell for me.
But to answer your question- I've received over 9000 packages in one week.

 I've received over 9001 packages in one week.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: Kappacino on July 27, 2012, 05:07 pm
"Hundreds of thousands buy drugs online, no-one dead, good times had all round"

There's your fucking story, write that
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: sselevol on July 27, 2012, 05:23 pm
"Hundreds of thousands buy drugs online, no-one dead, good times had all round"

There's your fucking story, write that
+1 because that made me spit out my tea in laughter, and is true of course.
Title: Re: CNN Journalist Looking for Info
Post by: squidShepherd on July 27, 2012, 05:25 pm
SR may have been in the news before but there is zero good reason to flaunt any of our stats. Security is paramount here, even before bragging.
